52 research outputs found

    Octahedron-based Projections as Intermediate Representations for Computer Imaging: TOAST, TEA, and More

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    This paper defines and discusses a set of rectangular all-sky projections that have no singular points, notably the Tesselated Octahedral Adaptive Spherical Transformation (or TOAST) developed initially for the WorldWide Telescope. These have proven to be useful as intermediate representations for imaging data where the application transforms dynamically from a standardized internal format to a specific format (projection, scaling, orientation, etc.) requested by the user. TOAST is strongly related to the Hierarchical Triangular Mesh pixelization and is particularly well adapted to situations where one wishes to traverse a hierarchy of images increasing in resolution. Because it can be recursively computed using a very simple algorithm it is particularly adaptable to use with graphical processing units

    Doctor of Philosophy

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    dissertationVisualizing surfaces is a fundamental technique in computer science and is frequently used across a wide range of fields such as computer graphics, biology, engineering, and scientific visualization. In many cases, visualizing an interface between boundaries can provide meaningful analysis or simplification of complex data. Some examples include physical simulation for animation, multimaterial mesh extraction in biophysiology, flow on airfoils in aeronautics, and integral surfaces. However, the quest for high-quality visualization, coupled with increasingly complex data, comes with a high computational cost. Therefore, new techniques are needed to solve surface visualization problems within a reasonable amount of time while also providing sophisticated visuals that are meaningful to scientists and engineers. In this dissertation, novel techniques are presented to facilitate surface visualization. First, a particle system for mesh extraction is parallelized on the graphics processing unit (GPU) with a red-black update scheme to achieve an order of magnitude speed-up over a central processing unit (CPU) implementation. Next, extending the red-black technique to multiple materials showed inefficiencies on the GPU. Therefore, we borrow the underlying data structure from the closest point method, the closest point embedding, and the particle system solver is switched to hierarchical octree-based approach on the GPU. Third, to demonstrate that the closest point embedding is a fast, flexible data structure for surface particles, it is adapted to unsteady surface flow visualization at near-interactive speeds. Finally, the closest point embedding is a three-dimensional dense structure that does not scale well. Therefore, we introduce a closest point sparse octree that allows the closest point embedding to scale to higher resolution. Further, we demonstrate unsteady line integral convolution using the closest point method

    Development and implementation of real time image analysis algorithms

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    This work concerns the development and implementation of real-time image processing algorithms. Such systems may be applied to industrial inspection problems, which typically require basic operations to be performed on 256 x 256 pixel images in 20 to 100ms using systems costing less than about &pound;20000.Building such systems is difficult because conventional processors executing at around 1MIPS with conventional algorithms are some 2 orders of magnitude too slow. A solution to this is to use a closely coupled array processor such as the DAP, or CLIP4 which is designed especially for image processing. However such a space-parallel architecture imposes its own structure on the problem, and this restricts the class of algorithms which may be efficiently executed to those exhibiting similar space parallelism, i.e. so-called 'parallel algorithms'. This thesis examines an alternative approach which uses a mix of conventional processors and high speed hardware processors. A special frame store has been built for the acquisition and display of images stored in memory on a multiprocessor backplane. Also described are an interface to a host mini-computer, a bus interface to the system and its use with some hardwired and microcoded processors. This system is compared to a single computer operating with a frame store optimised for image processing. The basic software and hardware system described in this thesis has been used in a factory environment for foodproduct inspection.<p

    Hardware-accelerated algorithms in visual computing

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    This thesis presents new parallel algorithms which accelerate computer vision methods by the use of graphics processors (GPUs) and evaluates them with respect to their speed, scalability, and the quality of their results. It covers the fields of homogeneous and anisotropic diffusion processes, diffusion image inpainting, optic flow, and halftoning. In this turn, it compares different solvers for homogeneous diffusion and presents a novel \u27extended\u27 box filter. Moreover, it suggests to use the fast explicit diffusion scheme (FED) as an efficient and flexible solver for nonlinear and in particular for anisotropic parabolic diffusion problems on graphics hardware. For elliptic diffusion-like processes, it recommends to use cascadic FED or Fast Jacobi schemes. The presented optic flow algorithm represents one of the fastest yet very accurate techniques. Finally, it presents a novel halftoning scheme which yields state-of-the-art results for many applications in image processing and computer graphics.Diese Arbeit präsentiert neue parallele Algorithmen zur Beschleunigung von Methoden in der Bildinformatik mittels Grafikprozessoren (GPUs), und evaluiert diese im Hinblick auf Geschwindigkeit, Skalierungsverhalten, und Qualität der Resultate. Sie behandelt dabei die Gebiete der homogenen und anisotropen Diffusionsprozesse, Inpainting (Bildvervollständigung) mittels Diffusion, die Bestimmung des optischen Flusses, sowie Halbtonverfahren. Dabei werden verschiedene Löser für homogene Diffusion verglichen und ein neuer \u27erweiterter\u27 Mittelwertfilter präsentiert. Ferner wird vorgeschlagen, das schnelle explizite Diffusionsschema (FED) als effizienten und flexiblen Löser für parabolische nichtlineare und speziell anisotrope Diffusionsprozesse auf Grafikprozessoren einzusetzen. Für elliptische diffusionsartige Prozesse wird hingegen empfohlen, kaskadierte FED- oder schnelle Jacobi-Verfahren einzusetzen. Der vorgestellte Algorithmus zur Berechnung des optischen Flusses stellt eines der schnellsten und dennoch äußerst genauen Verfahren dar. Schließlich wird ein neues Halbtonverfahren präsentiert, das in vielen Bereichen der Bildverarbeitung und Computergrafik Ergebnisse produziert, die den Stand der Technik repräsentieren

