144 research outputs found

    Hierarchical decomposition of handwritten<br /> manuscripts layouts

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    http://www.springerlink.com/content/k6741wt1028l7310/International audienceIn this paper we propose a new approach to improve electronic editions of literary corpus, providing an efficient estimation of manuscripts pages structure. In any handwriting documents analysis process, structure recognition is an important issue. The presence of variable inter-line spaces, of inconstant base-line skews, overlappings and occlusions in unconstrained ancient 19th handwritten documents complicates the structure recognition task. Text line and fragment extraction is basedon the connexity labelling of the adjacency graph at different resolutionlevels, for borders, lines and fragments extraction

    Layout Analysis for Handwritten Documents. A Probabilistic Machine Learning Approach

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    [ES] El Análisis de la Estructura de Documentos (Document Layout Analysis), aplicado a documentos manuscritos, tiene como objetivo obtener automáticamente la estructura intrínseca de dichos documentos. Su desarrollo como campo de investigación se extiende desde los sistemas de segmentación de caracteres desarrollados a principios de la década de 1960 hasta los sistemas complejos desarrollados en la actualidad, donde el objetivo es analizar estructuras de alto nivel (líneas de texto, párrafos, tablas, etc.) y la relación que existe entre ellas. Esta tesis, en primer lugar, define el objetivo del Análisis de la Estructura de Documentos desde una perspectiva probabilística. A continuación, la complejidad del problema se reduce a un conjunto de subproblemas complementarios bien conocidos, de manera que pueda ser gestionado por medio de recursos informáticos modernos. Concretamente se abordan tres de los principales problemas del Análisis de la Estructura de Documentos siguiendo una formulación probabilística. Específicamente se aborda la Detección de Línea Base (Baseline Detection), la Segmentación de Regiones (Region Segmentation) y la Determinación del Orden de Lectura (Reading Order Determination). Uno de los principales aportes de esta tesis es la formalización de los problemas de Detección de Línea Base y Segmentación de Regiones bajo un marco probabilístico, donde ambos problemas pueden ser abordados por separado o de forma integrada por los modelos propuestos. Este último enfoque ha demostrado ser muy útil para procesar grandes colecciones de documentos con recursos informáticos limitados. Posteriormente se aborda el subproblema de la Determinación del Orden de Lectura, que es uno de los subproblemas más importantes, aunque subestimados, del Análisis de la Extructura de Documentos, ya que es el nexo que permite convertir los datos extraídos de los sistemas de Reconocimiento Automático de Texto (Automatic Text Recognition Systems) en información útil. Por lo tanto, en esta tesis abordamos y formalizamos la Determinación del Orden de Lectura como un problema de clasificación probabilística por pares. Además, se proponen dos diferentes algoritmos de decodificación que reducen la complejidad computacional del problema. Por otra parte, se utilizan diferentes modelos estadísticos para representar la distribución de probabilidad sobre la estructura de los documentos. Estos modelos, basados en Redes Neuronales Artificiales (desde un simple Perceptrón Multicapa hasta complejas Redes Convolucionales y Redes de Propuesta de Regiones), se estiman a partir de datos de entrenamiento utilizando algoritmos de aprendizaje automático supervisados. Finalmente, todas las contribuciones se evalúan experimentalmente, no solo en referencias académicas estándar, sino también en colecciones de miles de imágenes. Se han considerado documentos de texto manuascritos y documentos musicales manuscritos, ya que en conjunto representan la mayoría de los documentos presentes en bibliotecas y archivos. Los resultados muestran que los métodos propuestos son muy precisos y versátiles en una amplia gama de documentos manuscritos.