134 research outputs found

    16th Sound and Music Computing Conference SMC 2019 (28–31 May 2019, Malaga, Spain)

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    The 16th Sound and Music Computing Conference (SMC 2019) took place in Malaga, Spain, 28-31 May 2019 and it was organized by the Application of Information and Communication Technologies Research group (ATIC) of the University of Malaga (UMA). The SMC 2019 associated Summer School took place 25-28 May 2019. The First International Day of Women in Inclusive Engineering, Sound and Music Computing Research (WiSMC 2019) took place on 28 May 2019. The SMC 2019 TOPICS OF INTEREST included a wide selection of topics related to acoustics, psychoacoustics, music, technology for music, audio analysis, musicology, sonification, music games, machine learning, serious games, immersive audio, sound synthesis, etc

    IEEE Access Special Section Editorial: Big Data Technology and Applications in Intelligent Transportation

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    During the last few years, information technology and transportation industries, along with automotive manufacturers and academia, are focusing on leveraging intelligent transportation systems (ITS) to improve services related to driver experience, connected cars, Internet data plans for vehicles, traffic infrastructure, urban transportation systems, traffic collaborative management, road traffic accidents analysis, road traffic flow prediction, public transportation service plan, personal travel route plans, and the development of an effective ecosystem for vehicles, drivers, traffic controllers, city planners, and transportation applications. Moreover, the emerging technologies of the Internet of Things (IoT) and cloud computing have provided unprecedented opportunities for the development and realization of innovative intelligent transportation systems where sensors and mobile devices can gather information and cloud computing, allowing knowledge discovery, information sharing, and supported decision making. However, the development of such data-driven ITS requires the integration, processing, and analysis of plentiful information obtained from millions of vehicles, traffic infrastructures, smartphones, and other collaborative systems like weather stations and road safety and early warning systems. The huge amount of data generated by ITS devices is only of value if utilized in data analytics for decision-making such as accident prevention and detection, controlling road risks, reducing traffic carbon emissions, and other applications which bring big data analytics into the picture

    Colonoscopy polyp detection and classification: Dataset creation and comparative evaluations

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    Colorectal cancer (CRC) is one of the most common types of cancer with a high mortality rate. Colonoscopy is the preferred procedure for CRC screening and has proven to be effective in reducing CRC mortality. Thus, a reliable computer-aided polyp detection and classification system can significantly increase the effectiveness of colonoscopy. In this paper, we create an endoscopic dataset collected from various sources and annotate the ground truth of polyp location and classification results with the help of experienced gastroenterologists. The dataset can serve as a benchmark platform to train and evaluate the machine learning models for polyp classification. We have also compared the performance of eight state-of-the-art deep learning-based object detection models. The results demonstrate that deep CNN models are promising in CRC screening. This work can serve as a baseline for future research in polyp detection and classification

    Driver fatigue detection via differential evolution extreme learning machine technique

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    Fatigue driving (FD) is one of the main causes of traffic accidents. Traditionally, machine learning technologies such as back propagation neural network (BPNN) and support vector machine (SVM) are popularly used for fatigue driving detection. However, the BPNN exhibits slow convergence speed and many adjustable parameters, while it is difficult to train large-scale samples in the SVM. In this paper, we develop extreme learning machine (ELM)-based FD detection method to avoid the above disadvantages. Further, since the randomness of the weight and biases between the input layer and the hidden layer of the ELM will influence its generalization performance, we further apply a differential evolution ELM (DE-ELM) method to the analysis of the driver’s respiration and heartbeat signals, which can effectively judge the driver fatigue state. Moreover, not only will the Doppler radar and smart bracelet be used to obtain the driver respiration and heartbeat signals, but also the sample database required for the experiment will be established through extensive signal collections. Experimental results show that the DE-ELM has a better performance on driver’s fatigue level detection than the traditional ELM and SVM