    Interactive volume ray tracing

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    Die Visualisierung von volumetrischen Daten ist eine der interessantesten, aber sicherlich auch schwierigsten Anwendungsgebiete innerhalb der wissenschaftlichen Visualisierung. Im Gegensatz zu Oberflächenmodellen, repräsentieren solche Daten ein semi-transparentes Medium in einem 3D-Feld. Anwendungen reichen von medizinischen Untersuchungen, Simulation physikalischer Prozesse bis hin zur visuellen Kunst. Viele dieser Anwendungen verlangen Interaktivität hinsichtlich Darstellungs- und Visualisierungsparameter. Der Ray-Tracing- (Stahlverfolgungs-) Algorithmus wurde dabei, obwohl er inhärent die Interaktion mit einem solchen Medium simulieren kann, immer als zu langsam angesehen. Die meisten Forscher konzentrierten sich vielmehr auf Rasterisierungsansätze, da diese besser für Grafikkarten geeignet sind. Dabei leiden diese Ansätze entweder unter einer ungenügenden Qualität respektive Flexibilität. Die andere Alternative besteht darin, den Ray-Tracing-Algorithmus so zu beschleunigen, dass er sinnvoll für Visualisierungsanwendungen benutzt werden kann. Seit der Verfügbarkeit moderner Grafikkarten hat die Forschung auf diesem Gebiet nachgelassen, obwohl selbst moderne GPUs immer noch Limitierungen, wie beispielsweise der begrenzte Grafikkartenspeicher oder das umständliche Programmiermodell, enthalten. Die beiden in dieser Arbeit vorgestellten Methoden sind deshalb vollständig softwarebasiert, da es sinnvoller erscheint, möglichst viele Optimierungen in Software zu realisieren, bevor eine Portierung auf Hardware erfolgt. Die erste Methode wird impliziter Kd-Baum genannt, eine hierarchische und räumliche Beschleunigungstruktur, die ursprünglich für die Generierung von Isoflächen reguläre Gitterdatensätze entwickelt wurde. In der Zwischenzeit unterstützt sie auch die semi-transparente Darstellung, die Darstellung von zeitabhängigen Datensätzen und wurde erfolgreich für andere Anwendungen eingesetzt. Der zweite Algorithmus benutzt so genannte Plücker-Koordinaten, welche die Implementierung eines schnellen inkrementellen Traversierers für Datensätze erlauben, deren Primitive Tetraeder beziehungsweise Hexaeder sind. Beide Algorithmen wurden wesentlich optimiert, um eine interaktive Bildgenerierung volumetrischer Daten zu ermöglichen und stellen deshalb einen wichtigen Beitrag hin zu einem flexiblen und interaktiven Volumen-Ray-Tracing-System dar.Volume rendering is one of the most demanding and interesting topics among scientific visualization. Applications include medical examinations, simulation of physical processes, and visual art. Most of these applications demand interactivity with respect to the viewing and visualization parameters. The ray tracing algorithm, although inherently simulating light interaction with participating media, was always considered too slow. Instead, most researchers followed object-order algorithms better suited for graphics adapters, although such approaches often suffer either from low quality or lack of flexibility. Another alternative is to speed up the ray tracing algorithm to make it competitive for volumetric visualization tasks. Since the advent of modern graphic adapters, research in this area had somehow ceased, although some limitations of GPUs, e.g. limited graphics board memory and tedious programming model, are still a problem. The two methods discussed in this thesis are therefore purely software-based since it is believed that software implementations allow for a far better optimization process before porting algorithms to hardware. The first method is called implicit kd-tree, which is a hierarchical spatial acceleration structure originally developed for iso-surface rendering of regular data sets that now supports semi-transparent rendering, time-dependent data visualization, and is even used in non volume-rendering applications. The second algorithm uses so-called Plücker coordinates, providing a fast incremental traversal for data sets consisting of tetrahedral or hexahedral primitives. Both algorithms are highly optimized to support interactive rendering of volumetric data sets and are therefore major contributions towards a flexible and interactive volume ray tracing framework

