16 research outputs found

    A multi-disciplinary framework for cyber attribution

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    Effective Cyber security is critical to the prosperity of any nation in the modern world. We have become dependant upon this interconnected network of systems for a number of critical functions within society. As our reliance upon this technology has increased, as has the prospective gains for malicious actors who would abuse these systems for their own personal benefit, at the cost of legitimate users. The result has been an explosion of cyber attacks, or cyber enabled crimes. The threat from hackers, organised criminals and even nations states is ever increasing. One of the critical enablers to our cyber security is that of cyber attribution, the ability to tell who is acting against our systems. A purely technical approach to cyber attribution has been found to be ineffective in the majority of cases, taking too narrow approach to the attribution problem. A purely technical approach will provide Indicators Of Compromise (IOC) which is suitable for the immediate recovery and clean up of a cyber event. It fails however to ask the deeper questions of the origin of the attack. This can be derived from a wider set of analysis and additional sources of data. Unfortunately due to the wide range of data types and highly specialist skills required to perform the deep level analysis there is currently no common framework for analysts to work together towards resolving the attribution problem. This is further exasperated by a communication barrier between the highly specialised fields and no obviously compatible data types. The aim of the project is to develop a common framework upon which experts from a number of disciplines can add to the overall attribution picture. These experts will add their input in the form of a library. Firstly a process was developed to enable the creation of compatible libraries in different specialist fields. A series of libraries can be used by an analyst to create an overarching attribution picture. The framework will highlight any intelligence gaps and additionally an analyst can use the list of libraries to suggest a tool or method to fill that intelligence gap. By the end of the project a working framework had been developed with a number of libraries from a wide range of technical attribution disciplines. These libraries were used to feed in real time intelligence to both technical and nontechnical analysts who were then able to use this information to perform in depth attribution analysis. The pictorial format of the framework was found to assist in the breaking down of the communication barrier between disciplines and was suitable as an intelligence product in its own right, providing a useful visual aid to briefings. The simplicity of the library based system meant that the process was easy to learn with only a short introduction to the framework required

    Adaptive Algorithms For Classification On High-Frequency Data Streams: Application To Finance

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    Mención Internacional en el título de doctorIn recent years, the problem of concept drift has gained importance in the financial domain. The succession of manias, panics and crashes have stressed the nonstationary nature and the likelihood of drastic structural changes in financial markets. The most recent literature suggests the use of conventional machine learning and statistical approaches for this. However, these techniques are unable or slow to adapt to non-stationarities and may require re-training over time, which is computationally expensive and brings financial risks. This thesis proposes a set of adaptive algorithms to deal with high-frequency data streams and applies these to the financial domain. We present approaches to handle different types of concept drifts and perform predictions using up-to-date models. These mechanisms are designed to provide fast reaction times and are thus applicable to high-frequency data. The core experiments of this thesis are based on the prediction of the price movement direction at different intraday resolutions in the SPDR S&P 500 exchange-traded fund. The proposed algorithms are benchmarked against other popular methods from the data stream mining literature and achieve competitive results. We believe that this thesis opens good research prospects for financial forecasting during market instability and structural breaks. Results have shown that our proposed methods can improve prediction accuracy in many of these scenarios. Indeed, the results obtained are compatible with ideas against the efficient market hypothesis. However, we cannot claim that we can beat consistently buy and hold; therefore, we cannot reject it.Programa de Doctorado en Ciencia y Tecnología Informática por la Universidad Carlos III de MadridPresidente: Gustavo Recio Isasi.- Secretario: Pedro Isasi Viñuela.- Vocal: Sandra García Rodrígue

    On-board Obstacle Avoidance in the Teleoperation of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles

