870 research outputs found

    Privacy Management in Smart Environments

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    This thesis addresses the issue of managing privacy in smart environments, while emphasizing problems and solutions in context of interpersonal privacy. It elaborates different concepts of privacy and how smart environments interfere with these concepts. In this context this work develops solutions to understand patterns of interpersonal privacy management, to orchestrate different disclosure control methods to a composite disclosure control system, and to automate disclosure decisions using machine learning techniques.Diese Arbeit befasst sich mit dem Umgang von privaten Daten in intelligenten Umgebungen, speziell im Kontext von sozialen Interaktionen. Es werden verschiedene Konzepte des Begriffes "Privacy" erarbeitet und aufgezeigt, welche Konflikte in intelligenten Umgebungen daraus resultieren. Entsprechend werden Lösungen erarbeitet, um Muster der Informationsfreigabe in sozialen Interaktionen zu erkennen, verschiedene Methoden der Freigabekontrolle zu einer integrierten Freigabekontrolle zu kombinieren und um Freigabeentscheidungen mit maschinellen Lernverfahren vorherzusagen

    Predicting Academic Performance of Potential Electrical Engineering Majors

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    Data Analytics for education is fast growing into an important part of higher learning institutions, which helps to improve student success rate and decision-making with regards to teaching methods, course selection, and student retention. The undergraduate program at Texas A&M University requires students to take up a general engineering program during their freshman and sophomore years. During the course of this period, student academic performance, abilities and participation is assessed. As per the Entry-to-a-Major policy, departments place the students in the best possible major based on their displayed capacities and in alignment with their goals. Our focus is on the Electrical Engineering department and the success rate of students with aspirations and background in this major. An approach to improve student retention rate is to predict beforehand the performance of students in specific course disciplines based on the information that is mined from their previous records. Based on the outcome, decisions can be made in advance regarding their further enrollment in the area and need for specific attention in certain aspects to get students up to the benchmark. In this thesis, we put together a set attributes related to students in the general program and with an electrical engineering aligned background. The analysis centers around building a method that explains the joint influence of attributes on our target variable and comparison of prediction performances between our models. The prime tools used are Supervised classification and Ensemble learning methods. We also develop a metric-based learning framework suitable for our application that enables competitive accuracy results and efficient pattern recognition from the underlying data

    An Interval-based Multiobjective Approach to Feature Subset Selection Using Joint Modeling of Objectives and Variables

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    This paper studies feature subset selection in classification using a multiobjective estimation of distribution algorithm. We consider six functions, namely area under ROC curve, sensitivity, specificity, precision, F1 measure and Brier score, for evaluation of feature subsets and as the objectives of the problem. One of the characteristics of these objective functions is the existence of noise in their values that should be appropriately handled during optimization. Our proposed algorithm consists of two major techniques which are specially designed for the feature subset selection problem. The first one is a solution ranking method based on interval values to handle the noise in the objectives of this problem. The second one is a model estimation method for learning a joint probabilistic model of objectives and variables which is used to generate new solutions and advance through the search space. To simplify model estimation, l1 regularized regression is used to select a subset of problem variables before model learning. The proposed algorithm is compared with a well-known ranking method for interval-valued objectives and a standard multiobjective genetic algorithm. Particularly, the effects of the two new techniques are experimentally investigated. The experimental results show that the proposed algorithm is able to obtain comparable or better performance on the tested datasets

    Evaluating defect prediction approaches: a benchmark and an extensive comparison

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    Reliably predicting software defects is one of the holy grails of software engineering. Researchers have devised and implemented a plethora of defect/bug prediction approaches varying in terms of accuracy, complexity and the input data they require. However, the absence of an established benchmark makes it hard, if not impossible, to compare approaches. We present a benchmark for defect prediction, in the form of a publicly available dataset consisting of several software systems, and provide an extensive comparison of well-known bug prediction approaches, together with novel approaches we devised. We evaluate the performance of the approaches using different performance indicators: classification of entities as defect-prone or not, ranking of the entities, with and without taking into account the effort to review an entity. We performed three sets of experiments aimed at (1) comparing the approaches across different systems, (2) testing whether the differences in performance are statistically significant, and (3) investigating the stability of approaches across different learners. Our results indicate that, while some approaches perform better than others in a statistically significant manner, external validity in defect prediction is still an open problem, as generalizing results to different contexts/learners proved to be a partially unsuccessful endeavo

    Machine Learning Approaches for Improving Prediction Performance of Structure-Activity Relationship Models

