23 research outputs found

    Syntactic difficulties in translation

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    Even though machine translation (MT) systems such as Google Translate and DeepL have improved significantly over the last years, a continuous rise in globalisation and linguistic diversity requires increasing amounts of professional, error-free translation. One can imagine, for instance, that mistakes in medical leaflets can lead to disastrous consequences. Less catastrophic, but equally significant, is the lack of a consistent and creative style of MT systems in literary genres. In such cases, a human translation is preferred. Translating a text is a complex procedure that involves a variety of mental processes such as understanding the original message and its context, finding a fitting translation, and verifying that the translation is grammatical, contextually sound, and generally adequate and acceptable. From an educational perspective, it would be helpful if the translation difficulty of a given text can be predicted, for instance to ensure that texts of objectively appropriate difficulty levels are used in exams and assignments for translators. Also in the translation industry it may prove useful, for example to direct more difficult texts to more experienced translators. During this PhD project, my coauthors and I investigated which linguistic properties contribute to such difficulties. Specifically, we put our attention to syntactic differences between a source text and its translation, that is to say their (dis)similarities in terms of linguistic structure. To this end we developed new measures that can quantify such differences and made the implementation publicly available for other researchers to use. These metrics include word (group) movement (how does the order in the original text differ from that in a given translation), changes in the linguistic properties of words, and a comparison of the underlying abstract structure of a sentence and a translation. Translation difficulty cannot be directly measured but process information can help. Particularly, keystroke logging and eye-tracking data can be recorded during translation and used as a proxy for the required cognitive effort. An example: the longer a translator looks at a word, the more time and effort they likely need to process it. We investigated the effect that specific measures of syntactic similarity have on these behavioural processing features to get an indication of what their effect is on the translation difficulty. In short: how does the syntactic (dis)similarity between a source text and a possible translation impact the translation difficulty? In our experiments, we show that different syntactic properties indeed have an effect, and that differences in syntax between a source text and its translation affect the cognitive effort required to translate that text. These effects are not identical between syntactic properties, though, suggesting that individual syntactic properties affect the translation process in different ways and that not all syntactic dissimilarities contribute to translation difficulty equally.De kwaliteit van machinevertaalsystemen (MT) zoals Google Translate en DeepL is de afgelopen jaren sterk verbeterd. Door alsmaar meer globalisering en taalkundige diversiteit is er echter meer dan ooit nood aan professionele vertalingen waar geen fouten in staan. In zekere communicatievormen zouden vertaalfouten namelijk tot desastreuse gevolgen kunnen leiden, bijvoorbeeld in medische bijsluiters. Ook in minder levensbedreigende situaties verkiezen we nog steeds menselijke vertalingen, bijvoorbeeld daar waar een creatieve en consistente stijl noodzakelijk is, zoals in boeken en poëzie. Een tekst vertalen is een complex karwei waarin verschillende mentale processen een rol spelen. Zo moet bijvoorbeeld de brontekst gelezen en begrepen worden, moet er naar een vertaling gezocht worden, en daarbovenop moet tijdens het vertaalproces de vertaling continu gecontroleerd worden om te zorgen dat het ten eerste een juiste vertaling is en ten tweede dat de tekst ook grammaticaal correct is in de doeltaal. Vanuit een pedagogisch standpunt zou het nuttig zijn om de vertaalmoeilijkheid van een tekst te voorspellen. Zo wordt ervoor gezorgd dat de taken en examens van vertaalstudenten tot een objectief bepaald moeilijkheidsniveau behoren. Ook in de vertaalindustrie zou zo’n systeem van toepassing zijn; moeilijkere teksten kunnen aan de meest ervaren vertalers worden bezorgd. Samen met mijn medeauteurs heb ik tijdens dit doctoraatsproject onderzocht welke eigenschappen van een tekst bijdragen tot vertaalmoeilijkheden. We legden daarbij de nadruk op taalkundige, structurele verschillen tussen de brontekst en diens vertaling, en ontwikkelden verscheidene metrieken om dit soort syntactische verschillen te kunnen meten. Zo kan bijvoorbeeld een verschillende woord(groep)volgorde worden gekwantificeerd, kunnen verschillen in taalkundige labels worden geteld, en kunnen de abstracte, onderliggende structuren van een bronzin en een vertaling vergeleken worden. We maakten de implementatie van deze metrieken openbaar beschikbaar. De vertaalmoeilijkheid van een tekst kan niet zomaar gemeten worden, maar door naar gedragsdata van een vertaler te kijken, krijgen we wel een goed idee van de moeilijkheden waarmee ze geconfronteerd werden. De bewegingen en focuspunten van de ogen van de vertaler en hun toetsaanslagen kunnen worden geregistreerd en nadien gebruikt in een experimentele analyse. Ze geven ons nuttig informatie en kunnen zelfs dienen als een benadering van de nodige inspanning die geleverd moest worden tijdens het vertaalproces. Daarmee leidt het ons ook naar de elementen (woorden, woordgroepen) waar de vertaler moeilijkheden mee had. Als een vertaler lang naar een woord kijkt, dan kunnen we aannemen dat de verwerking ervan veel inspanning vergt. We kunnen deze gedragsdata dus gebruiken als een maat voor moeilijkheid. In ons onderzoek waren we voornamelijk benieuwd naar het effect van syntactische verschillen tussen een bronzin en een doelzin op dit soort gedragsdata. Onze resultaten tonen aan dat de voorgestelde metrieken inderdaad een effect hebben en dat taalkundige verschillen tussen een bron- en doeltekst leiden tot een hogere cognitieve belasting tijdens het vertalen van een tekst. Deze effecten verschillen per metriek, wat duidt op het belang van (onderzoek naar) individuele syntactische metrieken; niet elke metriek draagt even veel bij aan vertaalmoeilijkheden

