198 research outputs found

    Learning to compare nodes in branch and bound with graph neural networks

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    En informatique, la résolution de problèmes NP-difficiles en un temps raisonnable est d’une grande importance : optimisation de la chaîne d’approvisionnement, planification, routage, alignement de séquences biologiques multiples, inference dans les modèles graphiques pro- babilistes, et même certains problèmes de cryptographie sont tous des examples de la classe NP-complet. En pratique, nous modélisons beaucoup d’entre eux comme un problème d’op- timisation en nombre entier, que nous résolvons à l’aide de la méthodologie séparation et évaluation. Un algorithme de ce style divise un espace de recherche pour l’explorer récursi- vement (séparation), et obtient des bornes d’optimalité en résolvant des relaxations linéaires sur les sous-espaces (évaluation). Pour spécifier un algorithme, il faut définir plusieurs pa- ramètres, tel que la manière d’explorer les espaces de recherche, de diviser une recherche l’espace une fois exploré, ou de renforcer les relaxations linéaires. Ces politiques peuvent influencer considérablement la performance de résolution. Ce travail se concentre sur une nouvelle manière de dériver politique de recherche, c’est à dire le choix du prochain sous-espace à séparer étant donné une partition en cours, en nous servant de l’apprentissage automatique profond. Premièrement, nous collectons des données résumant, sur une collection de problèmes donnés, quels sous-espaces contiennent l’optimum et quels ne le contiennent pas. En représentant ces sous-espaces sous forme de graphes bipartis qui capturent leurs caractéristiques, nous entraînons un réseau de neurones graphiques à déterminer la probabilité qu’un sous-espace contienne la solution optimale par apprentissage supervisé. Le choix d’un tel modèle est particulièrement utile car il peut s’adapter à des problèmes de différente taille sans modifications. Nous montrons que notre approche bat celle de nos concurrents, consistant à des modèles d’apprentissage automatique plus simples entraînés à partir des statistiques du solveur, ainsi que la politique par défaut de SCIP, un solveur open-source compétitif, sur trois familles NP-dures: des problèmes de recherche de stables de taille maximum, de flots de réseau multicommodité à charge fixe, et de satisfiabilité maximum.In computer science, solving NP-hard problems in a reasonable time is of great importance, such as in supply chain optimization, scheduling, routing, multiple biological sequence align- ment, inference in probabilistic graphical models, and even some problems in cryptography. In practice, we model many of them as a mixed integer linear optimization problem, which we solve using the branch and bound framework. An algorithm of this style divides a search space to explore it recursively (branch) and obtains optimality bounds by solving linear relaxations in such sub-spaces (bound). To specify an algorithm, one must set several pa- rameters, such as how to explore search spaces, how to divide a search space once it has been explored, or how to tighten these linear relaxations. These policies can significantly influence resolution performance. This work focuses on a novel method for deriving a search policy, that is, a rule for select- ing the next sub-space to explore given a current partitioning, using deep machine learning. First, we collect data summarizing which subspaces contain the optimum, and which do not. By representing these sub-spaces as bipartite graphs encoding their characteristics, we train a graph neural network to determine the probability that a subspace contains the optimal so- lution by supervised learning. The choice of such design is particularly useful as the machine learning model can automatically adapt to problems of different sizes without modifications. We show that our approach beats the one of our competitors, consisting of simpler machine learning models trained from solver statistics, as well as the default policy of SCIP, a state- of-the-art open-source solver, on three NP-hard benchmarks: generalized independent set, fixed-charge multicommodity network flow, and maximum satisfiability problems

    Mixed-integer programming techniques for the minimum sum-of-squares clustering problem

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    The minimum sum-of-squares clustering problem is a very important problem in data mining and machine learning with very many applications in, e.g., medicine or social sciences. However, it is known to be NP-hard in all relevant cases and to be notoriously hard to be solved to global optimality in practice. In this paper, we develop and test different tailored mixed-integer programming techniques to improve the performance of state-of-the-art MINLP solvers when applied to the problem—among them are cutting planes, propagation techniques, branching rules, or primal heuristics. Our extensive numerical study shows that our techniques significantly improve the performance of the open-source MINLP solver SCIP. Consequently, using our novel techniques, we can solve many instances that are not solvable with SCIP without our techniques and we obtain much smaller gaps for those instances that can still not be solved to global optimality

    Exact Combinatorial Optimization with Graph Convolutional Neural Networks

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    Combinatorial optimization problems are typically tackled by the branch-and-bound paradigm. We propose to learn a variable selection policy for branch-and-bound in mixed-integer linear programming, by imitation learning on a diversified variant of the strong branching expert rule. We encode states as bipartite graphs and parameterize the policy as a graph convolutional neural network. Experiments on a series of synthetic problems demonstrate that our approach produces policies that can improve upon expert-designed branching rules on large problems, and generalize to instances significantly larger than seen during training

    Learning to Configure Separators in Branch-and-Cut

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    Cutting planes are crucial in solving mixed integer linear programs (MILP) as they facilitate bound improvements on the optimal solution. Modern MILP solvers rely on a variety of separators to generate a diverse set of cutting planes by invoking the separators frequently during the solving process. This work identifies that MILP solvers can be drastically accelerated by appropriately selecting separators to activate. As the combinatorial separator selection space imposes challenges for machine learning, we learn to separate by proposing a novel data-driven strategy to restrict the selection space and a learning-guided algorithm on the restricted space. Our method predicts instance-aware separator configurations which can dynamically adapt during the solve, effectively accelerating the open source MILP solver SCIP by improving the relative solve time up to 72% and 37% on synthetic and real-world MILP benchmarks. Our work complements recent work on learning to select cutting planes and highlights the importance of separator management

    A Two-Echelon Location-inventory Model for a Multi-product Donation-demand Driven Industry

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    This study involves a joint bi-echelon location inventory model for a donation-demand driven industry in which Distribution Centers (DC) and retailers (R) exist. In this model, we confine the variables of interest to include; coverage radius, service level, and multiple products. Each retailer has two classes of product flowing to and from its assigned DC i.e. surpluses and deliveries. The proposed model determines the number of DCs, DC locations, and assignments of retailers to those DCs so that the total annual cost including: facility location costs, transportation costs, and inventory costs are minimized. Due to the complexity of problem, the proposed model structure allows for the relaxation of complicating terms in the objective function and the use of robust branch-and-bound heuristics to solve the non-linear, integer problem. We solve several numerical example problems and evaluate solution performance

    Mathematical Programming Algorithms for Spatial Cloaking

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    We consider a combinatorial optimization problem for spatial information cloaking. The problem requires computing one or several disjoint arborescences on a graph from a predetermined root or subset of candidate roots, so that the number of vertices in the arborescences is minimized but a given threshold on the overall weight associated with the vertices in each arborescence is reached. For a single arborescence case, we solve the problem to optimality by designing a branch-and-cut exact algorithm. Then we adapt this algorithm for the purpose of pricing out columns in an exact branch-and-price algorithm for the multiarborescence version. We also propose a branch-and-price-based heuristic algorithm, where branching and pricing, respectively, act as diversification and intensification mechanisms. The heuristic consistently finds optimal or near optimal solutions within a computing time, which can be three to four orders of magnitude smaller than that required for exact optimization. From an application point of view, our computational results are useful to calibrate the values of relevant parameters, determining the obfuscation level that is achieved
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