23 research outputs found

    Human body analysis using depth data

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    Human body analysis is one of the broadest areas within the computer vision field. Researchers have put a strong effort in the human body analysis area, specially over the last decade, due to the technological improvements in both video cameras and processing power. Human body analysis covers topics such as person detection and segmentation, human motion tracking or action and behavior recognition. Even if human beings perform all these tasks naturally, they build-up a challenging problem from a computer vision point of view. Adverse situations such as viewing perspective, clutter and occlusions, lighting conditions or variability of behavior amongst persons may turn human body analysis into an arduous task. In the computer vision field, the evolution of research works is usually tightly related to the technological progress of camera sensors and computer processing power. Traditional human body analysis methods are based on color cameras. Thus, the information is extracted from the raw color data, strongly limiting the proposals. An interesting quality leap was achieved by introducing the multiview concept. That is to say, having multiple color cameras recording a single scene at the same time. With multiview approaches, 3D information is available by means of stereo matching algorithms. The fact of having 3D information is a key aspect in human motion analysis, since the human body moves in a three-dimensional space. Thus, problems such as occlusion and clutter may be overcome with 3D information. The appearance of commercial depth cameras has supposed a second leap in the human body analysis field. While traditional multiview approaches required a cumbersome and expensive setup, as well as a fine camera calibration; novel depth cameras directly provide 3D information with a single camera sensor. Furthermore, depth cameras may be rapidly installed in a wide range of situations, enlarging the range of applications with respect to multiview approaches. Moreover, since depth cameras are based on infra-red light, they do not suffer from illumination variations. In this thesis, we focus on the study of depth data applied to the human body analysis problem. We propose novel ways of describing depth data through specific descriptors, so that they emphasize helpful characteristics of the scene for further body analysis. These descriptors exploit the special 3D structure of depth data to outperform generalist 3D descriptors or color based ones. We also study the problem of person detection, proposing a highly robust and fast method to detect heads. Such method is extended to a hand tracker, which is used throughout the thesis as a helpful tool to enable further research. In the remainder of this dissertation, we focus on the hand analysis problem as a subarea of human body analysis. Given the recent appearance of depth cameras, there is a lack of public datasets. We contribute with a dataset for hand gesture recognition and fingertip localization using depth data. This dataset acts as a starting point of two proposals for hand gesture recognition and fingertip localization based on classification techniques. In these methods, we also exploit the above mentioned descriptor proposals to finely adapt to the nature of depth data.%, and enhance the results in front of traditional color-based methods.L’anàlisi del cos humà és una de les àrees més àmplies del camp de la visió per computador. Els investigadors han posat un gran esforç en el camp de l’anàlisi del cos humà, sobretot durant la darrera dècada, degut als grans avenços tecnològics, tant pel que fa a les càmeres com a la potencia de càlcul. L’anàlisi del cos humà engloba varis temes com la detecció i segmentació de persones, el seguiment del moviment del cos, o el reconeixement d'accions. Tot i que els essers humans duen a terme aquestes tasques d'una manera natural, es converteixen en un difícil problema quan s'ataca des de l’òptica de la visió per computador. Situacions adverses, com poden ser la perspectiva del punt de vista, les oclusions, les condicions d’il•luminació o la variabilitat de comportament entre persones, converteixen l’anàlisi del cos humà en una tasca complicada. En el camp de la visió per computador, l’evolució de la recerca va sovint lligada al progrés tecnològic, tant dels sensors com de la potencia de càlcul dels ordinadors. Els mètodes tradicionals d’anàlisi del cos humà estan basats en càmeres de color. Això limita molt els enfocaments, ja que la informació disponible prové únicament de les dades de color. El concepte multivista va suposar salt de qualitat important. En els enfocaments multivista es tenen múltiples càmeres gravant una mateixa escena simultàniament, permetent utilitzar informació 3D gràcies a algorismes de combinació estèreo. El fet de disposar d’informació 3D es un punt clau, ja que el cos humà es mou en un espai tri-dimensional. Això doncs, problemes com les oclusions es poden apaivagar si es disposa de informació 3D. L’aparició de les càmeres de profunditat comercials ha suposat un segon salt en el camp de l’anàlisi del cos humà. Mentre els mètodes multivista tradicionals requereixen un muntatge pesat i car, i una celebració precisa de totes les càmeres; les noves càmeres de profunditat ofereixen informació 3D de forma directa amb un sol sensor. Aquestes càmeres es poden instal•lar ràpidament en una gran varietat d'entorns, ampliant enormement l'espectre d'aplicacions, que era molt reduït amb enfocaments multivista. A més a més, com que les càmeres de profunditat estan basades en llum infraroja, no pateixen problemes relacionats amb canvis d’il•luminació. En aquesta tesi, ens centrem en l'estudi de la informació que ofereixen les càmeres de profunditat, i la seva aplicació al problema d’anàlisi del cos humà. Proposem noves vies per descriure les dades de profunditat mitjançant descriptors específics, capaços d'emfatitzar característiques de l'escena que seran útils de cara a una posterior anàlisi del cos humà. Aquests descriptors exploten l'estructura 3D de les dades de profunditat per superar descriptors 3D generalistes o basats en color. També estudiem el problema de detecció de persones, proposant un mètode per detectar caps robust i ràpid. Ampliem aquest mètode per obtenir un algorisme de seguiment de mans que ha estat utilitzat al llarg de la tesi. En la part final del document, ens centrem en l’anàlisi de les mans com a subàrea de l’anàlisi del cos humà. Degut a la recent aparició de les càmeres de profunditat, hi ha una manca de bases de dades públiques. Contribuïm amb una base de dades pensada per la localització de dits i el reconeixement de gestos utilitzant dades de profunditat. Aquesta base de dades és el punt de partida de dues contribucions sobre localització de dits i reconeixement de gestos basades en tècniques de classificació. En aquests mètodes, també explotem les ja mencionades propostes de descriptors per millor adaptar-nos a la naturalesa de les dades de profunditat

    Features extraction using random matrix theory.

