222 research outputs found

    Taking Panzhihua, China as an example

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    학위논문(석사)--서울대학교 대학원 :사회과학대학 사회복지학과,2019. 8. 강상경.가족내의 노후 자원에 대한 공급 부족과 노인 수요의 증가가 중국의 노령화 문제를 점차 심각한 사회 문제로 만들고 있다. 이를 완화하기 위해 중국 정부는 관련 정책을 내놓았고 이를 바탕으로 다양한 거주 형태가 병존하는 양상이 나타났다. 그 중 주류형태는 지역거주와 시설거주이다. 노인들의 건강상태와 삶의 만족도는 각기 다른 거주형태에서 다르다. 하지만 현재의 선행연구들은 다른 신체건강 상태의 차이와 거주형태 간의 연관에 대한 결론이 일치되게 나타나지 않는다. 즉, 전반적으로 다른 수준의 신체건강과 거주형태를 선택하는 사이의 관계에 대한 일치된 결론은 아직은 없으니 추가적인 연구가 필요하다. 따라서 이 연구의 목적은 거주형태, 신체건강 및 삶의 만족도 사이의 연관성을 분석하고 이를 바탕으로 신체건강이 조절변수와 매개변수로 간주되어 거주형태가 삶의 만족도에 미치는 영향이 신체건강에 따라 변화하는지 여부를 탐색하고자 한다. 이 연구는 2019년 2월부터 3월까지 중국 판즈화시의 노인 300명을 대상으로 설문조사를 분석자료로 사용한다. 이 중 150명은 지역거주였고 150명은 시설거주이다. 연구 질문 및 가설검증은 다중 회귀 분석을 사용하였다. 본 연구의 주요 연구 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 지역거주 노인과 시설거주 노인들은 삶의 만족도에 차이가 있으며, 시설거주 노인의 삶의 만족도는 지역거주 노인보다 낮았다. 돌째, 신체건강과 삶의 만족도 사이에는 정적인 관계가 있으며, 이는 신체건강이 좋은 노인들의 삶의 만족도가 더 높다는 것을 의미한다. 셋째, IADL이 거주형태가 삶의 만족도에 미치는 영향에 조절효과가 있어, IADL이 높은 사람의 경우 지역거주 노인이 삶의 만족도가 높았고, IADL이 낮은 노인의 경우 시설거주가 삶의 만족도가 높았다. 넷째, IADL이 거주형태와 삶의 만족도에 유의미한 매개효과가 있다는 것을 보여주는데, 이는 거주형태가 삶의 만족도에 미치는 영향이 IADL의 매개효과를 통해 달성된다. 본 연구는 노인의 시각에서 출발하여 각기 다른 거주형태에 대한 그들의 진정한 욕구를 더 잘 이해하며, 거주형태가 삶의 만족도에 미치는 영향이 다른지를 연구하기 위해 신체건강을 조절변수/매개변수로 처음으로 사용된다. 또한, 본 연구는 중국 쓰촨성 판즈화시에서 진행된 설문조사 자료를 분석에 사용한다. 이 연구는 노인 심리학 분야의 학자들과 노후 서비스 제공자 같은 전문가들에게 참고가치를 가진다. 지역사회와 시설 모두 노인의 신체건강에 이로운 서비스와 활동을 개발하고 정신 건강에 더 많은 관심을 기울여야 한다. 또한 정부는 시설과 지방 병원 간의 장기적인 협력 관계를 촉진하고, 연금 관련 제도를 더욱 개선하여 경제적 관점에서 노인의 건강을 든든히 보장해 주어야 한다. 그러나 이 연구에는 몇 가지 한계가 있다. 이 연구는 중국 국내 이론 연구와 관련 척도의 부족으로 인해 중국 노인들의 특성을 소홀할 가능성이 있다. 시간과 경제적 조건의 한계로 인해 이 연구에 있는 표본은 일정 기간 노인들의 상황을 반영할 뿐이며, 대표성과 폭넓은 해석에는 여전히 한계가 있다. 후속 연구는 보다 정교한 연구 방법을 사용하고, 이론적 근거를 강화하며, 표본 크기를 확대하여 연구 결론에 더 의미 있는 점을 제시할 필요가 있다.The insufficient supply of family old-age resources and the increasing demand for the elderly are gradually making the aging problem in China a serious social problem. Due to the increasing needs of older adults and to alleviate the shortage, China has witnessed the coexistence of diversified old-age living modes, with the primary modes being community living and institutional living. The health status and life satisfaction of the elderly are different under different living modes. However, there is still no consensus about the relationship between different physical health conditions and the choice of living modes. This limits our understanding of the relationship between old peoples physical health and life satisfaction in different living modes, which needs further study. Therefore, the purpose of the study is to analyze the association among living modes, physical health and life satisfaction, and on this basis, physical health will be regarded as a moderating and mediating variable to further explore whether the influence of living modes on life satisfaction will change according to physical health. The study conducted a questionnaire survey of 300 elderly people in Panzhihua City from February to March 2019. Among them, 150 were community living and 150 were institutional living. The research questions and hypotheses were examined by multiple regression analyses. The main research results of this paper are as follows: 1) there are differences in life satisfaction between the elderly people in the community and those in institutions, and the life satisfaction of the institutional-living was lower than the community-living among the elderly; 2) there is a positive relationship between physical health and life satisfaction, which means that elderly people with better health will be more satisfied with their lives; 3) there is a significant moderating effect the relationship between IADL and life satisfaction: the elderly with a good IADL level in communities have a higher level of life satisfaction, while those with a bad IADL have higher life satisfaction in institutions; 4) the results also show that there is a significant mediating effect of IADL on living modes and life satisfaction, which means that the effect of living modes on life satisfaction is achieved through the mediating effect of IADL. Starting from the elderly people themselves, this paper achieves an understanding their true