    Syntactic and semantic features for statistical and neural machine translation

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    Machine Translation (MT) for language pairs with long distance dependencies and word reordering, such as German–English, is prone to producing output that is lexically or syntactically incoherent. Statistical MT (SMT) models used explicit or latent syntax to improve reordering, however failed at capturing other long distance dependencies. This thesis explores how explicit sentence-level syntactic information can improve translation for such complex linguistic phenomena. In particular, we work at the level of the syntactic-semantic interface with representations conveying the predicate-argument structures. These are essential to preserving semantics in translation and SMT systems have long struggled to model them. String-to-tree SMT systems use explicit target syntax to handle long-distance reordering, but make strong independence assumptions which lead to inconsistent lexical choices. To address this, we propose a Selectional Preferences feature which models the semantic affinities between target predicates and their argument fillers using the target dependency relations available in the decoder. We found that our feature is not effective in a string-to-tree system for German→English and that often the conditioning context is wrong because of mistranslated verbs. To improve verb translation, we proposed a Neural Verb Lexicon Model (NVLM) incorporating sentence-level syntactic context from the source which carries relevant semantic information for verb disambiguation. When used as an extra feature for re-ranking the output of a German→ English string-to-tree system, the NVLM improved verb translation precision by up to 2.7% and recall by up to 7.4%. While the NVLM improved some aspects of translation, other syntactic and lexical inconsistencies are not being addressed by a linear combination of independent models. In contrast to SMT, neural machine translation (NMT) avoids strong independence assumptions thus generating more fluent translations and capturing some long-distance dependencies. Still, incorporating additional linguistic information can improve translation quality. We proposed a method for tightly coupling target words and syntax in the NMT decoder. To represent syntax explicitly, we used CCG supertags, which encode subcategorization information, capturing long distance dependencies and attachments. Our method improved translation quality on several difficult linguistic constructs, including prepositional phrases which are the most frequent type of predicate arguments. These improvements over a strong baseline NMT system were consistent across two language pairs: 0.9 BLEU for German→English and 1.2 BLEU for Romanian→English

