10 research outputs found

    WebAL Comes of Age: A review of the first 21 years of Artificial Life on the Web

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    We present a survey of the first 21 years of web-based artificial life (WebAL) research and applications, broadly construed to include the many different ways in which artificial life and web technologies might intersect. Our survey covers the period from 1994—when the first WebAL work appeared—up to the present day, together with a brief discussion of relevant precursors. We examine recent projects, from 2010–2015, in greater detail in order to highlight the current state of the art. We follow the survey with a discussion of common themes and methodologies that can be observed in recent work and identify a number of likely directions for future work in this exciting area

    QoE on media deliveriy in 5G environments

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    231 p.5G expandirĂĄ las redes mĂłviles con un mayor ancho de banda, menor latencia y la capacidad de proveer conectividad de forma masiva y sin fallos. Los usuarios de servicios multimedia esperan una experiencia de reproducciĂłn multimedia fluida que se adapte de forma dinĂĄmica a los intereses del usuario y a su contexto de movilidad. Sin embargo, la red, adoptando una posiciĂłn neutral, no ayuda a fortalecer los parĂĄmetros que inciden en la calidad de experiencia. En consecuencia, las soluciones diseñadas para realizar un envĂ­o de trĂĄfico multimedia de forma dinĂĄmica y eficiente cobran un especial interĂ©s. Para mejorar la calidad de la experiencia de servicios multimedia en entornos 5G la investigaciĂłn llevada a cabo en esta tesis ha diseñado un sistema mĂșltiple, basado en cuatro contribuciones.El primer mecanismo, SaW, crea una granja elĂĄstica de recursos de computaciĂłn que ejecutan tareas de anĂĄlisis multimedia. Los resultados confirman la competitividad de este enfoque respecto a granjas de servidores. El segundo mecanismo, LAMB-DASH, elige la calidad en el reproductor multimedia con un diseño que requiere una baja complejidad de procesamiento. Las pruebas concluyen su habilidad para mejorar la estabilidad, consistencia y uniformidad de la calidad de experiencia entre los clientes que comparten una celda de red. El tercer mecanismo, MEC4FAIR, explota las capacidades 5G de analizar mĂ©tricas del envĂ­o de los diferentes flujos. Los resultados muestran cĂłmo habilita al servicio a coordinar a los diferentes clientes en la celda para mejorar la calidad del servicio. El cuarto mecanismo, CogNet, sirve para provisionar recursos de red y configurar una topologĂ­a capaz de conmutar una demanda estimada y garantizar unas cotas de calidad del servicio. En este caso, los resultados arrojan una mayor precisiĂłn cuando la demanda de un servicio es mayor

    Radio Catchup An interactive Segment-based Radio Listen Again Service

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    Building a semantic search engine with games and crowdsourcing