desire for different living modes, and physical health is used as a moderating/mediating variable for the first time to study whether the influence of living modes on life satisfaction was different due to physical health. Additionally, this study conducted a field survey in Panzhihua, Sichuan Province, using the method of questionnaire analysis. As the experimental development zone of national health-preservation and rehabilitation in China, the results obtained on this basis can more realistically reflect the actual situation. This study has significant reference value for scholars in the field of elderly psychology and professionals such as providers of old-age services. Both communities and institutions should develop services and activities that are beneficial to the elderlys physical health and pay more attention to their mental health. Furthermore, the government should promote the establishment of long-term cooperative relationships between institutions and local hospitals, and further improving the construction of the pension-related system to provide a strong guarantee for the health of the elderly from an economic perspective. However, there are some limitations in this study. Due to the insufficiency of Chinese domestic theoretical research and relevant scales, this study may ignore some characteristics of Chinese elderly people. The limitations of time and economic conditions also make the sample of this article only reflect the situation of the elderly in a period of time, and there are still some shortcomings in the representation and wide-scale promotion. Future research can use more diverse research methods, strengthen theoretical support, and expand the sample size to make more meaningful points to the research conclusions.Chapter 1. INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 PROBLEM STATEMENT AND RESEARCH OBJECTIVES 1 1.2 RESEARCH QUESTIONS 9 Chapter 2. LITERATURE REVIEW 10 2.1. THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE PENSION INDUSTRY IN PANZHIHUA, THE CLASSFICATION AND SELECTION Of THE LIVING MODES 10 2.1.1 The Development of the Pension Industry in Panzhihua 10 2.1.2 Classification and Content of Different Living Modes 13 2.1.3 Selection of the Living Mode and Its Rationality In the Study 14 2.2. DEFINITION OF TERMS 16 2.2.1 Life Satisfaction 16 2.2.2 Community Living 18 2.2.3 Institutional Living 20 2.3. LIVING MODES AND LIFE SATISFACTION 22 2.3.1 Community Living and Life Satisfaction 22 2.3.2 Institutional Living and Life Satisfaction 22 2.4. PHYSICAL HEALTH AND LIFE SATISFACTION 23 2.5. LIVING MODES AND PHYSICAL HEALTH 24 2.6. DEMOGRAPHIC VARIABLES AND LIFE SATISFACTION 26 2.7. LIVING MODES, PHYSICAL HEALTH ADN ASSOCIATION WITH ELDERS LIFE SATISFACTION 27 2.7.1. The Moderating Effect of Physical Health 27 2.7.2 The Mediating Effect of Physical Health 29 Chapter 3. CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK AND RESEARCH HYPOTHESES 31 3.1 CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK 31 3.2 RRSEARCH QUESTIONS AND RESEARCH HYPOTHESES 32 Chapter 4. RESEARCH METHODS 33 4.1. RESEARCH SUBJECTS 33 4.2. DATA COLLECTION 33 4.3 RESEARCH PROCEDURES 35 4.4 MEASUREMENTS OF VARIABLES 36 4.4.1 Dependent Variable 36 4.4.2 Independent variables 36 4.4.3 Moderating/Mediating variables 37 4.4.4 Control variables 38 4.5 PLANED ANALYSIS 41 Chapter 5. RESEARCH FINDINGS 43 5.1 DEMOGRAPHIC CHARACTERISTICS OF ALL PARTICIPANTS 43 5.2 DESCRIPTIVE STATISTICS OF THE MAJOR VARIABLES 50 5.3 CORRELATION MATRIX OF MAJOR VARIABLES 51 5.4 TEST OF HYPOTHESES 53 5.4.1 The Moderating Effect of Physical Health 55 5.4.2 The Mediating Effect of Physical Health 64 Chapter 6. CONCLUSION 75 6.1 SUMMARY OF FINDINGS 75 6.2 DISCUSSION OFMAJOR FINDINGS 78 6.2.1 The Relationship Between Living Modes and Life Satisfaction 78 6.2.2 The Relationship Between Physical Health and Life Satisfaction 80 6.2.3 The Association among Living Modes, Physical Health and Life Satisfaction 82 6.2.4 The Effect of Control Variables and Life Satisfaction 86 6.3 IMPLICATIONS 89 6.3.1 Theoretical Implications 89 6.3.2 Practical Implications 90 6.3.3 Policy Implications 93 6.4 LIMITATIONS AND FUTURE RESEARCH DIRECTIONS 94 REFERENCES 98 APPENDIX 118 국문초록 132Maste

