72 research outputs found

    Combinatorics of Topological Posets:\ Homotopy complementation formulas

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    We show that the well known {\em homotopy complementation formula} of Bj\"orner and Walker admits several closely related generalizations on different classes of topological posets (lattices). The utility of this technique is demonstrated on some classes of topological posets including the Grassmannian and configuration posets, G~n(R)\widetilde{\mathbf G}_n(R) and expn(X)\exp_n(X) which were introduced and studied by V.~Vassiliev. Among other applications we present a reasonably complete description, in terms of more standard spaces, of homology types of configuration posets expn(Sm)\exp_n(S^m) which leads to a negative answer to a question of Vassilev raised at the workshop ``Geometric Combinatorics'' (MSRI, February 1997)

    Order complexes of noncomplemented lattices are nonevasive

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    We reprove and generalize in a combinatorial way the result of A. Bj\"orner [J.\ Comb.\ Th.\ A {\bf 30}, 1981, pp.~90--100, Theorem 3.3], that order complexes of noncomplemented lattices are contractible, namely by showing that these simplicial complexes are in fact nonevasive, in particular collapsible

    Complexes of not ii-connected graphs

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    Complexes of (not) connected graphs, hypergraphs and their homology appear in the construction of knot invariants given by V. Vassiliev. In this paper we study the complexes of not ii-connected kk-hypergraphs on nn vertices. We show that the complex of not 22-connected graphs has the homotopy type of a wedge of (n2)!(n-2)! spheres of dimension 2n52n-5. This answers one of the questions raised by Vassiliev in connection with knot invariants. For this case the SnS_n-action on the homology of the complex is also determined. For complexes of not 22-connected kk-hypergraphs we provide a formula for the generating function of the Euler characteristic, and we introduce certain lattices of graphs that encode their topology. We also present partial results for some other cases. In particular, we show that the complex of not (n2)(n-2)-connected graphs is Alexander dual to the complex of partial matchings of the complete graph. For not (n3)(n-3)-connected graphs we provide a formula for the generating function of the Euler characteristic

    Chains of modular elements and shellability

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    Let L be a lattice admitting a left-modular chain of length r, not necessarily maximal. We show that if either L is graded or the chain is modular, then the (r-2)-skeleton of L is vertex-decomposable (hence shellable). This proves a conjecture of Hersh. Under certain circumstances, we can find shellings of higher skeleta. For instance, if the left-modular chain consists of every other element of some maximum length chain, then L itself is shellable. We apply these results to give a new characterization of finite solvable groups in terms of the topology of subgroup lattices. Our main tool relaxes the conditions for an EL-labeling, allowing multiple ascending chains as long as they are lexicographically before non-ascending chains. We extend results from the theory of EL-shellable posets to such labelings. The shellability of certain skeleta is one such result. Another is that a poset with such a labeling is homotopy equivalent (by discrete Morse theory) to a cell complex with cells in correspondence to weakly descending chains.Comment: 20 pages, 1 figure; v2 has minor fixes; v3 corrects the technical lemma in Section 4, and improves the exposition throughou

    Homotopy colimits – comparison lemmas for combinatorial applications

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    Dieser Beitrag ist mit Zustimmung des Rechteinhabers aufgrund einer (DFG geförderten) Allianz- bzw. Nationallizenz frei zugänglich.This publication is with permission of the rights owner freely accessible due to an Alliance licence and a national licence (funded by the DFG, German Research Foundation) respectively.We provide a “toolkit” of basic lemmas for the comparison of homotopy types of homotopy colimits of diagrams of spaces over small categories. We show how this toolkit can be used in quite different fields of applications. We demonstrate this with respect to 1. Björner's “Generalized Homotopy Complementation Formula” [5], 2. the topology of toric varieties, 3. the study of homotopy types of arrangements of subspaces, 4. the analysis of homotopy types of subgroup complexes