9 research outputs found

    Demand Side Management inside a Smart House

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    The upgraded traditional grid, also known as the smart grid, that incorporates information and communications technologies will change not only electricity production but also consumption. In combination with Photovoltaics (PV) and electrical storage, demand side management (DSM) is a promising solution for net-zero energy building (NZEB). NZEB will be able to produce energy for its own needs and also feed a surplus back to the grid. In scientific papers, it has already been proven that the use of electrical energy storage can improve the power quality and store variable production of renewable energy. Smart meters are a step forward because they enable a two-way communication between a customer and a utility. In this way, it will be possible to monitor consumption and electricity prices on the market in real time. Furthermore, this will enable the consumer to turn off devices that are large loads, or let the DSM system known as load management do its job such to reduce energy consumption in a given period. DSM will automatically switch off a big load in a manner that does not disturb user comfort. Smart appliances at the end-user level such as the Internet protocol (IP) addressable appliance controlled by external signals from the utility or end-user will enable load shifting to off-peak periods. Solar radiation is prevalent everywhere and can be used to generate electricity at the point of consumption, thereby reducing the losses in transmission. Only one hour of solar radiation is sufficient to cover the annual consumption; this shows that the future of low-carbon energy production lies in the use of solar radiation


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    Anforderungen an Endkunden-Demand-Response-Informationssysteme

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    Demand Response-Initiativen bieten eine große Chance, einen nachhaltigen Beitrag zur Erreichung umweltrelevanter Ziele zu leisten. Die Vorteile dieser kundenseitig ansetzenden, lastverschiebenden und lastreduzierenden Maßnahmen können heute jedoch auf Grund zahlreicher Problemstellungen noch nicht internalisiert werden. Vor dem Hintergrund der steigenden Anzahl vernetzter Verbraucher in Haushalten (z.B. durch Smart Home-Technologie) bieten sich neue Möglichkeiten zur Anbindung privater Haushalte an Demand Response-Programme. Eine Integration der Energie-Nachfrager erfolgt bisher allerdings hauptsächlich bei gewerblichen Kunden. Die vorliegende Literaturanalyse untersucht daher Anforderungen an die Entwicklung eines endnutzerseitig installierbaren Informationssystems zur Integration vernetzter Verbraucher an Demand Response-Programme und analysiert dabei insbesondere die Rolle des Datenaustausches

    Algoritmos de optimización basados en capacidad y cobertura de redes inalámbricas para la infraestructura de medición avanzada de energía eléctrica

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    The advanced metering infrastructure AMI increasingly takes strength and domain in the world of smart grids, offering numerous applications in different fields: to save human lives, public and private property, to provide an automated environment and comfort for users such networks, etcetera. In this context, smart metering has a major role, and the optimal sizing of a network for it even more, so this paper presents a detailed degree of analysis optimization methods regarding how to group items and It proposes a comparison clustering algorithms in order to determine the most efficient algorithm to cover the capacity of link with smart meters - characteristic of each AP (Access Point) - and coverage - characteristic of each communication standard-, for a smart meters network based on wireless communication standard WiFi. As a result of this analysis it is to obtain the characteristics of each method analyzed under the same conditions both coverage and capacity expressed through graphics and establish the respective conclusions. That is why this research will focus on defining, modeling and simulation methods using K-means clustering, K-medoids and ILP (Integer Linear Programming) expressed as mathematical algorithms in a (500) smart meters network in an Urban residential area which we will call users, considering each method restrictions and objective functions of the network, ensuring a coverage rate of 100% of users located in clusters (groups) and thus providing an optimal solution in terms of time, fewer groups, and equitable distribution of smart meters in the different groups.La infraestructura de medición avanzada AMI toma cada vez con mayor fuerza, dominio en el mundo de las redes inteligentes, brindando numerosas aplicaciones en diferentes campos: para salvar vidas humanas, propiedad pública y privada, para ofrecer un ambiente automatizado y de confort para los usuarios de dichas redes, entre otras. En este ámbito, la medición inteligente tiene un rol trascendental, y el dimensionamiento óptimo de una red para la misma aún más, por lo que el presente trabajo de titulación presenta un análisis detallado sobre métodos de optimización en cuanto a la forma de agrupar ítems y propone una comparación entre algoritmos de agrupación con el fin de determinar el método más eficiente para cubrir tanto en capacidad de enlazar medidores inteligentes - característica propia de cada AP (Access Point)- como en la cobertura - característica propia de cada estándar de comunicación, para una red de medidores inteligentes planteada basada en el estándar de comunicación Wifi. Como consecuencia de este análisis se pretende obtener las características de cada método analizados en las mismas condiciones tanto de cobertura como de capacidad expresadas mediante gráficas y establecer las conclusiones respectivas. Es por esto que esta investigación se centrará en definir, modelar y simular mediante los métodos de agrupación k-means, k-medoids e ILP (Programación Lineal Entera por sus siglas en inglés) expresados como algoritmos matemáticos en una red de quinientos (500) medidores inteligentes en un área residencial urbana a los cuales denominaremos usuarios, teniendo presente para cada método las restricciones y funciones objetivo de dicha red, garantizando un índice de cobertura del 100% de usuarios ubicados en los clústeres (agrupaciones) y de esta manera brindando una solución óptima en cuanto a tiempo, menor número de agrupaciones, y distribución equitativa de medidores en los diferentes grupos