[CA] L'Anàlisi de l'Estructura de Documents (Document Layout Analysis), aplicada a documents manuscrits, pretén automatitzar l'obtenció de l'estructura intrínseca d'un document. El seu desenvolupament com a camp d'investigació comprén des dels sistemes de segmentació de caràcters creats al principi dels anys 60 fins als complexos sistemes de hui dia que busquen analitzar estructures d'alt nivell (línies de text, paràgrafs, taules, etc) i les relacions entre elles. Aquesta tesi busca, primer de tot, definir el propòsit de l'anàlisi de l'estructura de documents des d'una perspectiva probabilística. Llavors, una vegada reduïda la complexitat del problema, es processa utilitzant recursos computacionals moderns, per a dividir-ho en un conjunt de subproblemes complementaris més coneguts. Concretament, tres dels principals subproblemes de l'Anàlisi de l'Estructura de Documents s'adrecen seguint una formulació probabilística: Detecció de la Línia Base Baseline Detection), Segmentació de Regions (Region Segmentation) i Determinació de l'Ordre de Lectura (Reading Order Determination). Una de les principals contribucions d'aquesta tesi és la formalització dels problemes de la Detecció de les Línies Base i dels de Segmentació de Regions en un entorn probabilístic, sent els dos problemes tractats per separat o integrats en conjunt pels models proposats. Aquesta última aproximació ha demostrat ser de molta utilitat per a la gestió de grans col·leccions de documents amb uns recursos computacionals limitats. Posteriorment s'ha adreçat el subproblema de la Determinació de l'Ordre de Lectura, sent un dels subproblemes més importants de l'Anàlisi d'Estructures de Documents, encara així subestimat, perquè és el nexe que permet transformar en informació d'utilitat l'extracció de dades dels sistemes de reconeixement automàtic de text. És per això que el fet de determinar l'ordre de lectura s'adreça i formalitza com un problema d'ordenació probabilística per parells. A més, es proposen dos algoritmes descodificadors diferents que reducix la complexitat computacional del problema. Per altra banda s'utilitzen diferents models estadístics per representar la distribució probabilística sobre l'estructura dels documents. Aquests models, basats en xarxes neuronals artificials (des d'un simple perceptron multicapa fins a complexes xarxes convolucionals i de propostes de regió), s'estimen a partir de dades d'entrenament mitjançant algoritmes d'aprenentatge automàtic supervisats. Finalment, totes les contribucions s'avaluen experimentalment, no només en referents acadèmics estàndard, sinó també en col·leccions de milers d'imatges. S'han considerat documents de text manuscrit i documents musicals manuscrits, ja que representen la majoria de documents presents a biblioteques i arxius. Els resultats mostren que els mètodes proposats són molt precisos i versàtils en una àmplia gamma de documents manuscrits.[EN] Document Layout Analysis, applied to handwritten documents, aims to automatically obtain the intrinsic structure of a document. Its development as a research field spans from the character segmentation systems developed in the early 1960s to the complex systems designed nowadays, where the goal is to analyze high-level structures (lines of text, paragraphs, tables, etc) and the relationship between them. This thesis first defines the goal of Document Layout Analysis from a probabilistic perspective. Then, the complexity of the problem is reduced, to be handled by modern computing resources, into a set of well-known complementary subproblems. More precisely, three of the main subproblems of Document Layout Analysis are addressed following a probabilistic formulation, namely Baseline Detection, Region Segmentation and Reading Order Determination. One of the main contributions of this thesis is the formalization of Baseline Detection and Region Segmentation problems under a probabilistic framework, where both problems can be handled separately or in an integrated way by the proposed models. The latter approach is proven to be very useful to handle large document collections under restricted computing resources. Later, the Reading Order Determination subproblem is addressed. It is one of the most important, yet underestimated, subproblem of Document Layout Analysis, since it is the bridge that allows us to convert the data extracted from Automatic Text Recognition systems into useful information. Therefore, Reading Order Determination is addressed and formalized as a pairwise probabilistic sorting problem. Moreover, we propose two different decoding algorithms that reduce the computational complexity of the problem. Furthermore, different statistical models are used to represent the probability distribution over the structure of the documents. These models, based on Artificial Neural Networks (from a simple Multilayer Perceptron to complex Convolutional and Region Proposal Networks), are estimated from training data using supervised Machine Learning algorithms. Finally, all the contributions are experimentally evaluated, not only on standard academic benchmarks but also in collections of thousands of images. We consider handwritten text documents and handwritten musical documents as they represent the majority of documents in libraries and archives. The results show that the proposed methods are very accurate and versatile in a very wide range of handwritten documents.Quirós Díaz, L. (2022). Layout Analysis for Handwritten Documents. A Probabilistic Machine Learning Approach [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/18148

