285,310 research outputs found

    Playing “hide and seek” or penetrating architecture

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    Creating a relationship between space and the matter of a work of art has resulted in the fact that the relationships between the exterior and the interior are more important than ever before during the development of modern architecture. Together with the modernist revolution, the engagement of creators in surpassing the threshold of the visible exterior to enter the purely internal plane became the basis for the most radical manifestation of freedom and everything that is connected with defining the new architecture

    Pengaruh Pengembangan Pola Terhadap Hasil Volume Gelombang Hide and Seek Pada Gaun (Kakurenbo)

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    Abstrak   Gaun merupakan sepotong pakaian yang mempunyai bagian badan atas (bodice) dan rok bawah (skirt). Gaun bisa dirancang pas (fitted), setengah pas (semi-fitted), tidak pas/longgar (unfited). Gaun hide and seek (kakurenbo) selain garis yoke dada yang berbentuk lengkungan dengan model melebar atau longgar kebawah juga memiliki gelombang yang struktural pada bagian tengah muka. Pembuatan Hide and seek pada gaun (kakurenbo) berasal dari jepang dengan metode pattern magic oleh Tomoko Nakamichi yang menghasilkan beberapa gelombang yang struktural sesuai desain. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk a) mengetahui adanya pengaruh pengembangan pola trerhadap hasil volume gelombang hide and seek pada gaun (kakurenbo), b) mengetahui hasil terbaik pengembangan pola terhadap hasil volume gelombang hide and seek pada gaun (kakurenbo) dengan pengembangan pola ¼, ½, dan 1 lingkar. Jenis penelitian termasuk penelitian eksperimendengan variabel bebas yaitu pengembangan pola hide and seek pada gaun (kakurenbo) dengan ukuran ¼, ½, dan 1 lingkar, variabel terikat yaitu hasil volume gelombang hide and seek pada gaun (kakurenbo) ditinjau dari aspek besar volume gelombang, jatuh gaun bagian sisi, rata-rata air gaun, dan variabel kontrol yaitu desain, ukuran, metode pattern magic, proses menjahit, orang yang menjahit, waktu. Metode pengumpulan data menggunakan metode observasi dengan instrumen penelitian yaitu lembar observasi. Analisis data mengunakan anava tunggal dengan bantuan program SPSS 21 dengan taraf nyata a<(0,05). Hasil uji anava menunjukan bahwa ada pengaruh yang signifikan pengembangan pola ¼, ½, dan 1 lingkar terhadap hasil volume gelombang hide and seekpada gaun (kakurenbo) pada aspek jatuh gaun bagian sisi karena hasil jatuh gaun bagian sisi garis sisi lebih terlihat, sedangkan tidak ada pengaruh yang signifikan pada aspek besar volume gelombang dan rata-rata air gaun. Hasil jadi terbaik yaitu pada pengembangan pola ¼ lingkar, sesuai dengan hasil pengamatan observer bahwa pengembangan pola ¼ lingkar memiliki gelombang yang baik atau bagus dibandingkan pengembangan pola ½ lingkar dan 1 lingkar.   Kata Kunci: Gaun, hide and seek (kakurenbo), pengembangan pola ¼, ½, dan 1 lingkar   Abstract     Gown is a piece of dress that has bodice and skrit. The gown can be designed either semi-fitted or loose (unfitted). The hide and seek (kakurenbo) gown not only has chest yoke line that has curved sahpe with flare or loose beneath style but also has structural wave at the middle face part. The hide and seek (kakurenbo) for using pattern magic cones japan by tomoko nakamichi that produce some structural wave appropriate with the design. This research was aimed to a) describe the effect pattern development toward hide and seek (kakurenbo) gown’s wave volume that has produced, b) seacrh which one of the pattern whether it is ¼, ½ , or full circle hide and seek (kakurenbo) gown’s wave volume. This researchis an experiment research with the development of hide and seek (kakurenbo) pattern in gown ¼, ½, and full circle as the independent variable and kakurenbo’s wave volume that has produced based on the size of wave, fell of side gown, and water average of gown as the dependent variable. The model or design, size of dress, pattern magic method, sewing process, the tailor, and time to produce the dress was controlled in this research. The data was obtained was analyzed by single anava method using SPSS 21 program with  a<(0,05) level of real degree. The result showed that there wasa significant effect of pattern decelopment toward hide and seek (kakurenbo) gown’s wave volume that has produced based on the aspect of fell of side gown but there was no significant effect based on the aspect of the size of wave and water average of gown. The pattern that best produce hide and seek (kakurenbo) gown’s wave volume that ¼ circle pattern, it was appropriate with the observation’s result of the observer which is the development of ¼ circle pattern produce better and more pretty wave compared to the ½ and full circle pattern.   Keywords: gown, hide and seek (kakurenbo), pattern development of ¼, ½, and full circle

