5 research outputs found

    Surveying and Three-Dimensional Modeling for Preservation and Structural Analysis of Cultural Heritage

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    Dense point clouds can be used for three important steps in structural analysis, in the field of cultural heritage, regardless of which instrument it was used for acquisition data. Firstly, they allow deriving the geometric part of a finite element (FE) model automatically or semi-automatically. User input is mainly required to complement invisible parts and boundaries of the structure, and to assign meaningful approximate physical parameters. Secondly, FE model obtained from point clouds can be used to estimate better and more precise parameters of the structural analysis, i.e., to train the FE model. Finally, the definition of a correct Level of Detail about the three-dimensional model, deriving from the initial point cloud, can be used to define the limit beyond which the structural analysis is compromised, or anyway less precise. In this work of research, this will be demonstrated using three different case studies of buildings, consisting mainly of masonry, measured through terrestrial laser scanning and photogrammetric acquisitions. This approach is not a typical study for geomatics analysis, but its challenges allow studying benefits and limitations. The results and the proposed approaches could represent a step towards a multidisciplinary approach where Geomatics can play a critical role in the monitoring and civil engineering field. Furthermore, through a geometrical reconstruction, different analyses and comparisons are possible, in order to evaluate how the numerical model is accurate. In fact, the discrepancies between the different results allow to evaluate how, from a geometric and simplified modeling, important details can be lost. This causes, for example, modifications in terms of mass and volume of the structure

    La città, il viaggio, il turismo: Percezione, produzione e trasformazione

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    [English]:The city as a destination of the journey in his long evolution throughout history: a basic human need, an event aimed at knowledge, to education, to business and trade, military and religious conquests, but also related to redundancies for the achievement of mere physical or spiritual salvation. In the frame of one of the world's most celebrated historical city, the cradle of Greek antiquity, myth and beauty, travel timeless destination for culture and leisure, and today, more than ever, strongly tending to the conservation and development of their own identity, this collection of essays aims to provide, in the tradition of AISU studies, a further opportunity for reflection and exchange between the various disciplines related to urban history./ [Italiano]:La città come meta del viaggio nella sua lunga evoluzione nel corso della storia: un bisogno primario dell'uomo, un evento finalizzato alla conoscenza, all'istruzione, agli affari e agli scambi commerciali, alle conquiste militari o religiose, ma anche legato agli esodi per il conseguimento della mera salvezza fisica o spirituale. Nella cornice di una delle città storiche più celebrate al mondo, culla dell'antichità greca, del mito e della bellezza, meta intramontabile di viaggi di cultura e di piacere, e oggi, più che mai, fortemente protesa alla conservazione e alla valorizzazione della propria identità, questa raccolta di saggi intende offrire, nel solco della tradizione di studi dell'AISU, un'ulteriore occasione di riflessione e di confronto tra i più svariati ambiti disciplinari attinenti alla storia urbana