    Information Preserving Processing of Noisy Handwritten Document Images

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    Many pre-processing techniques that normalize artifacts and clean noise induce anomalies due to discretization of the document image. Important information that could be used at later stages may be lost. A proposed composite-model framework takes into account pre-printed information, user-added data, and digitization characteristics. Its benefits are demonstrated by experiments with statistically significant results. Separating pre-printed ruling lines from user-added handwriting shows how ruling lines impact people\u27s handwriting and how they can be exploited for identifying writers. Ruling line detection based on multi-line linear regression reduces the mean error of counting them from 0.10 to 0.03, 6.70 to 0.06, and 0.13 to 0.02, com- pared to an HMM-based approach on three standard test datasets, thereby reducing human correction time by 50%, 83%, and 72% on average. On 61 page images from 16 rule-form templates, the precision and recall of form cell recognition are increased by 2.7% and 3.7%, compared to a cross-matrix approach. Compensating for and exploiting ruling lines during feature extraction rather than pre-processing raises the writer identification accuracy from 61.2% to 67.7% on a 61-writer noisy Arabic dataset. Similarly, counteracting page-wise skew by subtracting it or transforming contours in a continuous coordinate system during feature extraction improves the writer identification accuracy. An implementation study of contour-hinge features reveals that utilizing the full probabilistic probability distribution function matrix improves the writer identification accuracy from 74.9% to 79.5%

    Combination of deep neural networks and logical rules for record segmentation in historical handwritten registers using few examples

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    International audienceThis work focuses on the layout analysis of historical handwritten registers, in which local religious ceremonies were recorded. The aim of this work is to delimit each record in these registers. To this end, two approaches are proposed. Firstly, object detection networks are explored, as three state-of-the-art architectures are compared. Further experiments are then conducted on Mask R-CNN, as it yields the best performance. Secondly, we introduce and investigate Deep Syntax, a hybrid system that takes advantages of recurrent patterns to delimit each record, by combining ushaped networks and logical rules. Finally, these two approaches are evaluated on 3708 French records (16-18th centuries), as well as on the Esposalles public database, containing 253 Spanish records (17th century). While both systems perform well on homogeneous documents, we observe a significant drop in performance with Mask R-CNN on heterogeneous documents, especially when trained on a non-representative subset. By contrast, Deep Syntax relies on steady patterns, and is therefore able to process a wider range of documents with less training data. Not only Deep Syntax produces 15% more match configurations and reduces the ZoneMap surface error metric by 30% when both systems are trained on 120 images, but it also outperforms Mask R-CNN when trained on a database three times smaller. As Deep Syntax generalizes better, we believe it can be used in the context of massive document processing, as collecting and annotating a sufficiently large and representative set of training data is not always achievable

    Analyse d’images de documents patrimoniaux : une approche structurelle à base de texture