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    Semantic search engines aim at improving conventional search with semantic information, or meta-data, on the data searched for and/or on the searchers. So far, approaches to semantic search exploit characteristics of the searchers like age, education, or spoken language for selecting and/or ranking search results. Such data allow to build up a semantic search engine as an extension of a conventional search engine. The crawlers of well established search engines like Google, Yahoo! or Bing can index documents but, so far, their capabilities to recognize the intentions of searchers are still rather limited. Indeed, taking into account characteristics of the searchers considerably extend both, the quantity of data to analyse and the dimensionality of the search problem. Well established search engines therefore still focus on general search, that is, "search for all", not on specialized search, that is, "search for a few". This thesis reports on techniques that have been adapted or conceived, deployed, and tested for building a semantic search engine for the very specific context of artworks. In contrast to, for example, the interpretation of X-ray images, the interpretation of artworks is far from being fully automatable. Therefore artwork interpretation has been based on Human Computation, that is, a software-based gathering of contributions by many humans. The approach reported about in this thesis first relies on so called Games With A Purpose, or GWAPs, for this gathering: Casual games provide an incentive for a potentially unlimited community of humans to contribute with their appreciations of artworks. Designing convenient incentives is less trivial than it might seem at first. An ecosystem of games is needed so as to collect the meta-data on artworks intended for. One game generates the data that can serve as input of another game. This results in semantically rich meta-data that can be used for building up a successful semantic search engine. Thus, a first part of this thesis reports on a "game ecosystem" specifically designed from one known game and including several novel games belonging to the following game classes: (1) Description Games for collecting obvious and trivial meta-data, basically the well-known ESP (for extra-sensorial perception) game of Luis von Ahn, (2) the Dissemination Game Eligo generating translations, (3) the Diversification Game Karido aiming at sharpening differences between the objects, that is, the artworks, interpreted and (3) the Integration Games Combino, Sentiment and TagATag that generate structured meta-data. Secondly, the approach to building a semantic search engine reported about in this thesis relies on Higher-Order Singular Value Decomposition (SVD). More precisely, the data and meta-data on artworks gathered with the afore mentioned GWAPs are collected in a tensor, that is a mathematical structure generalising matrices to more than only two dimensions, columns and rows. The dimensions considered are the artwork descriptions, the players, and the artwork themselves. A Higher-Order SVD of this tensor is first used for noise reduction in This thesis reports also on deploying a Higher-Order LSA. The parallel Higher-Order SVD algorithm applied for the Higher-Order LSA and its implementation has been validated on an application related to, but independent from, the semantic search engine for artworks striven for: image compression. This thesis reports on the surprisingly good image compression which can be achieved with Higher-Order SVD. While compression methods based on matrix SVD for each color, the approach reported about in this thesis relies on one single (higher-order) SVD of the whole tensor. This results in both, better quality of the compressed image and in a significant reduction of the memory space needed. Higher-Order SVD is extremely time-consuming what calls for parallel computation. Thus, a step towards automatizing the construction of a semantic search engine for artworks was parallelizing the higher-order SVD method used and running the resulting parallel algorithm on a super-computer. This thesis reports on using Hestenes’ method and R-SVD for parallelising the higher-order SVD. This method is an unconventional choice which is explained and motivated. As of the super-computer needed, this thesis reports on turning the web browsers of the players or searchers into a distributed parallel computer. This is done by a novel specific system and a novel implementation of the MapReduce data framework to data parallelism. Harnessing the web browsers of the players or searchers saves computational power on the server-side. It also scales extremely well with the number of players or searchers because both, playing with and searching for artworks, require human reflection and therefore results in idle local processors that can be brought together into a distributed super-computer.Semantische Suchmaschinen dienen der Verbesserung konventioneller Suche mit semantischen Informationen, oder Metadaten, zu Daten, nach denen gesucht wird, oder zu den Suchenden. Bisher nutzt Semantische Suche Charakteristika von Suchenden