103 research outputs found

    Student profiling in a dispositional learning analytics application using formative assessment

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    How learning disposition data can help us translating learning feedback from a learning analytics application into actionable learning interventions, is the main focus of this empirical study. It extends previous work where the focus was on deriving timely prediction models in a data rich context, encompassing trace data from learning management systems, formative assessment data, e-tutorial trace data as well as learning dispositions. In this same educational context, the current study investigates how the application of cluster analysis based on e-tutorial trace data allows student profiling into different at-risk groups, and how these at-risk groups can be characterized with the help of learning disposition data. It is our conjecture that establishing a chain of antecedent-consequence relationships starting from learning disposition, through student activity in e-tutorials and formative assessment performance, to course performance, adds a crucial dimension to current learning analytics studies: that of profiling students with descriptors that easily lend themselves to the design of educational interventions

    Internet source evaluation: The role of implicit associations and psychophysiological self-regulation

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    This study focused on middle school students\u2019 source evaluation skills as a key component of digital literacy. Specifically, it examined the role of two unexplored individual factors that may affect the evaluation of sources providing information about the controversial topic of the health risks associated with the use of mobile phones. The factors were the implicit association of mobile phone with health or no health, and psychophysiological self-regulation as reflected in basal Heart Rate Variability (HRV). Seventy-two seventh graders read six webpages that provided contrasting information on the unsettled topic of the potential health risks related to the use of mobile phones. Then they were asked to rank-order the six websites along the dimension of reliability (source evaluation). Findings revealed that students were able to discriminate between the most and least reliable websites, justifying their ranking in light of different criteria. However, overall, they were little accurate in rank-ordering all six Internet sources. Both implicit associations and HRV correlated with source evaluation. The interaction between the two individual variables was a significant predictor of participants\u2019 performance in rank-ordering the websites for reliability. A slope analysis revealed that when students had an average psychophysiological self-regulation, the stronger their association of the mobile phone with health, the better their performance on source evaluation. Theoretical and educational significances of the study are discussed

    'You're facing that machine but there's a human being behind it': students' affective experiences on an online doctoral programme

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    Online students use highly emotional language to describe their experiences, indicating that learners do feel a great deal online. This paper draws on Wetherell’s exploration of affective practice to theorise learners’ responses to the pedagogical and technological online environment. Findings of a research project that focused on two cohorts of online doctoral students are presented, including survey responses and interview data. Thematic analysis indicates that participants experienced positive and negative affects circulating around three sites of intensity: a sense of progression; community interaction and assignment feedback. However, narrative analysis of extracts from the interviews reveal a further level of complexity to the data, drawing attention to the unfinished and shifting character of these affects. The paper concludes by pointing to the implications of this research for designing the online environment in ways that will allow students to experience the full potential of online learning

    The Initial Design and Validation of the Teachers\u27 Emotions, Appraisals, and Coping Habits when Facilitating Inquiry-Based Instruction (TEACH-FIBI) Instrument for Science Education

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    Since the mid 1900’s, authors of science reform documents have advocated for teachers to engage in inquiry-based instruction. However, most science teachers, even highly qualified teachers, are not enacting teaching practices that align with what constitutes as proficient inquiry-based instruction. Currently, new science reform documents, in the form of The Framework for K-12 Science Education and the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS), are asking teachers and students to engage in even more rigorous and challenging teaching and learning. Inquiry-based instruction is once again an advocated strategy for accomplishing the high expectations set forth in both documents. Many science teachers are unfamiliar with how to facilitate this type of teaching and learning. This can result in teachers experiencing negative emotional episodes as they struggle to facilitate inquiry-based instruction. Unchecked, these emotional episodes have the potential to adversely alter teacher behavior which might subsequently undermine the goals stated in the most current reform documents. Therefore, it is critical that teachers’ emotions and how they manage their emotions be further researched. This study sought to design an instrument that assesses how science teachers appraise and emotionally respond to challenging situations that can occur when facilitating inquiry lessons. In order to accomplish this, a two phase exploratory sequential mixed methods instrument design and refinement process occurred. This process resulted in a preliminary version of the Teachers’ Emotions, Appraisals, and Coping Habits when Facilitating Inquiry-based Instruction (TEACH-FIBI) instrument for science education. Results show that TEACH-FIBI reliably and validly assesses seven appraisals and that it can also reliably assess the coping habits of the participating teachers. Previous research supports the inter-measurement correlations which speaks to the construct validity of the TEACH-FIBI. Implications and limitations of the study are discussed and future steps to progress the TEACH-FIBI are delineated