    Sustainable Housing

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    Sustainable housing is generally used to describe housing that is environmentally friendly and resource-efficient over the lifetime of the building. Homes are designed to have the least possible negative impact on the environment. This means energy efficiency, avoiding environmental toxins, and responsibly using materials and resources while having positive physical and psychological effects on inhabitants. This book presents a comprehensive overview of sustainable housing, starting from legislation and ending with the design and configuration of homes

    Social Resilience and Adaptation in Urban Areas of the United States Facing Financially Insecure Aging: Case Study of Phoenix Metropolitan Area

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    As the baby boomer generation reaches retirement age in the coming decades, American metropolitan areas face the serious problem of an increased demand for supportive services. This situation is complicated by the fact that many of the elderly will have limited financial resources, leading to a growing number of seniors struggling with poverty and financial insecurity. At the same time, federal funding for social services is shrinking, and local organizations will play a key role in supporting the low-income elderly in American metropolitan areas. The concept of social resilience offers a useful starting point for understanding the mechanisms that hinder or enable local communities and individuals, in order to recognize and cope with the slow, continuous changes that these demographic changes present. A resilient metropolitan area is one in which markets, local political structures, communities, and individuals continually adapt to changing conditions. This research focuses on the adaptive resilience of the Phoenix metropolitan area through the ability of systems to support low-income seniors to age in place, independently, for as long as possible. Phoenix is an attractive retirement location, and the case study aims to understand if and how the metropolitan area is preparing for the impending demographic changes, viewed as a lasting disturbance. The research uses a descriptive quantitative approach based on triangulation of an online survey of local governments, expert interviews with representatives of local organizations working with the aging population, and document analysis. The major findings for the research period from 2012 to 2014 show that local level actors of public and nonprofit sectors demonstrated involvement in the network of support for the aging population, where nonprofit actors are mainly dependent on the decisions and funding of the public sector and rely increasingly on volunteer support. The current study found that only a few of the participating actors from the public sector expressed clear recognition of the extent of financial insecurity among seniors. Research also revealed an understanding of poverty as predominantly focusing on the personal faults of members of society, which does not require any proactive action from the government. The existing network of services is targeted to reactive support services, which promotes individual resilience and responsibilization. Community services, which can provide prolonged independent aging in place, are less developed or in the early stages of development; operation of these services anticipates significant involvement of volunteers as well. Funding shortages challenge the ability of the public and nonprofit sectors to maintain the existing level of support services for a growing population, and actors need to compensate through local partnerships and innovations. From a theoretical perspective, the research results show that adaptation to the growing number of aging people is emerging in the Phoenix metropolitan area, while financial insecurity is widely considered the personal responsibility of seniors. A reliance on public engagement also refers to individual resilience and can be seen as the next step of a responsibilization process in American society. Thus, the role of individual resilience is growing in American society compared to the role of social or community resilience. A balance should be found that recognizes the power of and limits to both individual and social resilience in creating a social realm that benefits all citizens

