8 research outputs found

    Acceleration and new analysis of convex optimization algorithms

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    Ces dernières années ont vu une résurgence de l’algorithme de Frank-Wolfe (FW) (également connu sous le nom de méthodes de gradient conditionnel) dans l’optimisation clairsemée et les problèmes d’apprentissage automatique à grande échelle avec des objectifs convexes lisses. Par rapport aux méthodes de gradient projeté ou proximal, une telle méthode sans projection permet d’économiser le coût de calcul des projections orthogonales sur l’ensemble de contraintes. Parallèlement, FW propose également des solutions à structure clairsemée. Malgré ces propriétés prometteuses, FW ne bénéficie pas des taux de convergence optimaux obtenus par les méthodes accélérées basées sur la projection. Nous menons une enquête dé- taillée sur les essais récents pour accélérer FW dans différents contextes et soulignons où se situe la difficulté lorsque l’on vise des taux linéaires globaux en théorie. En outre, nous fournissons une direction prometteuse pour accélérer FW sur des ensembles fortement convexes en utilisant des techniques d’intervalle de dualité et une nouvelle notion de régularité. D’autre part, l’algorithme FW est une covariante affine et bénéficie de taux de convergence accélérés lorsque l’ensemble de contraintes est fortement convexe. Cependant, ces résultats reposent sur des hypothèses dépendantes de la norme, entraînant généralement des bornes invariantes non affines, en contradiction avec la propriété de covariante affine de FW. Dans ce travail, nous introduisons de nouvelles hypothèses structurelles sur le problème (comme la régularité directionnelle) et dérivons une analyse affine invariante et indépendante de la norme de Frank-Wolfe. Sur la base de notre analyse, nous proposons une recherche par ligne affine invariante. Fait intéressant, nous montrons que les recherches en ligne classiques utilisant la régularité de la fonction objectif convergent étonnamment vers une taille de pas invariante affine, malgré l’utilisation de normes dépendantes de l’affine dans le calcul des tailles de pas. Cela indique que nous n’avons pas nécessairement besoin de connaître à l’avance la structure des ensembles pour profiter du taux accéléré affine-invariant. Dans un autre axe de recherche, nous étudions les algorithmes au-delà des méthodes du premier ordre. Les techniques Quasi-Newton approchent le pas de Newton en estimant le Hessien en utilisant les équations dites sécantes. Certaines de ces méthodes calculent le Hessien en utilisant plusieurs équations sécantes mais produisent des mises à jour non symétriques. D’autres schémas quasi-Newton, tels que BFGS, imposent la symétrie mais ne peuvent pas satisfaire plus d’une équation sécante. Nous proposons un nouveau type de mise à jour symétrique quasi-Newton utilisant plusieurs équations sécantes au sens des moindres carrés. Notre approche généralise et unifie la conception de mises à jour quasi-Newton et satisfait des garanties de robustesse prouvables.Recent years have witnessed a resurgence of the Frank-Wolfe (FW) algorithm, also known as conditional gradient methods, in sparse optimization and large-scale machine learning problems with smooth convex objectives. Compared to projected or proximal gradient methods, such projection-free method saves the computational cost of orthogonal projections onto the constraint set. Meanwhile, FW also gives solutions with sparse structure. Despite of these promising properties, FW does not enjoy the optimal convergence rates achieved by projection-based accelerated methods. On the other hand, FW algorithm is affine-covariant, and enjoys accelerated convergence rates when the constraint set is strongly convex. However, these results rely on norm-dependent assumptions, usually incurring non-affine invariant bounds, in contradiction with FW’s affine-covariant property. In this work, we introduce new structural assumptions on the problem (such as the directional smoothness) and derive an affine in- variant, norm-independent analysis of Frank-Wolfe. Based on our analysis, we pro- pose an affine invariant backtracking line-search. Interestingly, we show that typical back-tracking line-search techniques using smoothness of the objective function surprisingly converge to an affine invariant stepsize, despite using affine-dependent norms in the computation of stepsizes. This indicates that we do not necessarily need to know the structure of sets in advance to enjoy the affine-invariant accelerated rate. Additionally, we provide a promising direction to accelerate FW over strongly convex sets using duality gap techniques and a new version of smoothness. In another line of research, we study algorithms beyond first-order methods. Quasi-Newton techniques approximate the Newton step by estimating the Hessian using the so-called secant equations. Some of these methods compute the Hessian using several secant equations but produce non-symmetric updates. Other quasi- Newton schemes, such as BFGS, enforce symmetry but cannot satisfy more than one secant equation. We propose a new type of quasi-Newton symmetric update using several secant equations in a least-squares sense. Our approach generalizes and unifies the design of quasi-Newton updates and satisfies provable robustness guarantees

    Historical development of the BFGS secant method and its characterization properties