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    Teleoperation von Drohnen in Umgebungen ohne GPS-Verbindung und wenig Bewegungsspielraum stellt den Operator vor besondere Herausforderungen. Hindernisse in einer unbekannten Umgebung erfordern eine zuverlässige Zustandsschätzung und Algorithmen zur Vermeidung von Kollisionen. In dieser Dissertation präsentieren wir ein System zur kollisionsfreien Navigation einer ferngesteuerten Drohne mit vier Propellern (Quadcopter) in abgeschlossenen Räumen. Die Plattform ist mit einem Miniaturcomputer und dem Minimum an Sensoren ausgestattet. Diese Ausstattung genügt den Anforderungen an die Rechenleistung. Dieses Setup ermöglicht des Weiteren eine hochgenaue Zustandsschätzung mit Hilfe einer Kaskaden-Architektur, sehr gutes Folgeverhalten bezüglich der kommandierten Geschwindigkeit, sowie eine kollisionsfreie Navigation. Ein Komplementärfilter berechnet die Höhe der Drohne, während ein Kalman-Filter Beschleunigung durch eine IMU und Messungen eines Optical-Flow Sensors fusioniert und in die Softwarearchitektur integriert. Eine RGB-D Kamera stellt dem Operator ein visuelles Feedback, sowie Distanzmessungen zur Verfügung, um ein Roboter-zentriertes Modell umliegender Hindernisse mit Hilfe eines Bin-Occupancy-Filters zu erstellen. Der Algorithmus speichert die Position dieser Hindernisse, auch wenn sie das Sehfeld des Sensors verlassen, mit Hilfe des geschätzten Zustandes des Roboters. Das Prinzip des Ausweich-Algorithmus basiert auf dem Ansatz einer modell-prädiktiven Regelung. Durch Vorhersage der wahrscheinlichen Position eines Hindernisses werden die durch den Operator kommandierten Sollwerte gefiltert, um eine mögliche Kollision mit einem Hindernis zu vermeiden. Die Plattform wurde experimentell sowohl in einer räumlich abgeschlossenen Umgebung mit zahlreichen Hindernissen als auch bei Testflügen in offener Umgebung mit natürlichen Hindernissen wie z.B. Bäume getestet. Fliegende Roboter bergen das Risiko, im Fall eines Fehlers, sei es ein Bedienungs- oder Berechnungsfehler, durch einen Aufprall am Boden oder an Hindernissen Schaden zu nehmen. Aus diesem Grund nimmt die Entwicklung von Algorithmen dieser Roboter ein hohes Maß an Zeit und Ressourcen in Anspruch. In dieser Arbeit präsentieren wir zwei Methoden (Software-in-the-loop- und Hardware-in-the-loop-Simulation) um den Entwicklungsprozess zu vereinfachen. Via Software-in-the-loop-Simulation konnte der Zustandsschätzer mit Hilfe simulierter Sensoren und zuvor aufgenommener Datensätze verbessert werden. Eine Hardware-in-the-loop Simulation ermöglichte uns, den Roboter in Gazebo (ein bekannter frei verfügbarer ROS-Simulator) mit zusätzlicher auf dem Roboter installierter Hardware in Simulation zu bewegen. Ebenso können wir damit die Echtzeitfähigkeit der Algorithmen direkt auf der Hardware validieren und verifizieren. Zu guter Letzt analysierten wir den Einfluss der Roboterbewegung auf das visuelle Feedback des Operators. Obwohl einige Drohnen die Möglichkeit einer mechanischen Stabilisierung der Kamera besitzen, können unsere Drohnen aufgrund von Gewichtsbeschränkungen nicht auf diese Unterstützung zurückgreifen. Eine Fixierung der Kamera verursacht, während der Roboter sich bewegt, oft unstetige Bewegungen des Bildes und beeinträchtigt damit negativ die Manövrierbarkeit des Roboters. Viele wissenschaftliche Arbeiten beschäftigen sich mit der Lösung dieses Problems durch Feature-Tracking. Damit kann die Bewegung der Kamera rekonstruiert und das Videosignal stabilisiert werden. Wir zeigen, dass diese Methode stark vereinfacht werden kann, durch die Verwendung der Roboter-internen IMU. Unsere Ergebnisse belegen, dass unser Algorithmus das Kamerabild erfolgreich stabilisieren und der rechnerische Aufwand deutlich reduziert werden kann. Ebenso präsentieren wir ein neues Design eines Quadcopters, um dessen Ausrichtung von der lateralen Bewegung zu entkoppeln. Unser Konzept erlaubt die Neigung der Propellerblätter unabhängig von der Ausrichtung des Roboters mit Hilfe zweier zusätzlicher Aktuatoren. Nachdem wir das dynamische Modell dieses Systems hergeleitet haben, synthetisierten wir einen auf Feedback-Linearisierung basierten