8 research outputs found

    Automated Identification of Digital Evidence across Heterogeneous Data Resources

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    Digital forensics has become an increasingly important tool in the fight against cyber and computer-assisted crime. However, with an increasing range of technologies at people’s disposal, investigators find themselves having to process and analyse many systems with large volumes of data (e.g., PCs, laptops, tablets, and smartphones) within a single case. Unfortunately, current digital forensic tools operate in an isolated manner, investigating systems and applications individually. The heterogeneity and volume of evidence place time constraints and a significant burden on investigators. Examples of heterogeneity include applications such as messaging (e.g., iMessenger, Viber, Snapchat, and WhatsApp), web browsers (e.g., Firefox and Google Chrome), and file systems (e.g., NTFS, FAT, and HFS). Being able to analyse and investigate evidence from across devices and applications in a universal and harmonized fashion would enable investigators to query all data at once. In addition, successfully prioritizing evidence and reducing the volume of data to be analysed reduces the time taken and cognitive load on the investigator. This thesis focuses on the examination and analysis phases of the digital investigation process. It explores the feasibility of dealing with big and heterogeneous data sources in order to correlate the evidence from across these evidential sources in an automated way. Therefore, a novel approach was developed to solve the heterogeneity issues of big data using three developed algorithms. The three algorithms include the harmonising, clustering, and automated identification of evidence (AIE) algorithms. The harmonisation algorithm seeks to provide an automated framework to merge similar datasets by characterising similar metadata categories and then harmonising them in a single dataset. This algorithm overcomes heterogeneity issues and makes the examination and analysis easier by analysing and investigating the evidential artefacts across devices and applications based on the categories to query data at once. Based on the merged datasets, the clustering algorithm is used to identify the evidential files and isolate the non-related files based on their metadata. Afterwards, the AIE algorithm tries to identify the cluster holding the largest number of evidential artefacts through searching based on two methods: criminal profiling activities and some information from the criminals themselves. Then, the related clusters are identified through timeline analysis and a search of associated artefacts of the files within the first cluster. A series of experiments using real-life forensic datasets were conducted to evaluate the algorithms across five different categories of datasets (i.e., messaging, graphical files, file system, internet history, and emails), each containing data from different applications across different devices. The results of the characterisation and harmonisation process show that the algorithm can merge all fields successfully, with the exception of some binary-based data found within the messaging datasets (contained within Viber and SMS). The error occurred because of a lack of information for the characterisation process to make a useful determination. However, on further analysis, it was found that the error had a minimal impact on subsequent merged data. The results of the clustering process and AIE algorithm showed the two algorithms can collaborate and identify more than 92% of evidential files.HCED Ira

    Data and the city – accessibility and openness. a cybersalon paper on open data

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    This paper showcases examples of bottom–up open data and smart city applications and identifies lessons for future such efforts. Examples include Changify, a neighbourhood-based platform for residents, businesses, and companies; Open Sensors, which provides APIs to help businesses, startups, and individuals develop applications for the Internet of Things; and Cybersalon’s Hackney Treasures. a location-based mobile app that uses Wikipedia entries geolocated in Hackney borough to map notable local residents. Other experiments with sensors and open data by Cybersalon members include Ilze Black and Nanda Khaorapapong's The Breather, a "breathing" balloon that uses high-end, sophisticated sensors to make air quality visible; and James Moulding's AirPublic, which measures pollution levels. Based on Cybersalon's experience to date, getting data to the people is difficult, circuitous, and slow, requiring an intricate process of leadership, public relations, and perseverance. Although there are myriad tools and initiatives, there is no one solution for the actual transfer of that data

    Energieeffizienz in Büroumgebungen

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    The increasing cost of energy and the worldwide desire to reduce CO2 emissions has raised concern about the energy efficiency of information and communication technology. Whilst research has focused on data centres recently, this thesis identifies office computing environments as significant consumers of energy. Office computing environments offer great potential for energy savings: On one hand, such environments consist of a large number of hosts. On the other hand, these hosts often remain turned on 24~hours per day while being underutilised or even idle. This thesis analyzes the energy consumption within office computing environments and suggests an energy-efficient virtualized office environment. The office environment is virtualized to achieve flexible virtualized office resources that enable an energy-based resource management. This resource management stops idle services and idle hosts from consuming resources within the office and consolidates utilised office services on office hosts. This increases the utilisation of some hosts while other hosts are turned off to save energy. The suggested architecture is based on a decentralized approach that can be applied to all kinds of office computing environments, even if no centralized data centre infrastructure is available. The thesis develops the architecture of the virtualized office environment together with an energy consumption model that is able to estimate the energy consumption of hosts and network within office environments. The model enables the energy-related comparison of ordinary and virtualized office environments, considering the energy-efficient management of services. Furthermore, this thesis evaluates energy efficiency and overhead of the suggested approach. First, it theoretically proves the energy efficiency of the virtualized office environment with respect to the energy consumption model. Second, it uses Markov processes to evaluate the impact of user behaviour on the suggested architecture. Finally, the thesis develops a discrete-event simulation that enables the simulation and evaluation of office computing environments with respect to varying virtualization approaches, resource management parameters, user behaviour, and office equipment. The evaluation shows that the virtualized office environment saves more than half of the energy consumption within office computing environments, depending on user behaviour and office equipment.Die steigenden Kosten von Energie und die weltweiten Bemühungen CO2-Emmissionen zu reduzieren, führt aktuell zu einer intensiven Untersuchung der Energieeffizienz von Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien. Während ein großer Teil der aktuellen Forschung sich auf Rechenzentren fokussiert, betrachtet diese Arbeit Büroumgebungen mit ihren Rechnern und dem verbindenden Netzwerk. Eine energieeffiziente Architektur wird vorgeschlagen, die auf die Virtualisierung und Konsolidierung von Diensten setzt, ohne auf zentralisierte Rechenzentrumshardware oder Thin Clients angewiesen zu sein

