30 research outputs found

    Digital forensic readiness intelligence crime repository

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    It may not always be possible to conduct a digital (forensic) investigation post-event if there is no process in place to preserve potential digital evidence. This study posits the importance of digital forensic readiness, or forensic-by-design, and presents an approach that can be used to construct a Digital Forensic Readiness Intelligence Repository (DFRIR). Based on the concept of knowledge sharing, the authors leverage this premise to suggest an intelligence repository. Such a repository can be used to cross-reference potential digital evidence (PDE) sources that may help digital investigators during the process. This approach employs a technique of capturing PDE from different sources and creating a DFR repository that can be able to be shared across diverse jurisdictions among digital forensic experts and law enforcement agencies (LEAs), in the form of intelligence. To validate the approach, the study has employed a qualitative approach based on a number of metrics and an analysis of experts\u27 opinion has been incorporated. The DFRIR seeks to maximize the collection of PDE, and reducing the time needed to conduct forensic investigation (e.g., by reducing the time for learning). This study then explains how such an approach can be employed in conjunction with ISO/IEC 27043: 2015

    Modeling of Advanced Threat Actors: Characterization, Categorization and Detection

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    Tesis por compendio[ES] La información y los sistemas que la tratan son un activo a proteger para personas, organizaciones e incluso países enteros. Nuestra dependencia en las tecnologías de la información es cada día mayor, por lo que su seguridad es clave para nuestro bienestar. Los beneficios que estas tecnologías nos proporcionan son incuestionables, pero su uso también introduce riesgos que ligados a nuestra creciente dependencia de las mismas es necesario mitigar. Los actores hostiles avanzados se categorizan principalmente en grupos criminales que buscan un beneficio económico y en países cuyo objetivo es obtener superioridad en ámbitos estratégicos como el comercial o el militar. Estos actores explotan las tecnologías, y en particular el ciberespacio, para lograr sus objetivos. La presente tesis doctoral realiza aportaciones significativas a la caracterización de los actores hostiles avanzados y a la detección de sus actividades. El análisis de sus características es básico no sólo para conocer a estos actores y sus operaciones, sino para facilitar el despliegue de contramedidas que incrementen nuestra seguridad. La detección de dichas operaciones es el primer paso necesario para neutralizarlas, y por tanto para minimizar su impacto. En el ámbito de la caracterización, este trabajo profundiza en el análisis de las tácticas y técnicas de los actores. Dicho análisis siempre es necesario para una correcta detección de las actividades hostiles en el ciberespacio, pero en el caso de los actores avanzados, desde grupos criminales hasta estados, es obligatorio: sus actividades son sigilosas, ya que el éxito de las mismas se basa, en la mayor parte de casos, en no ser detectados por la víctima. En el ámbito de la detección, este trabajo identifica y justifica los requisitos clave para poder establecer una capacidad adecuada frente a los actores hostiles avanzados. Adicionalmente, proporciona las tácticas que deben ser implementadas en los Centros de Operaciones de Seguridad para optimizar sus capacidades de detección y respuesta. Debemos destacar que estas tácticas, estructuradas en forma de kill-chain, permiten no sólo dicha optimización, sino también una aproximación homogénea y estructurada común para todos los centros defensivos. En mi opinión, una de las bases de mi trabajo debe ser la aplicabilidad de los resultados. Por este motivo, el análisis de tácticas y técnicas de los actores de la amenaza está alineado con el principal marco de trabajo público para dicho análisis, MITRE ATT&CK. Los resultados y propuestas de esta investigación pueden ser directamente incluidos en dicho marco, mejorando así la caracterización de los actores hostiles y de sus actividades en el ciberespacio. Adicionalmente, las propuestas para mejorar la detección de dichas actividades son de aplicación directa tanto en los Centros de Operaciones de Seguridad actuales como en las tecnologías de detección más comunes en la industria. De esta forma, este trabajo mejora de forma significativa las capacidades de análisis y detección actuales, y por tanto mejora a su vez la neutralización de operaciones hostiles. Estas capacidades incrementan la seguridad global de todo tipo de organizaciones y, en definitiva, de nuestra sociedad.