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    Over the last few years, there has been tremendous growth in digitizing collections of cultural heritage documents. Thus, many challenges and open issues have been raised, such as information retrieval in digital libraries or analyzing page content of historical books. Recently, an important need has emerged which consists in designing a computer-aided characterization and categorization tool, able to index or group historical digitized book pages according to several criteria, mainly the layout structure and/or typographic/graphical characteristics of the historical document image content. Thus, the work conducted in this thesis presents an automatic approach for characterization and categorization of historical book pages. The proposed approach is applicable to a large variety of ancient books. In addition, it does not assume a priori knowledge regarding document image layout and content. It is based on the use of texture and graph algorithms to provide a rich and holistic description of the layout and content of the analyzed book pages to characterize and categorize historical book pages. The categorization is based on the characterization of the digitized page content by texture, shape, geometric and topological descriptors. This characterization is represented by a structural signature. More precisely, the signature-based characterization approach consists of two main stages. The first stage is extracting homogeneous regions. Then, the second one is proposing a graph-based page signature which is based on the extracted homogeneous regions, reflecting its layout and content. Afterwards, by comparing the different obtained graph-based signatures using a graph-matching paradigm, the similarities of digitized historical book page layout and/or content can be deduced. Subsequently, book pages with similar layout and/or content can be categorized and grouped, and a table of contents/summary of the analyzed digitized historical book can be provided automatically. As a consequence, numerous signature-based applications (e.g. information retrieval in digital libraries according to several criteria, page categorization) can be implemented for managing effectively a corpus or collections of books. To illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed page signature, a detailed experimental evaluation has been conducted in this work for assessing two possible categorization applications, unsupervised page classification and page stream segmentation. In addition, the different steps of the proposed approach have been evaluated on a large variety of historical document images.Les récents progrès dans la numérisation des collections de documents patrimoniaux ont ravivé de nouveaux défis afin de garantir une conservation durable et de fournir un accès plus large aux documents anciens. En parallèle de la recherche d'information dans les bibliothèques numériques ou l'analyse du contenu des pages numérisées dans les ouvrages anciens, la caractérisation et la catégorisation des pages d'ouvrages anciens a connu récemment un regain d'intérêt. Les efforts se concentrent autant sur le développement d'outils rapides et automatiques de caractérisation et catégorisation des pages d'ouvrages anciens, capables de classer les pages d'un ouvrage numérisé en fonction de plusieurs critères, notamment la structure des mises en page et/ou les caractéristiques typographiques/graphiques du contenu de ces pages. Ainsi, dans le cadre de cette thèse, nous proposons une approche permettant la caractérisation et la catégorisation automatiques des pages d'un ouvrage ancien. L'approche proposée se veut indépendante de la structure et du contenu de l'ouvrage analysé. Le principal avantage de ce travail réside dans le fait que l'approche s'affranchit des connaissances préalables, que ce soit concernant le contenu du document ou sa structure. Elle est basée sur une analyse des descripteurs de texture et une représentation structurelle en graphe afin de fournir une description riche permettant une catégorisation à partir du contenu graphique (capturé par la texture) et des mises en page (représentées par des graphes). En effet, cette catégorisation s'appuie sur la caractérisation du contenu de la page numérisée à l'aide d'une analyse des descripteurs de texture, de forme, géométriques et topologiques. Cette caractérisation est définie à l'aide d'une représentation structurelle. Dans le détail, l'approche de catégorisation se décompose en deux étapes principales successives. La première consiste à extraire des régions homogènes. La seconde vise à proposer une signature structurelle à base de texture, sous la forme d'un graphe, construite à partir des régions homogènes extraites et reflétant la structure de la page analysée. Cette signature assure la mise en œuvre de nombreuses applications pour gérer efficacement un corpus ou des collections de livres patrimoniaux (par exemple, la recherche d'information dans les bibliothèques numériques en fonction de plusieurs critères, ou la catégorisation des pages d'un même ouvrage). En comparant les différentes signatures structurelles par le biais de la distance d'édition entre graphes, les similitudes entre les pages d'un même ouvrage en termes de leurs mises en page et/ou contenus peuvent être déduites. Ainsi de suite, les pages ayant des mises en page et/ou contenus similaires peuvent être catégorisées, et un résumé/une table des matières de l'ouvrage analysé peut être alors généré automatiquement. Pour illustrer l'efficacité de la signature proposée, une étude expérimentale détaillée a été menée dans ce travail pour évaluer deux applications possibles de catégorisation de pages d'un même ouvrage, la classification non supervisée de pages et la segmentation de flux de pages d'un même ouvrage. En outre, les différentes étapes de l'approche proposée ont donné lieu à des évaluations par le biais d'expérimentations menées sur un large corpus de documents patrimoniaux

    Arabic Manuscript Layout Analysis and Classification

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    A framework for ancient and machine-printed manuscripts categorization

