9 research outputs found

    Tunable Versatile High Input Impedance Voltage-Mode Universal Biquadratic Filter Based on DDCCs

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    A high input impedance voltage-mode universal biquadratic filter with three input terminals and seven output terminals is presented. The proposed circuit uses three differential difference current conveyors (DDCCs), four resistors and two grounded capacitors. The proposed circuit can realize all the standard filter functions, namely, lowpass, bandpass, highpass, notch and allpass, simultaneously. The proposed circuit offers the features of high input impedance, using only grounded capacitors, and orthogonal controllability of resonance angular frequency and quality factor

    Voltage-Mode Multifunction Biquadratic Filters Using New Ultra-Low-Power Differential Difference Current Conveyors

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    This paper presents two low-power voltage-mode multifunction biquadratic filters using differential difference current conveyors. Each proposed circuit employs three differential difference current conveyors, two grounded capacitors and two grounded resistors. The low-voltage ultra-low-power differential difference current conveyor is used to provide low-power consumption of the proposed filters. By appropriately connecting the input and output terminals, the proposed filters can provide low-pass, band-pass, high-pass, band-stop and all-pass voltage responses at high-input terminals, which is a desirable feature for voltage-mode operations. The natural frequency and the quality factor can be orthogonally set by adjusting the circuit components. For realizing all the filter responses, no inverting-type input signal requirements as well as no component-matching conditional requirements are imposed. The incremental parameter sensitivities are also low. The characteristics of the proposed circuits are simulated by using PSPICE simulators to confirm the presented theory

    High input impedance voltage-mode universal filter and its modification as quadrature oscillator using VDDDAs

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    The second order universal voltage-mode filter using voltage differencing differential difference amplifiers (VDDDAs) has been proposed. It has high input impedance voltage-mode biquad filter with orthogonal tune of natural frequency and quality factor. The proposed filter simultaneously provides five filter responses: low-pass (LP), high-pass (HP), band-reject (BR), all-pass (AP) and band-pass (BP) in the same circuit topology. The natural frequency and quality factor can be tuned electronically and orthogonally dc bias current. The output impedance at output nodes HP, AP and BR has low impedance which can connect to other circuit without the use of voltage buffers. The proposed filter consists of three VDDDAs, one grounded resistor and two grounded capacitors. This makes the proposed filter suitable for integrated circuit development. With slightly modifying the proposed filter, the voltage-mode qudrature sinusoidal oscillator with low output impedance and independent control of condition of oscillation (CO) and frequency of oscillation (FO) has been achieved. The results shown in this paper are from PSPICE simulation and experiment to validate the proposed circuits

    Electronically Tunable Resistorless Mixed Mode Biquad Filters

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    This paper presents a new realization of elec¬tronically tunable mixed mode (including transadmittance- and voltage-modes) biquad filter with single input, three outputs or three inputs, single output using voltage differ-encing transconductance amplifier (VDTA), a recently introduced active element. It can simultaneously realize standard filtering signals: low-pass, band-pass and high-pass or by selecting input terminals, it can realize all five different filtering signals: low-pass, band-pass, high-pass, band-stop and all-pass. The proposed filter circuit offers the following attractive feature: no requirement of invert-ing type input signal which is require no addition circuit, critical component matching conditions are not required in the design, the circuit parameters ω0 and Q can be set orthogonally or independently through adjusting the bias currents of the VDTAs, the proposed circuit employs two active and minimum numbers of passive components. Fur-thermore, this filter was investigated from the point of view of limited frequency range, stability conditions, effects of parasitic elements and effects of non-ideal and sensitivity. Thus, taking these effects and conditions into considera¬tion, working conditions and boundaries of this filter are determined. We also performed Monte Carlo, THD and noise analyses. Simulation results are given to confirm theoretical analyses