wie Alter, Bildung oder gesprochene Sprache fĂŒr die Auswahl und/oder das Ranking von Suchergebnissen. Solche Daten erlauben den Aufbau einer Semantischen Suchmaschine als Erweiterung einer konventionellen Suchmaschine. Die Crawler der fest etablierten Suchmaschinen wie Google, Yahoo! oder Bing können Dokumente indizieren, bisher sind die FĂ€higkeiten eher beschrĂ€nkt, die Absichten von Suchenden zu erkennen. TatsĂ€chlich erweitert die BerĂŒcksichtigung von Charakteristika von Suchenden betrĂ€chtlich beides, die Menge an zu analysierenden Daten und die DimensionalitĂ€t des Such-Problems. Fest etablierte Suchmaschinen fokussieren deswegen stark auf allgemeine Suche, also "Suche fĂŒr alle", nicht auf spezialisierte Suche, also "Suche fĂŒr wenige". Diese Arbeit berichtet von Techniken, die adaptiert oder konzipiert, eingesetzt und getestet wurden, um eine semantische Suchmaschine fĂŒr den sehr speziellen Kontext von Kunstwerken aufzubauen. Im Gegensatz beispielsweise zur Interpretation von Röntgenbildern ist die Interpretation von Kunstwerken weit weg davon gĂ€nzlich automatisiert werden zu können. Deswegen basiert die Interpretation von Kunstwerken auf menschlichen Berechnungen, also Software-basiertes Sammeln von menschlichen BeitrĂ€gen. Der Ansatz, ĂŒber den in dieser Arbeit berichtet wird, beruht auf sogenannten "Games With a Purpose" oder GWAPs die folgendes sammeln: Zwanglose Spiele bieten einen Anreiz fĂŒr eine potenziell unbeschrĂ€nkte Gemeinde von Menschen, mit Ihrer WertschĂ€tzung von Kunstwerken beizutragen. Geeignete Anreize zu entwerfen in weniger trivial als es zuerst scheinen mag. Ein Ökosystem von Spielen wird benötigt, um Metadaten gedacht fĂŒr Kunstwerke zu sammeln. Ein Spiel erzeugt Daten, die als Eingabe fĂŒr ein anderes Spiel dienen können. Dies resultiert in semantisch reichhaltigen Metadaten, die verwendet werden können, um eine erfolgreiche Semantische Suchmaschine aufzubauen. Deswegen berichtet der erste Teil dieser Arbeit von einem "Spiel-Ökosystem", entwickelt auf Basis eines bekannten Spiels und verschiedenen neuartigen Spielen, die zu verschiedenen Spiel-Klassen gehören. (1) Beschreibungs-Spiele zum Sammeln offensichtlicher und trivialer Metadaten, vor allem dem gut bekannten ESP-Spiel (Extra Sensorische Wahrnehmung) von Luis von Ahn, (2) dem Verbreitungs-Spiel Eligo zur Erzeugung von Übersetzungen, (3) dem Diversifikations-Spiel Karido, das Unterschiede zwischen Objekten, also interpretierten Kunstwerken, schĂ€rft und (3) Integrations-Spiele Combino, Sentiment und Tag A Tag, die strukturierte Metadaten erzeugen. Zweitens beruht der Ansatz zum Aufbau einer semantischen Suchmaschine, wie in dieser Arbeit berichtet, auf SingulĂ€rwertzerlegung (SVD) höherer Ordnung. PrĂ€ziser werden die Daten und Metadaten ĂŒber Kunstwerk gesammelt mit den vorher genannten GWAPs in einem Tensor gesammelt, einer mathematischen Struktur zur Generalisierung von Matrizen zu mehr als zwei Dimensionen, Spalten und Zeilen. Die betrachteten Dimensionen sind die Beschreibungen der Kunstwerke, die Spieler, und die Kunstwerke selbst. Eine SingulĂ€rwertzerlegung höherer Ordnung dieses Tensors wird zuerst zur Rauschreduktion verwendet nach der Methode der sogenannten Latenten Semantischen Analyse (LSA). Diese Arbeit berichtet auch ĂŒber die Anwendung einer LSA höherer Ordnung. Der parallele Algorithmus fĂŒr SingulĂ€rwertzerlegungen höherer Ordnung, der fĂŒr LSA höherer Ordnung verwendet wird, und seine Implementierung wurden validiert an einer verwandten aber von der semantischen Suche unabhĂ€ngig angestrebten Anwendung: Bildkompression. Diese Arbeit berichtet von ĂŒberraschend guter Kompression, die mit SingulĂ€rwertzerlegung höherer Ordnung erzielt werden kann. Neben Matrix-SVD-basierten Kompressionsverfahren fĂŒr jede Farbe, beruht der Ansatz wie in dieser Arbeit berichtet auf einer einzigen SVD (höherer Ordnung) auf dem gesamten Tensor. Dies resultiert in beidem, besserer QualitĂ€t von komprimierten Bildern und einer signifikant geringeren des benötigten Speicherplatzes. SingulĂ€rwertzerlegung höherer Ordnung ist extrem zeitaufwĂ€ndig, was parallele Berechnung verlangt. Deswegen war ein Schritt in Richtung Aufbau einer semantischen Suchmaschine fĂŒr Kunstwerke eine Parallelisierung der verwendeten SVD höherer Ordnung auf einem Super-Computer. Diese Arbeit berichtet vom Einsatz der Hestenes’-Methode und R-SVD zur Parallelisierung der SVD höherer Ordnung. Diese Methode ist eine unkonventionell Wahl, die erklĂ€rt und motiviert wird. Ab nun wird ein Super-Computer benötigt. Diese Arbeit berichtet ĂŒber die Wandlung der Webbrowser von Spielern oder Suchenden in einen verteilten Super-Computer. Dies leistet ein neuartiges spezielles System und eine neuartige Implementierung des MapReduce Daten-Frameworks fĂŒr Datenparallelismus. Das Einspannen der Webbrowser von Spielern und Suchenden spart server-seitige Berechnungskraft. Ebenso skaliert die Berechnungskraft so extrem gut mit der Spieleranzahl oder Suchenden, denn beides, Spiel mit oder Suche nach Kunstwerken, benötigt menschliche Reflektion, was deswegen zu ungenutzten lokalen Prozessoren fĂŒhrt, die zu einem verteilten Super-Computer zusammengeschlossen werden können

