583 research outputs found

    High-level methods for homotopy construction in associative nn-categories

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    A combinatorial theory of associative nn-categories has recently been proposed, with strictly associative and unital composition in all dimensions, and the weak structure arising as a combinatorial notion of homotopy with a natural geometrical interpretation. Such a theory has the potential to serve as an attractive foundation for a computer proof assistant for higher category theory, since it allows composites to be uniquely described, and relieves proofs from the bureaucracy of associators, unitors and their coherence. However, this basic theory lacks a high-level way to construct homotopies, which would be intractable to build directly in complex situations; it is not therefore immediately amenable to implementation. We tackle this problem by describing a contraction operation, which algorithmically constructs complex homotopies that reduce the lengths of composite terms. This contraction procedure allows building of nontrivial proofs by repeatedly contracting subterms, and also allows the contraction of those proofs themselves, yielding in some cases single-step witnesses for complex homotopies. We prove correctness of this procedure by showing that it lifts connected colimits from a base category to a category of zigzags, a procedure which is then iterated to yield a contraction mechanism in any dimension. We also present homotopy.io, an online proof assistant that implements the theory of associative nn-categories, and use it to construct a range of examples that illustrate this new contraction mechanism

    Homological Quantum Field Theory

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    We show that the space of chains of smooth maps from spheres into a fixed compact oriented manifold has a natural structure of a transversal dd-algebra. We construct a structure of transversal 1-category on the space of chains of maps from a suspension space S(Y)S(Y), with certain boundary restrictions, into a fixed compact oriented manifold. We define homological quantum field theories \HL and construct several examples of such structures. Our definition is based on the notions of string topology of Chas and Sullivan, and homotopy quantum field theories of Turaev.Comment: 18 figure

    Etale twists in noncommutative algebraic geometry and the twisted Brauer space

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    This paper studies etale twists of derived categories of schemes and associative algebras. A general method, based on a new construction called the twisted Brauer space, is given for classifying etale twists, and a complete classification is carried out for genus 0 curves, quadrics, and noncommutative projective spaces. A partial classification is given for curves of higher genus. The techniques build upon my recent work with David Gepner on the Brauer groups of commutative ring spectra.Comment: corrected an error in a corollary; 25 pages; submitted; comments welcome

    A User's Guide: Relative Thom Spectra via Operadic Kan Extensions

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    This is an expository paper about the paper Relative Thom Spectra via Operadic Kan Extensions.Comment: Part of a series of expository papers describing the genesis and intuition behind math papers in algebraic topology, see mathusersguides.com for more information, 15 page

    The Homology of Connective Morava EE-theory with coefficients in Fp\mathbb{F}_p

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    Let ene_n be the connective cover of the Morava EE-theory spectrum EnE_n of height nn. In this paper we compute its homology H∗(en;Fp)H_*(e_n;\mathbb{F}_p) for any prime pp and n≤4n \leq 4 up to possible multiplicative extensions. In order to accomplish this we show that the K\"unneth spectral sequence based on an E3E_3-algebra RR is multiplicative when the RR-modules in question are commutative SS-algebras. We then apply this result by working over BPBP which is known to be an E4E_4-algebra.Comment: 21 pages. Improved exposition and minor correction

    Obstructed D-Branes in Landau-Ginzburg Orbifolds

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    We study deformations of Landau-Ginzburg D-branes corresponding to obstructed rational curves on Calabi-Yau threefolds. We determine D-brane moduli spaces and D-brane superpotentials by evaluating higher products up to homotopy in the Landau-Ginzburg orbifold category. For concreteness we work out the details for lines on a perturbed Fermat quintic. In this case we show that our results reproduce the local analytic structure of the Hilbert scheme of curves on the threefold.Comment: 44 pages; v3: typos correcte

