19 research outputs found

    A service-enabling framework for the session initiation protocol (SIP)

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    In this dissertation, we propose a framework to provide multimedia communication services. Our proposed framework is based on SIP (Session Initiation Protocol) and has four fundamental properties: it is available, secure, high performing, and oriented to innovations. The framework is not an architecture with a rigid structure. Instead, the framework is a toolkit made up of a set of tools that can be combined in different ways. The combination of these tools provides applications and services with functionality needed to implement a wide variety of multimedia communication services. Applications and services built on top of the framework use different tools within the toolkit in order to provide their desired overall functionality. The functionality provided by the framework includes a number of primitives to be used by applications and services. These primitives mostly relate to multiparty communications and include floor control. The framework also offers support functions that relate to PSTN (Public Switched Telephony Network) interworking, policy control, and consent-based communications. Additionally, the framework contains functions that relate to signalling transport, multihoming, mobility, security, and NAT (Network Address Translation) traversal. The framework also allows building overlay networks when a SIP network infrastructure is not available. In order to test and refine the ideas presented in this dissertation, we have implemented most of them in proof-of-concept prototypes. We have used experiments and simulations to validate our assumptions and obtain new insights

    The design of efficient and secure P2PSIP systems

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    Doktorgradsavhandling i informasjons- og kommunikasjonsteknologi, Universitetet i Agder, Grimstad, 201

    REsource LOcation And Discovery (RELOAD) Base Protocol

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    Network Address Translator Traversal for the Peer-to-Peer Session Initiation Protocol on Mobile Phones

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    Osoitteenmuuntajat sallivat useiden isäntäkoneiden jakavan yhden tai useamman IP osoitteen. Päätös käyttää osoitteenmuuntajia yhtenä ratkaisuna IP osoitteiden ehtymiseen, on myöhemmin tuonut mukanaan lisähaasteita; osoitteenmuuntajat ovat erityisen ongelmallisia vertaisyhteyksille. ICE (Interactive Connectivity Establishment) on osoitteenmuuntajien läpäisymenetelmä, joka auttaa vertaiskoneita luomaan suoran polun osoitteenmuuntajien läsnä ollessa. ICE perustuu suurilta osin STUN (Session Traversal Utilities for NAT) ja TURN (Traversal Using Relays around NAT) -protokolliin. Nykyään vertaissovellukset ovat levinneet matkapuhelimiin, joilla voi myös olla osoitemuutettu osoite. Matkapuhelinten rajoitukset tietäen, on kiinnostavaa tietää osoitteenmuuntajien läpäisymenetelmien soveltuvuus matkapuhelimille P2PSIP:n (Peer-to-Peer Session Initiation Protocol) yhteydessä. SIP:iä käytettiin kommunikointi-istuntojen hallintaan vertaiskoneiden välillä. Toteutimme ICE-prototyypin mitataksemme STUN tai TURN asiakkaana tai palvelimena toimivan matkapuhelimen suorituskykyä huomioiden keskusyksikön kuorman, muistinkäytön, pakettien pudotusmäärän ja akun kulutuksen. Lisäksi työssä tutkittiin ICE:n vaikutusta P2PSIP:n viiveisiin. TURN välityspalvelimen käytön haittapuoli on kasvanut viive ja STUN koteloinnista johtuvat ylimääräiset tavut. Puhelimessa toimivan TURN palvelimen tulee rajoittaa asiakkaiden määrä sekä millaista dataa se voi välittää. Puhelin toimii hyvin STUN palvelimena, etenkin jos yhteyden ylläpitoviestit voidaan jättää huomiotta. Puhelimet voivat toimia osana P2PSIP-verkkoa myös osoitteenmuuntajien läsnä ollessa. On kuitenkin suotavaa, että osoitteenmuuntajat käyttäisivät osoite- ja porttiriippumatonta kuvausta, koska silloin välitystä ei tarvita.Network Address Translators (NATs) allow multiple hosts to share one or more IP addresses. The initial decision to use NATs as one of the solutions to Internet Protocol (IP) address depletion, has later induced further challenges; NATs are specially problematic in connection with peer-to-peer (P2P) communication. Interactive Connectivity Establishment (ICE) is a NAT traversal mechanism that helps peers in creating a direct path in the presence of NATs. ICE largely relies upon utilizing the mechanisms of Session Traversal Utilities for NAT (STUN) and Traversal Using Relays around NAT (TURN) protocols. Nowadays P2P applications are speading to mobile phones that can also have a NATed address. Knowing the constraints of mobile phones, we were interested in the applicability of NAT traversal mechanisms for mobile phones in the context of Peer-to-Peer Session Initiation Protocol (P2PSIP). SIP was used for controlling communication sessions between the peers. We implemented an ICE prototype for measuring CPU load, memory consumption, packet drop rate and battery consumption of a mobile phone acting as a STUN or TURN client or server. Additionally, we measured the impact of ICE on delays in P2PSIP. The downside of relaying messages via a TURN server is the increase in delay and the increased overhead due to STUN encapsulation. A TURN server running on a mobile phone has to limit the number of allocations and the type of data being transmitted through it. A mobile phone works well as STUN server, especially if keepalives can simply be ignored. Mobile phones can act as P2PSIP peers and TURN servers, even in the presence of NATs, however, it is preferable to have NATs using address and port-independent mapping, since then no relaying is needed. [

