305 research outputs found

    Trust and reciprocity effect on electronic word-of-mouth in online review communities

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    Purpose Social media developments in the last decade have led to the emergence of a new form of word of mouth (WOM) in the digital environment. Electronic word-of-mouth (eWOM) is considered by many scholars and practitioners to be the most influential informal communication mechanism between businesses and potential and actual consumers. The purpose of this paper is to extend knowledge about WOM in this new context by proposing a conceptual framework that enables a better understanding of how trust and reciprocity influence eWOM participation in ORCs. Design/methodology/approach This study applies non-probability convenience sampling technique to conduct a quantitative study of data from an online survey of 189 members of ORCs. Partial least squares (PLS) is used to analyse the correlations between individuals’ intention to seek opinion, to give their own opinion and to pass on the opinion of another within ORCs. Findings The data analysis reveals that opinion seeking within ORCs had a direct effect on opinion giving and opinion passing. Ability trust and integrity trust had a positive effect on opinion seeking, while benevolence trust had a direct positive effect on opinion passing. Reciprocity had a direct impact on opinion passing. While reciprocity did not affect opinion giving, the relationship between these two concepts was mediated by integrity trust. Research limitations/implications By studying the complexities that characterise the relationships between reciprocity, trust and eWOM, the study extends understanding of eWOM in ORCs. Originality/value To the best of the authors’ knowledge, this is one of only a few papers that have examined the complex interrelationships between reciprocity, trust and eWOM in the context of ORCs

    Drivers of social commerce usage: a multi-group analysis comparing Facebook and Instagram

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    Social media are increasingly used as platforms to not only socialise but also to shop for products and services. Social commerce is the new trend in e-commerce that leverages the enhanced consumer-to-consumer interactions to support shopping processes. Based on the concept of social commerce constructs suggested by Nick Hajli, this article investigates the role of social commerce constructs, emotional and informative support, and trust as drivers of social commerce intention. We apply multi-group analysis to validate the drivers of social commerce for two of the most relevant social media platforms: Facebook and Instagram. Based on a sample of 800 social commerce users, our findings reveal that social commerce constructs are strong drivers of social commerce intention for both social media platforms; however, there are differences between the two as Facebook seems to generate higher emotional support and trust than Instagram

    Facebook and extension of social ties: Implications on group norms and purchasing behavior

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    Facebook and extension of social ties: Implications on group norms and purchasing behavio

    Examining customer's intention to rely on online reviews

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    The use of online reviews among online shoppers has increased significantly in recent years and has reduced uncertainty and risks associated with online shopping. The objective of this research is to identify the segment of online shoppers relying on online reviews. Consumers were classified based on their shopping motivation, trait and online behavior. A quantitative survey involving 375 Indian online shoppers were performed to identify and understand their reliance of online reviews. The findings show that consumer with high price consciousness, value consciousness, brand consciousness and self-esteem rely on online reviews for their online purchases. On the other side consumer who are quality conscious and having online shopping anxiety don’t rely on online review. This research adds to the growing literature on consumer information theory and validates the link between consumer shopping motivation and their informational needs

    Pengaruh Popularitas, Kualitas Argumen, Daya Tarik Pada Unggahan @Dr.Ziee di Tiktok Terhadap Kepercayaan, Sikap dan Niat Beli

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    This research aims to determine the effect of popularity, quality of argument, attractiveness of @dr.ziee skincare product recommendation post on TikTok on trust, attitude and purchase intention by using cue utilization theory. This study uses a quantitative approach with the analytical technique used is partial least square with 200 respondents using TikTok who have a minimum age of 16 years and skincare users. The dependent variable used is the popularity of the post, the quality of the argument and the attractiveness of the post. The independent variable is purchase intention with the mediating variables are beliefs and attitudes. The results show that the popularity, argument quality and attractiveness of the post have a significant positive impact on trust which means that users take advantage of the popularity post, argumentation quality and attractiveness of the post to build on recommendation posts on social media. The attractiveness of post with short videos complements previous research using photo media, where the attractiveness of short videos can make consumers understand product information better because it is an information-rich medium compared to photos, thus affecting trust in recommendation posts. Trust in the recommendation post also affects attitudes and purchase intentions positively and significantly which is in accordance with previous research. Keywords: : Post Popularity; Argument Quality; Post Attractiveness; Trust; Attitude; Purchase Intention; Cue Utilization Theor

    Exploring the key marketing elements that shape brand awareness in service-oriented sector

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    Marketers employ various factors to create brand awareness. Small businesses in service industry encounter challenges in attracting consumers and adapting to market competition, contributing to the factors leading to their struggles. The purpose of the paper is to elaborate on the relationship between social media marketing, advertising, price, and product towards brand awareness. A quantitative method was used and research data was obtained via questionnaires. Purposive sampling method was applied and a total of 125 sample sizes of restaurant consumers in Perak were collected. The study findings indicated a significant and positive influence of all the variables predicting brand awareness

    The moderating effect of brand trust on the relationship between customer brand engagement and brand loyalty: a conceptual review / Nurul Aqmar Zaidun, Mazzini Muda and Nor Hashima Hashim