    3D Deep Learning on Medical Images: A Review

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    The rapid advancements in machine learning, graphics processing technologies and availability of medical imaging data has led to a rapid increase in use of deep learning models in the medical domain. This was exacerbated by the rapid advancements in convolutional neural network (CNN) based architectures, which were adopted by the medical imaging community to assist clinicians in disease diagnosis. Since the grand success of AlexNet in 2012, CNNs have been increasingly used in medical image analysis to improve the efficiency of human clinicians. In recent years, three-dimensional (3D) CNNs have been employed for analysis of medical images. In this paper, we trace the history of how the 3D CNN was developed from its machine learning roots, give a brief mathematical description of 3D CNN and the preprocessing steps required for medical images before feeding them to 3D CNNs. We review the significant research in the field of 3D medical imaging analysis using 3D CNNs (and its variants) in different medical areas such as classification, segmentation, detection, and localization. We conclude by discussing the challenges associated with the use of 3D CNNs in the medical imaging domain (and the use of deep learning models, in general) and possible future trends in the field.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figures, 2 table

    Towards Video Transformers for Automatic Human Analysis

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    [eng] With the aim of creating artificial systems capable of mirroring the nuanced understanding and interpretative powers inherent to human cognition, this thesis embarks on an exploration of the intersection between human analysis and Video Transformers. The objective is to harness the potential of Transformers, a promising architectural paradigm, to comprehend the intricacies of human interaction, thus paving the way for the development of empathetic and context-aware intelligent systems. In order to do so, we explore the whole Computer Vision pipeline, from data gathering, to deeply analyzing recent developments, through model design and experimentation. Central to this study is the creation of UDIVA, an expansive multi-modal, multi-view dataset capturing dyadic face-to-face human interactions. Comprising 147 participants across 188 sessions, UDIVA integrates audio-visual recordings, heart-rate measurements, personality assessments, socio- demographic metadata, and conversational transcripts, establishing itself as the largest dataset for dyadic human interaction analysis up to this date. This dataset provides a rich context for probing the capabilities of Transformers within complex environments. In order to validate its utility, as well as to elucidate Transformers' ability to assimilate diverse contextual cues, we focus on addressing the challenge of personality regression within interaction scenarios. We first adapt an existing Video Transformer to handle multiple contextual sources and conduct rigorous experimentation. We empirically observe a progressive enhancement in model performance as more context is added, reinforcing the potential of Transformers to decode intricate human dynamics. Building upon these findings, the Dyadformer emerges as a novel architecture, adept at long-range modeling of dyadic interactions. By jointly modeling both participants in the interaction, as well as embedding multi- modal integration into the model itself, the Dyadformer surpasses the baseline and other concurrent approaches, underscoring Transformers' aptitude in deciphering multifaceted, noisy, and challenging tasks such as the analysis of human personality in interaction. Nonetheless, these experiments unveil the ubiquitous challenges when training Transformers, particularly in managing overfitting due to their demand for extensive datasets. Consequently, we conclude this thesis with a comprehensive investigation into Video Transformers, analyzing topics ranging from architectural designs and training strategies, to input embedding and tokenization, traversing through multi-modality and specific applications. Across these, we highlight trends which optimally harness spatio-temporal representations that handle video redundancy and high dimensionality. A culminating performance comparison is conducted in the realm of video action classification, spotlighting strategies that exhibit superior efficacy, even compared to traditional CNN-based methods.[cat] Aquesta tesi busca crear sistemes artificials que reflecteixin les habilitats de comprensió i interpretació humanes a través de l'ús de Transformers per a vídeo. L'objectiu és utilitzar aquestes arquitectures per comprendre millor la interacció humana i desenvolupar sistemes intel·ligents i conscients de l'entorn. Això implica explorar àmplies àrees de la Visió per Computador, des de la recopilació de dades fins a l'anàlisi de l'estat de l'art i la prova experimental d'aquests models. Una part essencial d'aquest estudi és la creació d'UDIVA, un ampli conjunt de dades multimodal i multivista que enregistra interaccions humanes cara a cara. Amb 147 participants i 188 sessions, UDIVA inclou contingut audiovisual, freqüència cardíaca, perfils de personalitat, dades sociodemogràfiques i transcripcions de les converses. És el conjunt de dades més gran conegut per a l'anàlisi de la interacció humana diàdica i proporciona un context ric per a l'estudi de les capacitats dels Transformers en entorns complexos. Per tal de validar la seva utilitat i les habilitats dels Transformers, ens centrem en la regressió de la personalitat. Inicialment, adaptem un Transformer de vídeo per integrar diverses fonts de context. Mitjançant experiments exhaustius, observem millores progressives en els resultats amb la inclusió de més context, confirmant la capacitat dels Transformers. Motivats per aquests resultats, desenvolupem el Dyadformer, una arquitectura per interaccions diàdiques de llarga duració. Aquesta nova arquitectura considera simultàniament els dos participants en la interacció i incorpora la multimodalitat en un sol model. El Dyadformer supera la nostra proposta inicial i altres treballs similars, destacant la capacitat dels Transformers per abordar tasques complexes. No obstant això, aquestos experiments revelen reptes d'entrenament dels Transformers, com el sobreajustament, per la seva necessitat de grans conjunts de dades. La tesi conclou amb una anàlisi profunda dels Transformers per a vídeo, incloent dissenys arquitectònics, estratègies d'entrenament, preprocessament de vídeos, tokenització i multimodalitat. S'identifiquen tendències per gestionar la redundància i alta dimensionalitat de vídeos i es realitza una comparació de rendiment en la classificació d'accions a vídeo, destacant estratègies d'eficàcia superior als mètodes tradicionals basats en convolucions