    The Extent and Coverage of Current Knowledge of Connected Health: Systematic Mapping Study

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    Background: This paper examines the development of the Connected Health research landscape with a view on providing a historical perspective on existing Connected Health research. Connected Health has become a rapidly growing research field as our healthcare system is facing pressured to become more proactive and patient centred. Objective: We aimed to identify the extent and coverage of the current body of knowledge in Connected Health. With this, we want to identify which topics have drawn the attention of Connected health researchers, and if there are gaps or interdisciplinary opportunities for further research. Methods: We used a systematic mapping study that combines scientific contributions from research on medicine, business, computer science and engineering. We analyse the papers with seven classification criteria, publication source, publication year, research types, empirical types, contribution types research topic and the condition studied in the paper. Results: Altogether, our search resulted in 208 papers which were analysed by a multidisciplinary group of researchers. Our results indicate a slow start for Connected Health research but a more recent steady upswing since 2013. The majority of papers proposed healthcare solutions (37%) or evaluated Connected Health approaches (23%). Case studies (28%) and experiments (26%) were the most popular forms of scientific validation employed. Diabetes, cancer, multiple sclerosis, and heart conditions are among the most prevalent conditions studied. Conclusions: We conclude that Connected Health research seems to be an established field of research, which has been growing strongly during the last five years. There seems to be more focus on technology driven research with a strong contribution from medicine, but business aspects of Connected health are not as much studied

    The Cowl - v.60 - n.7 - Nov. 2, 1995

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    The Cowl - student newspaper of Providence College. The Cowl - Volume 60, Number 7 - Nov. 2, 1995. 24 pages

    Designing for elderly care through the ‘Good Old Days’

