152 research outputs found

    An Energy Driven Architecture for Wireless Sensor Networks

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    Most wireless sensor networks operate with very limited energy sources-their batteries, and hence their usefulness in real life applications is severely constrained. The challenging issues are how to optimize the use of their energy or to harvest their own energy in order to lengthen their lives for wider classes of application. Tackling these important issues requires a robust architecture that takes into account the energy consumption level of functional constituents and their interdependency. Without such architecture, it would be difficult to formulate and optimize the overall energy consumption of a wireless sensor network. Unlike most current researches that focus on a single energy constituent of WSNs independent from and regardless of other constituents, this paper presents an Energy Driven Architecture (EDA) as a new architecture and indicates a novel approach for minimising the total energy consumption of a WS

    Análisis de desempeño de leach variando el porcentaje de cluster head

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    The LEACH protocol is a “standard” protocol used in the analysis and simulation of wireless sensor networks. This article analyzes the effect of varying parameter values in the LEACH protocol. In particular, the case of varying cluster head node assignments to , , and  of the total nodes of the network. Specifically, it shows the energy effect of this variation and the corresponding data traffic analysis, showing simulation results that illustrate the behavior resulting from this variation by using an approach of time-division multiplexing on the clusters.El protocolo LEACH es un protocolo “patrón” utilizado en análisis y simulación de redes de sensores inalámbricos. En este artículo, se analiza el efecto de variar los valores de los parámetros utilizados en el protocolo LEACH que, para el caso particular, se presenta la variación de asignación de nodos Cluster Head en porcentajes del ,  y  del total de los nodos de la red. En particular, se muestra el efecto energético de esta variación y su respectivo análisis de tráfico de datos, presentando resultados de simulación que ilustran el comportamiento de esta variación, bajo un enfoque de acceso múltiple por división de tiempo sobre los cluster encontrados por LEACH

    ENAMS: Energy optimization algorithm for mobile wireless sensor networks using evolutionary computation and swarm intelligence.

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    Although traditionally Wireless Sensor Network (WSNs) have been regarded as static sensor arrays used mainly for environmental monitoring, recently, its applications have undergone a paradigm shift from static to more dynamic environments, where nodes are attached to moving objects, people or animals. Applications that use WSNs in motion are broad, ranging from transport and logistics to animal monitoring, health care and military. These application domains have a number of characteristics that challenge the algorithmic design of WSNs. Firstly, mobility has a negative effect on the quality of the wireless communication and the performance of networking protocols. Nevertheless, it has been shown that mobility can enhance the functionality of the network by exploiting the movement patterns of mobile objects. Secondly, the heterogeneity of devices in a WSN has to be taken into account for increasing the network performance and lifetime. Thirdly, the WSN services should ideally assist the user in an unobtrusive and transparent way. Fourthly, energy-efficiency and scalability are of primary importance to prevent the network performance degradation. This thesis contributes toward the design of a new hybrid optimization algorithm; ENAMS (Energy optimizatioN Algorithm for Mobile Sensor networks) which is based on the Evolutionary Computation and Swarm Intelligence to increase the life time of mobile wireless sensor networks. The presented algorithm is suitable for large scale mobile sensor networks and provides a robust and energy- efficient communication mechanism by dividing the sensor-nodes into clusters, where the number of clusters is not predefined and the sensors within each cluster are not necessary to be distributed in the same density. The presented algorithm enables the sensor nodes to move as swarms within the search space while keeping optimum distances between the sensors. To verify the objectives of the proposed algorithm, the LEGO-NXT MIND-STORMS robots are used to act as particles in a moving swarm keeping the optimum distances while tracking each other within the permitted distance range in the search space

