6,831 research outputs found

    Homotopy Theoretic Models of Type Theory

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    We introduce the notion of a logical model category which is a Quillen model category satisfying some additional conditions. Those conditions provide enough expressive power that one can soundly interpret dependent products and sums in it. On the other hand, those conditions are easy to check and provide a wide class of models some of which are listed in the paper.Comment: Corrected version of the published articl

    Fibred Fibration Categories

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    We introduce fibred type-theoretic fibration categories which are fibred categories between categorical models of Martin-L\"{o}f type theory. Fibred type-theoretic fibration categories give a categorical description of logical predicates for identity types. As an application, we show a relational parametricity result for homotopy type theory. As a corollary, it follows that every closed term of type of polymorphic endofunctions on a loop space is homotopic to some iterated concatenation of a loop

    The real projective spaces in homotopy type theory

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    Homotopy type theory is a version of Martin-L\"of type theory taking advantage of its homotopical models. In particular, we can use and construct objects of homotopy theory and reason about them using higher inductive types. In this article, we construct the real projective spaces, key players in homotopy theory, as certain higher inductive types in homotopy type theory. The classical definition of RP(n), as the quotient space identifying antipodal points of the n-sphere, does not translate directly to homotopy type theory. Instead, we define RP(n) by induction on n simultaneously with its tautological bundle of 2-element sets. As the base case, we take RP(-1) to be the empty type. In the inductive step, we take RP(n+1) to be the mapping cone of the projection map of the tautological bundle of RP(n), and we use its universal property and the univalence axiom to define the tautological bundle on RP(n+1). By showing that the total space of the tautological bundle of RP(n) is the n-sphere, we retrieve the classical description of RP(n+1) as RP(n) with an (n+1)-cell attached to it. The infinite dimensional real projective space, defined as the sequential colimit of the RP(n) with the canonical inclusion maps, is equivalent to the Eilenberg-MacLane space K(Z/2Z,1), which here arises as the subtype of the universe consisting of 2-element types. Indeed, the infinite dimensional projective space classifies the 0-sphere bundles, which one can think of as synthetic line bundles. These constructions in homotopy type theory further illustrate the utility of homotopy type theory, including the interplay of type theoretic and homotopy theoretic ideas.Comment: 8 pages, to appear in proceedings of LICS 201

    Models of Martin-L\"of type theory from algebraic weak factorisation systems

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    We introduce type-theoretic algebraic weak factorisation systems and show how they give rise to homotopy-theoretic models of Martin-L\"of type theory. This is done by showing that the comprehension category associated to a type-theoretic algebraic weak factorisation system satisfies the assumptions necessary to apply a right adjoint method for splitting comprehension categories. We then provide methods for constructing several examples of type-theoretic algebraic weak factorisation systems, encompassing the existing groupoid model and cubical sets models, as well as some models based on normal fibrationsComment: Changed title (it used to be "Type-theoretic algebraic weak factorisation systems"); rewritten introduction; fixed typos; fixed inaccuracy in Lemma 2.3 spotted by Paige North; added references. 37 page

    Models of Martin-Löf Type Theory from Algebraic Weak Factorisation Systems

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    We introduce type-theoretic algebraic weak factorisation systems and show how they give rise to homotopy-theoretic models of Martin-Löf type theory. This is done by showing that the comprehension category associated to a type-theoretic algebraic weak factorisation system satisfies the assumptions necessary to apply a right adjoint method for splitting comprehension categories. We then provide methods for constructing several examples of type-theoretic algebraic weak factorisation systems, encompassing the existing groupoid and cubical sets models, as well as new models based on normal fibrations

    Two-Level Type Theory and Applications

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    We define and develop two-level type theory (2LTT), a version of Martin-L\"of type theory which combines two different type theories. We refer to them as the inner and the outer type theory. In our case of interest, the inner theory is homotopy type theory (HoTT) which may include univalent universes and higher inductive types. The outer theory is a traditional form of type theory validating uniqueness of identity proofs (UIP). One point of view on it is as internalised meta-theory of the inner type theory. There are two motivations for 2LTT. Firstly, there are certain results about HoTT which are of meta-theoretic nature, such as the statement that semisimplicial types up to level nn can be constructed in HoTT for any externally fixed natural number nn. Such results cannot be expressed in HoTT itself, but they can be formalised and proved in 2LTT, where nn will be a variable in the outer theory. This point of view is inspired by observations about conservativity of presheaf models. Secondly, 2LTT is a framework which is suitable for formulating additional axioms that one might want to add to HoTT. This idea is heavily inspired by Voevodsky's Homotopy Type System (HTS), which constitutes one specific instance of a 2LTT. HTS has an axiom ensuring that the type of natural numbers behaves like the external natural numbers, which allows the construction of a universe of semisimplicial types. In 2LTT, this axiom can be stated simply be asking the inner and outer natural numbers to be isomorphic. After defining 2LTT, we set up a collection of tools with the goal of making 2LTT a convenient language for future developments. As a first such application, we develop the theory of Reedy fibrant diagrams in the style of Shulman. Continuing this line of thought, we suggest a definition of (infinity,1)-category and give some examples.Comment: 53 page
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