24 research outputs found

    Digitale Datenbanken: Eine Medientheorie im Zeitalter von Big Data

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    Wir leben längst nicht mehr nur im Informationszeitalter, sondern in der Ära von Big Data. In dieser steht die Datenbank gleichzeitig für die riesigen Erkenntnispotenziale von Informationssammlungen wie für die bedrohlichen Informationsexzesse der digitalen Medienkultur. Zudem bezeichnet der Begriff konkrete Technologien und Verfahren der Sammlung und Bereitstellung von digitalen Informationen. Zwischen diesen sehr unterschiedlichen Auffassungen gilt es, Datenbanken medientheoretisch zu verorten. Marcus Burkhardt zeichnet die Geschichte der Datenbanken nach und fragt, wie technische Verfahren der Verwaltung digitaler Informationen bedingen, was auf welche Weise in Datenbanken gefunden und durch sie gewusst werden kann.We have long moved on from a mere information age to the era of big data. Here, databases represent both the enormous potential for gaining knowledge of data collection and the alarming information excesses of digital culture. Furthermore, the term refers to concrete technologies and processes of gathering and accessing digital information. Media theory has to locate databases in between these very different conceptions. Marcus Burkhardt retraces the history of databases and asks how technical procedures of processing digital information determine what can be found how in databases and what knowledge can be gained through them

    Digitale Datenbanken

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    We have long moved on from a mere information age to the era of big data. Here, databases represent both the enormous potential for gaining knowledge of data collection and the alarming information excesses of digital culture. Furthermore, the term refers to concrete technologies and processes of gathering and accessing digital information. Media theory has to locate databases in between these very different conceptions. Marcus Burkhardt retraces the history of databases and asks how technical procedures of processing digital information determine what can be found how in databases and what knowledge can be gained through them

    Role-based Data Management

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    Database systems build an integral component of today’s software systems and as such they are the central point for storing and sharing a software system’s data while ensuring global data consistency at the same time. Introducing the primitives of roles and their accompanied metatype distinction in modeling and programming languages, results in a novel paradigm of designing, extending, and programming modern software systems. In detail, roles as modeling concept enable a separation of concerns within an entity. Along with its rigid core, an entity may acquire various roles in different contexts during its lifetime and thus, adapts its behavior and structure dynamically during runtime. Unfortunately, database systems, as important component and global consistency provider of such systems, do not keep pace with this trend. The absence of a metatype distinction, in terms of an entity’s separation of concerns, in the database system results in various problems for the software system in general, for the application developers, and finally for the database system itself. In case of relational database systems, these problems are concentrated under the term role-relational impedance mismatch. In particular, the whole software system is designed by using different semantics on various layers. In case of role-based software systems in combination with relational database systems this gap in semantics between applications and the database system increases dramatically. Consequently, the database system cannot directly represent the richer semantics of roles as well as the accompanied consistency constraints. These constraints have to be ensured by the applications and the database system loses its single point of truth characteristic in the software system. As the applications are in charge of guaranteeing global consistency, their development requires more effort in data management. Moreover, the software system’s data management is distributed over several layers, which results in an unstructured software system architecture. To overcome the role-relational impedance mismatch and bring the database system back in its rightful position as single point of truth in a software system, this thesis introduces the novel and tripartite RSQL approach. It combines a novel database model that represents the metatype distinction as first class citizen in a database system, an adapted query language on the database model’s basis, and finally a proper result representation. Precisely, RSQL’s logical database model introduces Dynamic Data Types, to directly represent the separation of concerns within an entity type on the schema level. On the instance level, the database model defines the notion of a Dynamic Tuple that combines an entity with the notion of roles and thus, allows for dynamic structure adaptations during runtime without changing an entity’s overall type. These definitions build the main data structures on which the database system operates. Moreover, formal operators connecting the query language statements with the database model data structures, complete the database model. The query language, as external database system interface, features an individual data definition, data manipulation, and data query language. Their statements directly represent the metatype distinction to address Dynamic Data Types and Dynamic Tuples, respectively. As a consequence of the novel data structures, the query processing of Dynamic Tuples is completely redesigned. As last piece for a complete database integration of a role-based notion and its accompanied metatype distinction, we specify the RSQL Result Net as result representation. It provides a novel result structure and features functionalities to navigate through query results. Finally, we evaluate all three RSQL components in comparison to a relational database system. This assessment clearly demonstrates the benefits of the roles concept’s full database integration

    Штучний інтелект

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    Funding: Research, preparation of materials and preparation of the textbook were carried out under the project – grant no. PPI/KAT/2019/1/00015/U/00001 "Cognitive technologies – second-cycle studies in English" and were carried under the KATAMARAN program Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange (NAWA). The program is co-financed by the European Social Fund under the Knowledge Education Development Operational Program, a non-competition project entitled "Supporting the institutional capacity of Polish universities through the creation and implementation of international study programs" implemented under Measure 3.3. Internationalization of Polish higher education, specified in the application for project funding no. POWR.03.03.00-00-PN 16/18. The project was carried out in cooperation with the Silesian University of Technology (project leader – Poland) and the Kiev National University of Construction and Architecture (project partner – Ukraine).Фінансування: Дослідження, підготовка матеріалів та підготовка підручника були здійснені в рамках проекту - грант №. PPI/KAT/2019/1/00015/U/00001 "Когнітивні технології-навчання другого циклу англійською мовою", які здійснювалися за програмою КАТАМАРАН Польське національне агентство академічного обміну (NAWA) . Програма спільно фінансується Європейським соціальним фондом у рамках програми "Знання" Оперативна програма розвитку освіти, позаконкурентний проект під назвою "Підтримка інституційної спроможності польських університетів через створення та реалізація міжнародних навчальних програм ", що реалізуються відповідно до Заходу 3.3. Інтернаціоналізація польської вищої освіти, зазначена у заявці на фінансування проекту POWR.03.03.00-00-PN 16/18. Проект здійснювався у співпраці з Сілезьким технологічним університетом (керівник проекту - Польща) та Київським національним університетом будівництва та архітектури (партнер проекту - Україна)