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    In recent years, the utilization of graph-based deep learning has gained prominence, yet its potential in the realm of medical diagnosis remains relatively unexplored. Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) has achieved state-of-the-art performance in areas such as computer vision, particularly for grid-like data such as images. However, they require a huge dataset to achieve top level of performance and challenge arises when learning from the inherent irregular/unordered nature of physiological data. In this thesis, the research primarily focuses on abnormality screening: classification of Chest X-Ray (CXR) as Tuberculosis positive or negative, using Graph Neural Networks (GNN) that uses Region Adjacency Graphs (RAGs), and each superpixel serves as a dedicated graph node. For graph classification, provided that the different classes are distinct enough GNN often classify graphs using just the graph structures. This study delves into the inquiry of whether the incorporation of node features, such as coordinate points and pixel intensity, along with structured data representing graph can enhance the learning process. By integration of residual and concatenation structures, this methodology adeptly captures essential features and relationships among superpixels, thereby contributing to advancements in tuberculosis identification. We achieved the best performance: accuracy of 0.80 and AUC of 0.79, through the union of state-of-the-art neural network architectures and innovative graph-based representations. This work introduces a new perspective to medical image analysis

    Computational Approaches to Explainable Artificial Intelligence:Advances in Theory, Applications and Trends

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    Deep Learning (DL), a groundbreaking branch of Machine Learning (ML), has emerged as a driving force in both theoretical and applied Artificial Intelligence (AI). DL algorithms, rooted in complex and non-linear artificial neural systems, excel at extracting high-level features from data. DL has demonstrated human-level performance in real-world tasks, including clinical diagnostics, and has unlocked solutions to previously intractable problems in virtual agent design, robotics, genomics, neuroimaging, computer vision, and industrial automation. In this paper, the most relevant advances from the last few years in Artificial Intelligence (AI) and several applications to neuroscience, neuroimaging, computer vision, and robotics are presented, reviewed and discussed. In this way, we summarize the state-of-the-art in AI methods, models and applications within a collection of works presented at the 9 International Conference on the Interplay between Natural and Artificial Computation (IWINAC). The works presented in this paper are excellent examples of new scientific discoveries made in laboratories that have successfully transitioned to real-life applications

    Computational approaches to Explainable Artificial Intelligence: Advances in theory, applications and trends

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    Deep Learning (DL), a groundbreaking branch of Machine Learning (ML), has emerged as a driving force in both theoretical and applied Artificial Intelligence (AI). DL algorithms, rooted in complex and non-linear artificial neural systems, excel at extracting high-level features from data. DL has demonstrated human-level performance in real-world tasks, including clinical diagnostics, and has unlocked solutions to previously intractable problems in virtual agent design, robotics, genomics, neuroimaging, computer vision, and industrial automation. In this paper, the most relevant advances from the last few years in Artificial Intelligence (AI) and several applications to neuroscience, neuroimaging, computer vision, and robotics are presented, reviewed and discussed. In this way, we summarize the state-of-the-art in AI methods, models and applications within a collection of works presented at the 9 International Conference on the Interplay between Natural and Artificial Computation (IWINAC). The works presented in this paper are excellent examples of new scientific discoveries made in laboratories that have successfully transitioned to real-life applications