    Kablosuz sensör ağlarinda yönlü antenlerle enerji̇ veri̇mli̇ yönlendi̇rme

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    Without measurements, sustainable development effort can not progress in the right direction. Wireless sensor networks are vital for monitoring in real time and making accurate measurements for such an endeavor. However small energy storage in the sensors can become a bottleneck if the wireless sensor network is not optimized at the hardware and software level. Directional antennas are such optimization technologies at the hardware level. They have advantages over the omnidirectional antennas, such as high gain, less interference, longer transmission range, and less power consumption. In wireless sensor networks, most of the energy is consumed for communication. Considering the limited energy in small scale batteries of the sensors, energy efficient (aware) routing, is one of the most important software optimization techniques. The main goal of the technique is to improve the lifetime of the wireless sensor networks. In the light of these observations, it is desirable to do a coupled design of directional antennas with network software, for fully exploiting the advantages offered by directional antenna technology. In this thesis, the possibilities of doing such integrated design are surveyed and improvements are suggested. The design of the proposed microstrip patch antenna array is discussed and the performance characteristics are assessed through simulations. In the benchmarks, the proposed routing method showed improvements in energy usage compared to the existing approaches.Ölçümler olmadan sürdürülebilir kalkınma çabaları doğru yönde ilerleyemez. Bu tür çabalar için, kablosuz sensör ağları, gerçek zamanlı olarak izleme ve kesin ölçümler yapmak için vazgeçilemez unsurdur. Ancak, sensör ağı, donanım ve yazılım düzeylerinde optimize edilmemişse, sensörlerde enerji yetersizliği görülebilinir. Yönlü antenler, donanım düzeyinde uygulanan optimizasyon teknolojilerinden biri olmakla birlikte, çok yönlü antenlerden farklı olarak, yüksek kazanç, daha az parazit, daha uzun iletim mesafesi ve daha az güç tüketimi sağlarlar. Kablosuz sensör ağlarında enerjinin çoğu iletişim için tüketilir. Sensörlerdeki limitli enerjili küçük ölçekli piller göz önüne alındığında, yazılım düzeyindeki önemli metodlardan biri olan enerji verimli (duyarlı) yönlendirme protokolü, kablosuz sensör ağının genel enerji kullanımını optimize etmek ve ömrünü uzatmak için gereklidir. Bu gözlemlerin ışığında, yönlü anten teknolojisinin sunduğu potansiyel avantajlardan tam olarak yararlanmak için, yönlü antenlerin ağ yazılımıyla birlikte entegre tasarımını yapmak arzu edilir. Bu tezde, böyle bir entegre tasarımın yapılma olasılıkları araştırılmış ve iyileştirmeler önerilmiştir. Tezde, küçük şeritli yamalı anten dizisinin tasarımı tartışılmış ve performans karakteristikleri simulasyonlarla ölçülmüştür. Önerilen yönlendirme algoritması, diğer yönlendirme algoritmaları ile karşılaştırıldığında, enerji kullanımında iyileştirmeler göstermiştirM.S. - Master of Scienc

    A distributed topology control technique for low interference and energy efficiency in wireless sensor networks

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    Wireless sensor networks are used in several multi-disciplinary areas covering a wide variety of applications. They provide distributed computing, sensing and communication in a powerful integration of capabilities. They have great long-term economic potential and have the ability to transform our lives. At the same time however, they pose several challenges – mostly as a result of their random deployment and non-renewable energy sources.Among the most important issues in wireless sensor networks are energy efficiency and radio interference. Topology control plays an important role in the design of wireless ad hoc and sensor networks; it is capable of constructing networks that have desirable characteristics such as sparser connectivity, lower transmission power and a smaller node degree.In this research a distributed topology control technique is presented that enhances energy efficiency and reduces radio interference in wireless sensor networks. Each node in the network makes local decisions about its transmission power and the culmination of these local decisions produces a network topology that preserves global connectivity. The topology that is produced consists of a planar graph that is a power spanner, it has lower node degrees and can be constructed using local information. The network lifetime is increased by reducing transmission power and the use of low node degrees reduces traffic interference. The approach to topology control that is presented in this document has an advantage over previously developed approaches in that it focuses not only on reducing either energy consumption or radio interference, but on reducing both of these obstacles. Results are presented of simulations that demonstrate improvements in performance. AFRIKAANS : Draadlose sensor netwerke word gebruik in verskeie multi-dissiplinêre areas wat 'n wye verskeidenheid toepassings dek. Hulle voorsien verspreide berekening, bespeuring en kommunikasie in 'n kragtige integrate van vermoëns. Hulle het goeie langtermyn ekonomiese potentiaal en die vermoë om ons lewens te herskep. Terselfdertyd lewer dit egter verskeie uitdagings op as gevolg van hul lukrake ontplooiing en nie-hernubare energie bronne. Van die belangrikste kwessies in draadlose sensor netwerke is energie-doeltreffendheid en radiosteuring. Topologie-beheer speel 'n belangrike rol in die ontwerp van draadlose informele netwerke en sensor netwerke en dit is geskik om netwerke aan te bring wat gewenste eienskappe het soos verspreide koppeling, laer transmissiekrag en kleiner nodus graad.In hierdie ondersoek word 'n verspreide topologie beheertegniek voorgelê wat energie-doeltreffendheid verhoog en radiosteuring verminder in draadlose sensor netwerke. Elke nodus in die netwerk maak lokale besluite oor sy transmissiekrag en die hoogtepunt van hierdie lokale besluite lewer 'n netwerk-topologie op wat globale verbintenis behou.Die topologie wat gelewer word is 'n tweedimensionele grafiek en 'n kragsleutel; dit het laer nodus grade en kan gebou word met lokale inligting. Die netwerk-leeftyd word vermeerder deur transmissiekrag te verminder en verkeer-steuring word verminder deur lae nodus grade. Die benadering tot topologie-beheer wat voorgelê word in hierdie skrif het 'n voordeel oor benaderings wat vroeër ontwikkel is omdat dit nie net op die vermindering van net energie verbruik of net radiosteuring fokus nie, maar op albei. Resultate van simulasies word voorgelê wat die verbetering in werkverrigting demonstreer.Dissertation (MEng)--University of Pretoria, 2010.Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineeringunrestricte

