2,636 research outputs found

    Usability and Sociability Oriented Design of a Virtual Meeting Place - a user centered approach to web application design

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    Hybrid Social Play Final Report

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    Socio-technical gaps and social capital formation in Online Collaborative Consumption communities

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    Information Communication Technologies (ICTs) are transforming social activities and interactions which are naturally varied and dynamic. In this process, ‘gaps’ develop between the technologies and emerging social requirements. Given that the main challenge for Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW) is to identify and ameliorate these socio-technical gaps, it is essential to understand how individuals work and collaborate in groups, societies, and communities. The main question addressed in this study regards the identification of these gaps in the social activities of Online Collaborative Consumption (OCC). The intention is to improve user experience and design requirements to support OCC at the socio-technical design level. OCC facilitates sharing, swapping, trading, or renting products, services, and resources, via the computer-mediated interactions. Etsy, an online marketplace and community for handmade and craft goods, is the focus of this study as a community in which OCC takes place. The evaluation of online communities by using an ethnographic approach is an equally important question which this study investigates. Due to a lack of standard methods, a new combined methodological approach is proposed in this research (Predictive ethnography) and it was used in evaluation of collaborative communities to investigate the socio-technical gaps. In this approach, online ethnography complemented predictive evaluation with the aid of heuristics including sociability, usability, and user experience (UX) items. These heuristics were drawn from previous literature as the success factors for the online communities. The textual interactions from discussions of the forum and teams on Etsy that were related to these heuristics were collected and coded. Over 1000 posts from 178 threads were collected. Their frequencies were measured to demonstrate their importance, and further ethnography helped the researcher in qualitative analysis and meaning making of the textual interactions. The subsidiary question this research aims to answer is how social capital is developed in the OCC communities. Social capital is utilised as a tool to enhance the understanding of the socio-technical requirements of OCC communities and to improve the process of social capital generation. The same above-mentioned methodological approach (Predictive ethnography) was applied with the heuristics replaced by social capital measures. Over 9500 posts collected from 97 threads from the textual discussions of different Etsy teams. This study investigates the social capital formation in different types of teams such as topic-based ones that are created based on the common interest topics, and location-based ones that are created based on the shared locations of the members. In the topic-based teams, a significant amount of knowledge sharing and intellectual capital was observed. In location-based teams, most interactions were within social interactions and relational capital. The new method proposed in this research has shown its effectiveness in gaining insight from the natural discussions of the members. In total, 33 socio-technical gaps were identified and presented with possible recommendations. The most significant gaps concerned: Trust creation features; relevant rules of behaviour; clear displayed policies; and social presence tools

    Developing a Medically Informative and Socially Supportive Interactive Online Network (MISSION)

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    This thesis discusses virtual communities and social networks and their current and potential uses in health and medicine, proposing a novel virtual health network called a \u27Medically Informative and Socially Supportive Interactive Online Network\u27 (MISSION). The purposes of a MISSION are to 1) serve as an information resource for patients, 2) to facilitate conversation between patient and provider, 3) to potentially aid in office tasks (such as scheduling, billing, etc.), and 4) to aid in community-building acts in patients\u27 own local, physical communities. In this thesis, the concept of virtual communities and social networks are explored, the legal and ethical ramifications of a MISSION are surveyed, current applications similar to a MISSION are analyzed, and recommendations for designing a MISSION are offered. This thesis is intended for an audience of health care communication and information systems professionals who can help put a MISSION into action through working with health care providers and organizations