    The text classification pipeline: Starting shallow, going deeper

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    An increasingly relevant and crucial subfield of Natural Language Processing (NLP), tackled in this PhD thesis from a computer science and engineering perspective, is the Text Classification (TC). Also in this field, the exceptional success of deep learning has sparked a boom over the past ten years. Text retrieval and categorization, information extraction and summarization all rely heavily on TC. The literature has presented numerous datasets, models, and evaluation criteria. Even if languages as Arabic, Chinese, Hindi and others are employed in several works, from a computer science perspective the most used and referred language in the literature concerning TC is English. This is also the language mainly referenced in the rest of this PhD thesis. Even if numerous machine learning techniques have shown outstanding results, the classifier effectiveness depends on the capability to comprehend intricate relations and non-linear correlations in texts. In order to achieve this level of understanding, it is necessary to pay attention not only to the architecture of a model but also to other stages of the TC pipeline. In an NLP framework, a range of text representation techniques and model designs have emerged, including the large language models. These models are capable of turning massive amounts of text into useful vector representations that effectively capture semantically significant information. The fact that this field has been investigated by numerous communities, including data mining, linguistics, and information retrieval, is an aspect of crucial interest. These communities frequently have some overlap, but are mostly separate and do their research on their own. Bringing researchers from other groups together to improve the multidisciplinary comprehension of this field is one of the objectives of this dissertation. Additionally, this dissertation makes an effort to examine text mining from both a traditional and modern perspective. This thesis covers the whole TC pipeline in detail. However, the main contribution is to investigate the impact of every element in the TC pipeline to evaluate the impact on the final performance of a TC model. It is discussed the TC pipeline, including the traditional and the most recent deep learning-based models. This pipeline consists of State-Of-The-Art (SOTA) datasets used in the literature as benchmark, text preprocessing, text representation, machine learning models for TC, evaluation metrics and current SOTA results. In each chapter of this dissertation, I go over each of these steps, covering both the technical advancements and my most significant and recent findings while performing experiments and introducing novel models. The advantages and disadvantages of various options are also listed, along with a thorough comparison of the various approaches. At the end of each chapter, there are my contributions with experimental evaluations and discussions on the results that I have obtained during my three years PhD course. The experiments and the analysis related to each chapter (i.e., each element of the TC pipeline) are the main contributions that I provide, extending the basic knowledge of a regular survey on the matter of TC.An increasingly relevant and crucial subfield of Natural Language Processing (NLP), tackled in this PhD thesis from a computer science and engineering perspective, is the Text Classification (TC). Also in this field, the exceptional success of deep learning has sparked a boom over the past ten years. Text retrieval and categorization, information extraction and summarization all rely heavily on TC. The literature has presented numerous datasets, models, and evaluation criteria. Even if languages as Arabic, Chinese, Hindi and others are employed in several works, from a computer science perspective the most used and referred language in the literature concerning TC is English. This is also the language mainly referenced in the rest of this PhD thesis. Even if numerous machine learning techniques have shown outstanding results, the classifier effectiveness depends on the capability to comprehend intricate relations and non-linear correlations in texts. In order to achieve this level of understanding, it is necessary to pay attention not only to the architecture of a model but also to other stages of the TC pipeline. In an NLP framework, a range of text representation techniques and model designs have emerged, including the large language models. These models are capable of turning massive amounts of text into useful vector representations that effectively capture semantically significant information. The fact that this field has been investigated by numerous communities, including data mining, linguistics, and information retrieval, is an aspect of crucial interest. These communities frequently have some overlap, but are mostly separate and do their research on their own. Bringing researchers from other groups together to improve the multidisciplinary comprehension of this field is one of the objectives of this dissertation. Additionally, this dissertation makes an effort to examine text mining from both a traditional and modern perspective. This thesis covers the whole TC pipeline in detail. However, the main contribution is to investigate the impact of every element in the TC pipeline to evaluate the impact on the final performance of a TC model. It is discussed the TC pipeline, including the traditional and the most recent deep learning-based models. This pipeline consists of State-Of-The-Art (SOTA) datasets used in the literature as benchmark, text preprocessing, text representation, machine learning models for TC, evaluation metrics and current SOTA results. In each chapter of this dissertation, I go over each of these steps, covering both the technical advancements and my most significant and recent findings while performing experiments and introducing novel models. The advantages and disadvantages of various options are also listed, along with a thorough comparison of the various approaches. At the end of each chapter, there are my contributions with experimental evaluations and discussions on the results that I have obtained during my three years PhD course. The experiments and the analysis related to each chapter (i.e., each element of the TC pipeline) are the main contributions that I provide, extending the basic knowledge of a regular survey on the matter of TC

    Prediction and error-based learning in L2 processing and acquisition : a conceptual review

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    There is currently much interest in the role of prediction in language processing, both in L1 and L2. For language acquisition researchers, this has prompted debate on the role that predictive processing may play in both L1 and L2 language learning, if any. In this conceptual review, we explore the role of prediction and prediction error as a potential learning aid. We examine different proposed prediction mechanisms and the empirical evidence for them, alongside the factors constraining prediction for both L1 and L2 speakers. We then review the evidence on the role of prediction in learning languages. We report computational modelling which underpins a number of proposals on the role of prediction in L1 and L2 learning, then lay out the empirical evidence supporting the predictions made by modelling, from research into priming and adaptation. Finally, we point out the limitations of these mechanisms in both L1 and L2 speakers

    16th SC@RUG 2019 proceedings 2018-2019

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    16th SC@RUG 2019 proceedings 2018-2019

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    16th SC@RUG 2019 proceedings 2018-2019

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    16th SC@RUG 2019 proceedings 2018-2019

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