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    Elderly care has become one of the greatest social problems in developed and newly developed countries like China. To address this issue, researchers have attempted different solutions. For instance, social workers have proposed empowering the elderly by involving them directly in administering elderly care services. Service designers have also invited the elderly to participate in design, but they do so as part of the design process as a way to create more user-friendly and user-centred services. Researchers have aimed to satisfy the elderly’s needs. However, in carrying out these design practices, researchers have not considered how the elderly’s past life impacts their current experiences in elderly care. In the current dissertation, I focus on how the elderly’s ‘good old days’, that is, their previous experiences and memories, here including reminiscence and nostalgia, can improve elderly care in practice. Based on this, I ask the following questions: Why do the elderly long for their ‘good old days’ experiences in elderly care, and how can such experiences be translated by designers into more appropriate services and experiences for the elderly? To answer these questions, I have adopted a pragmatic lens by conducting two ethnographic research projects—Bo-Ai and Jin-Ding—in Southern China between 2017 and 2019, the results of which were published in the first and fourth articles of the present dissertation. In the Bo-Ai project, I articulated the value of the filial piety experience (one of the ‘good old days’ experiences that specifically refer to the virtue of respect for the elderly in Eastern Asia) and theorised how filial piety can improve the experience of the elderly in care. In the Jin-Ding project, I defined the contents of the ‘good old days’ from the elderly’s perspective. At the same time, I also borrowed data from a secondary project—the European-led Life 2.0—to create a comparative study of the concept of the ‘good old days’ and how it can be used between Eastern and Western ageing societies. The results have shown that the elderly highly value their ‘good old days’ experiences, regardless of culture or nationality; however, the practical implementation of the ‘good old days’ and extent to which they can be used as a tool for service design varies from culture to culture. I have presented the detailed similarities and differences in the second and third articles of the present dissertation. The three projects that were part of the research—Bo-Ai, Jin-Ding and Life 2.0—led to a few critical findings. First, the elderly want to return to the ‘good old days’ because the memories of these times are intimately linked to the elderly’s numerous (intrapersonal, interpersonal and interactional) interactions between themselves and others. The reason why the ‘good old days’ are so significant for the elderly is that the memories of these ‘good old days’ can satisfy their physical, mental and spiritual needs. To implement the concept of the ‘good old days’ in practical ways in elderly care, three elements must be taken into account: transformation, participation and experience. The research can show those practitioners who work in elderly care how to pay attention to the continuity of the elderly’s experiences between their past lives and current service care. The findings of this dissertation not only provide new insights for dealing with the ageing issue but, more importantly, offer the elderly the chance of improved well-being in their retirement age.Vanhustenhuollosta on tullut yksi suurimmista sosiaalisista haasteista sekä kehittyneissä että lähiaikoina kehittyneissä maissa kuten Kiinassa. Tutkijat ovat yrittäneet ratkaista tätä monella tavalla. Esimerkiksi sosiaalityöntekijät ovat ehdottaneet vanhusten voimaannuttamista osallistamalla heitä suoraan palvelujen hallinnointiin. Myös palvelumuotoilijat ovat pyytäneet heitä mukaan palveluiden suunnitteluun. Tavoitteena on ollut kehittää käyttäjäystävällisempiä ja -keskeisempiä palveluita. Tutkijoiden tavoitteena on ollut vastata vanhusten tarpeisiin. Kuitenkin heiltä on jäänyt huomioimatta vanhusten elämänkokemukset sekä nykyiset hoivakokemukset. Tässä väitöstutkimuksessa keskityn ”vanhaan hyvään aikaan”, vanhusten elämänkokemuksiin ja muistoihin sekä muisteluun ja nostalgiaan. Käytän näitä teemoja vanhustenhuollon kehittämiseen käytännössä. Kysyn seuraavia kysymyksiä: Miksi vanhukset kaipaavat ”vanhan hyvän ajan” kokemuksia vanhustenhuollossa? Kuinka muotoilijat voivat hyödyntää näitä kokemuksia sopivimpien palveluiden ja kokemusten kehittämisessä vanhuksille? Vastatakseni näihin kysymyksiin, olen ottanut käyttöön pragmaattisen otteen ja toteuttanut kaksi etnografista tutkimusprojektia: Bo-Ai ja Jin-Ding Etelä-Kiinassa 2017 ja 2019. Näiden projektien tulokset on julkaistu väitöskirjan ensimmäisessä ja neljännessä artikkelissa. Bo-AI projektissa määrittelin vanhempien kunnioittamiseen liittyvää arvoa (yksi ”vanhan hyvän ajan” kokemuksia, johon viitataan vanhuksien kunnioittamisen hyveenä Itä-Aasiassa) ja teoretisoin kuinka vanhempien kunnioittaminen voi parantaa hoivakokemusta. Jin-Ding projektissa määrittelin ”vanhan hyvän ajan” vanhusten näkökulmasta. Samaan aikaan lainasin toissijaista aineistoa eurooppalaisesta Life 2.0 hankkeesta verratakseni ”vanhan hyvän ajan” käsitettä ja tutkiakseni kuinka sitä voidaan käyttää idän ja lännen ikääntyvien yhteiskuntien välillä. Tulokset ovat osoittaneet, että vanhukset arvostavat suuresti heidän ”vanhan hyvän ajan” kokemuksia kulttuurista ja kansallisuudesta riippumatta. Kuitenkin ”vanhan hyvän ajan” käytännöllinen toteuttaminen palvelumuotoilun työkaluna vaihtelee kulttuurista kulttuuriin. Olen esittänyt sekä yksityiskohtaisia samanlaisuuksia ja erilaisuuksia väitöskirjan toisessa ja kolmannessa artikkelissa. Kolme tutkimuksen kohteena ollutta artikkelia Bo-Ai, Jin-Ding ja Life 2.0 johtivat kriittisiin johtopäätöksiin. Ensinnäkin vanhukset haluavat palata ”vanhaan hyvään aikaan”, koska nämä muistot linkittyvät tiiviisti vanhusten keskinäisiin ja muihin vuorovaikutustilanteisiin. Tämän vuoksi on merkittävää, että ”vanha hyvä aika” voisi vastata fyysisiin, henkisiin ja hengellisiin tarpeisiin. Jotta ”vanhan hyvän ajan” konseptia voidaan hyödyntää käytännössä, pitää huomioida kolme asiaa: muutos, osallisuus ja kokemuksellisuus. Tämän tutkimuksen valossa vanhustenhuollossa työskentelevien pitää kiinnittää huomiota jatkumoon vanhusten elämäkokemuksen ja nykyisten palvelukokemusten välillä. Väitöstutkimuksen tulokset eivät vain tarjoa uusia näkökulmia ikääntymiseen, vaan tarjoavat vanhuksille mahdollisuuden parempaan hyvinvointiin eläkkeellä