    PROCEEDINGS 5th PLATE Conference

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    The 5th international PLATE conference (Product Lifetimes and the Environment) addressed product lifetimes in the context of sustainability. The PLATE conference, which has been running since 2015, has successfully been able to establish a solid network of researchers around its core theme. The topic has come to the forefront of current (political, scientific & societal) debates due to its interconnectedness with a number of recent prominent movements, such as the circular economy, eco-design and collaborative consumption. For the 2023 edition of the conference, we encouraged researchers to propose how to extend, widen or critically re-construct thematic sessions for the PLATE conference, and the paper call was constructed based on these proposals. In this 5th PLATE conference, we had 171 paper presentations and 238 participants from 14 different countries. Beside of paper sessions we organized workshops and REPAIR exhibitions

    Robust and adaptive query processing in hybrid transactional/analytical database systems

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    The quality of query execution plans in database systems determines how fast a query can be processed. Conventional query optimization may still select sub-optimal or even bad query execution plans, due to errors in the cardinality estimation. In this work, we address limitations and unsolved problems of Robust and Adaptive Query Processing, with the goal of improving the detection and compensation of sub-optimal query execution plans. We demonstrate that existing heuristics cannot sufficiently characterize the intermediate result cardinalities, for which a given query execution plan remains optimal, and present an algorithm to calculate precise optimality ranges. The compensation of sub-optimal query execution plans is a complementary problem. We describe metrics to quantify the robustness of query execution plans with respect to cardinality estimations errors. In queries with cardinality estimation errors, our corresponding robust plan selection strategy chooses query execution plans, which are up to 3.49x faster, compared to the estimated cheapest plans. Furthermore, we present an adaptive query processor to compensate sub-optimal query execution plans. It collects true cardinalities of intermediate results at query execution time to re-optimize the currently running query. We show that the overall effort for re-optimizations and plan switches is similar to the initial optimization. Our adaptive query processor can execute queries up to 5.19x faster, compared to a conventional query processor.Die Qualität von Anfrageausführungsplänen in Datenbank Systemen bestimmt, wie schnell eine Anfrage verarbeitet werden kann. Aufgrund von Fehlern in der Kardinalitätsschätzung können konventionelle Anfrageoptimierer immer noch sub-optimale oder sogar schlechte Anfrageausführungsplänen auswählen. In dieser Arbeit behandeln wir Einschränkungen und ungelöste Probleme robuster und adaptiver Anfrageverarbeitung, um die Erkennung und den Ausgleich sub-optimaler Anfrageausführungspläne zu verbessern. Wir zeigen, dass bestehende Heuristiken nicht entscheiden können, für welche Kardinalitäten ein Anfrageausführungsplan optimal ist, und stellen einen Algorithmus vor, der präzise Optimalitätsbereiche berechnen kann. Der Ausgleich von sub-optimalen Anfrageausführungsplänen ist ein ergänzendes Problem. Wir beschreiben Metriken, welche die Robustheit von Anfrageausführungsplänen gegenüber Fehlern in der Kardinalitätsschätzung quantifizieren können. Unsere robuste Planauswahlstrategie, die auf Robustheitsmetriken aufbaut, kann Pläne finden, die bei Fehlern in der Kardinalitätsschätzung bis zu 3.49x schneller sind als die geschätzt günstigsten Pläne. Des Weiteren stellen wir einen adaptiven Anfrageverarbeiter vor, der sub-optimale Anfrageausführungspläne ausgleichen kann. Er erfasst die wahren Kardinalitäten von Zwischenergebnissen während der Anfrageausführung, um damit die aktuell laufende Anfrage zu re-optimieren. Wir zeigen, dass der gesamte Aufwand für Re-Optimierungen und Planänderungen einer initialen Optimierung entspricht. Unser adaptiver Anfrageverarbeiter kann Anfragen bis zu 5.19x schneller ausführen als ein konventioneller Anfrageverarbeiter