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    The BFGS secant method is the preferred secant method for finite-dimensional unconstrained optimization. The first part of this research consists of recounting the historical development of secant methods in general and the BFGS secant method in particular. Many people believe that the secant method arose from Newton's method using finite difference approximations to the derivative. We compile historical evidence revealing that a special case of the secant method predated Newton's method by more than 3000 years. We trace the evolution of secant methods from 18th-century B.C. Babylonian clay tablets and the Egyptian Rhind Papyrus. Modifications to Newton's method yielding secant methods are discussed and methods we believe influenced and led to the construction of the BFGS secant method are explored. In the second part of our research, we examine the construction of several rank-two secant update classes that had not received much recognition in the literature. Our study of the underlying mathematical principles and characterizations inherent in the updates classes led to theorems and their proofs concerning secant updates. One class of symmetric rank-two updates that we investigate is the Dennis class. We demonstrate how it can be derived from the general rank-one update formula in a purely algebraic manner not utilizing Powell's method of iterated projections as Dennis did it. The literature abounds with update classes; we show how some are related and show containment when possible. We derive the general formula that could be used to represent all symmetric rank-two secant updates. From this, particular parameter choices yielding well-known updates and update classes are presented. We include two derivations of the Davidon class and prove that it is a maximal class. We detail known characterization properties of the BFGS secant method and describe new characterizations of several secant update classes known to contain the BFGS update. Included is a formal proof of the conjecture made by Schnabel in his 1977 Ph.D. thesis that the BFGS update is in some asymptotic sense the average of the DFP update and the Greenstadt update

    Sketch and project: randomized iterative methods for linear systems and inverting matrices

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    Probabilistic ideas and tools have recently begun to permeate into several fields where they had traditionally not played a major role, including fields such as numerical linear algebra and optimization. One of the key ways in which these ideas influence these fields is via the development and analysis of randomized algorithms for solving standard and new problems of these fields. Such methods are typically easier to analyze, and often lead to faster and/or more scalable and versatile methods in practice. This thesis explores the design and analysis of new randomized iterative methods for solving linear systems and inverting matrices. The methods are based on a novel sketch-and-project framework. By sketching we mean, to start with a difficult problem and then randomly generate a simple problem that contains all the solutions of the original problem. After sketching the problem, we calculate the next iterate by projecting our current iterate onto the solution space of the sketched problem. The starting point for this thesis is the development of an archetype randomized method for solving linear systems. Our method has six different but equivalent interpretations: sketch-and-project, constrain-and-approximate, random intersect, random linear solve, random update and random fixed point. By varying its two parameters – a positive definite matrix (defining geometry), and a random matrix (sampled in an i.i.d. fashion in each iteration) – we recover a comprehensive array of well known algorithms as special cases, including the randomized Kaczmarz method, randomized Newton method, randomized coordinate descent method and random Gaussian pursuit. We also naturally obtain variants of all these methods using blocks and importance sampling. However, our method allows for a much wider selection of these two parameters, which leads to a number of new specific methods. We prove exponential convergence of the expected norm of the error in a single theorem, from which existing complexity results for known variants can be obtained. However, we also give an exact formula for the evolution of the expected iterates, which allows us to give lower bounds on the convergence rate. We then extend our problem to that of finding the projection of given vector onto the solution space of a linear system. For this we develop a new randomized iterative algorithm: stochastic dual ascent (SDA). The method is dual in nature, and iteratively solves the dual of the projection problem. The dual problem is a non-strongly concave quadratic maximization problem without constraints. In each iteration of SDA, a dual variable is updated by a carefully chosen point in a subspace spanned by the columns of a random matrix drawn independently from a fixed distribution. The distribution plays the role of a parameter of the method. Our complexity results hold for a wide family of distributions of random matrices, which opens the possibility to fine-tune the stochasticity of the method to particular applications. We prove that primal iterates associated with the dual process converge to the projection exponentially fast in expectation, and give a formula and an insightful lower bound for the convergence rate. We also prove that the same rate applies to dual function values, primal function values and the duality gap. Unlike traditional iterative methods, SDA converges under virtually no additional assumptions on the system (e.g., rank, diagonal dominance) beyond consistency. In fact, our lower bound improves as the rank of the system matrix drops. By mapping our dual algorithm to a primal process, we uncover that the SDA method is the dual method with respect to the sketch-and-project method from the previous chapter. Thus our new more general convergence results for SDA carry over to the sketch-and-project method and all its specializations (randomized Kaczmarz, randomized coordinate descent...etc). When our method specializes to a known algorithm, we either recover the best known rates, or improve upon them. Finally, we show that the framework can be applied to the distributed average consensus problem to obtain an array of new algorithms. The randomized gossip algorithm arises as a special case. In the final chapter, we extend our method for solving linear system to inverting matrices, and develop a family of methods with specialized variants that maintain symmetry or positive definiteness of the iterates. All the methods in the family converge globally and exponentially, with explicit rates. In special cases, we obtain stochastic block variants of several quasi-Newton updates, including bad Broyden (BB), good Broyden (GB), Powell-symmetric-Broyden (PSB), Davidon-Fletcher-Powell (DFP) and Broyden-Fletcher-Goldfarb-Shanno (BFGS). Ours are the first stochastic versions of these updates shown to converge to an inverse of a fixed matrix. Through a dual viewpoint we uncover a fundamental link between quasi-Newton updates and approximate inverse preconditioning. Further, we develop an adaptive variant of the randomized block BFGS (AdaRBFGS), where we modify the distribution underlying the stochasticity of the method throughout the iterative process to achieve faster convergence. By inverting several matrices from varied applications, we demonstrate that AdaRBFGS is highly competitive when compared to the well established Newton-Schulz and approximate preconditioning methods. In particular, on large-scale problems our method outperforms the standard methods by orders of magnitude. The development of efficient methods for estimating the inverse of very large matrices is a much needed tool for preconditioning and variable metric methods in the big data era

