1,002 research outputs found

    Ground Profile Recovery from Aerial 3D LiDAR-based Maps

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    The paper presents the study and implementation of the ground detection methodology with filtration and removal of forest points from LiDAR-based 3D point cloud using the Cloth Simulation Filtering (CSF) algorithm. The methodology allows to recover a terrestrial relief and create a landscape map of a forestry region. As the proof-of-concept, we provided the outdoor flight experiment, launching a hexacopter under a mixed forestry region with sharp ground changes nearby Innopolis city (Russia), which demonstrated the encouraging results for both ground detection and methodology robustness.Comment: 8 pages, FRUCT-2019 conferenc

    A fully automatic forest parameters extraction at single-tree level: a comparison of MLS and TLS applications

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    Forests are vital for ecological, economic, and social reasons, and adopting sustainable forest management practices is necessary. While traditional forest monitoring techniques provide detailed data, they are time-consuming; conversely, geomatic techniques can provide more detailed data for forest resource management. This study aims to assess the suitability of Mobile Mapping Systems (MMS) with simultaneous localisation and mapping (SLAM) technology for precision forestry purposes in challenging environments. We compared the performance of MMS data with Terrestrial Laser Scanning (TLS) data and evaluated the Forest Structural Complexity Tool (FSCT), which was developed for TLS datasets, on MMS data. The case study area is a highly sloped coniferous forest in the Italian Alps affected by a severe fire in 2017. Data were processed using a fully automated open-source Python tool that detects each tree's position, Diameter at Breast Height (DBH), and height. The validation procedure was conducted with respect to the TLS point cloud manually segmented. The results show that using MMS with SLAM technology is suitable for precision forestry purposes in challenging environments and that FSCT performs well on MMS data

    A Pipeline of 3D Scene Reconstruction from Point Clouds

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    3D technologies are becoming increasingly popular as their applications in industrial, consumer, entertainment, healthcare, education, and governmental increase in number. According to market predictions, the total 3D modeling and mapping market is expected to grow from 1.1billionin2013to1.1 billion in 2013 to 7.7 billion by 2018. Thus, 3D modeling techniques for different data sources are urgently needed. This thesis addresses techniques for automated point cloud classification and the reconstruction of 3D scenes (including terrain models, 3D buildings and 3D road networks). First, georeferenced binary image processing techniques were developed for various point cloud classifications. Second, robust methods for the pipeline from the original point cloud to 3D model construction were proposed. Third, the reconstruction for the levels of detail (LoDs) of 1-3 (CityGML website) of 3D models was demonstrated. Fourth, different data sources for 3D model reconstruction were studied. The strengths and weaknesses of using the different data sources were addressed. Mobile laser scanning (MLS), unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) images, airborne laser scanning (ALS), and the Finnish National Land Survey’s open geospatial data sources e.g. a topographic database, were employed as test data. Among these data sources, MLS data from three different systems were explored, and three different densities of ALS point clouds (0.8, 8 and 50 points/m2) were studied. The results were compared with reference data such as an orthophoto with a ground sample distance of 20cm or measured reference points from existing software to evaluate their quality. The results showed that 74.6% of building roofs were reconstructed with the automated process. The resulting building models provided an average height deviation of 15 cm. A total of 6% of model points had a greater than one-pixel deviation from laser points. A total of 2.5% had a deviation of greater than two pixels. The pixel size was determined by the average distance of input laser points. The 3D roads were reconstructed with an average width deviation of 22 cm and an average height deviation of 14 cm. The results demonstrated that 93.4% of building roofs were correctly classified from sparse ALS and that 93.3% of power line points are detected from the six sets of dense ALS data located in forested areas. This study demonstrates the operability of 3D model construction for LoDs of 1-3 via the proposed methodologies and datasets. The study is beneficial to future applications, such as 3D-model-based navigation applications, the updating of 2D topographic databases into 3D maps and rapid, large-area 3D scene reconstruction. 3D-teknologiat ovat tulleet yhĂ€ suositummiksi niiden sovellusalojen lisÀÀntyessĂ€ teollisuudessa, kuluttajatuotteissa, terveydenhuollossa, koulutuksessa ja hallinnossa. Ennusteiden mukaan 3D-mallinnus- ja -kartoitusmarkkinat kasvavat vuoden 2013 1,1 miljardista dollarista 7,7 miljardiin vuoteen 2018 mennessĂ€. Erilaisia aineistoja kĂ€yttĂ€viĂ€ 3D-mallinnustekniikoita tarvitaankin yhĂ€ enemmĂ€n. TĂ€ssĂ€ vĂ€itöskirjatutkimuksessa kehitettiin automaattisen pistepilviaineiston luokittelutekniikoita ja rekonstruoitiin 3D-ympĂ€ristöja (maanpintamalleja, rakennuksia ja tieverkkoja). Georeferoitujen binÀÀristen kuvien prosessointitekniikoita kehitettiin useiden pilvipisteaineistojen luokitteluun. TyössĂ€ esitetÀÀn robusteja menetelmiĂ€ alkuperĂ€isestĂ€ pistepilvestĂ€ 3D-malliin eri CityGML-standardin tarkkuustasoilla. Myös eri aineistolĂ€hteitĂ€ 3D-mallien rekonstruointiin tutkittiin. Eri aineistolĂ€hteiden kĂ€ytön heikkoudet ja vahvuudet analysoitiin. Testiaineistona kĂ€ytettiin liikkuvalla keilauksella (mobile laser scanning, MLS) ja ilmakeilauksella (airborne laser scanning, ALS) saatua laserkeilausaineistoja, miehittĂ€mĂ€ttömillĂ€ lennokeilla (unmanned aerial vehicle, UAV) otettuja kuvia sekĂ€ Maanmittauslaitoksen avoimia aineistoja, kuten maastotietokantaa. Liikkuvalla laserkeilauksella kerĂ€tyn aineiston osalta tutkimuksessa kĂ€ytettiin kolmella eri jĂ€rjestelmĂ€llĂ€ saatua dataa, ja kolmen eri tarkkuustason (0,8, 8 ja 50 pistettĂ€/m2) ilmalaserkeilausaineistoa. Tutkimuksessa saatuja tulosten laatua arvioitiin vertaamalla niitĂ€ referenssiaineistoon, jona kĂ€ytettiin ortokuvia (GSD 20cm) ja nykyisissĂ€ ohjelmistoissa olevia mitattuja referenssipisteitĂ€. 74,6 % rakennusten katoista saatiin rekonstruoitua automaattisella prosessilla. Rakennusmallien korkeuksien keskipoikkeama oli 15 cm. 6 %:lla mallin pisteistĂ€ oli yli yhden pikselin poikkeama laseraineiston pisteisiin verrattuna. 2,5 %:lla oli yli kahden pikselin poikkeama. Pikselikoko mÀÀriteltiin kahden laserpisteen vĂ€limatkan keskiarvona. Rekonstruoitujen teiden leveyden keskipoikkeama oli 22 cm ja korkeuden keskipoikkeama oli 14 cm. Tulokset osoittavat ettĂ€ 93,4 % rakennuksista saatiin luokiteltua oikein harvasta ilmalaserkeilausaineistosta ja 93,3 % sĂ€hköjohdoista saatiin havaittua kuudesta tiheĂ€stĂ€ metsĂ€alueen ilmalaserkeilausaineistosta. Tutkimus demonstroi 3D-mallin konstruktion toimivuutta tarkkuustasoilla (LoD) 1-3 esitetyillĂ€ menetelmillĂ€ ja aineistoilla. Tulokset ovat hyödyllisiĂ€ kehitettĂ€essĂ€ tulevaisuuden sovelluksia, kuten 3D-malleihin perustuvia navigointisovelluksia, topografisten 2D-karttojen ajantasaistamista 3D-kartoiksi, ja nopeaa suurten alueiden 3D-ympĂ€ristöjen rekonstruktiota

