113 research outputs found

    How to gather asynchronous oblivious robots on anonymous rings

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    A set of robots arbitrarily placed on the nodes of an anonymous graph have to meet at one common node and remain in there. This problem is known in the literature as the \emph{gathering}. Robots operate in Look-Compute-Move cycles; in one cycle, a robot takes a snapshot of the current configuration (Look), decides whether to stay idle or to move to one of its neighbors (Compute), and in the latter case makes the computed move instantaneously (Move). Cycles are performed asynchronously for each robot. Moreover, each robot is empowered by the so called \emph{multiplicity detection} capability, that is, a robot is able to detect during its Look operation whether a node is empty, or occupied by one robot, or occupied by an undefined number of robots greater than one. The described problem has been extensively studied during the last years. However, the known solutions work only for specific initial configurations and leave some open cases. In this paper, we provide an algorithm which solves the general problem, and is able to detect all the non-gatherable configurations. It is worth noting that our new algorithm makes use of a unified and general strategy for any initial configuration.Un ensemble de robots placés arbitrairement sur les sommets d'un graphe anonyme doivent se rencontrer sur un sommet commun. Ce problème est connu dans la littérature comme le \emph{gathering}. Les robots utilisent des cycles Look-Compute-Move; dans un cycle, un robot prend un instantané de la configuration actuelle (Look), décide de rester inactif ou de se déplacer sur l'un de ses voisins (Compute), et dans ce cas, fait le déplacement (Move). Les cycles sont exécutés de manière asynchrone pour chaque robot. Chaque robot possède la capacité de \emph{multiplicity detection}: un robot est capable de détecter au cours de son opération Look si un sommet est vide, occupé par un robot, ou occupé par un nombre indéfini de robots. Le problème décrit a été largement étudié au cours des dernières années. Toutefois, les solutions connues ne sont valides que pour des configurations initiales spécifiques. Nous fournissons un algorithme qui résout le problème général, et est capable de détecter toutes les configurations initiales pour lesquelles le problème est impossible. Il est intéressant de noter que notre nouvel algorithme utilise une stratégie unifiée et générale pour chaque configuration initiale

    Gathering on Rings for Myopic Asynchronous Robots With Lights

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    We investigate gathering algorithms for asynchronous autonomous mobile robots moving in uniform ring-shaped networks. Different from most work using the Look-Compute-Move (LCM) model, we assume that robots have limited visibility and lights. That is, robots can observe nodes only within a certain fixed distance, and emit a color from a set of constant number of colors. We consider gathering algorithms depending on two parameters related to the initial configuration: M_{init}, which denotes the number of nodes between two border nodes, and O_{init}, which denotes the number of nodes hosting robots between two border nodes. In both cases, a border node is a node hosting one or more robots that cannot see other robots on at least one side. Our main contribution is to prove that, if M_{init} or O_{init} is odd, gathering is always feasible with three or four colors. The proposed algorithms do not require additional assumptions, such as knowledge of the number of robots, multiplicity detection capabilities, or the assumption of towerless initial configurations. These results demonstrate the power of lights to achieve gathering of robots with limited visibility

    Optimal Probabilistic Ring Exploration by Asynchronous Oblivious Robots

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    We consider a team of kk identical, oblivious, asynchronous mobile robots that are able to sense (\emph{i.e.}, view) their environment, yet are unable to communicate, and evolve on a constrained path. Previous results in this weak scenario show that initial symmetry yields high lower bounds when problems are to be solved by \emph{deterministic} robots. In this paper, we initiate research on probabilistic bounds and solutions in this context, and focus on the \emph{exploration} problem of anonymous unoriented rings of any size. It is known that Θ(logn)\Theta(\log n) robots are necessary and sufficient to solve the problem with kk deterministic robots, provided that kk and nn are coprime. By contrast, we show that \emph{four} identical probabilistic robots are necessary and sufficient to solve the same problem, also removing the coprime constraint. Our positive results are constructive

    Parameterized Verification of Algorithms for Oblivious Robots on a Ring

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    We study verification problems for autonomous swarms of mobile robots that self-organize and cooperate to solve global objectives. In particular, we focus in this paper on the model proposed by Suzuki and Yamashita of anonymous robots evolving in a discrete space with a finite number of locations (here, a ring). A large number of algorithms have been proposed working for rings whose size is not a priori fixed and can be hence considered as a parameter. Handmade correctness proofs of these algorithms have been shown to be error-prone, and recent attention had been given to the application of formal methods to automatically prove those. Our work is the first to study the verification problem of such algorithms in the parameter-ized case. We show that safety and reachability problems are undecidable for robots evolving asynchronously. On the positive side, we show that safety properties are decidable in the synchronous case, as well as in the asynchronous case for a particular class of algorithms. Several properties on the protocol can be decided as well. Decision procedures rely on an encoding in Presburger arithmetics formulae that can be verified by an SMT-solver. Feasibility of our approach is demonstrated by the encoding of several case studies