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    Brand loyalty has become a primary goal for a company in today’s business environment due to intense market competition. Therefore, companies need to engage with customers, as this may result in brand loyalty. Drawing from Dick and Basu customer loyalty model, this paper propose a conceptual framework on customer brand engagement, customer loyalty and brand trust. In addition, brand trust has received extensive attention and widely recognised as an essential variable that affects human relationships at all levels. Although the relationship between brand trust and brand loyalty has been widely discussed, however, how brand trust develops remains uncertain. Therefore, trust as a moderating variable trust is introduced in the conceptual framework to determine if there exist positive behavioural outcomes

    Poboljšanje korisničkog iskustva kreiranjem virtualnih zajednica maraka

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    Purpose – The paper aims to examine the principles of creating customer experience and analyze a novel application of such principles in virtual brand communities (VBC). The Glossier brand has been chosen for the case study of creating the VBC. Design/methodology/approach – The study employs quantitative comparison for the analysis of the social media content of the Glossier brand as part of virtual communities and qualitative semi-structured interviews to uncover how Lithuanian brands create VBCs and broaden the experience of brand users. The components of customer experience have been used as a core theoretical framework for identification based on textual or visual elements in VBCs. Findings and Implications – Content analysis of social media has confirmed that the experience of VBCs is created by applying the components of customer experience. In order to attract customers, brands most frequently use emotional and sensory components, with relationship, lifestyle, pragmatic, and cognitive components used half as often. According to the informants, the sensory and emotional components were recognized as most important for shaping customer experience in virtual communities. They agree that visual and hearing stimulation have the most decisive impact on creating customer experience through the sensory component. By contrast, touch, taste, and smell have a less significant effect on the stimulation of the sensory component. Limitations – This paper is limited by the fact that the conducted analysis covers only the case of one brand, and the professionals’ opinions might depend on their cultural background. Originality – The study examines one of the fastest-growing consumer communication phenomena in virtual brand communities, which has not received sufficient attention of researchers.Svrha – Cilj je rada preispitati principe kreiranja korisničkog iskustva i analizirati novu primjenu principa u virtualnim zajednicama maraka (VBC). Za studiju slučaja kreiranja virtualne zajednice marke korištena je marka Glossier. Metodološki pristup – Temelji se na kvantitativnoj usporedbi koja analizira sadržaj o marki Glossier u društvenim medijima virtualnih zajednica i kvalitativnim polustrukturiranim intervjuima, a kako bi se otkrilo kako druge litavske marke stvaraju VBC-ove i proširuju iskustvo korisnika marke. Komponente korisničkog iskustva korištene su kao temeljni teorijski okvir za identifikaciju u skladu s tekstualnim ili vizualnim elementima u VBC-ima. Rezultati i implikacije – Analiza sadržaja društvenih medija potvrdila je da se iskustvo virtualnih zajednica maraka stvara primjenom komponenti korisničkog iskustva. Za privlačenje potrošača marke uglavnom koriste emocionalne i osjetilne komponente. Međutim, upola manje koriste odnos, stil života, pragmatične i kognitivne komponente. Prema ispitanicima, osjetilna i emocionalna komponenta prihvaćene su kao najvažnije za oblikovanje korisničkog iskustva u virtualnim zajednicama. Oni se slažu da vizualna i slušna stimulacija imaju odlučujući utjecaj na kreiranje korisničkog iskustva kroz osjetilnu komponentu. Nasuprot tome, dodir, okus i miris imaju manje snažan učinak na stimulaciju osjetilne komponente. Ograničenja – Ograničenje rada proizlaze iz provedene analize koja pokriva samo slučaj jedne marke, a mišljenja stručnjaka mogu ovisiti o kulturološkoj pozadini. Doprinos – Rad istražuje jedan od rastućih fenomena komunikacije potrošača u virtualnim zajednicama maraka kojemu nedostaje pozornost istraživača

    Gaming and luxury fashion: exploring factors driving gamers’ luxury virtual in - game fashion

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    This study investigates the factors driving gamers’ intention to purchase virtual luxury fashion in online games. The study’s conceptual framework is grounded in the social identity and social capital theory. A total of 468 responses were collected using an online survey from Fortnite players and analyzed using covariance-based structural equation modelling (CB-SEM). The results reveal that avatar identification was positively associated with perceived value, social presence, and intention to purchase virtual luxury fashion. Perceived value and social presence were positively associated with intending to purchase virtual luxury fashion. Brand love strengthened the positive association between the perceived value and social presence on the intention to purchase virtual luxury fashion. This study contributes to the marketing and information systems literature by offering the first insights into virtual luxury fashion in online games. The findings would assist game developers and marketers in better understanding gamer behaviour to capitalize on virtual luxury fashion

    Reward - based advertisement in online games: a win for advertisers, developers, and gamers

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    This study examines factors affecting gamers’ attitude towards reward-based advertisements (RBA) in online games. A conceptual model is developed based on the Ducoffe’s web advertising model and tested using a quantitative design through data collected from 532 online gamers in Fiji. Covariance-based structural equation modelling (CB-SEM) was employed to perform the analysis. Results reveal that informativeness, credibility, entertainment, and incentive positively influence advertisement value. Advertisement value was found to positively influences attitude towards RBA. The moderating factors of perceived competitiveness and gamer envy were found to strengthen the positive association between perceived advertisement value and attitude towards RBA. This study is novel is it is the first exploration of RBA in online gaming. In so doing, this study contributes to both marketing and gaming literature and provides valuable insight for marketers and game developers to influence customers to be more receptive to advertisements in online games