    RESCUR : surfing the waves - a resilience curriculum for early years and primary schools - a teacher's guide

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    This book is based on a European Project, RESCUR, financed by the EU LLP Comenius Programme, together with the six Universities taking part in the project, namely the University of Malta (coordinator), University of Crete, Greece, University of Lisbon, Portugal, University of Pavia, Italy, Orebro University, Sweden, and the University of Zagreb, Croatia. The Maltese version of this book is also available in this section.RESCUR Surfing The Waves is a resilience programme for early years and primary schools in Europe developed by six European universities The curriculum seeks to empower vulnerable children at risk of early school leaving, absenteeism, disengagement, bullying, social exclusion and marginalisation through a universal, whole school approach. Amongst its special features, it includes story telling making use of two specially created animal characters, mindfulness activities at the beginning of each session, ready made activities and resources for the classroom teacher, interactive multisensory activities, learners portfolio, take home activities, teacher and self assessment checklists for each theme and subtheme, finger and cloth puppets, theme posters, and activity sheets. The activities are experiential, spiral, developmental, inclusive and make use of the SAFE approach. The programme consists of a Teachers Guide, a Parents Guide, and three manuals of activities and resources for Early Years, Early Primary Years and Late Primary Years respectively. It is available in hard and soft copies and available in English and six other languages (Croatian, Greek, Italian, Maltese, Portugese and Swedish). The Maltese version of this book is also available in this section.peer-reviewe

