674 research outputs found

    SAP HANA distributed in-memory database system: Transaction, session, and metadata management

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    One of the core principles of the SAP HANA database system is the comprehensive support of distributed query facility. Supporting scale-out scenarios was one of the major design principles of the system from the very beginning. Within this paper, we first give an overview of the overall functionality with respect to data allocation, metadata caching and query routing. We then dive into some level of detail for specific topics and explain features and methods not common in traditional disk-based database systems. In summary, the paper provides a comprehensive overview of distributed query processing in SAP HANA database to achieve scalability to handle large databases and heterogeneous types of workloads

    In-Memory Databases

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    Táto práca sa zaoberá databázami pracujúcimi v pamäti a tiež konceptmi, ktoré boli vyvinuté na vytvorenie takýchto systémov, pretože dáta sú v týchto databázach uložené v hlavnej pamäti, ktorá je schopná spracovať data niekoľkokrát rýchlejšie, ale je to súčasne nestabilné pamäťové medium. Na podloženie týchto konceptov je v práci zhrnutý vývoj databázových systémov od počiatku ich vývoja až do súčasnosti. Prvými databázovými typmi boli hierarchické a sieťové databázy, ktoré boli už v 70. rokoch 20. storočia nahradené prvými relačnými databázami ktorých vývoj trvá až do dnes a v súčastnosti sú zastúpené hlavne OLTP a OLAP systémami. Ďalej sú spomenuté objektové, objektovo-relačné a NoSQL databázy a spomenuté je tiež rozširovanie Big Dát a možnosti ich spracovania. Pre porozumenie uloženia dát v hlavnej pamäti je predstavená pamäťová hierarchia od registrov procesoru, cez cache a hlavnú pamäť až po pevné disky spolu s informáciami o latencii a stabilite týchto pamäťových médií. Ďalej sú spomenuté možnosti usporiadania dát v pamäti a je vysvetlené riadkové a stĺpcové usporiadanie dát spolu s možnosťami ich využitia pre čo najvyšší výkon pri spracovaní dát. V tejto sekcii sú spomenuté aj kompresné techniky, ktoré slúžia na čo najúspornejšie využitie priestoru hlavnej pamäti. V nasledujúcej sekcii sú uvedené postupy, ktoré zabezpečujú, že zmeny v týchto databázach sú persistentné aj napriek tomu, že databáza beží na nestabilnom pamäťovom médiu. Popri tradičných technikách zabezpečujúcich trvanlivosť zmien je predstavený koncept diferenciálnej vyrovnávacej pamäte do ktorej sa ukladajú všetky zmeny v a taktiež je popísaný proces spájania dát z tejto vyrovnávacej pamäti a dát z hlavného úložiska. V ďalšej sekcii práce je prehľad existujúcich databáz, ktoré pracujú v pamäti ako SAP HANA, Times Ten od Oracle ale aj hybridných systémov, ktoré pracujú primárne na disku, ale sú schopné pracovať aj v pamäti. Jedným z takýchto systémov je SQLite. Táto sekcia porovnáva jednotlivé systémy, hodnotí nakoľko využívajú koncepty predstavené v predchádzajúcich kapitolách, a na jej konci je tabuľka kde sú prehľadne zobrazené informácie o týchto systémoch. Ďalšie časti práce sa týkajú už samotného testovania výkonnosti týchto databáz. Zo začiatku sú popísané testovacie dáta pochádzajúce z DBLP databázy a spôsob ich získania a transformácie do použiteľnej formy pre testovanie. Ďalej je popísaná metodika testovania, ktorá sa deli na dve časti. Prvá časť porovnáva výkon databázy pracujúcej v disku s databázou pracujúcou v pamäti. Pre tento účel bola využitá databáza SQLite a možnosť spustenia databázy v pamäti. Druhá časť testovania sa zaoberá porovnaním výkonu riadkového a stĺpcového usporiadania dát v databáze pracujúcej v pamäti. Na tento účel bola využitá databáza SAP HANA, ktorá umožňuje ukladať dáta v oboch usporiadaniach. Výsledkom práce je analýza výsledkov, ktoré boli získané pomocou týchto testov.This bachelor thesis deals with in-memory databases and concepts that were developed to create such systems. To lay the base ground for in-memory concepts, the thesis summarizes the development of the most used database systems. The data layouts like the column and the row layout are introduced together with the compression and storage techniques used to maintain persistence of the in-memory databases. The other parts contain the overview of the existing in-memory database systems and describe the benchmarks used to test the performance of the in-memory databases. At the end, the thesis analyses the results of benchmarks.