    Gathering Anonymous, Oblivious Robots on a Grid

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    We consider a swarm of nn autonomous mobile robots, distributed on a 2-dimensional grid. A basic task for such a swarm is the gathering process: All robots have to gather at one (not predefined) place. A common local model for extremely simple robots is the following: The robots do not have a common compass, only have a constant viewing radius, are autonomous and indistinguishable, can move at most a constant distance in each step, cannot communicate, are oblivious and do not have flags or states. The only gathering algorithm under this robot model, with known runtime bounds, needs O(n2)\mathcal{O}(n^2) rounds and works in the Euclidean plane. The underlying time model for the algorithm is the fully synchronous FSYNC\mathcal{FSYNC} model. On the other side, in the case of the 2-dimensional grid, the only known gathering algorithms for the same time and a similar local model additionally require a constant memory, states and "flags" to communicate these states to neighbors in viewing range. They gather in time O(n)\mathcal{O}(n). In this paper we contribute the (to the best of our knowledge) first gathering algorithm on the grid that works under the same simple local model as the above mentioned Euclidean plane strategy, i.e., without memory (oblivious), "flags" and states. We prove its correctness and an O(n2)\mathcal{O}(n^2) time bound in the fully synchronous FSYNC\mathcal{FSYNC} time model. This time bound matches the time bound of the best known algorithm for the Euclidean plane mentioned above. We say gathering is done if all robots are located within a 2×22\times 2 square, because in FSYNC\mathcal{FSYNC} such configurations cannot be solved

    Gathering on a Circle with Limited Visibility by Anonymous Oblivious Robots

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    A swarm of anonymous oblivious mobile robots, operating in deterministic Look-Compute-Move cycles, is confined within a circular track. All robots agree on the clockwise direction (chirality), they are activated by an adversarial semi-synchronous scheduler (SSYNCH), and an active robot always reaches the destination point it computes (rigidity). Robots have limited visibility: each robot can see only the points on the circle that have an angular distance strictly smaller than a constant ϑ from the robot’s current location, where 0 < ϑ ≤ π (angles are expressed in radians). We study the Gathering problem for such a swarm of robots: that is, all robots are initially in distinct locations on the circle, and their task is to reach the same point on the circle in a finite number of turns, regardless of the way they are activated by the scheduler. Note that, due to the anonymity of the robots, this task is impossible if the initial configuration is rotationally symmetric; hence, we have to make the assumption that the initial configuration be rotationally asymmetric. We prove that, if ϑ = π (i.e., each robot can see the entire circle except its antipodal point), there is a distributed algorithm that solves the Gathering problem for swarms of any size. By contrast, we also prove that, if ϑ ≤ π/2, no distributed algorithm solves the Gathering problem, regardless of the size of the swarm, even under the assumption that the initial configuration is rotationally asymmetric and the visibility graph of the robots is connected. The latter impossibility result relies on a probabilistic technique based on random perturbations, which is novel in the context of anonymous mobile robots. Such a technique is of independent interest, and immediately applies to other Pattern-Formation problems

    Asynchronous Gathering of Robots with Finite Memory on a Circle under Limited Visibility

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    Consider a set of nn mobile entities, called robots, located and operating on a continuous circle, i.e., all robots are initially in distinct locations on a circle. The \textit{gathering} problem asks to design a distributed algorithm that allows the robots to assemble at a point on the circle. Robots are anonymous, identical, and homogeneous. Robots operate in a deterministic Look-Compute-Move cycle within the circular path. Robots agree on the clockwise direction. The robot's movement is rigid and they have limited visibility π\pi, i.e., each robot can only see the points of the circle which is at an angular distance strictly less than π\pi from the robot. Di Luna \textit{et al}. [DISC'2020] provided a deterministic gathering algorithm of oblivious and silent robots on a circle in semi-synchronous (\textsc{SSync}) scheduler. Buchin \textit{et al}. [IPDPS(W)'2021] showed that, under full visibility, OBLOT\mathcal{OBLOT} robot model with \textsc{SSync} scheduler is incomparable to FSTA\mathcal{FSTA} robot (robots are silent but have finite persistent memory) model with asynchronous (\textsc{ASync}) scheduler. Under limited visibility, this comparison is still unanswered. So, this work extends the work of Di Luna \textit{et al}. [DISC'2020] under \textsc{ASync} scheduler for FSTA\mathcal{FSTA} robot model