    Consumer Engagement In Travel-related Social Media

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    The term of consumer engagement is extensively used in the digital era. It is believed that engaged consumers play an important role in products/services referral and recommendation, new product/service development and experience/value co-creation. Although the notion of consumer engagement sounds compelling, it is not fully developed in theory. Different interpretations coexist, resulting in confusion and misuse of the concept. This study attempts to define consumer engagement and develop a conceptual framework of consumer engagement, addressing antecedents of consumer engagement in online context. Moreover, some situational and social media usage-related factors are incorporated into the framework. A set of propositions are presented based on literature review and the conceptual framework to illustrate the relationship between consumer engagement and related factors. To provide empirical evidence for the conceptual model, an online survey is conducted. Participants complete the self-administered survey by answering questions concerning their online experience with the travel-related social media website they visit most. Two-step structural equation modeling is employed to analyze the data. The results show that both community experience and community identification have significant and positive relationship with consumer engagement. Community experience is also a strong predictor of community identification. Attitude toward using social media and travel involvement influence the relationship between consumer engagement and its antecedents. With focus on the interactive and experiential nature of consumer engagement, this study expands current understanding of consumer engagement and provides insights for hospitality and tourism businesses regarding how to engage consumers through travel-related social media


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    Background and Purpose: Social media is a key source of health information. Previous studies have indicated that women with endometriosis turn to the internet for information about the condition and illness management. However, there is a dearth of study on endometriosis online supportgroups. In contrast, studies examining the role of online support groups for other long-termconditions have been extensive.  Addressing this gap, a systematic review of research on endometriosis support groups on social media and its efficacy were conducted.   Methodology: Using a qualitative systematic review method and Meta-Analyses Protocols (PRISMA-P)., research database namely Research Gate, Springer, Wiley Online Library, Science Direct, Jstore, PubMed were manually searched using keywords such as "social support," "endometriosis support online," and "Facebook support & online communication". The review examined research related to endometriosis support on Facebook. Based on inclusion and exclusion criteria, 100 full-text papers were extracted from the initial 200 publications found. 36 papers were selected following the appraisal stage and thematically analysed.    Findings: Social media platform namely Endometriosis Facebook support groups are found to set expectations, provide education, and highlight ways to manage chronic illness. Three prominent themes were identified: (1) topics related to social media support groups, (2) efficiency of Virtual Help Communities for Endometriosis Patients, and (3) forms of support that women with endometriosis require.   Contributions: The findings support two primary points. Endometriosis Facebook support groups educate women about the illness, connects them with others in similar situations, and promotes illness discussion and networking, hence pointing to the potential benefit of Facebook support groups as a platform to provide both support and education.    Keywords: Health communication, women health research, social media, online support, endometriosis.   Cite as:  Kaur, K., Ibrahim, N. A., & Wan Adnan, W. N. A. (2023). Social media support for women with endometriosis: A systematic review. Journal of Nusantara Studies, 8(1), 287-313. http://dx.doi.org/10.24200/jonus.vol8iss2pp287-31