    Deformable Medical Image Registration: A Survey

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    Deformable image registration is a fundamental task in medical image processing. Among its most important applications, one may cite: i) multi-modality fusion, where information acquired by different imaging devices or protocols is fused to facilitate diagnosis and treatment planning; ii) longitudinal studies, where temporal structural or anatomical changes are investigated; and iii) population modeling and statistical atlases used to study normal anatomical variability. In this technical report, we attempt to give an overview of deformable registration methods, putting emphasis on the most recent advances in the domain. Additional emphasis has been given to techniques applied to medical images. In order to study image registration methods in depth, their main components are identified and studied independently. The most recent techniques are presented in a systematic fashion. The contribution of this technical report is to provide an extensive account of registration techniques in a systematic manner.Le recalage déformable d'images est une des tâches les plus fondamentales dans l'imagerie médicale. Parmi ses applications les plus importantes, on compte: i) la fusion d' information provenant des différents types de modalités a n de faciliter le diagnostic et la planification du traitement; ii) les études longitudinales, oú des changements structurels ou anatomiques sont étudiées en fonction du temps; et iii) la modélisation de la variabilité anatomique normale d'une population et les atlas statistiques. Dans ce rapport de recherche, nous essayons de donner un aperçu des différentes méthodes du recalage déformables, en mettant l'accent sur les avancées les plus récentes du domaine. Nous avons particulièrement insisté sur les techniques appliquées aux images médicales. A n d'étudier les méthodes du recalage d'images, leurs composants principales sont d'abord identifiés puis étudiées de manière indépendante, les techniques les plus récentes étant classifiées en suivant un schéma logique déterminé. La contribution de ce rapport de recherche est de fournir un compte rendu détaillé des techniques de recalage d'une manière systématique

    Nonlinear finite element treatment of bifurcation in the post-buckling analysis of thin elastic plates and shells

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    This thesis was submitted for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy and awarded by Brunel University.The geometrically nonlinear constant moment triangle based on the von Karman theory of thin plates is first described. This finite element, which is believed to be the simplest possible element to pass the totality of the von Karman patch test, is employed throughout the present work. It possesses the special characteristic of providing a tangent stiffness matrix which is accurate and without approximation. The stability of equilibrium of discrete conservative systems is discussed. The criteria which identify the critical points (limit and bifurcation), and the method of determination of the stability coefficients are presented in a simple matrix formulation which is suitable for computation. An alternative formulation which makes direct use of higher order directional derivatives of the total potential energy is also presented. Continuation along the stable equilibrium solution path is achieved by using a recently developed Newton method specially modified so that stable points are points of attraction. In conjunction with this solution technique, a branch switching method is introduced which directly computes any intersecting branches. Bifurcational buckling often exhibits huge structural changes and it is believed that the computation of the required switch procedure is performed here, and for the first time, in a satisfactory manner. Hence, both limit and bifurcation points can be treated without difficulty and with continuation into the post buckling regime. In this way, the ability to compute the stable equilibrium path throughout the load-deformation history is accomplished. Two numerical examples which exhibit bifurcational buckling are treated in detail and provide numerical evidence as to the ability of the employed techniques to handle even the most complex problems. Although only relatively coarse finite element meshes are used it is evident that the technique provides a powerful tool for any kind of thin elastic plate and shell problem. The thesis concludes with a proposal for an algorithm to automate the computation of the unknown parameter in the branch switching method.Procurement Executive of the Ministry of Defence (Strategic Research Programme AS011D02


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    We introduce a discontinuous spectral element method for simulating seismic wave in 2- dimensional elastic media. The methods combine the flexibility of a discontinuous finite element method with the accuracy of a spectral method. The elastodynamic equations are discretized using high-degree of Lagrange interpolants and integration over an element is accomplished based upon the Gauss-Lobatto-Legendre integration rule. This combination of discretization and integration results in a diagonal mass matrix and the use of discontinuous finite element method makes the calculation can be done locally in each element. Thus, the algorithm is simplified drastically. We validated the results of one-dimensional problem by comparing them with finite-difference time-domain method and exact solution. The comparisons show excellent agreement