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    Representing the complex data in a concise and accurate way is a special stage in data mining methodology. Redundant and noisy data affects generalization power of any classification algorithm, undermines the results of any clustering algorithm and finally encumbers the monitoring of large dynamic systems. This work provides several efficient approaches to all aforementioned sides of the analysis. We established, that notable difference can be made, if the results from the theory of ensembles of random matrices are employed. Particularly important result of our study is a discovered family of methods based on projecting the data set on different subsets of the correlation spectrum. Generally, we start with traditional correlation matrix of a given data set. We perform singular value decomposition, and establish boundaries between essential and unimportant eigen-components of the spectrum. Then, depending on the nature of the problem at hand we either use former or later part for the projection purpose. Projecting the spectrum of interest is a common technique in linear and non-linear spectral methods such as Principal Component Analysis, Independent Component Analysis and Kernel Principal Component Analysis. Usually the part of the spectrum to project is defined by the amount of variance of overall data or feature space in non-linear case. The applicability of these spectral methods is limited by the assumption that larger variance has important dynamics, i.e. if the data has a high signal-to-noise ratio. If it is true, projection of principal components targets two problems in data mining, reduction in the number of features and selection of more important features. Our methodology does not make an assumption of high signal-to-noise ratio, instead, using the rigorous instruments of Random Matrix Theory (RNIT) it identifies the presence of noise and establishes its boundaries. The knowledge of the structure of the spectrum gives us possibility to make more insightful projections. For instance, in the application to router network traffic, the reconstruction error procedure for anomaly detection is based on the projection of noisy part of the spectrum. Whereas, in bioinformatics application of clustering the different types of leukemia, implicit denoising of the correlation matrix is achieved by decomposing the spectrum to random and non-random parts. For temporal high dimensional data, spectrum and eigenvectors of its correlation matrix is another representation of the data. Thus, eigenvalues, components of the eigenvectors, inverse participation ratio of eigenvector components and other operators of eigen analysis are spectral features of dynamic system. In our work we proposed to extract spectral features using the RMT. We demonstrated that with extracted spectral features we can monitor the changing dynamics of network traffic. Experimenting with the delayed correlation matrices of network traffic and extracting its spectral features, we visualized the delayed processes in the system. We demonstrated in our work that broad range of applications in feature extraction can benefit from the novel RMT based approach to the spectral representation of the data

    An aesthetic for sustainable interactions in product-service systems?

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    Copyright @ 2012 Greenleaf PublishingEco-efficient Product-Service System (PSS) innovations represent a promising approach to sustainability. However the application of this concept is still very limited because its implementation and diffusion is hindered by several barriers (cultural, corporate and regulative ones). The paper investigates the barriers that affect the attractiveness and acceptation of eco-efficient PSS alternatives, and opens the debate on the aesthetic of eco-efficient PSS, and the way in which aesthetic could enhance some specific inner qualities of this kinds of innovations. Integrating insights from semiotics, the paper outlines some first research hypothesis on how the aesthetic elements of an eco-efficient PSS could facilitate user attraction, acceptation and satisfaction

    LIPIcs, Volume 277, GIScience 2023, Complete Volume

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    LIPIcs, Volume 277, GIScience 2023, Complete Volum

    A World You Do Not Know: Settler Societies, Indigenous Peoples and the Attack on Cultural Diversity

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    'A World You Do Not Know' explores the wilful ignorance demonstrated by North America’s settlers in establishing their societies on lands already occupied by indigenous nations. Using the Innu of Labrador-Quebec as one powerful contemporary example, Colin Samson shows how the processes of displacement and assimilation today resemble those of the 19th century as the state and corporations scramble for Innu lands. While nation building, capitalism and industrialisation are shown to have undermined indigenous peoples’ wellbeing, the values that guide societies like the Innu are very much alive. The book ends by showcasing how ideas and land-based activities of indigenous groups in Canada and the US are being maintained and recast as ways to address the attack on cultural diversity and move forward to more positive futures

    Propaganda Art from the 20th to the 21st Century

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    This study by artist Jonas Staal explores the development of propaganda art from the 20th to the 21st century. Staal defines propaganda as the performance of power by means of the equation propaganda = power + performance. Through his work as a propaganda researcher and practice as a propaganda artist, he argues that different structures of power generate different forms of propaganda and therefore different forms of propaganda art. Whereas in the context of the 20th century Staal discusses the differences between avant-garde, totalitarian, and modernist propaganda art, in the 21st century he proposes the categories of War on Terror Propaganda Art, Popular Propaganda Art, and Stateless Propaganda Art. By means of concrete examples of artists and artworks within each of these categories, he attempts to show how the performance of power in the 21st century translates into different visual forms, and how they shape and direct our reality. Staal’s study shows that power and art exist in continuous interaction. Propaganda and propaganda art are not terms that only refer to the past, but concepts and practices through which we can understand the construction of reality in the present. Research in and through artistic practic

    Making Black History

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    This study proposes that Afropolitanism may be best approached as a distinct cultural moment or historical constellation that allows us to glimpse the shifting and multiple silhouettes which Africa – as signifier, as real and imagined locus – embodies in the globalized cultural landscape of the 21st century. As such, Making Black History looks at contemporary diasporic fictions that have been written and received in the moment of Afropolitanism

    Translating the landscape

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