    Show-and-Tell or Hide-and-Seek? Examining Organizational Cybersecurity Incident Notifications

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    The growing frequency of cybersecurity incidents commonly requires organizations to notify customers of ongoing events. However, the content contained within these notifications varies widely, including differences in the level of detail, apportioning of blame, compensation, and corrective action. This study seeks to identify patterns contained within cybersecurity incident notifications by constructing a typology of organizational responses. Based on a detailed review of 465 global cybersecurity incidents that occurred during the first half of 2020, we obtained and qualitatively analyzed 187 customer notifications. Our results reveal three distinct organizational response types associated with the level of detail contained within the notification (full transparency, guarded, opacity), as well as three additional response types associated with the benefitting party (customer interest, balanced interest, company interest). This work extends past classifications of cybersecurity incident notifications and provides a template of possible notification approaches that could be adopted by organizations

    Zero Error Coordination

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    In this paper, we consider a zero error coordination problem wherein the nodes of a network exchange messages to be able to perfectly coordinate their actions with the individual observations of each other. While previous works on coordination commonly assume an asymptotically vanishing error, we assume exact, zero error coordination. Furthermore, unlike previous works that employ the empirical or strong notions of coordination, we define and use a notion of set coordination. This notion of coordination bears similarities with the empirical notion of coordination. We observe that set coordination, in its special case of two nodes with a one-way communication link is equivalent with the "Hide and Seek" source coding problem of McEliece and Posner. The Hide and Seek problem has known intimate connections with graph entropy, rate distortion theory, Renyi mutual information and even error exponents. Other special cases of the set coordination problem relate to Witsenhausen's zero error rate and the distributed computation problem. These connections motivate a better understanding of set coordination, its connections with empirical coordination, and its study in more general setups. This paper takes a first step in this direction by proving new results for two node networks

    Pengaruh Permainan Tradisional Petak Umpet terhadap Penyesuaian Sosial Anak Usia Sekolah Dasar

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    The aim of the research was to find out the influence of traditional game hide-and-seek to the social adaptation of elementary students in RT 01 and 02 South Rewarangga. The method of the research was quantitative research. The sample was the elementary students of graden 4, 5 and 6 consist of 57 students through probability sampling whichc included in simple random sampling. The instruments used were questionnaire. The data were analyzed by using descriptive statistical technique, try out  test including normality, linearity and regression test. The result included regression result Y= 49.739 + 0,498X, the significant score was 0,019 smaller than probability score 0,05, t obtain was 2,444 higher than the t table 2,026 and R Square was 0,139 or 13,9% whereas the rest was 86,1% influenced by other variables. In conclusion, there was a significant influence of the application of traditional game hide-and-seek towward elementary students social adaptation. Keywords: Traditional Games, Hide and Seek, Social Adaptation, Elementary School Student

    The Missing Data Encoder: Cross-Channel Image Completion\\with Hide-And-Seek Adversarial Network

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    Image completion is the problem of generating whole images from fragments only. It encompasses inpainting (generating a patch given its surrounding), reverse inpainting/extrapolation (generating the periphery given the central patch) as well as colorization (generating one or several channels given other ones). In this paper, we employ a deep network to perform image completion, with adversarial training as well as perceptual and completion losses, and call it the ``missing data encoder'' (MDE). We consider several configurations based on how the seed fragments are chosen. We show that training MDE for ``random extrapolation and colorization'' (MDE-REC), i.e. using random channel-independent fragments, allows a better capture of the image semantics and geometry. MDE training makes use of a novel ``hide-and-seek'' adversarial loss, where the discriminator seeks the original non-masked regions, while the generator tries to hide them. We validate our models both qualitatively and quantitatively on several datasets, showing their interest for image completion, unsupervised representation learning as well as face occlusion handling