    The Rise of Free-to-Play: How the Revenue Model Changed Games and Playing

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    Ilmaispelit ovat mullistaneet pelialan. Pelin tarjoaminen ilmaiseksi ja tulojen kerÀÀminen vapaaehtoisilla pelinsisÀisillÀ maksuilla on osoittautunut tuottavimmaksi tavaksi ansaita peleillÀ. Mallin ansiosta pelejÀ pelataan nyt enemmÀn kuin koskaan, ja niiden taloudellinen merkitys on moninkertaistunut. Samaan aikaan ilmaispelit ovat saaneet osakseen kritiikkiÀ, jonka mukaan ne tarjoavat heikompia pelikokemuksia ja kÀyttÀvÀt hyvÀkseen pelaajia manipuloiden nÀmÀ pelaamaan ja maksamaan. KritiikistÀ ja pelikokemusten muutoksista huolimatta ilmaispelien tutkimus on edelleen pitkÀlti keskittynyt tarkastelemaan taloudellisia nÀkökulmia tavoitteena tuottojen maksimointi ja parhaiden toteutustapojen löytÀminen. Pelaajien nÀkökulmia tarkastellaan pÀÀasiassa lokitietojen ja mÀÀrÀllisten kyselyjen avulla, ja eksploratiivinen, laadullinen tutkimus on ollut vÀhemmistössÀ. Ilmaispelien merkityksiÀ ja yhteyksiÀ pelikulttuuriimme ja yhteiskuntaamme ei ole juuri tutkittu. TÀmÀ vÀitöskirja tarttuu haasteeseen tutkimalla ilmaispelejÀ useista nÀkökulmista ja useilla, laadullisiin lÀhestymistapoihin keskittyvillÀ menetelmillÀ. Työ luo laajaa ymmÀrrystÀ siitÀ, miten ja miksi ilmaispelit nousivat suosioon, miten ne ovat muuttaneet pelejÀ ja mitÀ ongelmallisia piirteitÀ niihin liittyy. VÀitöksen pÀÀhuomiot liittyvÀt viiteen kohtaan: 1) ilmaispelien aliarvostukseen, 2) rahan ja pelikokemuksen vÀlisiin ainutlaatuisiin haasteisiin, 3) reiluuden erilaisiin kehyksiin, 4) lÀpinÀkyvyyden ja lainsÀÀdÀnnön tarpeeseen ja 5) ilmaispelien mullistavaan voimaan muuttaa pelien kulutusta ja tuotantoa. Tulokset osoittavat, ettÀ suuresta suosiostaan huolimatta ilmaispelejÀ arvostetaan muita pelejÀ vÀhemmÀn. TÀmÀ koskee erityisesti mobiili- ja kasuaalipelejÀ ja kuvaa sitÀ, miten arvioimme ja arvotamme pelejÀ. Arvostuksen puute liittyy osaltaan ilmaispelien luonteeseen. Ne ovat usein pÀÀttymÀttömiÀ ja hidastempoisia ja tarjoavat muista peleistÀ poikkeavia haasteita. Niiden tarjoamat kokemukset eroavat perinteisistÀ, meritokraattisista arvoista, jotka tyypillisesti liitetÀÀn peleihin, ja erityisesti rahaa maksamalla eteneminen on ristiriidassa nÀiden arvojen kanssa. Arvostuksen puute taas nÀkyy esimerkiksi siinÀ, miten peleistÀ keskustellaan, miten niitÀ arvioidaan (tai ei arvioida lainkaan) pelimediassa ja miten niitÀ tutkitaan. Ilmaispelien pelaajia voidaan myös sulkea pelaajayhteisöistÀ tai pelaajaidentiteeteistÀ. Samalla ansaintamallin haasteet ovat tuoneet esiin uusia, luovia suunnitteluratkaisuja, jotka lisÀÀvÀt pelikokemusten monimuotoisuutta ja tarjoavat joustavampaa pelaamista laajemmille yleisöille. Ilmaispeleihin liittyvÀt eettiset ongelmat tulee ottaa vakavasti. LÀpinÀkyvyyden puutteeseen, ongelmapelaamiseen, samankaltaisuuteen uhkapelien kanssa, alaikÀisille markkinointiin ja yksityisyyteen liittyvÀt kysymykset nostavat esiin tÀrkeitÀ huolia. Samalla kun ilmaispeliyhtiöiden tulee antaa pelaajille tarpeeksi tietoa ja rakentaa työkaluja vahinko-ostosten ja ongelmapelaamisen estÀmiseksi, peliala tarvitsee myös ulkoapÀin tulevaa sÀÀtelyÀ. Jotta lainsÀÀdÀntö olisi reilu ja toimiva, tarvitsemme tutkijoiden ja teollisuuden asiantuntemusta lakiasÀÀtÀvissÀ elimissÀ. Haasteista ja aliarvostuksesta huolimatta ilmaispelien vaikutus peliteollisuuteen ja pelien kulutukseen on sekÀ merkittÀvÀ ettÀ peruuttamaton. Siten ne ansaitsevat huomiomme ja kriittisen tarkastelun oikeutettuna osana pelikulttuuriamme. Jos ei tunne ilmaispelejÀ, ei tunne pelejÀ.Free-to-play games have permanently transformed the game industry. Offering a game for free and gaining income through voluntary purchases during gameplay have proven to be the most successful way to gain revenue. Due to the model, more people than ever before play games, and the economic significance of games as business has multiplied. Simultaneously, the model has received a backlash for offering inferior, imbalanced game experiences that take advantage of players, manipulating them into playing and paying. Despite the criticism and changes in game experiences, the research on free-to-play games is still heavily focused on economic aspects, with the goal to maximize revenue and find the best practices by which to implement the model. The voices of players are measured mostly through log data or quantitative surveys, while exploratory, qualitative research has been in the minority. The significance of free-to-play games and their connection to our game culture and society are still lacking critical inspection. This dissertation takes up the challenge by studying free-to-play games from various perspectives through multiple methods, concentrating on qualitative approaches. The work shows the broad view of how and why free-to-play games have become so successful, how they have transformed games, and what problematic aspects are connected to them. The main claims of this dissertation are connected to: 1) the undervaluation of free-to-play games; 2) the unique challenges between money and gameplay experience; 3) the different framings of fairness and equality; 4) the need for transparency and legislation; and 5) the transformative power of free-to-play games on the consumption and creation of games. The results show that while free-to-play games are played extensively, they are less valued than other games. This is especially true with mobile or casual free-to-play games and is descriptive of how we appraise and evaluate games. The lack of appreciation is connected to the nature of many free-to-play games, which are often never-ending and slow-paced, and offer challenges that differ from other games. The experiences that these games offer are different from the traditional, meritocratic values we have come to expect from games, and especially allowing advancement with money is in direct conflict with these values. The devaluation is shown in how the games are discussed, how they are reviewed (or not reviewed at all) by game journalists, and how they are studied. The players who engage with these games can also be excluded from gaming communities and gaming identities. At the same time, the challenges of the revenue model have resulted in new, creative solutions that bring diversity into game experiences and offer flexible playing for wider audiences. The ethical issues connected to free-to-play games do need to be taken seriously. Problems connected to a lack of transparency, problematic playing, a resemblance to gambling, marketing to under-aged players, and privacy issues raise valid concerns. While free-to-play companies need to be especially mindful in giving players enough information and to implement tools to prevent accidental purchases and problematic playing, the industry also needs regulation that comes from outside itself. Thus, to create fair and functional legislation, we need academic and industry expertise in the committees doing the legislative work. Despite the challenges and undervaluation that free-to-play games encounter, it is an indisputable fact that their impact on the game industry and on game consumption is both formidable and irreversible. They therefore deserve our attention and a critical exploration as a legitimate part of game culture. If you do not know free-to-play games, you do not know games

