646 research outputs found

    Microservices-based IoT Applications Scheduling in Edge and Fog Computing: A Taxonomy and Future Directions

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    Edge and Fog computing paradigms utilise distributed, heterogeneous and resource-constrained devices at the edge of the network for efficient deployment of latency-critical and bandwidth-hungry IoT application services. Moreover, MicroService Architecture (MSA) is increasingly adopted to keep up with the rapid development and deployment needs of the fast-evolving IoT applications. Due to the fine-grained modularity of the microservices along with their independently deployable and scalable nature, MSA exhibits great potential in harnessing both Fog and Cloud resources to meet diverse QoS requirements of the IoT application services, thus giving rise to novel paradigms like Osmotic computing. However, efficient and scalable scheduling algorithms are required to utilise the said characteristics of the MSA while overcoming novel challenges introduced by the architecture. To this end, we present a comprehensive taxonomy of recent literature on microservices-based IoT applications scheduling in Edge and Fog computing environments. Furthermore, we organise multiple taxonomies to capture the main aspects of the scheduling problem, analyse and classify related works, identify research gaps within each category, and discuss future research directions.Comment: 35 pages, 10 figures, submitted to ACM Computing Survey

    How to Place Your Apps in the Fog -- State of the Art and Open Challenges

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    Fog computing aims at extending the Cloud towards the IoT so to achieve improved QoS and to empower latency-sensitive and bandwidth-hungry applications. The Fog calls for novel models and algorithms to distribute multi-service applications in such a way that data processing occurs wherever it is best-placed, based on both functional and non-functional requirements. This survey reviews the existing methodologies to solve the application placement problem in the Fog, while pursuing three main objectives. First, it offers a comprehensive overview on the currently employed algorithms, on the availability of open-source prototypes, and on the size of test use cases. Second, it classifies the literature based on the application and Fog infrastructure characteristics that are captured by available models, with a focus on the considered constraints and the optimised metrics. Finally, it identifies some open challenges in application placement in the Fog

    Computation Offloading and Scheduling in Edge-Fog Cloud Computing

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    Resource allocation and task scheduling in the Cloud environment faces many challenges, such as time delay, energy consumption, and security. Also, executing computation tasks of mobile applications on mobile devices (MDs) requires a lot of resources, so they can offload to the Cloud. But Cloud is far from MDs and has challenges as high delay and power consumption. Edge computing with processing near the Internet of Things (IoT) devices have been able to reduce the delay to some extent, but the problem is distancing itself from the Cloud. The fog computing (FC), with the placement of sensors and Cloud, increase the speed and reduce the energy consumption. Thus, FC is suitable for IoT applications. In this article, we review the resource allocation and task scheduling methods in Cloud, Edge and Fog environments, such as traditional, heuristic, and meta-heuristics. We also categorize the researches related to task offloading in Mobile Cloud Computing (MCC), Mobile Edge Computing (MEC), and Mobile Fog Computing (MFC). Our categorization criteria include the issue, proposed strategy, objectives, framework, and test environment.

    Simulating Energy Efficient Fog Computing

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    Nõudlus arvuti ressursside järele üha suureneb ning seega on vajadus vähendada energiakulu, et tagada arvutisüsteemide jätkusuutlikus. Praegused pilve- ja uduandmetöötlus arhitektuuride edasiarendamiseks on vaja ajajaotus- ja asetusalgoritme, mis arvestavad energiakuluga. Selles töös kirjeldatakse energiasäästlikkust pilve- ja uduandmetöötluses. Töös luuakse ajajaotus- ja asetusalgoritmid, mis maksimeerivad vabade seadmete arvu ning vähendavad seeläbi süsteemi energiakulu. Algoritme katsetatakse erinevates simulatsioonides. Simulatsioonide tulemusi analüüsitakse ja võrreldakse ning tehakse järeldused algoritmide kasulikkusest. Töö sisaldab ka lühikest ülevaadet sarnastest uurimustest.With increasing demand on computing resources, there is a need to reduce energy consumption in order to keep computer systems sustainable. Current cloud and fog computing architectures need to be improved by designing energy efficient scheduling and placement algorithms. This thesis describes power efficiency in fog computing and cloud computing. It shows a way to minimize power usage by designing scheduling and placement algorithms that maximize the number of idle hosts. Algorithms are designed to archive that goal in cloud and fog systems. The algorithms are tested in different simulation scenarios. The results are compared and analysed. The thesis also contains a brief overview of similar research that has been done on this topic

