59 research outputs found

    Backup and Recovery Mechanisms of Cassandra Database: A Review

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    Cassandra is a NoSQL database having a peer-to-peer, ring-type architecture. Cassandra offers fault-tolerance, data replication for higher availability as well as ensures no single point of failure. Given that Cassandra is a NoSQL database, it is evident that it lacks the amount of research that has gone into comparatively older and more widely and broadly used SQL databases. Cassandra’s growing popularity in recent times gives rise to the need of addressing any security-related or recovery-related concerns associated with its usage. This review paper discusses the existing deletion mechanism in Cassandra and presents some identified issues related to backup and recovery in the Cassandra database. Further, failure detection as well as handling of failures such as node failure or data center failure has been explored in the paper. In addition, several possible solutions to address backup and recovery including recovery in case of disasters have been reviewed

    Techniques intelligentes pour la gestion de la cohérence des Big data dans le cloud

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    Cette thèse aborde le problème de cohérence des données de Bigdata dans le cloud. En effet, nos recherches portent sur l’étude de différentes approches de cohérence adaptative dans le cloud et la proposition d’une nouvelle approche pour l’environnement Edge computing. La gestion de la cohérence a des conséquences majeures pour les systèmes de stockage distribués. Les modèles de cohérence forte nécessitent une synchronisation après chaque mise à jour, ce qui affecte considérablement les performances et la disponibilité du système. À l’inverse, les modèles à faible cohérence offrent de meilleures performances ainsi qu’une meilleure disponibilité des données. Cependant, ces derniers modèles peuvent tolérer trop d’incohérences temporaires sous certaines conditions. Par conséquent, une stratégie de cohérence adaptative est nécessaire pour ajuster, pendant l’exécution, le niveau de cohérence en fonction de la criticité des requêtes ou des données. Cette thèse apporte deux contributions. Dans la première contribution, une analyse comparative des approches de cohérence adaptative existantes est effectuée selon un ensemble de critères de comparaison définis. Ce type de synthèse fournit à l’utilisateur/chercheur une analyse comparative des performances des approches existantes. De plus, il clarifie la pertinence de ces approches pour les systèmes cloud candidats. Dans la seconde contribution, nous proposons MinidoteACE, un nouveau système adaptatif de cohérence qui est une version améliorée de Minidote, un système de cohérence causale pour les applications Edge. Contrairement à Minidote qui ne fournit que la cohérence causale, notre modèle permet aux applications d’exécuter également des requêtes avec des garanties de cohérence plus fortes. Des évaluations expérimentales montrent que le débit ne diminue que de 3,5 % à 10 % lors du remplacement d’une opération causale par une opération forte. Cependant, la latence de mise à jour augmente considérablement pour les opérations fortes jusqu’à trois fois pour une charge de travail où le taux des opérations de mise à jour est de 25 %

    Exploring Cloud Adoption Possibilities for the Manufacturing Sector: A Role of Third-Party Service Providers

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    As the manufacturing sector strides towards digitalization under the influence of Industry 4.0, cloud services have emerged as the new norm, driving change and innovation in this rapidly transforming landscape. This study investigates the possibilities of cloud adoption in the manufacturing sector by developing a conceptual model to identify suitable cloud-based solutions and explores the role of third-party service providers in aiding manufacturers throughout their cloud adoption journey. The research methods consist of a comprehensive literature review of the manufacturing industry, digital transformation, cloud computing, etc., followed by qualitative analyses of industrial benchmarks case studies and an investigation into an application of the developed model to a hypothetical food manufacturing company as an example. This study indicates that cloud adoption can yield substantial benefits in the manufacturing sector, including operational efficiency, cost reduction, and innovation, etc. The study concludes that the developed conceptual model provides a practical framework to identify the most suitable cloud-based solutions during the cloud adoption process in the manufacturing context. In addition, third-party service providers like Capgemini are capable of not only filling the technical gaps but also consulting strategic directions and innovations for their client organizations, hence playing a vital role in driving the industrial digital transformation process. With an extensive mapping of their capabilities, a set of recommendations intended to assist Capgemini in enhancing capabilities and improving competitive performance in the market has been offered

    Supply Chain (micro)TMS development

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    Project Work presented as the partial requirement for obtaining a Master's degree in Information Management, specialization in Information Systems and Technologies ManagementThe rise of technology across many verticals has necessitated the company’s move to digitalization. Despite “XPTO” company a well know player on the retail and success on e‐commerce internal market, they aimed at the strategy of continuous innovation to drive business growth and strengthen their position as a premium brand. They decided to move forward into digitalism inside cloud based solutions to get all the advantages of microservices architecture: optimize logistics and supply chain management, speed up the workflow and maximize service efficiency. An agile organization is not achieved purely by shifting the focus from traditional functional/ technological oriented organizations. The new way to organize teams must reflect all the principles and right segregations of roles, which will be the most immediate and visible disruption and cutover from the traditional way of managing the IT. In this project we aim to use agile framework with development based in house cloud microservice solution for a (micro)TMS solution/system that address the immediate needs imposed by the market in order to use it has competitive advantage

    Engineering Education for the Future

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