Regler. Simulationen bestätigen unsere Überlegungen und heben die Verbesserung der Manövrierfähigkeit dieses neuartigen Designs hervor.The teleoperation of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), especially in cramped, GPS-restricted, environments, poses many challenges. The presence of obstacles in an unfamiliar environment requires reliable state estimation and active algorithms to prevent collisions. In this dissertation, we present a collision-free indoor navigation system for a teleoperated quadrotor UAV. The platform is equipped with an on-board miniature computer and a minimal set of sensors for this task and is self-sufficient with respect to external tracking systems and computation. The platform is capable of highly accurate state-estimation, tracking of the velocity commanded by the user and collision-free navigation. The robot estimates its state in a cascade architecture. The attitude of the platform is calculated with a complementary filter and its linear velocity through a Kalman filter integration of inertial and optical flow measurements. An RGB-D camera serves the purpose of providing visual feedback to the operator and depth measurements to build a probabilistic, robot-centric obstacle state with a bin-occupancy filter. The algorithm tracks the obstacles when they leave the field of view of the sensor by updating their positions with the estimate of the robot's motion. The avoidance part of our navigation system is based on the Model Predictive Control approach. By predicting the possible future obstacles states, the UAV filters the operator commands by altering them to prevent collisions. Experiments in obstacle-rich indoor and outdoor environments validate the efficiency of the proposed setup. Flying robots are highly prone to damage in cases of control errors, as these most likely will cause them to fall to the ground. Therefore, the development of algorithm for UAVs entails considerable amount of time and resources. In this dissertation we present two simulation methods, i.e. software- and hardware-in-the-loop simulations, to facilitate this process. The software-in-the-loop testing was used for the development and tuning of the state estimator for our robot using both the simulated sensors and pre-recorded datasets of sensor measurements, e.g., from real robotic experiments. With hardware-in-the-loop simulations, we are able to command the robot simulated in Gazebo, a popular open source ROS-enabled physical simulator, using computational units that are embedded on our quadrotor UAVs. Hence, we can test in simulation not only the correct execution of algorithms, but also the computational feasibility directly on the robot's hardware. Lastly, we analyze the influence of the robot's motion on the visual feedback provided to the operator. While some UAVs have the capacity to carry mechanically stabilized camera equipment, weight limits or other problems may make mechanical stabilization impractical. With a fixed camera, the video stream is often unsteady due to the multirotor's movement and can impair the operator's situation awareness. There has been significant research on how to stabilize videos using feature tracking to determine camera movement, which in turn is used to manipulate frames and stabilize the camera stream. However, we believe that this process could be greatly simplified by using data from a UAV’s on-board inertial measurement unit to stabilize the camera feed. Our results show that our algorithm successfully stabilizes the camera stream with the added benefit of requiring less computational power. We also propose a novel quadrotor design concept to decouple its orientation from the lateral motion of the quadrotor. In our design the tilt angles of the propellers with respect to the quadrotor body are being simultaneously controlled with two additional actuators by employing the parallelogram principle. After deriving the dynamic model of this design, we propose a controller for this platform based on feedback linearization. Simulation results confirm our theoretical findings, highlighting the improved motion capabilities of this novel design with respect to standard quadrotors