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    Document image understanding (DIU) has attracted a lot of attention and became an of active fields of research. Although, the ultimate goal of DIU is extracting textual information of a document image, many steps are involved in a such a process such as categorization, segmentation and layout analysis. All of these steps are needed in order to obtain an accurate result from character recognition or word recognition of a document image. One of the important steps in DIU is document image categorization (DIC) that is needed in many situations such as document image written or printed in more than one script, font or language. This step provides useful information for recognition system and helps in reducing its error by allowing to incorporate a category-specific Optical Character Recognition (OCR) system or word recognition (WR) system. This research focuses on the problem of DIC in different categories of scripts, styles and languages and establishes a framework for flexible representation and feature extraction that can be adapted to many DIC problem. The current methods for DIC have many limitations and drawbacks that restrict the practical usage of these methods. We proposed an efficient framework for categorization of document image based on patch representation and Non-negative Matrix Factorization (NMF). This framework is flexible and can be adapted to different categorization problem. Many methods exist for script identification of document image but few of them addressed the problem in handwritten manuscripts and they have many limitations and drawbacks. Therefore, our first goal is to introduce a novel method for script identification of ancient manuscripts. The proposed method is based on patch representation in which the patches are extracted using skeleton map of a document images. This representation overcomes the limitation of the current methods about the fixed level of layout. The proposed feature extraction scheme based on Projective Non-negative Matrix Factorization (PNMF) is robust against noise and handwriting variation and can be used for different scripts. The proposed method has higher performance compared to state of the art methods and can be applied to different levels of layout. The current methods for font (style) identification are mostly proposed to be applied on machine-printed document image and many of them can only be used for a specific level of layout. Therefore, we proposed new method for font and style identification of printed and handwritten manuscripts based on patch representation and Non-negative Matrix Tri-Factorization (NMTF). The images are represented by overlapping patches obtained from the foreground pixels. The position of these patches are set based on skeleton map to reduce the number of patches. Non-Negative Matrix Tri-Factorization is used to learn bases from each fonts (style) and then these bases are used to classify a new image based on minimum representation error. The proposed method can easily be extended to new fonts as the bases for each font are learned separately from the other fonts. This method is tested on two datasets of machine-printed and ancient manuscript and the results confirmed its performance compared to the state of the art methods. Finally, we proposed a novel method for language identification of printed and handwritten manuscripts based on patch representation and Non-negative Matrix Tri-Factorization (NMTF). The current methods for language identification are based on textual data obtained by OCR engine or images data through coding and comparing with textual data. The OCR based method needs lots of processing and the current image based method are not applicable to cursive scripts such as Arabic. In this work we introduced a new method for language identification of machine-printed and handwritten manuscripts based on patch representation and NMTF. The patch representation provides the component of the Arabic script (letters) that can not be extracted simply by segmentation methods. Then NMTF is used for dictionary learning and generating codebooks that will be used to represent document image with a histogram. The proposed method is tested on two datasets of machine-printed and handwritten manuscripts and compared to n-gram features (text-based), texture features and codebook features (imagebased) to validate the performance. The above proposed methods are robust against variation in handwritings, changes in the font (handwriting style) and presence of degradation and are flexible that can be used to various levels of layout (from a textline to paragraph). The methods in this research have been tested on datasets of handwritten and machine-printed manuscripts and compared to state-of-the-art methods. All of the evaluations show the efficiency, robustness and flexibility of the proposed methods for categorization of document image. As mentioned before the proposed strategies provide a framework for efficient and flexible representation and feature extraction for document image categorization. This frame work can be applied to different levels of layout, the information from different levels of layout can be merged and mixed and this framework can be extended to more complex situations and different tasks

    A novel image matching approach for word spotting

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    Word spotting has been adopted and used by various researchers as a complementary technique to Optical Character Recognition for document analysis and retrieval. The various applications of word spotting include document indexing, image retrieval and information filtering. The important factors in word spotting techniques are pre-processing, selection and extraction of proper features and image matching algorithms. The Correlation Similarity Measure (CORR) algorithm is considered to be a faster matching algorithm, originally defined for finding similarities between binary patterns. In the word spotting literature the CORR algorithm has been used successfully to compare the GSC binary features extracted from binary word images, i.e., Gradient, Structural and Concavity (GSC) features. However, the problem with this approach is that binarization of images leads to a loss of very useful information. Furthermore, before extracting GSC binary features the word images must be skew corrected and slant normalized, which is not only difficult but in some cases impossible in Arabic and modified Arabic scripts. We present a new approach in which the Correlation Similarity Measure (CORR) algorithm has been used innovatively to compare Gray-scale word images. In this approach, binarization of images, skew correction and slant normalization of word images are not required at all. The various features, i.e., projection profiles, word profiles and transitional features are extracted from the Gray-scale word images and converted into their binary equivalents, which are compared via CORR algorithm with greater speed and higher accuracy. The experiments have been conducted on Gray-scale versions of newly created handwritten databases of Pashto and Dari languages, written in modified Arabic scripts. For each of these languages we have used 4599 words relating to 21 different word classes collected from 219 writers. The average precision rates achieved for Pashto and Dari languages were 93.18 % and 93.75 %, respectively. The time taken for matching a pair of images was 1.43 milli-seconds. In addition, we will present the handwritten databases for two well-known Indo- Iranian languages, i.e., Pashto and Dari languages. These are large databases which contain six types of data, i.e., Dates, Isolated Digits, Numeral Strings, Isolated Characters, Different Words and Special Symbols, written by native speakers of the corresponding languages