6 research outputs found

    New Dependencies of Hierarchies in Polynomial Optimization

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    We compare four key hierarchies for solving Constrained Polynomial Optimization Problems (CPOP): Sum of Squares (SOS), Sum of Diagonally Dominant Polynomials (SDSOS), Sum of Nonnegative Circuits (SONC), and the Sherali Adams (SA) hierarchies. We prove a collection of dependencies among these hierarchies both for general CPOPs and for optimization problems on the Boolean hypercube. Key results include for the general case that the SONC and SOS hierarchy are polynomially incomparable, while SDSOS is contained in SONC. A direct consequence is the non-existence of a Putinar-like Positivstellensatz for SDSOS. On the Boolean hypercube, we show as a main result that Schm\"udgen-like versions of the hierarchies SDSOS*, SONC*, and SA* are polynomially equivalent. Moreover, we show that SA* is contained in any Schm\"udgen-like hierarchy that provides a O(n) degree bound.Comment: 26 pages, 4 figure

    Stable Set Polytopes with High Lift-and-Project Ranks for the Lov\'asz-Schrijver SDP Operator

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    We study the lift-and-project rank of the stable set polytopes of graphs with respect to the Lov{\'a}sz--Schrijver SDP operator LS+\text{LS}_+, with a particular focus on a search for relatively small graphs with high LS+\text{LS}_+-rank (the least number of iterations of the LS+\text{LS}_+ operator on the fractional stable set polytope to compute the stable set polytope). We provide families of graphs whose LS+\text{LS}_+-rank is asymptotically a linear function of its number of vertices, which is the best possible up to improvements in the constant factor (previous best result in this direction, from 1999, yielded graphs whose LS+\text{LS}_+-rank only grew with the square root of the number of vertices). We also provide several new LS+\text{LS}_+-minimal graphs, most notably a 1212-vertex graph with LS+\text{LS}_+-rank 44, and study the properties of a vertex-stretching operation that appears to be promising in generating LS+\text{LS}_+-minimal graphs

    Combinatorial Optimization

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    This report summarizes the meeting on Combinatorial Optimization where new and promising developments in the field were discussed. Th