138,994 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Metode Pengupasan, Lama Hot Waterblanching Dan Proporsi Tapioka Terhadap Sifat Kimia,Fisikokimia Dan Sensori Chips Koro Pedang

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    Koro pedang (Canavalia ensiformis L.)berpotensi sebagai sumber protein untuk bahan pangan pengganti kedelai karena keseimbangan asam aminonya yang baik.Salah satu upaya pemanfaatan koro pedang adalah dengan pembuatan chips koro pedang. Akan tetapi, saat ini masyarakat belum memanfaatkannya secara optimal karena karakteristik fisiknya yang mempunyai kulit luar dan daging kacang yang sangat keras serta adanya zat antigizi. Perlakuan metode pengupasan menggunakan NaOH dan CaCO3 serta hot water blanching merupakan upaya dalam mengurangi permasalahan tersebut.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: 1) Mengetahui pengaruh perbedaan metode pengupasan kacang koro dengan larutan NaOH dan CaCO3, 2) Menetapkan waktu hot water blanching yang optimal, 3) Menetapkan proporsi tepung koro dan tapioka yang sesuai untuk pembuatan chips, 4) Menetapkan kombinasi perlakuan terbaik terhadap sifat kimia, fisikokimia dan sensori chips yang dihasilkan. Rancangan percobaan yang digunakan adalah Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK ). Faktor yang diteliti yaitu metode pengupasan (M ): M1= larutan NaOH 3% panas selama 7 menit, M2= perendaman larutan CaCO3 15% selama 1 jam, lama hot water blanching (H ): H1= 30 menit dan H2= 40 menit serta proporsi tepung koro-tapioka b/b (P ): P1= 60 : 40, P2= 70 : 30, P3= 80 : 20. Perlakuan disusun secara faktorial dengan 12 kombinasi perlakuan dan 3 kali ulangan sehingga diperoleh 36 unit percobaan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa metode pengupasan dengan larutan CaCO3 menghasilkan kadar air yang lebih rendah dan tekstur chips lebih renyah dibanding pengupasan dengan larutan NaOH. Lama hot water blanching yang baik adalah 30 menit yang menghasilkan kadar air dan absorbsi minyak yang lebih rendah pada chips koro pedang. Proporsi tepung koro-tapioka yang menghasilkan tekstur renyah, flavor enak dan tingkat kesukaan yang tinggi adalah 60:40%b/b. Kombinasi perlakuan terbaik chips koro pedang adalahM2H1P1 (pengupasan dengan larutan CaCO3, hot water blanching 30 menit, dan proporsi tepung koro-tapioka 60:40 b/b)yang memiliki absorbsi minyak 7,77 %, derajat pengembangan 26,82 %, kadar air 8,31 %bb, kadar abu 4,02%bb (4,38%bk), kadar protein 11,89%bb (12,97%bk), lemak 0,92%bb (1%bk), karbohidrat (by difference ) 74,86%bb (81,64%bk), nilai rasa kacang 3,32 (agak terasa ), tekstur 4,13 (renyah ), flavor 3,87 (enak), dan kesukaan 3,84 (suka )

    Screening Environmental Impact Reduction Enabled by Brass Reclamation through Hot Forging Operations

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    The traditional method for recycling brass chips is to send the scrap back to the material manufacturer for re-melting. Alternatively, brass chips can be reclaimed through hot forging operations at the production site. As an initial screening of the environmental impact of this novel reclamation method, the impacts of this new method was compared to conventional brass production (including recycling) for a specific part. These two production routes were compared in terms of cumulative energy demand and climate change impact. The comparison between the two production routes showed that the new reclamation method reduced the cumulative energy demand with 29 % and climate change impact with 30 % for production of a specific part compared to conventional recycling. It is, however, important to note that the material produced using hot forging reclamation method have slightly lower mechanical properties as compared to the traditionally recycled material. Currently the novel recycling method is only tested in lab scale and therefore, further studies are needed in order to fully assess the environmental impacts of the new reclamation method compared to conventional brass production