[CA] La informació i els sistemas que la tracten són un actiu a protegir per a persones, organitzacions i fins i tot països sencers. La nostra dependència en les tecnologies de la informació es cada dia major, i per aixó la nostra seguretat és clau per al nostre benestar. Els beneficis que aquestes tecnologies ens proporcionen són inqüestionables, però el seu ús també introdueix riscos que, lligats a la nostra creixent dependència de les mateixes és necessari mitigar. Els actors hostils avançats es categoritzen principalment en grups criminals que busquen un benefici econòmic i en països el objectiu dels quals és obtindre superioritat en àmbits estratègics, com ara el comercial o el militar. Aquests actors exploten les tecnologies, i en particular el ciberespai, per a aconseguir els seus objectius. La present tesi doctoral realitza aportacions significatives a la caracterització dels actors hostils avançats i a la detecció de les seves activitats. L'anàlisi de les seves característiques és bàsic no solament per a conéixer a aquests actors i les seves operacions, sinó per a facilitar el desplegament de contramesures que incrementen la nostra seguretat. La detección de aquestes operacions és el primer pas necessari per a netralitzar-les, i per tant, per a minimitzar el seu impacte. En l'àmbit de la caracterització, aquest treball aprofundeix en l'anàlisi de lestàctiques i tècniques dels actors. Aquesta anàlisi sempre és necessària per a una correcta detecció de les activitats hostils en el ciberespai, però en el cas dels actors avançats, des de grups criminals fins a estats, és obligatòria: les seves activitats són sigiloses, ja que l'éxit de les mateixes es basa, en la major part de casos, en no ser detectats per la víctima. En l'àmbit de la detecció, aquest treball identifica i justifica els requisits clau per a poder establir una capacitat adequada front als actors hostils avançats. Adicionalment, proporciona les tàctiques que han de ser implementades en els Centres d'Operacions de Seguretat per a optimitzar les seves capacitats de detecció i resposta. Hem de destacar que aquestes tàctiques, estructurades en forma de kill-chain, permiteixen no només aquesta optimització, sinò tambié una aproximació homogènia i estructurada comú per a tots els centres defensius. En la meva opinio, una de les bases del meu treball ha de ser l'aplicabilitat dels resultats. Per això, l'anàlisi de táctiques i tècniques dels actors de l'amenaça està alineada amb el principal marc públic de treball per a aquesta anàlisi, MITRE ATT&CK. Els resultats i propostes d'aquesta investigació poden ser directament inclosos en aquest marc, millorant així la caracterització dels actors hostils i les seves activitats en el ciberespai. Addicionalment, les propostes per a millorar la detecció d'aquestes activitats són d'aplicació directa tant als Centres d'Operacions de Seguretat actuals com en les tecnologies de detecció més comuns de la industria. D'aquesta forma, aquest treball millora de forma significativa les capacitats d'anàlisi i detecció actuals, i per tant millora alhora la neutralització d'operacions hostils. Aquestes capacitats incrementen la seguretat global de tot tipus d'organitzacions i, en definitiva, de la nostra societat.[EN] Information and its related technologies are a critical asset to protect for people, organizations and even whole countries. Our dependency on information technologies increases every day, so their security is a key issue for our wellness. The benefits that information technologies provide are questionless, but their usage also presents risks that, linked to our growing dependency on technologies, we must mitigate. Advanced threat actors are mainly categorized in criminal gangs, with an economic goal, and countries, whose goal is to gain superiority in strategic affairs such as commercial or military ones. These actors exploit technologies, particularly cyberspace, to achieve their goals. This PhD Thesis significantly contributes to advanced threat actors' categorization and to the detection of their hostile activities. The analysis of their features is a must not only to know better these actors and their operations, but also to ease the deployment of countermeasures that increase our security. The detection of these operations is a mandatory first step to neutralize them, so to minimize their impact. Regarding characterization, this work delves into the analysis of advanced threat actors' tactics and techniques. This analysis is always required for an accurate detection of hostile activities in cyberspace, but in the particular case of advances threat actors, from criminal gangs to nation-states, it is mandatory: their activities are stealthy, as their success in most cases relies on not being detected by the target. Regarding detection, this work identifies and justifies the key requirements to establish an accurate response capability to face advanced threat actors. In addition, this work defines the tactics to be deployed in Security Operations Centers to optimize their detection and response capabilities. It is important to highlight that these tactics, with a kill-chain arrangement, allow not only this optimization, but particularly a homogeneous and structured approach, common to all defensive centers. In my opinion, one of the main bases of my work must be the applicability of its results. For this reason, the analysis of threat actors' tactics and techniques is aligned with the main public framework for this analysis, MITRE ATT&CK. The results and proposals from this research can be directly included in this framework, improving the threat actors' characterization, as well as their cyberspace activities' one. In addition, the proposals to improve these activities' detection are directly applicable both in current Security Operations Centers and in common industry technologies. In this way, I consider that this work significantly improves current analysis and detection capabilities, and at the same time it improves hostile operations' neutralization. These capabilities increase global security for all kind of organizations and, definitely, for our whole society.Villalón Huerta, A. (2023). Modeling of Advanced Threat Actors: Characterization, Categorization and Detection [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/193855Compendi

