357 research outputs found

    Hindering data theft with encrypted data trees

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    Data theft is a major threat for modern organizations with potentially large economic consequences. Although these attacks may well originate outside an organization’s information systems, the attacker—or else an insider—must even-tually make contact with the system where the information resides and extract it. In this work, we propose a scheme that hinders unauthorized data extraction by modifying the basic file system primitives used to access files. Intuitively, our proposal emulates the chains used to protect valuable items in certain clothing shopping centers, where shoplifting is prevented by forcing the thief to steal the whole rack of items. We achieve this by encrypting sensitive files using nonces (i.e., pseudorandom numbers used only once) as keys. Such nonces are available, also in encrypted form, in other objects of the file system. The system globally resembles a distributed Merkle hash tree, in such a way that getting access to a file requires previous access to a number of other files. This forces any potential attacker to extract not only the targeted sensitive information, but also all the files chained to it that are necessary to compute the associated key. Further-more, our scheme incorporates a probabilistic rekeying mechanism to limit the damage that might be caused by patient extractors. We report experimental results measuring the time overhead introduced by our proposal and compare it with the effort an attacker would need to successfully extract information from the system. Our results show that the scheme increases substantially the effort required by an insider, while the introduced overhead is feasible for standard computing platforms

    Crimes against property & ownership

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    The most primeval crimes in all countries are crimes against property such as: Burglary, Larceny, Arson, Embezzlement, False pretenses, Extortion, forgery, fraud, robbery, and etc these crimes engender when ownership existed. Lord can do any possession in his/her property .If anyone trespasses to another one ownership prevailing law punishment him/her. Also we define these crimes in Islamic criminal law; because Islamic rules are strange and prober must study very hard to understand the principle of Islamic rules because most of them don't have reasonable source hence our definitions are so epitome because reader must study jurisprudence.

    Information Forensics and Security: A quarter-century-long journey

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    Information forensics and security (IFS) is an active R&D area whose goal is to ensure that people use devices, data, and intellectual properties for authorized purposes and to facilitate the gathering of solid evidence to hold perpetrators accountable. For over a quarter century, since the 1990s, the IFS research area has grown tremendously to address the societal needs of the digital information era. The IEEE Signal Processing Society (SPS) has emerged as an important hub and leader in this area, and this article celebrates some landmark technical contributions. In particular, we highlight the major technological advances by the research community in some selected focus areas in the field during the past 25 years and present future trends

    Enhancing Efficiency and Privacy in Memory-Based Malware Classification through Feature Selection

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    Malware poses a significant security risk to individuals, organizations, and critical infrastructure by compromising systems and data. Leveraging memory dumps that offer snapshots of computer memory can aid the analysis and detection of malicious content, including malware. To improve the efficacy and address privacy concerns in malware classification systems, feature selection can play a critical role as it is capable of identifying the most relevant features, thus, minimizing the amount of data fed to classifiers. In this study, we employ three feature selection approaches to identify significant features from memory content and use them with a diverse set of classifiers to enhance the performance and privacy of the classification task. Comprehensive experiments are conducted across three levels of malware classification tasks: i) binary-level benign or malware classification, ii) malware type classification (including Trojan horse, ransomware, and spyware), and iii) malware family classification within each family (with varying numbers of classes). Results demonstrate that the feature selection strategy, incorporating mutual information and other methods, enhances classifier performance for all tasks. Notably, selecting only 25\% and 50\% of input features using Mutual Information and then employing the Random Forest classifier yields the best results. Our findings reinforce the importance of feature selection for malware classification and provide valuable insights for identifying appropriate approaches. By advancing the effectiveness and privacy of malware classification systems, this research contributes to safeguarding against security threats posed by malicious software.Comment: Accepted in IEEE ICMLA-2023 Conferenc

    Crimes against property & ownership

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    The most primeval crimes in all countries are crimes against property such as: Burglary, Larceny, Arson, Embezzlement, False pretenses, Extortion, forgery, fraud, robbery, and etc these crimes engender when ownership existed. Lord can do any possession in his/her property .If anyone trespasses to another one ownership prevailing law punishment him/her. Also we define these crimes in Islamic criminal law; because Islamic rules are strange and prober must study very hard to understand the principle of Islamic rules because most of them don't have reasonable source hence our definitions are so epitome because reader must study jurisprudence

    Discovering New Vulnerabilities in Computer Systems

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    Vulnerability research plays a key role in preventing and defending against malicious computer system exploitations. Driven by a multi-billion dollar underground economy, cyber criminals today tirelessly launch malicious exploitations, threatening every aspect of daily computing. to effectively protect computer systems from devastation, it is imperative to discover and mitigate vulnerabilities before they fall into the offensive parties\u27 hands. This dissertation is dedicated to the research and discovery of new design and deployment vulnerabilities in three very different types of computer systems.;The first vulnerability is found in the automatic malicious binary (malware) detection system. Binary analysis, a central piece of technology for malware detection, are divided into two classes, static analysis and dynamic analysis. State-of-the-art detection systems employ both classes of analyses to complement each other\u27s strengths and weaknesses for improved detection results. However, we found that the commonly seen design patterns may suffer from evasion attacks. We demonstrate attacks on the vulnerabilities by designing and implementing a novel binary obfuscation technique.;The second vulnerability is located in the design of server system power management. Technological advancements have improved server system power efficiency and facilitated energy proportional computing. However, the change of power profile makes the power consumption subjected to unaudited influences of remote parties, leaving the server systems vulnerable to energy-targeted malicious exploit. We demonstrate an energy abusing attack on a standalone open Web server, measure the extent of the damage, and present a preliminary defense strategy.;The third vulnerability is discovered in the application of server virtualization technologies. Server virtualization greatly benefits today\u27s data centers and brings pervasive cloud computing a step closer to the general public. However, the practice of physical co-hosting virtual machines with different security privileges risks introducing covert channels that seriously threaten the information security in the cloud. We study the construction of high-bandwidth covert channels via the memory sub-system, and show a practical exploit of cross-virtual-machine covert channels on virtualized x86 platforms