    Hierarchical Variance Reduction Techniques for Monte Carlo Rendering

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    Ever since the first three-dimensional computer graphics appeared half a century ago, the goal has been to model and simulate how light interacts with materials and objects to form an image. The ultimate goal is photorealistic rendering, where the created images reach a level of accuracy that makes them indistinguishable from photographs of the real world. There are many applications ñ visualization of products and architectural designs yet to be built, special effects, computer-generated films, virtual reality, and video games, to name a few. However, the problem has proven tremendously complex; the illumination at any point is described by a recursive integral to which a closed-form solution seldom exists. Instead, computer simulation and Monte Carlo methods are commonly used to statistically estimate the result. This introduces undesirable noise, or variance, and a large body of research has been devoted to finding ways to reduce the variance. I continue along this line of research, and present several novel techniques for variance reduction in Monte Carlo rendering, as well as a few related tools. The research in this dissertation focuses on using importance sampling to pick a small set of well-distributed point samples. As the primary contribution, I have developed the first methods to explicitly draw samples from the product of distant high-frequency lighting and complex reflectance functions. By sampling the product, low noise results can be achieved using a very small number of samples, which is important to minimize the rendering times. Several different hierarchical representations are explored to allow efficient product sampling. In the first publication, the key idea is to work in a compressed wavelet basis, which allows fast evaluation of the product. Many of the initial restrictions of this technique were removed in follow-up work, allowing higher-resolution uncompressed lighting and avoiding precomputation of reflectance functions. My second main contribution is to present one of the first techniques to take the triple product of lighting, visibility and reflectance into account to further reduce the variance in Monte Carlo rendering. For this purpose, control variates are combined with importance sampling to solve the problem in a novel way. A large part of the technique also focuses on analysis and approximation of the visibility function. To further refine the above techniques, several useful tools are introduced. These include a fast, low-distortion map to represent (hemi)spherical functions, a method to create high-quality quasi-random points, and an optimizing compiler for analyzing shaders using interval arithmetic. The latter automatically extracts bounds for importance sampling of arbitrary shaders, as opposed to using a priori known reflectance functions. In summary, the work presented here takes the field of computer graphics one step further towards making photorealistic rendering practical for a wide range of uses. By introducing several novel Monte Carlo methods, more sophisticated lighting and materials can be used without increasing the computation times. The research is aimed at domain-specific solutions to the rendering problem, but I believe that much of the new theory is applicable in other parts of computer graphics, as well as in other fields

    Plenoptic Signal Processing for Robust Vision in Field Robotics

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    This thesis proposes the use of plenoptic cameras for improving the robustness and simplicity of machine vision in field robotics applications. Dust, rain, fog, snow, murky water and insufficient light can cause even the most sophisticated vision systems to fail. Plenoptic cameras offer an appealing alternative to conventional imagery by gathering significantly more light over a wider depth of field, and capturing a rich 4D light field structure that encodes textural and geometric information. The key contributions of this work lie in exploring the properties of plenoptic signals and developing algorithms for exploiting them. It lays the groundwork for the deployment of plenoptic cameras in field robotics by establishing a decoding, calibration and rectification scheme appropriate to compact, lenslet-based devices. Next, the frequency-domain shape of plenoptic signals is elaborated and exploited by constructing a filter which focuses over a wide depth of field rather than at a single depth. This filter is shown to reject noise, improving contrast in low light and through attenuating media, while mitigating occluders such as snow, rain and underwater particulate matter. Next, a closed-form generalization of optical flow is presented which directly estimates camera motion from first-order derivatives. An elegant adaptation of this "plenoptic flow" to lenslet-based imagery is demonstrated, as well as a simple, additive method for rendering novel views. Finally, the isolation of dynamic elements from a static background is considered, a task complicated by the non-uniform apparent motion caused by a mobile camera. Two elegant closed-form solutions are presented dealing with monocular time-series and light field image pairs. This work emphasizes non-iterative, noise-tolerant, closed-form, linear methods with predictable and constant runtimes, making them suitable for real-time embedded implementation in field robotics applications
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