    Digital Platforms and Algorithmic Subjectivities

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    Algorithms are a form of productive power – so how may we conceptualise the newly merged terrains of social life, economy and self in a world of digital platforms? How do multiple self-quantifying practices interact with questions of class, race and gender? This edited collection considers algorithms at work – for what purposes encoded data about behaviour, attitudes, dispositions, relationships and preferences are deployed – and black box control, platform society theory and the formation of subjectivities. It details technological structures and lived experience of algorithms and the operation of platforms in areas such as crypto-finance, production, surveillance, welfare, activism in pandemic times. Finally, it asks if platform cooperativism, collaborative design and neomutualism offer new visions. Even as problems with labour and in society mount, subjectivities and counter subjectivities here produced appear as conscious participants of change and not so much the servants of algorithmic control and dominant platforms

    A dynamic visual analytics framework for complex temporal environments

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    Introduction: Data streams are produced by sensors that sample an external system at a periodic interval. As the cost of developing sensors continues to fall, an increasing number of data stream acquisition systems have been deployed to take advantage of the volume and velocity of data streams. An overabundance of information in complex environments have been attributed to information overload, a state of exposure to overwhelming and excessive information. The use of visual analytics provides leverage over potential information overload challenges. Apart from automated online analysis, interactive visual tools provide significant leverage for human-driven trend analysis and pattern recognition. To facilitate analysis and knowledge discovery in the space of multidimensional big data, research is warranted for an online visual analytic framework that supports human-driven exploration and consumption of complex data streams. Method: A novel framework was developed called the temporal Tri-event parameter based Dynamic Visual Analytics (TDVA). The TDVA framework was instantiated in two case studies, namely, a case study involving a hypothesis generation scenario, and a second case study involving a cohort-based hypothesis testing scenario. Two evaluations were conducted for each case study involving expert participants. This framework is demonstrated in a neonatal intensive care unit case study. The hypothesis generation phase of the pipeline is conducted through a multidimensional and in-depth one subject study using PhysioEx, a novel visual analytic tool for physiologic data stream analysis. The cohort-based hypothesis testing component of the analytic pipeline is validated through CoRAD, a visual analytic tool for performing case-controlled studies. Results: The results of both evaluations show improved task performance, and subjective satisfaction with the use of PhysioEx and CoRAD. Results from the evaluation of PhysioEx reveals insight about current limitations for supporting single subject studies in complex environments, and areas for future research in that space. Results from CoRAD also support the need for additional research to explore complex multi-dimensional patterns across multiple observations. From an information systems approach, the efficacy and feasibility of the TDVA framework is demonstrated by the instantiation and evaluation of PhysioEx and CoRAD. Conclusion: This research, introduces the TDVA framework and provides results to validate the deployment of online dynamic visual analytics in complex environments. The TDVA framework was instantiated in two case studies derived from an environment where dynamic and complex data streams were available. The first instantiation enabled the end-user to rapidly extract information from complex data streams to conduct in-depth analysis. The second allowed the end-user to test emerging patterns across multiple observations. To both ends, this thesis provides knowledge that can be used to improve the visual analytic pipeline in dynamic and complex environments

    Modern Socio-Technical Perspectives on Privacy

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    This open access book provides researchers and professionals with a foundational understanding of online privacy as well as insight into the socio-technical privacy issues that are most pertinent to modern information systems, covering several modern topics (e.g., privacy in social media, IoT) and underexplored areas (e.g., privacy accessibility, privacy for vulnerable populations, cross-cultural privacy). The book is structured in four parts, which follow after an introduction to privacy on both a technical and social level: Privacy Theory and Methods covers a range of theoretical lenses through which one can view the concept of privacy. The chapters in this part relate to modern privacy phenomena, thus emphasizing its relevance to our digital, networked lives. Next, Domains covers a number of areas in which privacy concerns and implications are particularly salient, including among others social media, healthcare, smart cities, wearable IT, and trackers. The Audiences section then highlights audiences that have traditionally been ignored when creating privacy-preserving experiences: people from other (non-Western) cultures, people with accessibility needs, adolescents, and people who are underrepresented in terms of their race, class, gender or sexual identity, religion or some combination. Finally, the chapters in Moving Forward outline approaches to privacy that move beyond one-size-fits-all solutions, explore ethical considerations, and describe the regulatory landscape that governs privacy through laws and policies. Perhaps even more so than the other chapters in this book, these chapters are forward-looking by using current personalized, ethical and legal approaches as a starting point for re-conceptualizations of privacy to serve the modern technological landscape. The book’s primary goal is to inform IT students, researchers, and professionals about both the fundamentals of online privacy and the issues that are most pertinent to modern information systems. Lecturers or teacherscan assign (parts of) the book for a “professional issues” course. IT professionals may select chapters covering domains and audiences relevant to their field of work, as well as the Moving Forward chapters that cover ethical and legal aspects. Academicswho are interested in studying privacy or privacy-related topics will find a broad introduction in both technical and social aspects

    Digital Platforms and Algorithmic Subjectivities

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    Algorithms are a form of productive power – so how may we conceptualise the newly merged terrains of social life, economy and self in a world of digital platforms? How do multiple self-quantifying practices interact with questions of class, race and gender? This edited collection considers algorithms at work – for what purposes encoded data about behaviour, attitudes, dispositions, relationships and preferences are deployed – and black box control, platform society theory and the formation of subjectivities. It details technological structures and lived experience of algorithms and the operation of platforms in areas such as crypto-finance, production, surveillance, welfare, activism in pandemic times. Finally, it asks if platform cooperativism, collaborative design and neomutualism offer new visions. Even as problems with labour and in society mount, subjectivities and counter subjectivities here produced appear as conscious participants of change and not so much the servants of algorithmic control and dominant platforms