    Teaching English to the rythm of the brain

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    Ensenyar i aprendre idiomes de manera eficient esdevé cada cop més important, especialment quan es tracta de l'idioma anglès. Els sistemes educatius han de ser capaços de dotar els estudiants de les eines i habilitats necessàries per enfrontar-se a aquest món. Tot i això, encara hi ha marge de millora per aconseguir aquest propòsit. Aquest article cerca contribuir a la millora del procés d'ensenyament-aprenentatge de l'anglès a partir dels descobriments de les neurociències. És una revisió bibliogràfica que proporciona troballes basades en la neurociència per ajudar els professors a facilitar l'aprenentatge de llengües estrangeres. Els avenços en neurotecnologia han permès als neurocientífics observar directament el funcionament del cervell humà. En aquest context se situa el camp interdisciplinari de la neuroeducació. S'especialitza a servir l'educació en proporcionar evidència cerebral rellevant. Aquest estudi va trobar que els mestres han d'estimular la motivació, l'atenció, les emocions i la memòria per ajudar els estudiants a processar i aprendre anglès. Aquest estudi es contextualitza a l'ensenyament d'estudiantat de Secundària. Amb els adolescents, els mestres han de considerar la importància de reduir l'estrès, promoure el sistema de recompenses, utilitzar la varietat a l'ensenyament, enfortir la memòria de treball i fomentar la interacció social, així com una mentalitat de creixement. En observar el llenguatge al cervell, sembla que ambdós hemisferis estan involucrats en el procés del llenguatge, cosa que sembla emfatitzar la importància de proporcionar un entorn d'aprenentatge multimodal ric. A més, tant la memòria declarativa com la processal són sistemes de memòria subjacents a l'adquisició del llenguatge. Tot i això, els adolescents tenen una memòria declarativa més forta. Implica que els professors d'idiomes han d'apel·lar aquests darrers alhora que permeten el desenvolupament de la memòria procedimental. A la llum de les troballes, aquest estudi produeix una guia que exemplifica la incorporació dels principis de la neurociència dins una lliçó d'anglès estàndard. Porta els mestres a considerar les troballes de la neurociència i operar intencionalment; i crear un entorn d'aprenentatge on els docents instrueixin al ritme del cervell i optimitzin les habilitats de l’alumnat.Efficiently teaching and learning languages becomes increasingly important especially when it comes to the English language. Education systems should be able to equip students with adequate tools and skills required to face this world.  However, they still have some room for improvement to achieve that purpose. This article seeks to contribute to the enhancement of the teaching-learning process of English by considering neuroscience discoveries. It is a bibliographic review providing neuroscience-based findings to help teachers facilitate the learning of foreign languages. Advances in neurotechnology have allowed neuroscientists to directly observe the functioning of the human brain. In this context lies the interdisciplinary field of neuroeducation. It specialises at serving education by providing relevant brain evidence. This study found that teachers should stimulate motivation, attention, emotions, and memory to help their students process and learn English. The present study concerns the teaching of high school students. With adolescents, teachers should consider the importance of reducing stress, promoting the reward system, using variety in their teaching, strengthening working memory, and fostering social interaction as well as a growth mindset. Looking at language in the brain, it appears that both hemispheres are involved in the language process which seems to stress the importance to provide for a rich multimodal learning environment. Besides, both the declarative and procedural memory are memory systems underlying language acquisition. However, adolescents have a stronger declarative memory. It entails that language teachers should appeal to the latter while allowing for the development of the procedural memory. In the light of the findings, this study produces a guide which exemplifies the incorporation of neuroscience principles within a standard English lesson. It leads teachers to consider neuroscience findings and operate intentionally. Creating a learning environment where teachers instruct at the rhythm of the brain and students’ skills are optimised.Enseñar y aprender idiomas de manera eficiente se vuelve cada vez más importante. Los sistemas educativos deben ser capaces de dotar a los estudiantes de las herramientas y habilidades necesarias para enfrentarse a este mundo. Sin embargo, todavía tienen margen de mejora para lograr ese propósito. Este artículo busca contribuir a la mejora del proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje del inglés a partir de los descubrimientos de las neurociencias. Es una revisión bibliográfica que proporciona hallazgos basados ​​en la neurociencia para ayudar a los profesores a facilitar el aprendizaje de lenguas extranjeras. Los avances en neurotecnología han permitido a los neurocientíficos observar directamente el funcionamiento del cerebro humano. En este contexto se ubica el campo interdisciplinario de la neuroeducación. Se especializa en servir a la educación al proporcionar evidencia cerebral relevante. Este estudio encontró que los maestros deben estimular la motivación, la atención, las emociones y la memoria para ayudar a sus estudiantes a procesar y aprender inglés. El presente estudio se contextualiza en la enseñanza de estudiantes de Secundaria. Con los adolescentes, los maestros deben considerar la importancia de reducir el estrés, promover el sistema de recompensas, utilizar la variedad en su enseñanza, fortalecer la memoria de trabajo y fomentar la interacción social, así como una mentalidad de crecimiento. Al observar el lenguaje en el cerebro, parece que ambos hemisferios están involucrados en el proceso del lenguaje, lo que parece enfatizar la importancia de proporcionar un entorno de aprendizaje multimodal. Además, tanto la memoria declarativa como la procesal son sistemas de memoria que subyacen a la adquisición del lenguaje. Sin embargo, los adolescentes tienen una memoria declarativa más fuerte. Implica que los profesores deben apelar a estos últimos al tiempo que permiten el desarrollo de la memoria procedimental. A la luz de los hallazgos, este estudio produce una guía ejemplificando la incorporación de los principios de la neurociencia dentro de una lección de inglés estándar. Lleva a los maestros a considerar los hallazgos de la neurociencia y operar intencionalmente; y crear un entorno de aprendizaje donde los profesores instruyan al ritmo del cerebro y se optimicen las habilidades de los estudiantes

    Improving Self-Regulation Skills in Kindergarten Students

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    Many young children have not yet developed social emotional skills. A lack of social emotional learning and self-regulation skills may result in children who may be unable to manage big emotions such as anger. Without the skills to process these big emotions, they may experience conflict in peer relationships leading to them potentially acting out. Children who learn social-emotional skills inherit self-regulation techniques that help combat emotional distress and encourage regulation. In order to support children in developing emotional regulation skills, I have created a two-day lesson for Kindergarteners at Robert Down Elementary school