    Secure Connectivity With Persistent Identities

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    In the current Internet the Internet Protocol address is burdened with two roles. It serves as the identifier and the locator for the host. As the host moves its identity changes with its locator. The research community thinks that the Future Internet will include identifier-locator split in some form. Identifier-locator split is seen as the solution to multiple problems. However, identifier-locator split introduces multiple new problems to the Internet. In this dissertation we concentrate on: the feasibility of using identifier-locator split with legacy applications, securing the resolution steps, using the persistent identity for access control, improving mobility in environments using multiple address families and so improving the disruption tolerance for connectivity. The proposed methods achieve theoretical and practical improvements over the earlier state of the art. To raise the overall awareness, our results have been published in interdisciplinary forums.Nykypäivän Internetissä IP-osoite on kuormitettu kahdella eri roolilla. IP toimii päätelaitteen osoitteena, mutta myös usein sen identiteetinä. Tällöin laitteen identiteetti muuttuu laitteen liikkuessa, koska laitteen osoite vaihtuu. Tutkimusyhteisön mielestä paikan ja identiteetin erottaminen on välttämätöntä tulevaisuuden Internetissä. Paikan ja identiteetin erottaminen tuo kuitenkin esiin joukon uusia ongelmia. Tässä väitöskirjassa keskitytään selvittämään paikan ja identiteetin erottamisen vaikutusta olemassa oleviin verkkoa käyttäviin sovelluksiin, turvaamaan nimien muuntaminen osoitteiksi, helpottamaan pitkäikäisten identiteettien käyttöä pääsyvalvonnassa ja parantamaan yhteyksien mahdollisuuksia selviytyä liikkumisesta usean osoiteperheen ympäristöissä. Väitöskirjassa ehdotetut menetelmät saavuttavat sekä teoreettisia että käytännön etuja verrattuna aiempiin kirjallisuudessa esitettyihin menetelmiin. Saavutetut tulokset on julkaistu eri osa-alojen foorumeilla

    Seventh Biennial Report : June 2003 - March 2005

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    Virtual Reality Games for Motor Rehabilitation

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    This paper presents a fuzzy logic based method to track user satisfaction without the need for devices to monitor users physiological conditions. User satisfaction is the key to any product’s acceptance; computer applications and video games provide a unique opportunity to provide a tailored environment for each user to better suit their needs. We have implemented a non-adaptive fuzzy logic model of emotion, based on the emotional component of the Fuzzy Logic Adaptive Model of Emotion (FLAME) proposed by El-Nasr, to estimate player emotion in UnrealTournament 2004. In this paper we describe the implementation of this system and present the results of one of several play tests. Our research contradicts the current literature that suggests physiological measurements are needed. We show that it is possible to use a software only method to estimate user emotion


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    When most people think of piracy, they think of Bittorrent and The Pirate Bay. These public manifestations of piracy, though, conceal an elite worldwide, underground, organized network of pirate groups who specialize in obtaining media – music, videos, games, and software – before their official sale date and then racing against one another to release the material for free. Warez: The Infrastructure and Aesthetics of Piracy is the first scholarly research book about this underground subculture, which began life in the pre-internet era Bulletin Board Systems and moved to internet File Transfer Protocol servers (“topsites”) in the mid- to late-1990s. The “Scene,” as it is known, is highly illegal in almost every aspect of its operations. The term “Warez” itself refers to pirated media, a derivative of “software.” Taking a deep dive in the documentary evidence produced by the Scene itself, Warez describes the operations and infrastructures an underground culture with its own norms and rules of participation, its own forms of sociality, and its own artistic forms. Even though forms of digital piracy are often framed within ideological terms of equal access to knowledge and culture, Eve uncovers in the Warez Scene a culture of competitive ranking and one-upmanship that is at odds with the often communalist interpretations of piracy. Broad in scope and novel in its approach, Warez is indispensible reading for anyone interested in recent developments in digital culture, access to knowledge and culture, and the infrastructures that support our digital age


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    When most people think of piracy, they think of Bittorrent and The Pirate Bay. These public manifestations of piracy, though, conceal an elite worldwide, underground, organized network of pirate groups who specialize in obtaining media – music, videos, games, and software – before their official sale date and then racing against one another to release the material for free. Warez: The Infrastructure and Aesthetics of Piracy is the first scholarly research book about this underground subculture, which began life in the pre-internet era Bulletin Board Systems and moved to internet File Transfer Protocol servers (“topsites”) in the mid- to late-1990s. The “Scene,” as it is known, is highly illegal in almost every aspect of its operations. The term “Warez” itself refers to pirated media, a derivative of “software.” Taking a deep dive in the documentary evidence produced by the Scene itself, Warez describes the operations and infrastructures an underground culture with its own norms and rules of participation, its own forms of sociality, and its own artistic forms. Even though forms of digital piracy are often framed within ideological terms of equal access to knowledge and culture, Eve uncovers in the Warez Scene a culture of competitive ranking and one-upmanship that is at odds with the often communalist interpretations of piracy. Broad in scope and novel in its approach, Warez is indispensible reading for anyone interested in recent developments in digital culture, access to knowledge and culture, and the infrastructures that support our digital age