    Systematic Design of Pseudo-Differential Frequency Filter

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    In the paper, the theory of systematic design frequency filters is described. The result is a fourth-order pseudo-differential frequency filter operating in the voltagemode and implemented as a cascade connection of two basic second-order blocks. The filter is able to realize the low-pass filtering functions. The basic block employs three active elements and four passive elements. The filter is characterized by a minimum number of passive elements and high output impedance. Filter analysis examines the magnitude, phase, common-mode rejection ratio signal, and behavior of filters while reducing the recommended voltage. The proper functionality of the filter is verified by simulations and experimental measurements for two different interconnections

    Universal Pseudo-Differential Filter Using DDCC and DVCCs

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    In the paper, a universal preudo-differential second-order filter operating in voltage mode, where both input and output are differential, is presented. The circuit is formed by one differential difference current conveyor (DDCC), two differential voltage current conveyors (DVCCs), and five passive elements. The filter is characterized by high input impedance, minimum number of passive elements that are all grounded, and high common-mode rejection ratio (CMRR). The proposed filter structure is able to realize all five standard frequency filter responses. Non-ideal analysis has been performed by considering the real parasitic parameters of the active elements. The optimization of passive element values has been done in terms of minimal shift of the pole-frequency and to obtain the maximum stop-band attenuation of the high-pass filter response. Functionality is verified by simulations and experimental measurements using readily available integrated circuit UCC-N1B 0520

    Low Voltage Low Power Analogue Circuits Design

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    Disertační práce je zaměřena na výzkum nejběžnějších metod, které se využívají při návrhu analogových obvodů s využití nízkonapěťových (LV) a nízkopříkonových (LP) struktur. Tyto LV LP obvody mohou být vytvořeny díky vyspělým technologiím nebo také využitím pokročilých technik návrhu. Disertační práce se zabývá právě pokročilými technikami návrhu, především pak nekonvenčními. Mezi tyto techniky patří využití prvků s řízeným substrátem (bulk-driven - BD), s plovoucím hradlem (floating-gate - FG), s kvazi plovoucím hradlem (quasi-floating-gate - QFG), s řízeným substrátem s plovoucím hradlem (bulk-driven floating-gate - BD-FG) a s řízeným substrátem s kvazi plovoucím hradlem (quasi-floating-gate - BD-QFG). Práce je také orientována na možné způsoby implementace známých a moderních aktivních prvků pracujících v napěťovém, proudovém nebo mix-módu. Mezi tyto prvky lze začlenit zesilovače typu OTA (operational transconductance amplifier), CCII (second generation current conveyor), FB-CCII (fully-differential second generation current conveyor), FB-DDA (fully-balanced differential difference amplifier), VDTA (voltage differencing transconductance amplifier), CC-CDBA (current-controlled current differencing buffered amplifier) a CFOA (current feedback operational amplifier). Za účelem potvrzení funkčnosti a chování výše zmíněných struktur a prvků byly vytvořeny příklady aplikací, které simulují usměrňovací a induktanční vlastnosti diody, dále pak filtry dolní propusti, pásmové propusti a také univerzální filtry. Všechny aktivní prvky a příklady aplikací byly ověřeny pomocí PSpice simulací s využitím parametrů technologie 0,18 m TSMC CMOS. Pro ilustraci přesného a účinného chování struktur je v disertační práci zahrnuto velké množství simulačních výsledků.The dissertation thesis is aiming at examining the most common methods adopted by analog circuits' designers in order to achieve low voltage (LV) low power (LP) configurations. The capability of LV LP operation could be achieved either by developed technologies or by design techniques. The thesis is concentrating upon design techniques, especially the non–conventional ones which are bulk–driven (BD), floating–gate (FG), quasi–floating–gate (QFG), bulk–driven floating–gate (BD–FG) and bulk–driven quasi–floating–gate (BD–QFG) techniques. The thesis also looks at ways of implementing structures of well–known and modern active elements operating in voltage–, current–, and mixed–mode such as operational transconductance amplifier (OTA), second generation current conveyor (CCII), fully–differential second generation current conveyor (FB–CCII), fully–balanced differential difference amplifier (FB–DDA), voltage differencing transconductance amplifier (VDTA), current–controlled current differencing buffered amplifier (CC–CDBA) and current feedback operational amplifier (CFOA). In order to confirm the functionality and behavior of these configurations and elements, they have been utilized in application examples such as diode–less rectifier and inductance simulations, as well as low–pass, band–pass and universal filters. All active elements and application examples have been verified by PSpice simulator using the 0.18 m TSMC CMOS parameters. Sufficient numbers of simulated plots are included in this thesis to illustrate the precise and strong behavior of structures.