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    In silico bioactivity prediction studies are designed to complement in vivo and in vitro efforts to assess the activity and properties of small molecules. In silico methods such as Quantitative Structure-Activity/Property Relationship (QSAR) are used to correlate the structure of a molecule to its biological property in drug design and toxicological studies. In this body of work, I started with two in-depth reviews into the application of machine learning based approaches and feature reduction methods to QSAR, and then investigated solutions to three common challenges faced in machine learning based QSAR studies. First, to improve the prediction accuracy of learning from imbalanced data, Synthetic Minority Over-sampling Technique (SMOTE) and Edited Nearest Neighbor (ENN) algorithms combined with bagging as an ensemble strategy was evaluated. The Friedman’s aligned ranks test and the subsequent Bergmann-Hommel post hoc test showed that this method significantly outperformed other conventional methods. SMOTEENN with bagging became less effective when IR exceeded a certain threshold (e.g., \u3e40). The ability to separate the few active compounds from the vast amounts of inactive ones is of great importance in computational toxicology. Deep neural networks (DNN) and random forest (RF), representing deep and shallow learning algorithms, respectively, were chosen to carry out structure-activity relationship-based chemical toxicity prediction. Results suggest that DNN significantly outperformed RF (p \u3c 0.001, ANOVA) by 22-27% for four metrics (precision, recall, F-measure, and AUPRC) and by 11% for another (AUROC). Lastly, current features used for QSAR based machine learning are often very sparse and limited by the logic and mathematical processes used to compute them. Transformer embedding features (TEF) were developed as new continuous vector descriptors/features using the latent space embedding from a multi-head self-attention. The significance of TEF as new descriptors was evaluated by applying them to tasks such as predictive modeling, clustering, and similarity search. An accuracy of 84% on the Ames mutagenicity test indicates that these new features has a correlation to biological activity. Overall, the findings in this study can be applied to improve the performance of machine learning based Quantitative Structure-Activity/Property Relationship (QSAR) efforts for enhanced drug discovery and toxicology assessments

    Choosing software metrics for defect prediction: an investigation on feature selection techniques

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    The selection of software metrics for building software quality prediction models is a search-based software engineering problem. An exhaustive search for such metrics is usually not feasible due to limited project resources, especially if the number of available metrics is large. Defect prediction models are necessary in aiding project managers for better utilizing valuable project resources for software quality improvement. The efficacy and usefulness of a fault-proneness prediction model is only as good as the quality of the software measurement data. This study focuses on the problem of attribute selection in the context of software quality estimation. A comparative investigation is presented for evaluating our proposed hybrid attribute selection approach, in which feature ranking is first used to reduce the search space, followed by a feature subset selection. A total of seven different feature ranking techniques are evaluated, while four different feature subset selection approaches are considered. The models are trained using five commonly used classification algorithms. The case study is based on software metrics and defect data collected from multiple releases of a large real-world software system. The results demonstrate that while some feature ranking techniques performed similarly, the automatic hybrid search algorithm performed the best among the feature subset selection methods. Moreover, performances of the defect prediction models either improved or remained unchanged when over 85were eliminated. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/83475/1/1043_ftp.pd

    Evaluation bias in effort estimation

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    There exists a large number of software effort estimation methods in the literature and the space of possibilities [54] is yet to be fully explored. There is little conclusive evidence about the relative performance of such methods and many studies suffer from instability in their conclusions. As a result, the effort estimation literature lacks a stable ranking of such methods.;This research aims at providing a stable ranking of a large number of methods using data sets based on COCOMO features. For this task, the COSEEKMO tool [46] was further developed into a benchmarking tool and several well-known effort estimation methods, including model trees, linear regression methods, local calibration, and several newly developed methods were used in COSEEKMO for a thorough comparison. The problem of instability was further explored and the evaluation method used was identified as the cause of instability. Therefore, the existing evaluation bias was corrected through a new evaluation approach, which was non-parametric. The Mann-Whitney U test [42] is the non-parametric test used in this study, which introduced a great amount of stability in the results. Several evaluation criteria were tested in order to analyze their possible effects on the observed stability.;The conclusions made in this study were stable across different evaluation criteria, different data sets, and different random runs. As a result, a group of four methods were selected as the best effort estimation methods among the explored 312 combinations of methods. These four methods were all based on the local calibration procedure proposed by Boehm [4]. Furthermore, these methods were simpler and more effective than many other complex methods including the Wrapper [37] and model trees [60], which are well-known methods in the literature.;Therefore, while there exists no single universal best method for effort estimation, this study suggests applying the four methods reported here to the historical data and using the best performing method among these four to estimate the effort for future projects. In addition, this study provides a path for comparing other existing or new effort estimation methods with the currently explored methods. This path involves a systematic comparison of the performance of each method against all other methods, including the methods studied in this work, through a benchmarking tool such as COSEEKMO, and using the non-parametric Mann-Whitney U test