    How the High Performance Analytics Work with SAP HANA

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    Informed decision-making, better communication and faster response to business situation are the key differences between leaders and followers in this competitive global marketplace. A data-driven organization can analyze patterns & anomalies to make sense of the current situation and be ready for future opportunities. Organizations no longer have the problem of “lack of data”, but the problem of “actionable data” at the right time to act, direct and influence their business decisions. The data exists in different transactional systems and/or data warehouse systems, which takes significant time to retrieve/ process relevant information and negatively impacts the time window to out-maneuver the competition. To solve the problem of “actionable data”, enterprises can take advantage of the SAP HANA [1] in-memory platform that enables rapid processing and analysis of huge volumes of data in real-time. This paper discusses how SAP HANA virtual data models can be used for on-the-fly analysis of live transactional data to derive insight, perform what-if analysis and execute business transactions in real-time without using persisted aggregates

    Towards Scalable Real-time Analytics:: An Architecture for Scale-out of OLxP Workloads

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    We present an overview of our work on the SAP HANA Scale-out Extension, a novel distributed database architecture designed to support large scale analytics over real-time data. This platform permits high performance OLAP with massive scale-out capabilities, while concurrently allowing OLTP workloads. This dual capability enables analytics over real-time changing data and allows fine grained user-specified service level agreements (SLAs) on data freshness. We advocate the decoupling of core database components such as query processing, concurrency control, and persistence, a design choice made possible by advances in high-throughput low-latency networks and storage devices. We provide full ACID guarantees and build on a logical timestamp mechanism to provide MVCC-based snapshot isolation, while not requiring synchronous updates of replicas. Instead, we use asynchronous update propagation guaranteeing consistency with timestamp validation. We provide a view into the design and development of a large scale data management platform for real-time analytics, driven by the needs of modern enterprise customers

    A Transaction-oriented architecture for enterprise systems

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    Many enterprises risk business transactions based on information systems that are incomplete or misleading, given that 80-85% of all corporate information remains outside of their processing scope. It highlights that the bulk of information is too unstructured for these systems to process, but must be taken into account if those systems are to provide effective support. Computer technology nonetheless continues to become more and more predominant, illustrated by SAP A.G. recognising that 65-70% of the world's transactions are run using their technology. Using SAP as an illustrative case study, and by bringing in the benefits of technologies such as Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA), Business Process Management (BPM), Enterprise Architecture Frameworks (EA) and Conceptual Structures, a practical roadmap is identified to a Transaction-Oriented Architecture (TOA) that is predicated on the Transaction Concept. This concept builds upon the Resources-Events-Agents (REA) modelling pattern that is close to business reality. Enterprise systems can thus better incorporate that missing 80-85% of hitherto too-unstructured information thereby allowing enterprise systems vendors such as SAP, their competitors, customers, suppliers and partners to do an ever better job with the world's transactions

    Automating Business Process

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    Consistent presentation of the information is necessary to align stakeholders around the scope of the Program and formally gain their commitment. Reports play a major role in decision making and future planning for a financial teams and program directors. Generally, data is available when a transaction occurs and volume of data grows along with the organization. Maintaining historical and current data for reporting to stakeholders is a tough task and at times companies fail to report data accurately. Maintaining automated reporting for different modules of an organization in an ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) system is one way of providing accurate data reporting to business. There are many tools in current day market to report data but SAP reporting tools provide a better solution according to business requirements. SAP Business Objects (SAP BO) is one of the leading SAP reporting tools that provide a complete pack of solution to the client. Since this organization already had a huge implementation of SAP Business Warehousing (SAP BW), implementing of SAP BO on top of SAP BW is a easy solution and cost effective too. As a part of this project, elimination of highly complex reporting and replacement of obsolete technologies was also considered

    SAP HANA Platform

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    Tato práce pojednává o databázi pracující v paměti nazývané SAP HANA. Detailně popisuje architekturu a nové technologie, které tato databáze využívá. V další části se zabývá porovnáním rychlosti provedení vkládání a vybírání záznamů z databáze se stávající používanou relační databází MaxDB. Pro účely tohoto testování jsem vytvořil jednoduchou aplikaci v jazyce ABAP, která umožňuje testy provádět a zobrazuje jejich výsledky. Ty jsou shrnuty v poslední kapitole a ukazují SAP HANA jako jednoznačně rychlejší ve vybírání dat, avšak srovnatelnou, či pomalejší při vkládání dat do databáze. Přínos mé práce vidím v shrnutí podstatných změn, které s sebou data uložená v paměti přináší a názorné srovnání rychlosti provedení základních typů dotazů.This thesis discusses the in-memory database called SAP HANA. It describes in detail the architecture and new technologies used in this type of database. The next section presents a comparison of speed of the inserting and selecting data from the database with existing relational database MaxDB. For the purposes of this testing I created a simple application in ABAP language, which allows user to perform and display their results. These are summarized in the last chapter and demonstrate SAP HANA as clearly faster during selection of data, but comparable, or slower when inserting data into the database. I see contribution of my work in the summary of significant changes that come with data stored in the main memory and brings comparison of speed of basic types of queries.

    Efficient Transaction Processing in SAP HANA Database: The End of a Column Store Myth

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    The SAP HANA database is the core of SAP's new data management platform. The overall goal of the SAP HANA database is to provide a generic but powerful system for different query scenarios, both transactional and analytical, on the same data representation within a highly scalable execution environment. Within this paper, we highlight the main features that differentiate the SAP HANA database from classical relational database engines. Therefore, we outline the general architecture and design criteria of the SAP HANA in a first step. In a second step, we challenge the common belief that column store data structures are only superior in analytical workloads and not well suited for transactional workloads. We outline the concept of record life cycle management to use different storage formats for the different stages of a record. We not only discuss the general concept but also dive into some of the details of how to efficiently propagate records through their life cycle and moving database entries from write-optimized to read-optimized storage formats. In summary, the paper aims at illustrating how the SAP HANA database is able to efficiently work in analytical as well as transactional workload environments