    The Character Theory of a Complex Group

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    We apply the ideas of derived algebraic geometry and topological field theory to the representation theory of reductive groups. Our focus is the Hecke category of Borel-equivariant D-modules on the flag variety of a complex reductive group G (equivalently, the category of Harish Chandra bimodules of trivial central character) and its monodromic variant. The Hecke category is a categorified analogue of the finite Hecke algebra, which is a finite-dimensional semi-simple symmetric Frobenius algebra. We establish parallel properties of the Hecke category, showing it is a two-dualizable Calabi-Yau monoidal category, so that in particular, its monoidal (Drinfeld) center and trace coincide. We calculate that they are identified through the Springer correspondence with Lusztig's unipotent character sheaves. It follows that Hecke module categories, such as categories of Lie algebra representations and Harish Chandra modules for G and its real forms, have characters which are themselves character sheaves. Furthermore, the Koszul duality for Hecke categories provides a Langlands duality for unipotent character sheaves. This can be viewed as part of a dimensionally reduced version of the geometric Langlands correspondence, or as S-duality for a maximally supersymmetric gauge theory in three dimensions.Comment: Substantial revision based on referee comments, references updated, statements of main results unaffecte

    Noncommutative correspondence categories, simplicial sets and pro C∗C^*-algebras

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    We show that a KKKK-equivalence between two unital C∗C^*-algebras produces a correspondence between their DG categories of finitely generated projective modules which is a K∗\mathbf{K}_*-equivalence, where K∗\mathbf{K}_* is Waldhausen's KK-theory. We discuss some connections with strong deformations of C∗C^*-algebras and homological dualities. Motivated by a construction of Cuntz we associate a pro C∗C^*-algebra to any simplicial set. We show that this construction is functorial with respect to proper maps of simplicial sets, that we define, and also respects proper homotopy equivalences. We propose to develop a noncommutative proper homotopy theory in the context of topological algebras.Comment: A brief discussion on homological T\mathbb{T}-dualities added. Original material revised and made more concise. Still 24 page

    Towards a homotopy theory of process algebra

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    This paper proves that labelled flows are expressive enough to contain all process algebras which are a standard model for concurrency. More precisely, we construct the space of execution paths and of higher dimensional homotopies between them for every process name of every process algebra with any synchronization algebra using a notion of labelled flow. This interpretation of process algebra satisfies the paradigm of higher dimensional automata (HDA): one non-degenerate full nn-dimensional cube (no more no less) in the underlying space of the time flow corresponding to the concurrent execution of nn actions. This result will enable us in future papers to develop a homotopical approach of process algebras. Indeed, several homological constructions related to the causal structure of time flow are possible only in the framework of flows.Comment: 33 pages ; LaTeX2e ; 1 eps figure ; package semantics included ; v2 HDA paradigm clearly stated and simplification in a homotopical argument ; v3 "bug" fixed in notion of non-twisted shell + several redactional improvements ; v4 minor correction : the set of labels must not be ordered ; published at http://intlpress.com/HHA/v10/n1/a16

    The topological Atiyah-Segal map

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    Associated to each finite dimensional linear representation of a group GG, there is a vector bundle over the classifying space BGBG. We introduce a framework for studying this construction in the context of infinite discrete groups, taking into account the topology of representation spaces. This involves studying the homotopy group completion of the topological monoid formed by all unitary (or general linear) representations of GG, under the monoid operation given by block sum. In order to work effectively with this object, we prove a general result showing that for certain homotopy commutative topological monoids MM, the homotopy groups of ΩBM\Omega BM can be described explicitly in terms of unbased homotopy classes of maps from spheres into MM. Several applications are developed. We relate our constructions to the Novikov conjecture; we show that the space of flat unitary connections over the 3-dimensional Heisenberg manifold has extremely large homotopy groups; and for groups that satisfy Kazhdan's property (T) and admit a finite classifying space, we show that the reduced KK-theory class associated to a spherical family of finite dimensional unitary representations is always torsion.Comment: 57 pages. Comments welcome
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