    A cyber exercise post assessment framework: In Malaysia perspectives

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    Critical infrastructures are based on complex systems that provide vital services to the nation. The complexities of the interconnected networks, each managed by individual organisations, if not properly secured, could offer vulnerabilities that threaten other organisations’ systems that depend on their services. This thesis argues that the awareness of interdependencies among critical sectors needs to be increased. Managing and securing critical infrastructure is not isolated responsibility of a government or an individual organisation. There is a need for a strong collaboration among critical service providers of public and private organisations in protecting critical information infrastructure. Cyber exercises have been incorporated in national cyber security strategies as part of critical information infrastructure protection. However, organising a cyber exercise involved multi sectors is challenging due to the diversity of participants’ background, working environments and incidents response policies. How well the lessons learned from the cyber exercise and how it can be transferred to the participating organisations is still a looming question. In order to understand the implications of cyber exercises on what participants have learnt and how it benefits participants’ organisation, a Cyber Exercise Post Assessment (CEPA) framework was proposed in this research. The CEPA framework consists of two parts. The first part aims to investigate the lessons learnt by participants from a cyber exercise using the four levels of the Kirkpatrick Training Model to identify their perceptions on reaction, learning, behaviour and results of the exercise. The second part investigates the Organisation Cyber Resilience (OCR) of participating sectors. The framework was used to study the impact of the cyber exercise called X Maya in Malaysia. Data collected through interviews with X Maya 5 participants were coded and categorised based on four levels according to the Kirkpatrick Training Model, while online surveys distributed to ten Critical National Information Infrastructure (CNII) sectors participated in the exercise. The survey used the C-Suite Executive Checklist developed by World Economic Forum in 2012. To ensure the suitability of the tool used to investigate the OCR, a reliability test conducted on the survey items showed high internal consistency results. Finally, individual OCR scores were used to develop the OCR Maturity Model to provide the organisation cyber resilience perspectives of the ten CNII sectors

    The Counter-testimony of the Maker

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    The chapter begins with the question of critique, mainly how and why does one critique but more importantly why does no one critique effectively anymore. Such is a sentiment echoed by Bruno Latour in the paper Why has Critique Run out of Steam? He states: “It does not seem to me that we have been as quick, in academia, to prepare ourselves for new threats, new dangers, new tasks, new targets. Are we not like those mechanical toys that endlessly make the same gesture when everything else has changed around them?”(Latour, 2004:225). According to Latour, the absence of principles is to blame. As he puts it, critique has battered through all claims to a ground and the lack of a sure ground argument has backfired. The result is that there isn’t even a sure ground for criticism. Without a ground, it’s hard to differentiate a rigorous critical claim from a conspiracy theory. That’s why conspiracy theory books are best sellers. Latour mourns the death of critique. In its remnants lies a whole industry denying the Apollo program. My claim is that the absence of principles transforms critique into an issue around the strength of evidence and the credibility of the testimony. Effective critique is synonymous with a counter-testimony of a reliable witness. A witness is someone who is present at the time of an event, often a crime, and is able to testify before the law. They are able to give direct evidence in relation to the events. However, they often rely on foggy memories and blurred vision. It is not too difficult for the defence or prosecution to put the reliability or credibility of the witness in doubt. Here is where the role of making comes into play. More often than not, in the post-critical age, a testimony, or counter-testimony, is not simply uttered but is rather constructed. Latour is the first to admit that a critique has to be made. As such the eyewitness is no longer a person but a photograph, a video or other forms of surveillance. Juries are more decisive when they are presented with the facts, the evidence, more often submitted as objects as opposed to a fuzzy testimony of a witness. Critique, or counter-testimony, is a material process enabled by infrastructure. Is a practice-based question of physics, chemistry and the material forms of agency. Given all this this chapter explores further the role of critical making as counter-testimony. From aesthetic practices of forensics, counter-forensics to the role of labs in media archaeology and investigative practices, I will tell the story of makers that present their objects as a counter-narrative to pressing socio-political issues. More importantly, however, I will address the issue of how critical making practices can establish credibility in a world of fakes and loss of belief

    Conference on Grey Literature and Repositories

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