45 research outputs found

    Cross-layer Optimized Wireless Video Surveillance

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    A wireless video surveillance system contains three major components, the video capture and preprocessing, the video compression and transmission over wireless sensor networks (WSNs), and the video analysis at the receiving end. The coordination of different components is important for improving the end-to-end video quality, especially under the communication resource constraint. Cross-layer control proves to be an efficient measure for optimal system configuration. In this dissertation, we address the problem of implementing cross-layer optimization in the wireless video surveillance system. The thesis work is based on three research projects. In the first project, a single PTU (pan-tilt-unit) camera is used for video object tracking. The problem studied is how to improve the quality of the received video by jointly considering the coding and transmission process. The cross-layer controller determines the optimal coding and transmission parameters, according to the dynamic channel condition and the transmission delay. Multiple error concealment strategies are developed utilizing the special property of the PTU camera motion. In the second project, the binocular PTU camera is adopted for video object tracking. The presented work studied the fast disparity estimation algorithm and the 3D video transcoding over the WSN for real-time applications. The disparity/depth information is estimated in a coarse-to-fine manner using both local and global methods. The transcoding is coordinated by the cross-layer controller based on the channel condition and the data rate constraint, in order to achieve the best view synthesis quality. The third project is applied for multi-camera motion capture in remote healthcare monitoring. The challenge is the resource allocation for multiple video sequences. The presented cross-layer design incorporates the delay sensitive, content-aware video coding and transmission, and the adaptive video coding and transmission to ensure the optimal and balanced quality for the multi-view videos. In these projects, interdisciplinary study is conducted to synergize the surveillance system under the cross-layer optimization framework. Experimental results demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed schemes. The challenges of cross-layer design in existing wireless video surveillance systems are also analyzed to enlighten the future work. Adviser: Song C

    Cross-layer Optimized Wireless Video Surveillance

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    A wireless video surveillance system contains three major components, the video capture and preprocessing, the video compression and transmission over wireless sensor networks (WSNs), and the video analysis at the receiving end. The coordination of different components is important for improving the end-to-end video quality, especially under the communication resource constraint. Cross-layer control proves to be an efficient measure for optimal system configuration. In this dissertation, we address the problem of implementing cross-layer optimization in the wireless video surveillance system. The thesis work is based on three research projects. In the first project, a single PTU (pan-tilt-unit) camera is used for video object tracking. The problem studied is how to improve the quality of the received video by jointly considering the coding and transmission process. The cross-layer controller determines the optimal coding and transmission parameters, according to the dynamic channel condition and the transmission delay. Multiple error concealment strategies are developed utilizing the special property of the PTU camera motion. In the second project, the binocular PTU camera is adopted for video object tracking. The presented work studied the fast disparity estimation algorithm and the 3D video transcoding over the WSN for real-time applications. The disparity/depth information is estimated in a coarse-to-fine manner using both local and global methods. The transcoding is coordinated by the cross-layer controller based on the channel condition and the data rate constraint, in order to achieve the best view synthesis quality. The third project is applied for multi-camera motion capture in remote healthcare monitoring. The challenge is the resource allocation for multiple video sequences. The presented cross-layer design incorporates the delay sensitive, content-aware video coding and transmission, and the adaptive video coding and transmission to ensure the optimal and balanced quality for the multi-view videos. In these projects, interdisciplinary study is conducted to synergize the surveillance system under the cross-layer optimization framework. Experimental results demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed schemes. The challenges of cross-layer design in existing wireless video surveillance systems are also analyzed to enlighten the future work. Adviser: Song C

    Real-Time Computational Gigapixel Multi-Camera Systems

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    The standard cameras are designed to truthfully mimic the human eye and the visual system. In recent years, commercially available cameras are becoming more complex, and offer higher image resolutions than ever before. However, the quality of conventional imaging methods is limited by several parameters, such as the pixel size, lens system, the diffraction limit, etc. The rapid technological advancements, increase in the available computing power, and introduction of Graphics Processing Units (GPU) and Field-Programmable-Gate-Arrays (FPGA) open new possibilities in the computer vision and computer graphics communities. The researchers are now focusing on utilizing the immense computational power offered on the modern processing platforms, to create imaging systems with novel or significantly enhanced capabilities compared to the standard ones. One popular type of the computational imaging systems offering new possibilities is a multi-camera system. This thesis will focus on FPGA-based multi-camera systems that operate in real-time. The aim of themulti-camera systems presented in this thesis is to offer a wide field-of-view (FOV) video coverage at high frame rates. The wide FOV is achieved by constructing a panoramic image from the images acquired by the multi-camera system. Two new real-time computational imaging systems that provide new functionalities and better performance compared to conventional cameras are presented in this thesis. Each camera system design and implementation are analyzed in detail, built and tested in real-time conditions. Panoptic is a miniaturized low-cost multi-camera system that reconstructs a 360 degrees view in real-time. Since it is an easily portable system, it provides means to capture the complete surrounding light field in dynamic environment, such as when mounted on a vehicle or a flying drone. The second presented system, GigaEye II , is a modular high-resolution imaging system that introduces the concept of distributed image processing in the real-time camera systems. This thesis explains in detail howsuch concept can be efficiently used in real-time computational imaging systems. The purpose of computational imaging systems in the form of multi-camera systems does not end with real-time panoramas. The application scope of these cameras is vast. They can be used in 3D cinematography, for broadcasting live events, or for immersive telepresence experience. The final chapter of this thesis presents three potential applications of these systems: object detection and tracking, high dynamic range (HDR) imaging, and observation of multiple regions of interest. Object detection and tracking, and observation of multiple regions of interest are extremely useful and desired capabilities of surveillance systems, in security and defense industry, or in the fast-growing industry of autonomous vehicles. On the other hand, high dynamic range imaging is becoming a common option in the consumer market cameras, and the presented method allows instantaneous capture of HDR videos. Finally, this thesis concludes with the discussion of the real-time multi-camera systems, their advantages, their limitations, and the future predictions