    Coniferous bark hot steam treatment for the elimination of the pinewood nematode

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    In order to develop an artificial heat treatment to eliminate the pinewood nematode (PWN), Bursaphelenchus xylophilus, from coniferous bark, an industrial equipment, based on hot steam was build up which enables continuous bark treatment for more than 30 min with temperatures above 80ºC. Biological assays were performed using experimental units (bags) with Pinus pinaster bark and wood chips containing more than 100 000 PWN (.60% third dispersal juvenile s tage). The bags were heat treated for 30 min and the temperature inside monitored by temperature probes. The total number of live nematodes was quantified immediately after treatment and after incubation (25ºC for 15 days) and in both situations no nematodes were detected revealing efficacy in eliminating PWN from coniferous bark

    EUV Spectra of the Full Solar Disk: Analysis and Results of the Cosmic Hot Interstellar Plasma Spectrometer (CHIPS)

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    We analyze EUV spectra of the full solar disk from the Cosmic Hot Interstellar Plasma Spectrometer (CHIPS) spanning a period of two years. The observations were obtained via a fortuitous off-axis light path in the 140 -- 270 Angstrom passband. The general appearance of the spectra remained relatively stable over the two-year time period, but did show significant variations of up to 25% between two sets of Fe lines that show peak emission at 1 MK and 2 MK. The variations occur at a measured period of 27.2 days and are caused by regions of hotter and cooler plasma rotating into, and out of, the field of view. The CHIANTI spectral code is employed to determine plasma temperatures, densities, and emission measures. A set of five isothermal plasmas fit the full disk spectra well. A 1 -- 2 MK plasma of Fe contributes 85% of the total emission in the CHIPS passband. The standard Differential Emission Measures (DEMs) supplied with the CHIANTI package do not fit the CHIPS spectra well as they over-predict emission at temperatures below log(T) = 6.0 and above log(T) = 6.3. The results are important for cross-calibrating TIMED, SORCE, SOHO/EIT, and CDS/GIS, as well as the recently launched Solar Dynamics Observatory.Comment: 27 Pages, 13 Figure

    Efektifitas Pengeringan Chip Singkong Menggunakan Infrared dan Hot Air Dryer dalam Pembuatan Modified Cassava Flour (MOCAF)

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    Mocaf adalah makanan fungsional yang merupakan modifikasi dari tepung tapioka dengan bantuan proses fermentasi bakteri asam laktat. Nilai fungsional dari mocaf karena mempunyai kadar serat yang lebih besar dari tepung non-modifikasi. Salah satu tahapan dalam pembuatan mocaf pengeringan chips singkong dari hasil proses perendaman proses fermentasi. Umumnya pengeringan dilakukan menggunakan bantuan sinar matahari akan tetapi kualitas produk hasil chip kering tidak dapat dikontrol karena pengaruh cuaca dan musim hujan. Hal ini perlunya dilakukan pengeringan secara otomatis menggunakan hot air ataupun bantuan energi lain seperti radiasi infrared (IR). Penelitian ini bertujuan membandingkan efektifitas pengeringan chip singkong dalam pembuatan tepung mocaf dengan menggunakan dengan dua metode yaitu dengan pengeringan dengan bantuan IR dan hot air pada suhu 30 dan 40 oC dengan respon berupa moisture content tiap satuan waktu. Profil laju pengeringan dan estimasi dari hasil persamaan dari hasil eksperimen dilakukan sebagai dasar untuk estimasi waktu pengeringan. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa profil laju pengeringan semua sampel mempunyai pola yang hampir sama dan hampir berimpit kecuali pada variable IR pada suhu 30 oC. Hasil estimasi waktu pengeringan tiap variable didasarkan dari persaman polynomial orde dua. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa pengeringan chip dengan menggunakan IR pada suhu 40 oC berlangsung selama 13 jam sedangkan hot air pada suhu yang sama selama 15 jam. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pengeringan dengan bantuan IR pada suhu 40 oC masih lebih efektif dibandingkan dengan hot air pada suhu yang sama

    Competitive Foods

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    Describes the types of food items available to middle and high school students in forty California public secondary schools, as well as how well they match the nutrient standards defined in California's SB 12 legislation

