271 research outputs found

    Predicting Software Fault Proneness Using Machine Learning

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    Context: Continuous Integration (CI) is a DevOps technique which is widely used in practice. Studies show that its adoption rates will increase even further. At the same time, it is argued that maintaining product quality requires extensive and time consuming, testing and code reviews. In this context, if not done properly, shorter sprint cycles and agile practices entail higher risk for the quality of the product. It has been reported in literature [68], that lack of proper test strategies, poor test quality and team dependencies are some of the major challenges encountered in continuous integration and deployment. Objective: The objective of this thesis, is to bridge the process discontinuity that exists between development teams and testing teams, due to continuous deployments and shorter sprint cycles, by providing a list of potentially buggy or high risk files, which can be used by testers to prioritize code inspection and testing, reducing thus the time between development and release. Approach: Out approach is based on a five step process. The first step is to select a set of systems, a set of code metrics, a set of repository metrics, and a set of machine learning techniques to consider for training and evaluation purposes. The second step is to devise appropriate client programs to extract and denote information obtained from GitHub repositories and source code analyzers. The third step is to use this information to train the models using the selected machine learning techniques. This step allowed to identify the best performing machine learning techniques out of the initially selected in the first step. The fourth step is to apply the models with a voting classifier (with equal weights) and provide answers to five research questions pertaining to the prediction capability and generality of the obtained fault proneness prediction framework. The fifth step is to select the best performing predictors and apply it to two systems written in a completely different language (C++) in order to evaluate the performance of the predictors in a new environment. Obtained Results: The obtained results indicate that a) The best models were the ones applied on the same system as the one trained on; b) The models trained using repository metrics outperformed the ones trained using code metrics; c) The models trained using code metrics were proven not adequate for predicting fault prone modules; d) The use of machine learning as a tool for building fault-proneness prediction models is promising, but still there is work to be done as the models show weak to moderate prediction capability. Conclusion: This thesis provides insights into how machine learning can be used to predict whether a source code file contains one or more faults that may contribute to a major system failure. The proposed approach is utilizing information extracted both from the system’s source code, such as code metrics, and from a series of DevOps tools, such as bug repositories, version control systems and, testing automation frameworks. The study involved five Java and five Python systems and indicated that machine learning techniques have potential towards building models for alerting developers about failure prone code

    Evaluating and Securing Text-Based Java Code through Static Code Analysis

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    As the cyber security landscape dynamically evolves and security professionals work to keep apace, modern-day educators face the issue of equipping a new generation for this dynamic landscape. With cyber-attacks and vulnerabilities substantially increased over the past years in frequency and severity, it is important to design and build secure software applications from the group up. Therefore, defensive secure coding techniques covering security concepts must be taught from beginning computer science programming courses to exercise building secure applications. Using static analysis, this study thoroughly analyzed Java source code in two textbooks used at a collegiate level, with the goal of guiding educators to make a reference of the resources in teaching programming concepts from a security perspective. The resources include the methods of source code analysis and relevant tools, categorized bugs detected in the code, and compliant code examples with fixing the bugs. Overall, the first text revealed a relatively moderate bug rate of approximately 44% of files analyzed contained either regular or security bugs. About 13% of the total bugs found were security bugs and the most common security bug was related to the Pseudo Random security vulnerability. The second text produced a slightly larger bug rate of 53.80% with approximately 8% of security bugs. After combining the texts for an average rate, the total number of security bugs that were likely to appear was roughly 10% percent. This encompasses security bugs such as malicious code vulnerabilities and security vulnerabilities related to exposing or manipulating data in these programs

    Auto-tuning compiler options for HPC

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    Model checking using multiple GPUs

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    The Survey, Taxonomy, and Future Directions of Trustworthy AI: A Meta Decision of Strategic Decisions

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    When making strategic decisions, we are often confronted with overwhelming information to process. The situation can be further complicated when some pieces of evidence are contradicted each other or paradoxical. The challenge then becomes how to determine which information is useful and which ones should be eliminated. This process is known as meta-decision. Likewise, when it comes to using Artificial Intelligence (AI) systems for strategic decision-making, placing trust in the AI itself becomes a meta-decision, given that many AI systems are viewed as opaque "black boxes" that process large amounts of data. Trusting an opaque system involves deciding on the level of Trustworthy AI (TAI). We propose a new approach to address this issue by introducing a novel taxonomy or framework of TAI, which encompasses three crucial domains: articulate, authentic, and basic for different levels of trust. To underpin these domains, we create ten dimensions to measure trust: explainability/transparency, fairness/diversity, generalizability, privacy, data governance, safety/robustness, accountability, reproducibility, reliability, and sustainability. We aim to use this taxonomy to conduct a comprehensive survey and explore different TAI approaches from a strategic decision-making perspective