    Online contextual updating in multi-camera scenarios

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    Este proyecto describe un sistema para realizar detección de personas y segmentación semántica en un escenario multicámara. La fusión de estas dos disciplinas tendrá como resultado detecciones de personas contextualmente filtradas. Se ha usado un entorno multicámara para reproyectar detecciones de una cámara a otra. Como ejemplo de uso, datos estadísticos de áreas semánticas concretas en la escena han sido igualmente extraídos. Para lograr una interacción completa con el usuario se ha diseñado una Interfaz de Usuario Gráfica a partir de una aplicación multihilo qué permitirá al usuario definir el entorno de detección de personas, así como mostrar resultados en tiempo real de ejecución. Para poder llevar a cabo estos objetivos un estudio del estado del arte ha sido realizado. Se han analizado los diferentes detectores de personas, haciendo énfasis en aquellos que utilizan propuestas de objetos. Además, se han estudiado nuevos métodos en el entorno de la detección de personas tales como las redes neuronales. Se ha revisado el estado del arte actual sobre la extracción de información contextual, y en concreto, en el uso de la segmentación semántica. Finalmente, las ventajas y desventajas de los escenarios con configuración multicámara se han descrito. Para lograr los objetivos mencionados, se ha propuesto un nuevo sistema que realiza detección de personas bajo diferentes condiciones de filtrado. Se han integrado en el sistema detectores como HOG, DPM, ACF, Fast-RCNN o PSP-Net y además se ha realizado segmentación semántica. Ambas fuentes de información han sido combinadas en un entorno común representado mediante un plano cenital de la escena. Finalmente, el rendimiento del sistema ha sido probado en un data-set generado y manualmente anotado para generar gráficas de rendimiento y estadísticos de uso.This project describes a system to perform pedestrian detection and semantic segmentation in a multi-camera recorded scenario. The fusion of both disciplines leads to contextually filtered pedestrian detection. The multi camera system is used to reproject detections from one camera to the others. As an use example, statistical data usage of specific semantic areas in the scene is also extracted. For user interaction a Graphical User Interface (GUI) based on a multithread application has been designed. The GUI allows the user to define the method setup as well as display results in execution time. In order to carry these tasks out a study of the state of the art has been done. Pedestrian detection approaches are reviewed emphasizing in those that rely on object proposals. Also, recent trends in the task of Pedestrian Detection are analyzed. In addition, current state of the art in the extraction of contextual information and −specifically− on the use of, semantic segmentation is studied. Finally, multi-camera scenarios are also described. A new system has been proposed in order to achieve the objectives and perform pedestrian detections under different filtering and fusion conditions. Detectors such as HOG, DPM, ACF, Fast-RCNN or PSP-Net have been integrated and a complete semantic segmentation has been performed. Both information has been combined in a common developed frame. Finally, system performance has been tested in a generated dataset with manually annotated ground truth

    Crowd detection and counting using a static and dynamic platform: state of the art

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    Automated object detection and crowd density estimation are popular and important area in visual surveillance research. The last decades witnessed many significant research in this field however, it is still a challenging problem for automatic visual surveillance. The ever increase in research of the field of crowd dynamics and crowd motion necessitates a detailed and updated survey of different techniques and trends in this field. This paper presents a survey on crowd detection and crowd density estimation from moving platform and surveys the different methods employed for this purpose. This review category and delineates several detections and counting estimation methods that have been applied for the examination of scenes from static and moving platforms

    Advanced traffic video analytics for robust traffic accident detection

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    Automatic traffic accident detection is an important task in traffic video analysis due to its key applications in developing intelligent transportation systems. Reducing the time delay between the occurrence of an accident and the dispatch of the first responders to the scene may help lower the mortality rate and save lives. Since 1980, many approaches have been presented for the automatic detection of incidents in traffic videos. In this dissertation, some challenging problems for accident detection in traffic videos are discussed and a new framework is presented in order to automatically detect single-vehicle and intersection traffic accidents in real-time. First, a new foreground detection method is applied in order to detect the moving vehicles and subtract the ever-changing background in the traffic video frames captured by static or non-stationary cameras. For the traffic videos captured during day-time, the cast shadows degrade the performance of the foreground detection and road segmentation. A novel cast shadow detection method is therefore presented to detect and remove the shadows cast by moving vehicles and also the shadows cast by static objects on the road. Second, a new method is presented to detect the region of interest (ROI), which applies the location of the moving vehicles and the initial road samples and extracts the discriminating features to segment the road region. After detecting the ROI, the moving direction of the traffic is estimated based on the rationale that the crashed vehicles often make rapid change of direction. Lastly, single-vehicle traffic accidents and trajectory conflicts are detected using the first-order logic decision-making system. The experimental results using publicly available videos and a dataset provided by the New Jersey Department of Transportation (NJDOT) demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed methods. Additionally, the main challenges and future directions are discussed regarding (i) improving the performance of the foreground segmentation, (ii) reducing the computational complexity, and (iii) detecting other types of traffic accidents