    Engines of Order

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    Over the last decades, and in particular since the widespread adoption of the Internet, encounters with algorithmic procedures for ‘information retrieval’ – the activity of getting some piece of information out of a col-lection or repository of some kind – have become everyday experiences for most people in large parts of the world

    National freight transport planning: towards a Strategic Planning Extranet Decision Support System (SPEDSS)

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    This thesis provides a `proof-of-concept' prototype and a design architecture for a Object Oriented (00) database towards the development of a Decision Support System (DSS) for the national freight transport planning problem. Both governments and industry require a Strategic Planning Extranet Decision Support System (SPEDSS) for their effective management of the national Freight Transport Networks (FTN). This thesis addresses the three key problems for the development of a SPEDSS to facilitate national strategic freight planning: 1) scope and scale of data available and required; 2) scope and scale of existing models; and 3) construction of the software. The research approach taken embodies systems thinking and includes the use of: Object Oriented Analysis and Design (OOA/D) for problem encapsulation and database design; artificial neural network (and proposed rule extraction) for knowledge acquisition of the United States FTN data set; and an iterative Object Oriented (00) software design for the development of a `proof-of-concept' prototype. The research findings demonstrate that an 00 approach along with the use of 00 methodologies and technologies coupled with artificial neural networks (ANNs) offers a robust and flexible methodology for the analysis of the FTN problem domain and the design architecture of an Extranet based SPEDSS. The objectives of this research were to: 1) identify and analyse current problems and proposed solutions facing industry and governments in strategic transportation planning; 2) determine the functional requirements of an FTN SPEDSS; 3) perform a feasibility analysis for building a FTN SPEDSS `proof-of-concept' prototype and (00) database design; 4) develop a methodology for a national `internet-enabled' SPEDSS model and database; 5) construct a `proof-of-concept' prototype for a SPEDSS encapsulating identified user requirements; 6) develop a methodology to resolve the issue of the scale of data and data knowledge acquisition which would act as the `intelligence' within a SPDSS; 7) implement the data methodology using Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) towards the validation of it; and 8) make recommendations for national freight transportation strategic planning and further research required to fulfil the needs of governments and industry. This thesis includes: an 00 database design for encapsulation of the FTN; an `internet-enabled' Dynamic Modelling Methodology (DMM) for the virtual modelling of the FTNs; a Unified Modelling Language (UML) `proof-of-concept' prototype; and conclusions and recommendations for further collaborative research are identified

    Narrativas Dinámicas. Estructuras Interactivas de los Nuevos Medios en la Red

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    Siendo las bases de datos el centro del proceso creativo en la era del ordenador1 (Manovich) y siendo su medio de elección, Internet, partiendo de la hipótesis de que para que se adapten a este espacio las narrativas dinámicas deben amoldarse a las características inherentes al mismo, haciendo uso de las bases de datos - esto debe ser su enfoque principal para la supervivencia en este medio. Como forma de adaptar la narrativa a Internet, en esta investigación se distinguen dos modos que pueden completar ideas así como proyectos presentes y emergentes: la primera se titula bionarrativas ¿ se trata de estructuras que se auto generan, infinitas, que se construyen y se desarrollan sin control alguno del autor y siguen libremente sin la opción de encontrar un fin; la segunda se titula narrativas ecológicas - estructuras narrativas que se recrean, o no, a través de la intervención colaborativa, y cuya principal característica es hacer uso de bases de datos existentes, en el sentido de la remix, recontextualizándolas a través de enlaces semióticos (aquí entran todos los datos multimedia, como el vídeo, la fotografía, las imágenes gráficas, la animación, el sonido, el texto u otros elementos medias mezclados), que se podrán adaptar a estructuras prediseñadas. Para representar estos dos modos se han creado estructuras narrativas orgánicas, basadas en las ya existentes y en las propuestas realizadas, entre ellas podemos destacar: la acción injerto y la computación ubicua como las posibilidades futuras que serán desarrolladas en las narrativas dinámicas en línea, permitiendo el entendimiento de la principal rivalidad en las narrativas - la inmersión y la interactividad. La implicación humano-humano puede ser mucho más inmersiva que la Inteligencia artificial y puede facilitar más posibilidades de crear algo inesperado y no previsto por el autor de la estructura. El arte en red está entorno al ser humano y en lo referente a las narrativas, ellas también deberán estar basadas en el factor presencia y acción colaborativa del mismo.Moreira Abrantes Ferreira Da Silva, ME. (2013). Narrativas Dinámicas. Estructuras Interactivas de los Nuevos Medios en la Red [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/31382TESI