    Fully-Differential Frequency Filters with Modern Active Elements

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    Tato disertační práce se zaměřuje na výzkum v oblasti frekvenčních filtrů. Hlavním cílem je navrhnout a analyzovat plně diferenční kmitočtové filtry pracující v proudovém módu a využívající moderní aktivní prvky. Prezentované filtry jsou navrženy za použití proudových sledovačů, operačních transkonduktančních zesilovačů, plně diferenčních proudových zesilovačů a transrezistančních zesilovačů. Návrh se zaměřuje na možnost řídit některý z typických parametrů filtru pomocí řiditelných aktivních prvků, které jsou vhodně umístněny do obvodové struktury. Jednotlivé prezentované filtry jsou navrženy v nediferenční a diferenční verzi. Velký důraz je věnován srovnání plně diferenčních struktur s jejich odpovídajícími nediferenčními formami. Funkčnost jednotlivých návrhů je ověřena simulacemi a v některých případech i experimentálním měřením.This doctoral thesis focuses on research in the field of frequency filters. The main goal is to propose and analyze fully-differential current-mode frequency filters employing modern active elements. Presented filters are proposed using current followers, operational transconductance amplifiers, digitally adjustable current amplifiers and transresistance amplifiers. The proposal is focusing on ability to control some of the typical filter parameter or parameters using controllable active elements suitably placed in the circuit structure. Individual presented filters are proposed in their single-ended and fully-differential forms. Great emphasis is paid to a comparison of the fully-differential structures and their corresponding single-ended forms. The functionality of each proposal is verified by simulations and in some cases also by experimental measurements.

    Frequency Filters with Current Active Elements

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    Disertační práce se orientuje především na výzkum nových proudových aktivních prvků a jejich aplikace v kmitočtových filtrech, vhodných pro proudový mód. Práce je zaměřena na návrh nových zapojení filtrů vhodných nejen pro tradiční nediferenční režim zpracování signálů, ale i struktur pro plně diferenční zpracování. V práci jsou navrženy tři obecné koncepce typu KHN filtrů druhého řádu, v nichž je řiditelnost činitele jakosti a kmitočtu komplexně sdružených pólů zajištěna pomoci několika vhodně zařazených řiditelných proudových zesilovačů. Dalšími použitými aktivními prvky jsou proudový konvejor druhé generace, vícevýstupový proudový sledovač, transkonduktanční zesilovač a jejich diferenční obdoby. Z obecných struktur je možné odvodit velké množství řešení a některá z nich jsou prezentována i v této práci. V práci je dále prezentováno několik multifunkčních a také jednoúčelových filtračních struktur druhého řádu a dvě varianty syntetických prvků n-tého řádů, se kterými je možné navrhnout filtry vyšších řádů, jak v nediferenční, tak i diferenční podobě.This doctoral thesis is focused mainly on research of new current active elements and their applications in frequency filters suitable for current-mode. Work is focused on design of new filtering structures suitable for traditional single-ended signal processing and also on structures suitable for fully-differential applications. The thesis contains three designed general conceptions of KHN-type second-order filters. Adjustability of quality factor and pole frequency is provided by controllable current amplifiers that are placed properly in designed structures. Structures also contain second-generation current conveyors, multiple-output current followers, transconductance amplifiers and their fully-differential equivalents. There are lot of possible solutions that could be obtained from general structures, some of them are presented in the work. The thesis also presents several multifunctional and also single-purpose filtering structures of second-order and two variants of n-th order synthetic elements which are suitable to realize higher order filters both in single ended and fully differential type. In each case, functionality of new solutions is verified by simulations and in several cases also by real measurement.