    A Web-Based Collaborative e-Learning Environment Based on a Model of Social Cognitive Development Theories

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    Putting all powerful Web technologies like Cloud Computing and Web 2.0 technologies together in an e-learning environment maximizes the opportunity for learners to acquire knowledge and skills in an interactive, collaborative and social manner and decreases technical efforts and financial burdens on educational institutions. This research proposes a collaborative e-learning model that consists of six levels and six tasks based on four social cognitive development theories which are: Connectivism, Social Cognitive Development, Social Interdependence and Cognitive Elaboration Perspectives. The proposed collaborative e-learning model levels are: Networking, Contribution, Cognitive Disequilibrium, Origination of Social Interaction, Knowledge Evolving, and Cognitive Equilibrium. The tasks of the proposed collaborative e-learning model are: Knowledge Feeding, Knowledge Self-Reflection, Knowledge Negotiation, Knowledge Elaboration, Knowledge Accommodation and Knowledge Shifting. A rich Web-based collaborative e-learning environment called ShareSpace is developed as a realization of the proposed collaborative e-learning model. ShareSpace is evaluated based on the proposed collaborative e-learning model, on a framework for evaluating computer supported collaborative learning and on an adaptable usability heuristic checklist for online courses. ShareSpace is an interactive and flexible social collaborative e-learning environment which can be utilized by educational institutes and contributes to the overall goal of learning process which is maximizing the learning outcome