    Hybrid filter-wrapper approaches for feature selection

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    Durant les darreres dècades, molts sectors empresarials han adoptat les tecnologies digitals, emmagatzemant tota la informació que generen en bases de dades. A més, amb l'auge de l'aprenentatge automàtic i la ciència de les dades, s'ha tornat econòmicament rendible utilitzar aquestes dades per resoldre problemes del món real. No obstant això, a mesura que els conjunts de dades creixen en mida, cada vegada és més difícil determinar exactament quines variables són valuoses per resoldre un problema específic. Aquest projecte estudia el problema de la selecció de variables, que intenta seleccionar el subconjunt de variables rellevants per a una determinada tasca predictiva. En particular, ens centrarem en els algoritmes híbrids que combinen mètodes filtre i embolcall. Aquesta és una àrea d'estudi relativament nova, que ha obtingut bons resultats en conjunts de dades amb grans dimensions perquè ofereixen un bon compromís entre velocitat i precisió. El projecte començarà explicant diversos mètodes filtre i embolcall i seguidament ensenyarà com diversos autors els han combinat per obtenir nous algoritmes híbrids. També introduirem un nou algoritme al qual anomenarem BWRR, que utilitza el popular filtre ReliefF per guiar una cerca cap enrere. La principal novetat que proposem és recomputar ReliefF en certs punts per guiar millor la cerca. Addicionalment, introduirem diverses variacions de l'algoritme. També hem realitzat una extensa experimentació per a provar el nou algoritme. Primerament, hem treballat amb conjunts de dades sintètiques per esbrinar quins factors afectaven el rendiment. Seguidament, l'hem comparat amb l'estat de l'art en diversos conjunts de dades reals.Over the last couple of decades, more business sectors than ever have embraced digital technologies, storing all the information they generate in databases. Moreover, with the rise of machine learning and data science, it has become economically profitable to use this data to solve real-world problems. However, as datasets grow larger, it has become increasingly difficult to determine exactly which variables are valuable to solve a given problem. This project studies the problem of feature selection, which tries to select a subset of relevant variables for a specific prediction task from the complete set of attributes. In particular, we have mostly focused on hybrid filter-wrapper algorithms, a relatively new branch of study, that has seen great success in high-dimensional datasets because they offer a good trade-off between speed and accuracy. The project starts by explaining several important filter and wrapper methods and moves on to illustrate how several authors have combined them to form new hybrid algorithms. Moreover, we also introduce a new algorithm called BWRR, which uses the popular ReliefF filter to guide a backward wrapper search. The key novelty we propose is to recompute the ReliefF rankings at several points to better guide the search. In addition, we also introduce several variations of this algorithm. We have also performed extensive experimentation to test this algorithm. In the first phase, we experimented with synthetic datasets to see which factors affected the performance. After that, we compared the new algorithm against the state-of-the-art in real-world datasets

    Fuzzing the Internet of Things: A Review on the Techniques and Challenges for Efficient Vulnerability Discovery in Embedded Systems

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    With a growing number of embedded devices that create, transform and send data autonomously at its core, the Internet-of-Things (IoT) is a reality in different sectors such as manufacturing, healthcare or transportation. With this expansion, the IoT is becoming more present in critical environments, where security is paramount. Infamous attacks such as Mirai have shown the insecurity of the devices that power the IoT, as well as the potential of such large-scale attacks. Therefore, it is important to secure these embedded systems that form the backbone of the IoT. However, the particular nature of these devices and their resource constraints mean that the most cost-effective manner of securing these devices is to secure them before they are deployed, by minimizing the number of vulnerabilities they ship. To this end, fuzzing has proved itself as a valuable technique for automated vulnerability finding, where specially crafted inputs are fed to programs in order to trigger vulnerabilities and crash the system. In this survey, we link the world of embedded IoT devices and fuzzing. For this end, we list the particularities of the embedded world as far as security is concerned, we perform a literature review on fuzzing techniques and proposals, studying their applicability to embedded IoT devices and, finally, we present future research directions by pointing out the gaps identified in the review
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