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    Gerakan yang membutuhkan otot besar atau motorik kasar bisa dilakukan melalui kegiatan yang menggunakan seluruh anggota tubuh yaitu dengan melompat, berlari, berjalan dan bermain petak umpet. Peneliti memilih bermain cari teman (petak umpet) adalah permainan yang sangat menyenangkan bagi anak cara bermain petak umpet adalah mencari teman yang bersembunyi. Di RA Atsauripada kelompok B masih terdapat anak yang dalam kemampuan motorik kasar masih dibawah rata-rata peneliti bertujuan untuk mengembangkan motorik kasar anak melalui bermain petak umpet dengan pembelajaran yang dilakukan secara daring. Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK) merupakan metode yang digunakan, Adapun Teknik pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini adalah observasi dengan analisis data kualitatif dan anak kelompok B dengan jumlah 10 orang anak yaitu lima anak laki-laki dan lima anak perempuan adalah subjek dalam penelitian, untuk meningkatkan keterampilan motorik halus anak dengan bermain petak umpet dengan pembelajaran yang dilakukan secara daring, dengan kegiatan tersebut peneliti mendapatkan hasil akhir 80% keterampilan motorik kasar anak meningkat.Movements that require large muscles or gross motor skills can be done through activities that use the entire body, namely jumping, running, walking, and playing hide and seek. Researchers chose to play make friends (hide and seek) is a very fun game for children. The way to play hide and seek is to find friends who are hiding. In RA Atsauri in group B, there are still children whose gross motor skills are still below the average. The researcher aims to develop children's gross motor skills through playing hide and seek with online learning. Classroom Action Research (CAR) is the method used. The data collection technique in this study is observation with qualitative data analysis and group B children with a total of 10 children, namely five boys and five girls are the subjects in the study, to improve children's fine motor skills by playing hide and seek with online learning, with these activities the researchers got the final result 80% of children's gross motor skills increased


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    The purpose of this research is to correct whether it is true or not about the influence of hide and seek game to the emotional social ability on B group children at TK Roudlotul Jannah Al Huda Mojokerto city. The subject were on B group children at TK Roudlotul Jannah Al Huda of 22 children. The Results showed that T hitung < T tabel (0 < 66), thus Ha Accepted , and Ho is rejected. According to the research, we can conclude that hide and seek game gives influence to the emotional social ability children’s.Keywords : Emotional social ability, hide and seek game.Abstrak : Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengkaji ada atau tidaknya pengaruh permainan petak umpet terhadap kemampuan sosial emosional anak kelompok B. Subyek dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh anak kelompok B di TK Roudlotul Jannah Al Huda Kota Mojokerto yang berjumlah 22 anak. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa T hitung < T tabel (0 < 66), dengan demikian Ha diterima, dan Ho ditolak. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa permainan petak umpet berpengaruh terhadap kemampuan sosial emosional anak.Kata kunci : kemampuan sosial emosional, permainan petak umpe

    A Random Walk Perspective on Hide-and-Seek Games

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    We investigate hide-and-seek games on complex networks using a random walk framework. Specifically, we investigate the efficiency of various degree-biased random walk search strategies to locate items that are randomly hidden on a subset of vertices of a random graph. Vertices at which items are hidden in the network are chosen at random as well, though with probabilities that may depend on degree. We pitch various hide and seek strategies against each other, and determine the efficiency of search strategies by computing the average number of hidden items that a searcher will uncover in a random walk of nn steps. Our analysis is based on the cavity method for finite single instances of the problem, and generalises previous work of De Bacco et al. [1] so as to cover degree-biased random walks. We also extend the analysis to deal with the thermodynamic limit of infinite system size. We study a broad spectrum of functional forms for the degree bias of both the hiding and the search strategy and investigate the efficiency of families of search strategies for cases where their functional form is either matched or unmatched to that of the hiding strategy. Our results are in excellent agreement with those of numerical simulations. We propose two simple approximations for predicting efficient search strategies. One is based on an equilibrium analysis of the random walk search strategy. While not exact, it produces correct orders of magnitude for parameters characterising optimal search strategies. The second exploits the existence of an effective drift in random walks on networks, and is expected to be efficient in systems with low concentration of small degree nodes.Comment: 31 pages, 10 (multi-part) figure