    Towards more reliable feature evaluations for classification

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    In this thesis we study feature subset selection and feature weighting algorithms. Our aim is to make their output more stable and more useful when used to train a classifier. We begin by defining the concept of stability and selecting a measure to asses the output of the feature selection process. Then we study different sources of instability and propose modifications of classic algorithms that improve their stability. We propose a modification of wrapper algorithms that take otherwise unused information into account to overcome an intrinsic source of instability for this algorithms: the feature assessment being a random variable that depends on the particular training subsample. Our version accumulates the evaluation results of each feature at each iteration to average out the effect of the randomness. Another novel proposal is to make wrappers evaluate the remainder set of features at each step to overcome another source of instability: randomness of the algorithms themselves. In this case, by evaluating the non-selected set of features, the initial choice of variables is more educated. These modifications do not bring a great amount of computational overhead and deliver better results, both in terms of stability and predictive power. We finally tackle another source of instability: the differential contribution of the instances to feature assessment. We present a framework to combine almost any instance weighting algorithm with any feature weighting one. Our combination of algorithms deliver more stable results for the various feature weighting algorithms we have tested. Finally, we present a deeper integration of instance weighting with feature weighting by modifying the Simba algorithm, that delivers even better results in terms of stabilityEl focus d'aquesta tesi és mesurar, estudiar i millorar l’estabilitat d’algorismes de selecció de subconjunts de variables (SSV) i avaluació de variables (AV) en un context d'aprenentatge supervisat. El propòsit general de la SSV en un context de classificació és millorar la precisió de la predicció. Nosaltres afirmem que hi ha un altre gran repte en SSV i AV: l’estabilitat des resultats. Un cop triada una mesura d’estabilitat entre les estudiades, proposem millores d’un algorisme molt popular: el Relief. Analitzem diferents mesures de distància a més de la original i estudiem l'efecte que tenen sobre la precisió, la detecció de la redundància i l'estabilitat. També posem a prova diferents maneres d’utilitzar els pesos que es calculen a cada pas per influir en el càlcul de distàncies d’una manera similar a com ho fa un altre algorisme d'AV: el Simba. També millorem la seva estabilitat incrementant la contribució dels pesos de les variables en el càlcul de la distància a mesura que avança el temps per minimitzar l’impacte de la selecció aleatòria de les primeres instàncies. Pel què fa als algorismes embolcall, (wrappers) els modifiquem per tenir en compte informació que era ignorada per superar una font intrínseca d’inestabilitat: el fet que l’avaluació de les variables és una variable aleatòria que depèn del subconjunt de dades utilitzat. La nostra versió acumula els resultats en cada iteració per compensar l’efecte aleatori mentre que els originals descarten tota la informació recollida sobre cada variable en una determinada iteració i comencen de nou a la següent, donant lloc a resultats més inestables. Una altra proposta és fer que aquests wrappers avaluïn el subconjunt de variables no seleccionat en cada iteració per evitar una altra font d’inestabilitat. Aquestes modificacions no comporten un gran augment de cost computacional i els seus resultats són més estables i més útils per un classificador. Finalment proposem ponderar la contribució de cada instància en l’AV. Poden existir observacions atípiques que no s'haurien de tenir tant en compte com les altres; si estem intentant predir un càncer utilitzant informació d’anàlisis genètics, hauríem de donar menys credibilitat a les dades obtingudes de persones exposades a grans nivells de radiació tot i que no tenir informació sobre aquesta exposició. Els mètodes d’avaluació d’instàncies (AI) pretenen identificar aquests casos i assignar-los pesos més baixos. Varis autors han treballat en esquemes d’AI per millorar la SSV però no hi ha treball previ en la combinació d'AI amb AV. Presentem un marc de treball per combinar algorismes d'AI amb altres d'AV. A més proposem un nou algorisme d’AI basat en el concepte de marge de decisió que utilitzen alguns algorismes d’AV. Amb aquest marc de treball hem posat a prova les modificacions contra les versions originals utilitzant varis jocs de dades del repositori UCI, de xips d'ADN i els utilitzats en el desafiament de SSV del NIPS-2003. Les nostres combinacions d'algorismes d'avaluació d'instàncies i atributs ens aporten resultats més estables per varis algorismes d'avaluació d'atributs que hem estudiat. Finalment, presentem una integració més profunda de l'avaluació d'instàncies amb l'algorisme de selecció de variables Simba consistent a utilitzar els pesos de les instàncies per ponderar el càlcul de les distàncies, amb la que obtenim resultats encara millors en termes d’estabilitat. Les contribucions principals d’aquesta tesi son: (i) aportar un marc de treball per combinar l'AI amb l’AV, (ii) una revisió de les mesures d’estabilitat de SSV, (iii) diverses modificacions d’algorismes de SSV i AV que milloren la seva estabilitat i el poder predictiu del subconjunt de variables seleccionats; sense un augment significatiu del seu cost computacional, (iv) una definició teòrica de la importància d'una variable i (v) l'estudi de la relació entre l'estabilitat de la SSV i la redundància de les variables.Postprint (published version