85 research outputs found

    A Service Robot for Navigation Assistance and Physical Rehabilitation of Seniors

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    The population of the advanced countries is ageing, with the direct consequence that an increasing number of people will have to live with sensitive, cognitive and physical disabilities. People with impaired physical ability are not confident to move alone, especially in crowded environment and for long journeys, highly reducing the quality of their life. We propose a new generation of robotic walking assistants whose mechanical and electronic components are conceived to optimize the collaboration between the robot and its users. We will apply these general ideas to investigate the interaction between older adults and a robotic walker, named FriWalk, exploiting it either as a navigational or as a rehabilitation aid. For the use of the FriWalk as a navigation assistance, the system guides the user securing high levels of safety, a perfect compliance with the social rules and non-intrusive interaction between human and machine. To this purpose, we developed several guidance systems ranging from completely passive strategies to active solutions exploiting either the rear or the front motors mounted on the robot. The common strategy at the basis of all the algorithms is that the responsibility of the locomotion belongs always to the user, both to increase the mobility of elder users and to enhance their perception of control over the robot. This way the robot intervenes only whenever it is strictly necessary not to mitigate the user safety. Moreover, the robotic walker has been endowed with a tablet and graphical user interface (GUI) which provides the user with the visual indications about the path to follow. Since the FriWalk was developed to suit the needs of users with different deficits, we conducted extensive human-robot interaction (HRI) experiments with elders, complemented with direct interviews of the participants. As concerns the use of the FriWalk as a rehabilitation aid, force sensing to estimate the torques applied by the user and change the user perceived inertia can be exploited by doctors to let the user feel the device heavier or lighter. Moreover, thanks to a new generation of sensors, the device can be exploited in a clinical context to track the performance of the users' rehabilitation exercises, in order to assist nurses and doctors during the hospitalization of older adults

    Authority-Sharing Control of Assistive Robotic Walkers

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    A recognized consequence of population aging is a reduced level of mobility, which undermines the life quality of several senior citizens. A promising solution is represented by assisitive robotic walkers, combining the benefits of standard walkers (improved stability and physical support) with sensing and computing ability to guarantee cognitive support. In this context, classical robot control strategies designed for fully autonomous systems (such as fully autonomous vehicles, where the user is excluded from the loop) are clearly not suitable, since the user’s residual abilities must be exploited and practiced. Conversely, to guarantee safety even in the presence of user’s cognitive deficits, the responsibility of controlling the vehicle motion cannot be entirely left to the assisted person. The authority-sharing paradigm, where the control authority, i.e., the capability of controlling the vehicle motion, is shared between the human user and the control system, is a promising solution to this problem. This research develops control strategies for assistive robotic walkers based on authority-sharing: this way, we ensure that the walker provides the user only the help he/she needs for safe navigation. For instance, if the user requires just physical support to reach the restrooms, the robot acts as a standard rollator; however, if the user’s cognitive abilities are limited (e.g., the user does not remember where the restrooms are, or he/she does not recognize obstacles on the path), the robot also drives the user towards the proper corridors, by planning and following a safe path to the restrooms. The authority is allocated on the basis of an error metric, quantifying the distance between the current vehicle heading and the desired movement direction to perform the task. If the user is safely performing the task, he/she is endowed with control authority, so that his/her residual abilities are exploited. Conversely, if the user is not capable of safely solving the task (for instance, he/is going to collide with an obstacle), the robot intervenes by partially or totally taking the control authority to help the user and ensure his/her safety (for instance, avoiding the collision). We provide detailed control design and theoretical and simulative analyses of the proposed strategies. Moreover, extensive experimental validation shows that authority-sharing is a successful approach to guide a senior citizen, providing both comfort and safety. The most promising solutions include the use of haptic systems to suggest the user a proper behavior, and the modification of the perceived physical interaction of the user with the robot to gradually share the control authority using a variable stiffness vehicle handling

    Biped dynamic walking using reinforcement learning

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    This thesis presents a study of biped dynamic walking using reinforcement learning. A hardware biped robot was built. It uses low gear ratio DC motors in order to provide free leg movements. The Self Scaling Reinforcement learning algorithm was developed in order to deal with the problem of reinforcement learning in continuous action domains. A new learning architecture was designed to solve complex control problems. It uses different modules that consist of simple controllers and small neural networks. The architecture allows for easy incorporation of modules that represent new knowledge, or new requirements for the desired task. Control experiments were carried out using a simulator and the physical biped. The biped learned dynamic walking on flat surfaces without any previous knowledge about its dynamic model

    Goal-Based Control and Planning in Biped Locomotion Using Computational Intelligence Methods

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    Este trabajo explora la aplicación de campos neuronales, a tareas de control dinámico en el domino de caminata bípeda. En una primera aproximación, se propone una arquitectura de control que usa campos neuronales en 1D. Esta arquitectura de control es evaluada en el problema de estabilidad para el péndulo invertido de carro y barra, usado como modelo simplificado de caminata bípeda. El controlador por campos neuronales, parametrizado tanto manualmente como usando un algoritmo evolutivo (EA), se compara con una arquitectura de control basada en redes neuronales recurrentes (RNN), también parametrizada por por un EA. El controlador por campos neuronales parametrizado por EA se desempeña mejor que el parametrizado manualmente, y es capaz de recuperarse rápidamente de las condiciones iniciales más problemáticas. Luego, se desarrolla una arquitectura extendida de control y planificación usando campos neurales en 2D, y se aplica al problema caminata bípeda simple (SBW). Para ello se usa un conjunto de valores _óptimos para el parámetro de control, encontrado previamente usando algoritmos evolutivos. El controlador óptimo por campos neuronales obtenido se compara con el controlador lineal propuesto por Wisse et al., y a un controlador _optimo tabular que usa los mismos parámetros óptimos. Si bien los controladores propuestos para el problema SBW implementan una estrategia activa de control, se aproximan de manera más cercana a la caminata dinámica pasiva (PDW) que trabajos previos, disminuyendo la acción de control acumulada. / Abstract. This work explores the application of neural fields to dynamical control tasks in the domain of biped walking. In a first approximation, a controller architecture that uses 1D neural fields is proposed. This controller architecture is evaluated using the stability problem for the cart-and-pole inverted pendulum, as a simplified biped walking model. The neural field controller is compared, parameterized both manually and using an evolutionary algorithm (EA), to a controller architecture based on a recurrent neural neuron (RNN), also parametrized by an EA. The non-evolved neural field controller performs better than the RNN controller. Also, the evolved neural field controller performs better than the non-evolved one and is able to recover fast from worst-case initial conditions. Then, an extended control and planning architecture using 2D neural fields is developed and applied to the SBW problem. A set of optimal parameter values, previously found using an EA, is used as parameters for neural field controller. The optimal neural field controller is compared to the linear controller proposed by Wisse et al., and to a table-lookup controller using the same optimal parameters. While being an active control strategy, the controllers proposed here for the SBW problem approach more closely Passive Dynamic Walking (PDW) than previous works, by diminishing the cumulative control action.Maestrí
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