    Microgrid Energy Management

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    In IEEE Standards, a Microgrid is defined as a group of interconnected loads and distributed energy resources with clearly defined electrical boundaries, which acts as a single controllable entity with respect to the grid and can connect and disconnect from the grid to enable it to operate in both grid-connected or island modes. This Special Issue focuses on innovative strategies for the management of the Microgrids and, in response to the call for papers, six high-quality papers were accepted for publication. Consistent with the instructions in the call for papers and with the feedback received from the reviewers, four papers dealt with different types of supervisory energy management systems of Microgrids (i.e., adaptive neuro-fuzzy wavelet-based controls, cost-efficient power-sharing techniques, and two-level hierarchical energy management systems); the proposed energy management systems are of quite general purpose and aim to reduce energy usages and monetary costs. In the last two papers, the authors concentrate their research efforts on the management of specific cases, i.e., Microgrids with electric vehicle charging stations and for all-electric ships

    A peer-to-peer exchange framework for microgrids to improve economic and resilient operation

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    Ph. D. ThesisPeer-to-peer (P2P) exchange is an emerging approach in smart grids which enables users to share their energy production or storage surplus or the flexibility of their demand with other end-users. This provides benefits to both energy producers and consumers. In this work, a P2P exchange framework methodology is developed. It relies on a Time-of-Use (ToU) tariff scheme to value the benefit in time-shifting demand to low cost / low carbon periods. Two groups of stakeholders are considered, the local distribution network operator (DNO) and the microgrid (MG) users. Energy trading follows three principles: First, energy sharing occurs by using the storage and renewable assets of the microgrid. Second, P2P exchange is enabled during the high-tariff period and third, it is based on cooperation to achieve mutual benefits for the DNO and the MG users. The stakeholders share the cost and benefits of P2P energy trading. The main steps of the developed methodology include a battery sizing process, user categorization and priority order, zoning and optimum battery discharging. The electrical limits of transformer and storage inverter power are considered in the process. The developed methodology investigates the benefits gained by the DNO and MG users. Benefits are examined in terms of economic benefits for the stakeholders (profits), system resilience in case of faults, carbon emissions reduction and energy storage lifetime increase. Case studies are used to illustrate the capabilities of the methodology in determining the expected performance of a P2P scheme under a range of conditions and geographical locations. The results show that this method of P2P exchange will have significantly different impacts depending upon the local conditions for demand, generation, resilience standards and tariff structure.Enzen Global Solutions Lt

    Information discovery in multi-dimensional autonomous wireless sensor networks

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     The thesis proposed four novel algorithms of information discovery for Multidimensional Autonomous Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) that can significantly increase network lifetime and minimize query processing latency, resulting in quality of service improvements that are of immense benefit to Multidimensional Autonomous WSNs are deployed in complex environments (e.g., mission-critical applications)

    Home Appliances Coordination Scheme for Energy Management (HACS4EM) Using Wireless Sensor Networks in Smart Grids

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    AbstractIn this paper, a home energy management (HEM) scheme based on appliances coordination has been proposed for future smart grids. This scheme is based on communication among home appliances, a central energy management unit (EMU), smart meter and the storage unit inside home. A wireless sensor home area network (WSHAN) using ZigBee protocol is employed for relaying messages among different entities involved in our proposed HEM scheme. The performance of WSHAN is analyzed with respect to different networking properties. HEM implementation will lead to socially and economically beneficial environment by addressing the consumers’ and utilities concerns. Increased savings, better peak load management and reduction in peak to average ratio are some of the benefits achieved by proposed scheme. Appropriate use of HEMs in a system integrated with distributed resources along with appliances co-ordination and dynamic pricing scheme provides the optimized solutions for energy management issues in smart grids as confirmed by simulation results