    Crimes against property & ownership

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    The most primeval crimes in all countries are crimes against property such as: Burglary, Larceny, Arson, Embezzlement, False pretenses, Extortion, forgery, fraud, robbery, and etc these crimes engender when ownership existed. Lord can do any possession in his/her property .If anyone trespasses to another one ownership prevailing law punishment him/her. Also we define these crimes in Islamic criminal law; because Islamic rules are strange and prober must study very hard to understand the principle of Islamic rules because most of them don't have reasonable source hence our definitions are so epitome because reader must study jurisprudence

    GNSS Related Threats to Power Grid Applications

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    As power grid environments are moving towards the smart grid vision of the future, the traditional schemes for power grid protection and control are making way for new applications. The advancements in this field have made the requirements for power grid’s time synchronization accuracy and precision considerably more demanding. So far, the signals provided by Global Navigation Satellite Systems have generally addressed the need for highly accurate and stable reference time in power grid applications. These signals however are highly susceptible to tampering as they are being transmitted. Since electrical power transmission and distribution are critical functions for any modern society, the risks and impacts affiliated with satellite-based time synchronization in power grids ought to be examined. This thesis aims to address the matter. The objective is to examine how Global Navigation Satellite Systems are utilized in the power grids, how different attacks would potentially be carried out by employing interference and disturbance to GNSS signals and receivers and how the potential threats can be mitigated. A major part of the research is done through literature review, and the core concepts and different implementations of Global Navigation Satellite Systems are firstly introduced. The literature review also involves the introduction of different power grid components and subsystems, that utilize Global Positioning System for time synchronization. Threat modeling techniques traditionally practiced in software development are applied to power grid components and subsystems to gain insight about the possible threats and their impacts. The threats recognized through this process are evaluated and potential techniques for mitigating the most notable threats are presented.Sähköverkot ovat siirtymässä kohti tulevaisuuden älykkäitä sähköverkkoja ja perinteiset sähköverkon suojaus- ja ohjausmenetelmät tekevät tilaa uusille sovelluksille. Alan kehitys on tehnyt aikasynkronoinnin tarkkuusvaatimuksista huomattavasti aikaisempaa vaativampia. Tarkka aikareferenssi sähköverkoissa on tähän saakka saavutettu satelliittinavigointijärjestelmien tarjoamien signaalien avulla. Nämä signaalit ovat kuitenkin erittäin alttiita erilaisille hyökkäyksille. Sähkönjakelujärjestelmät ovat kriittinen osa nykyaikaista yhteiskuntaa ja riskejä sekä seuraamuksia, jotka liittyvät satelliittipohjaisten aikasynkronointimenetelmien hyödyntämiseen sähköverkoissa, tulisi tarkastella. Tämä tutkielma pyrkii vastaamaan tähän tarpeeseen. Päämääränä on selvittää, miten satelliittinavigointijärjestelmiä hyödynnetään sähköverkoissa, kuinka erilaisia hyökkäyksiä voidaan toteuttaa satelliittisignaaleja häiritsemällä ja satelliittisignaalivastaanottimia harhauttamalla ja kuinka näiden muodostamia uhkia voidaan lieventää. Valtaosa tästä tutkimuksesta on toteutettu kirjallisuuskatselmoinnin pohjalta. Työ kattaa satelliittinavigointijärjestelmien perusteet ja esittelee erilaisia tapoja, kuinka satelliittisignaaleja hyödynnetään sähköverkoissa erityisesti aikasynkronoinnin näkökulmasta. Työssä hyödynnettiin perinteisesti ohjelmistokehityksessä käytettyjä uhkamallinnusmenetelmiä mahdollisten uhkien ja seurausten analysointiin. Lopputuloksena esitellään riskiarviot uhkamallinnuksen pohjalta tunnistetuista uhkista, sekä esitellään erilaisia menettelytapoja uhkien lieventämiseksi


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    During the COVID-19 pandemic, when most businesses were not equipped for remote work and cloud computing, we saw a significant surge in ransomware attacks. This study aims to utilize machine learning and artificial intelligence to prevent known and unknown malware threats from being exploited by threat actors when developers build and deploy applications to the cloud. This study demonstrated an experimental quantitative research design using Aqua. The experiment\u27s sample is a Docker image. Aqua checked the Docker image for malware, sensitive data, Critical/High vulnerabilities, misconfiguration, and OSS license. The data collection approach is experimental. Our analysis of the experiment demonstrated how unapproved images were prevented from running anywhere in our environment based on known vulnerabilities, embedded secrets, OSS licensing, dynamic threat analysis, and secure image configuration. In addition to the experiment, the forensic data collected in the build and deployment phase are exploitable vulnerability, Critical/High Vulnerability Score, Misconfiguration, Sensitive Data, and Root User (Super User). Since Aqua generates a detailed audit record for every event during risk assessment and runtime, we viewed two events on the Audit page for our experiment. One of the events caused an alert due to two failed controls (Vulnerability Score, Super User), and the other was a successful event meaning that the image is secure to deploy in the production environment. The primary finding for our study is the forensic data associated with the two events on the Audit page in Aqua. In addition, Aqua validated our security controls and runtime policies based on the forensic data with both events on the Audit page. Finally, the study’s conclusions will mitigate the likelihood that organizations will fall victim to ransomware by mitigating and preventing the total damage caused by a malware attack