    Observations of Diffuse EUV Emission with the Cosmic Hot Interstellar Plasma Spectrometer (CHIPS)

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    The Cosmic Hot Interstellar Plasma Spectrometer (CHIPS) was designed to study diffuse emission from hot gas in the local interstellar cavity in the wavelength range 90 - 265 A. Between launch in January 2003 and early 2004, the instrument was operated in narrow-slit mode, achieving a peak spectral resolution of about 1.4 A FWHM. Observations were carried out preferentially at high galactic latitudes; weighted by observing time, the mean absolute value of the galactic latitude for all narrow-slit observations combined is about 45 degrees. The total integration time is about 13.2 Msec (74% day, 26% night). In the context of a standard collisional ionization equilibrium plasma model, the CHIPS data set tight constraints on the emission measure at temperatures between 10^{5.55} K and 10^{6.4} K. At 10^{6.0} K, the 95% upper limit on the emission measure is about 0.0004 cm^{-6} pc for solar abundance plasma with foreground neutral hydrogen column of 2 x 10^{18} cm^{-2}. This constraint, derived primarily from limits on the extreme ultraviolet emission lines of highly ionized iron, is well below the range for the local hot bubble estimated previously from soft X-ray studies. To support the emission measures inferred previously from X-ray data would require depletions much higher than the moderate values reported previously for hot gas.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figures, 1 tabl

    Analiza uticaja predtretmana vrelom vodom (LHW) na hemijski sastav drvnog iverja

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    The goal of this paper is to analyze the chemical composition of untreated and treated wooden chips from the native narrow-leaved ash (Fraxinus angustifolia Vahl. ssp. Pannonica Soó & Simon). In order to determine the effect of pretreatment with liquid hot water (LHW) on changes in chemical composition, the content of moisture, cellulose, lignin, minerals (ash), extractives soluble in hot water, extractives soluble in organic solvents, for treated and for untreated wooden chips was determined. This was done in accordance with TAPPI and ASTM standard methods. The properties of wooden chips, treated for 30 min and 60 min at a temperature of 100 °C, are compared to untreated wooden chips and changes in the chemical composition that occurred are defined as a result of the applied treatments. The research was performed under controlled conditions in a laboratory, and the results of treatments were the subject of comparative analysis. Applied treatments had a statistically significant effect on decreasing the content of extractives. The content of cellulose and hemicellulose increased in the treated wooden chips compared to untreated wooden chips, while the lignin content did not significantly change.The results were obtained within the master's paperwork of Aleksandar Drpić, "THE INFLUENCE OF WATER PRETREATMENT ON THE PROPERTIES OF CHIPBOARDS" defended at the University of Belgrade, Faculty of Forestry, Serbi

    High yield fabrication process for 3D-stacked ultra-thin chip packages using photo-definable polyimide and symmetry in packages

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    Getting output of multiple chips within the volume of a single chip is the driving force behind development of this novel 3D integration technology, which has a broad range of industrial and medical electronic applications. This goal is achieved in a two-step approach. At first thinned dies are embedded in a polyimide interposer with a fine-pitch metal fan-out resulting Ultra-Thin Chip Packages (UTCP), next these UTCPs are stacked by lamination. Step height at the chip edge of these UTCPs is the major reason of die cracking during the lamination. This paper contains an approach to solve this issue by introduction of an additional layer of interposer which makes it flat at the chip edge and thus the whole packages is named as “Flat-UTCP”. In addition to that, randomness in non-functional package positions per panel reduces the overall yield of the whole process up to certain extent. A detailed analysis on these two issues to improve the process yield is presented in this paper. 3D-stacked memory module composed of 4 EEPROM dies was processed and tested to demonstrate this new concept for enhancing the fabrication yield

    CHIPS Science Investigation: Exploring the Interstellar Medium

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    This booklet describes the interstellar medium and the local bubble that is being studied by NASA’s Cosmic Hot Interstellar Plasma Spectrometer (CHIPS) satellite. It contains review questions and problems for students, plus two activities to help to understand some of the concepts discussed. Educational levels: High school, Undergraduate lower division