    Resource Management Techniques in Cloud-Fog for IoT and Mobile Crowdsensing Environments

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    The unpredictable and huge data generation nowadays by smart devices from IoT and mobile Crowd Sensing applications like (Sensors, smartphones, Wi-Fi routers) need processing power and storage. Cloud provides these capabilities to serve organizations and customers, but when using cloud appear some limitations, the most important of these limitations are Resource Allocation and Task Scheduling. The resource allocation process is a mechanism that ensures allocation virtual machine when there are multiple applications that require various resources such as CPU and I/O memory. Whereas scheduling is the process of determining the sequence in which these tasks come and depart the resources in order to maximize efficiency. In this paper we tried to highlight the most relevant difficulties that cloud computing is now facing. We presented a comprehensive review of resource allocation and scheduling techniques to overcome these limitations. Finally, the previous techniques and strategies for allocation and scheduling have been compared in a table with their drawbacks

    A Time-Sensitive IoT Data Analysis Framework

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    This paper proposes a Time-Sensitive IoT Data Analysis (TIDA) framework that meets the time-bound requirements of time-sensitive IoT applications. The proposed framework includes a novel task sizing and dynamic distribution technique that performs the following: 1) measures the computing and network resources required by the data analysis tasks of a time-sensitive IoT application when executed on available IoT devices, edge computers and cloud, and 2) distributes the data analysis tasks in a way that it meets the time-bound requirement of the IoT application. The TIDA framework includes a TIDA platform that implements the above techniques using Microsoft’s Orleans framework. The paper also presents an experimental evaluation that validates the TIDA framework’s ability to meet the time-bound requirements of IoT applications in the smart cities domain. Evaluation results show that TIDA outperforms traditional cloud-based IoT data processing approaches in meeting IoT application time-bounds and reduces the total IoT data analysis execution time by 46.96%

    epcAware: a game-based, energy, performance and cost efficient resource management technique for multi-access edge computing

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    The Internet of Things (IoT) is producing an extraordinary volume of data daily, and it is possible that the data may become useless while on its way to the cloud for analysis, due to longer distances and delays. Fog/edge computing is a new model for analyzing and acting on time-sensitive data (real-time applications) at the network edge, adjacent to where it is produced. The model sends only selected data to the cloud for analysis and long-term storage. Furthermore, cloud services provided by large companies such as Google, can also be localized to minimize the response time and increase service agility. This could be accomplished through deploying small-scale datacenters (reffered to by name as cloudlets) where essential, closer to customers (IoT devices) and connected to a centrealised cloud through networks - which form a multi-access edge cloud (MEC). The MEC setup involves three different parties, i.e. service providers (IaaS), application providers (SaaS), network providers (NaaS); which might have different goals, therefore, making resource management a defficult job. In the literature, various resource management techniques have been suggested in the context of what kind of services should they host and how the available resources should be allocated to customers’ applications, particularly, if mobility is involved. However, the existing literature considers the resource management problem with respect to a single party. In this paper, we assume resource management with respect to all three parties i.e. IaaS, SaaS, NaaS; and suggest a game theoritic resource management technique that minimises infrastructure energy consumption and costs while ensuring applications performance. Our empirical evaluation, using real workload traces from Google’s cluster, suggests that our approach could reduce up to 11.95% energy consumption, and approximately 17.86% user costs with negligible loss in performance. Moreover, IaaS can reduce up to 20.27% energy bills and NaaS can increase their costs savings up to 18.52% as compared to other methods