    Multi-Sensor Data Fusion for Robust Environment Reconstruction in Autonomous Vehicle Applications

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    In autonomous vehicle systems, understanding the surrounding environment is mandatory for an intelligent vehicle to make every decision of movement on the road. Knowledge about the neighboring environment enables the vehicle to detect moving objects, especially irregular events such as jaywalking, sudden lane change of the vehicle etc. to avoid collision. This local situation awareness mostly depends on the advanced sensors (e.g. camera, LIDAR, RADAR) added to the vehicle. The main focus of this work is to formulate a problem of reconstructing the vehicle environment using point cloud data from the LIDAR and RGB color images from the camera. Based on a widely used point cloud registration tool such as iterated closest point (ICP), an expectation-maximization (EM)-ICP technique has been proposed to automatically mosaic multiple point cloud sets into a larger one. Motion trajectories of the moving objects are analyzed to address the issue of irregularity detection. Another contribution of this work is the utilization of fusion of color information (from RGB color images captured by the camera) with the three-dimensional point cloud data for better representation of the environment. For better understanding of the surrounding environment, histogram of oriented gradient (HOG) based techniques are exploited to detect pedestrians and vehicles.;Using both camera and LIDAR, an autonomous vehicle can gather information and reconstruct the map of the surrounding environment up to a certain distance. Capability of communicating and cooperating among vehicles can improve the automated driving decisions by providing extended and more precise view of the surroundings. In this work, a transmission power control algorithm is studied along with the adaptive content control algorithm to achieve a more accurate map of the vehicle environment. To exchange the local sensor data among the vehicles, an adaptive communication scheme is proposed that controls the lengths and the contents of the messages depending on the load of the communication channel. The exchange of this information can extend the tracking region of a vehicle beyond the area sensed by its own sensors. In this experiment, a combined effect of power control, and message length and content control algorithm is exploited to improve the map\u27s accuracy of the surroundings in a cooperative automated vehicle system