    Resilient Wireless Sensor Networks Using Topology Control: A Review

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    Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) may be deployed in failure-prone environments, and WSNs nodes easily fail due to unreliable wireless connections, malicious attacks and resource-constrained features. Nevertheless, if WSNs can tolerate at most losing k − 1 nodes while the rest of nodes remain connected, the network is called k − connected. k is one of the most important indicators for WSNs’ self-healing capability. Following a WSN design flow, this paper surveys resilience issues from the topology control and multi-path routing point of view. This paper provides a discussion on transmission and failure models, which have an important impact on research results. Afterwards, this paper reviews theoretical results and representative topology control approaches to guarantee WSNs to be k − connected at three different network deployment stages: pre-deployment, post-deployment and re-deployment. Multi-path routing protocols are discussed, and many NP-complete or NP-hard problems regarding topology control are identified. The challenging open issues are discussed at the end. This paper can serve as a guideline to design resilient WSNs

    Multi-channel TDMA scheduling in wireless sensor networks

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    Ankara : The Department of Computer Engineering and the Graduate School of Engineering and Science of Bilkent Univ., 2013.Thesis (Master's) -- Bilkent University, 2013.Includes bibliographical references leaves 55-61.The Multiple Instance Learning (MIL) paradigm arises to be useful in many application domains, whereas it is particularly suitable for computer vision problems due to the difficulty of obtaining manual labeling. Multiple Instance Learning methods have large applicability to a variety of challenging learning problems in computer vision, including object recognition and detection, tracking, image classification, scene classification and more. As opposed to working with single instances as in standard supervised learning, Multiple Instance Learning operates over bags of instances. A bag is labeled as positive if it is known to contain at least one positive instance; otherwise it is labeled as negative. The overall learning task is to learn a model for some concept using a training set that is formed of bags. A vital component of using Multiple Instance Learning in computer vision is its design for abstracting the visual problem to multi-instance representation, which involves determining what the bag is and what are the instances in the bag. In this context, we consider three different computer vision problems and propose solutions for each of them via novel representations. The first problem is image retrieval and re-ranking; we propose a method that automatically constructs multiple candidate Multi-instance bags, which are likely to contain relevant images. The second problem we look into is recognizing actions from still images, where we extract several candidate object regions and approach the problem of identifying related objects from a weakly supervised point of view. Finally, we address the recognition of human interactions in videos within a MIL framework. In human interaction recognition, videos may be composed of frames of different activities, and the task is to identify the interaction in spite of irrelevant activities that are scattered through the video. To overcome this problem, we use the idea of Multiple Instance Learning to tackle irrelevant actions in the whole video sequence classification. Each of the outlined problems are tested on benchmark datasets of the problems and compared with the state-of-the-art. The experimental results verify the advantages of the proposed MIL approaches to these vision problems.Uyanık, ÖzgeM.S