    Beyond art and narration: video games unleashed

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    La tesi affronta due argomenti principali dei game studies: il videogioco come nuovo medium e come forma d'arte, e le sue possibilitĂ  narrative, proponendo un approccio metodologico teso alla sperimentazione pratica, piĂč che allo studio teorico, considerando perĂČ tutte le recenti (al 2014) teorie in questo campo

    Responsive Environments for Performance, Including Voice, Speech and Whole Body Interaction Techniques

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    For my Master of Arts in the Individualised Program, my practice-based research investigates a design and development framework within an artistic context of responsive environments for performance, including voice, speech and movement interaction techniques. To poetically address issues regarding the way people perform and experience a space, responsive environments, as ambient intelligence systems, should be able to coevolve and auto-adapt to its inhabitants and to the environment. Although relevant work and research has taken place in the fields of interactive art and installations, they primarily concern body tracking, while the potential for voice, spoken or written language, and sound has been left floundering. Positioned at the intersection of design, computation arts, performance and physical spaces, I introduce the role of natural language processing as a tool that aims to non-hierarchically co-construct, augment and mediate human experience, interaction and perception in live events. Furthermore, by adopting different interaction design paradigms and collaborating with artists and performers, I am afforded the opportunity to reproducibly and rigorously investigate the potentialities of such systems under the demands of live improvised situations. In addition, these collaborations with non-digital artists and practitioners allowed me to better reflect on the effectiveness of such systems and re-evaluate the way I am developing them. The understanding of interactivity as a quality that exists between different systems and their ability to converse with and respond to any sensorial input correspondingly impacts the aesthetic and affective experience of the participants (performers and spectators). This allows for redefining the role of the participant from a spectator to a co-creator, as well as the role of the space itself. My practical explorations emerged as two complementary trajectories: the development of a responsive audio-visual Storytelling Space, and a technologically augmented - sound and movement improvisation - performance, Orbital Resonance

    Community memories for sustainable societies: The case of environmental noise

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    Sustainability is the main challenge faced by humanity today on global and local scales. Most environmental problems can be seen as the tragic overexploitation of a commons. In this dissertation we investigate how the latest developments within computer science and ICT can be applied to establish participatory, low-cost tools and practices that enable citizens to monitor, raise awareness about, and contribute to the sustainable management of the commons they rely on, and thereby protect or improve their quality of life. As a general approach we propose the use of community memories – as central data repositories and points of interaction for community members and other stakeholders – and the novel combination of participatory mobile sensing and social tagging – as a low-cost means to collect quantitative and qualitative data about the state of the commons and the health, well-being, behaviour and opinion of those that depend on it. Through applied, interdisciplinary research we develop a concrete solution for a specific, socially relevant problem, namely that of environmental noise – commonly referred to as noise pollution. Under the name NoiseTube we present an operational system that enables a participatory, low-cost approach to the assessment of environmental noise and its impact on citizens’ quality of life. This approach can be applied in the scope of citizen- or authority-led initiatives. The NoiseTube system consists of a sensing application – which turns mobile phones into a sound level meters and allows users to comment on their experience via social tagging – and a community memory – which aggregates and processes data collected by participants anywhere. The system supports and has been tested and deployed at different levels of scale – personal, group and mass sensing. Since May 2009 NoiseTube has been used by hundreds, if not thousands, of people all around the world, allowing us to draw lessons regarding the feasibility of different deployment, collaboration and coordination scenarios for participatory sensing in general. While similar systems have been proposed ours is the completest and most widely used participatory noise mapping solution to date. Our validation experiments demonstrate that the accuracy of mobile phones as sound level meters can be brought to an acceptable level through calibration and statistical reasoning. Through coordinated NoiseTube campaigns with volunteering citizens we establish that participatory noise mapping is a suitable alternative for, or a valuable complement to, conventional methods applied by authorities

    Proceedings of Mathsport international 2017 conference

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    Proceedings of MathSport International 2017 Conference, held in the Botanical Garden of the University of Padua, June 26-28, 2017. MathSport International organizes biennial conferences dedicated to all topics where mathematics and sport meet. Topics include: performance measures, optimization of sports performance, statistics and probability models, mathematical and physical models in sports, competitive strategies, statistics and probability match outcome models, optimal tournament design and scheduling, decision support systems, analysis of rules and adjudication, econometrics in sport, analysis of sporting technologies, financial valuation in sport, e-sports (gaming), betting and sports

    A Statistical Investigation into Factors Affecting Results of One Day International Cricket Matches

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    The effect of playing “home” or “away” and many other factors, such as batting first or second, winning or losing the toss, have been hypothesised as influencing the outcome of major cricket matches. Anecdotally, it has often been noted that Subcontinental sides (India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh) tend to perform much better on the Subcontinent than away from it, whilst England do better in Australia during cooler, damper Australian Summers than during hotter, drier ones. In this paper, focusing on results of men’s One Day International (ODI) matches involving England, we investigate the extent to which a number of factors – including playing home or away (or the continent of the venue), batting or fielding first, winning or losing the toss, the weather conditions during the game, the condition of the pitch, and the strength of each team’s top batting and bowling resources – influence the outcome of matches. By employing a variety of Statistical techniques, we find that the continent of the venue does appear to be a major factor affecting the result, but winning the toss does not. We then use the factors identified as significant in an attempt to build a Binary Logistic Regression Model that will estimate the probability of England winning at various stages of a game. Finally, we use this model to predict the results of some England ODI games not used in training the model