3,881 research outputs found

    Approximation Algorithms for Multi-Criteria Traveling Salesman Problems

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    In multi-criteria optimization problems, several objective functions have to be optimized. Since the different objective functions are usually in conflict with each other, one cannot consider only one particular solution as the optimal solution. Instead, the aim is to compute a so-called Pareto curve of solutions. Since Pareto curves cannot be computed efficiently in general, we have to be content with approximations to them. We design a deterministic polynomial-time algorithm for multi-criteria g-metric STSP that computes (min{1 +g, 2g^2/(2g^2 -2g +1)} + eps)-approximate Pareto curves for all 1/2<=g<=1. In particular, we obtain a (2+eps)-approximation for multi-criteria metric STSP. We also present two randomized approximation algorithms for multi-criteria g-metric STSP that achieve approximation ratios of (2g^3 +2g^2)/(3g^2 -2g +1) + eps and (1 +g)/(1 +3g -4g^2) + eps, respectively. Moreover, we present randomized approximation algorithms for multi-criteria g-metric ATSP (ratio 1/2 + g^3/(1 -3g^2) + eps) for g < 1/sqrt(3)), STSP with weights 1 and 2 (ratio 4/3) and ATSP with weights 1 and 2 (ratio 3/2). To do this, we design randomized approximation schemes for multi-criteria cycle cover and graph factor problems.Comment: To appear in Algorithmica. A preliminary version has been presented at the 4th Workshop on Approximation and Online Algorithms (WAOA 2006

    Asymmetric Traveling Salesman Path and Directed Latency Problems

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    We study integrality gaps and approximability of two closely related problems on directed graphs. Given a set V of n nodes in an underlying asymmetric metric and two specified nodes s and t, both problems ask to find an s-t path visiting all other nodes. In the asymmetric traveling salesman path problem (ATSPP), the objective is to minimize the total cost of this path. In the directed latency problem, the objective is to minimize the sum of distances on this path from s to each node. Both of these problems are NP-hard. The best known approximation algorithms for ATSPP had ratio O(log n) until the very recent result that improves it to O(log n/ log log n). However, only a bound of O(sqrt(n)) for the integrality gap of its linear programming relaxation has been known. For directed latency, the best previously known approximation algorithm has a guarantee of O(n^(1/2+eps)), for any constant eps > 0. We present a new algorithm for the ATSPP problem that has an approximation ratio of O(log n), but whose analysis also bounds the integrality gap of the standard LP relaxation of ATSPP by the same factor. This solves an open problem posed by Chekuri and Pal [2007]. We then pursue a deeper study of this linear program and its variations, which leads to an algorithm for the k-person ATSPP (where k s-t paths of minimum total length are sought) and an O(log n)-approximation for the directed latency problem

    A cutting-plane approach to the edge-weighted maximal clique problem

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    We investigated the computational performance of a cutting-plane algorithm for the problem of determining a maximal subclique in an edge-weighted complete graph. Our numerical results are contrasted with reports on closely related problems for which cutting-plane approaches perform well in instances of moderate size. Somewhat surprisingly, we find that our approach already in the case of n = 15 or N = 25 nodes in the underlying graph typically neither produces an integral solution nor yields a good approximation to the true optimal objective function value. This result seems to shed some doubt on the universal applicability of cuttingplane approaches as an efficient means to solve linear (0, 1)-programming problems of moderate size

    Structure of Cubic Lehman Matrices

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    A pair (A,B)(A,B) of square (0,1)(0,1)-matrices is called a \emph{Lehman pair} if ABT=J+kIAB^T=J+kI for some integer k∈{βˆ’1,1,2,3,…}k\in\{-1,1,2,3,\ldots\}. In this case AA and BB are called \emph{Lehman matrices}. This terminology arises because Lehman showed that the rows with the fewest ones in any non-degenerate minimally nonideal (mni) matrix MM form a square Lehman submatrix of MM. Lehman matrices with k=βˆ’1k=-1 are essentially equivalent to \emph{partitionable graphs} (also known as (Ξ±,Ο‰)(\alpha,\omega)-graphs), so have been heavily studied as part of attempts to directly classify minimal imperfect graphs. In this paper, we view a Lehman matrix as the bipartite adjacency matrix of a regular bipartite graph, focusing in particular on the case where the graph is cubic. From this perspective, we identify two constructions that generate cubic Lehman graphs from smaller Lehman graphs. The most prolific of these constructions involves repeatedly replacing suitable pairs of edges with a particular 66-vertex subgraph that we call a 33-rung ladder segment. Two decades ago, L\"{u}tolf \& Margot initiated a computational study of mni matrices and constructed a catalogue containing (among other things) a listing of all cubic Lehman matrices with k=1k =1 of order up to 17Γ—1717 \times 17. We verify their catalogue (which has just one omission), and extend the computational results to 20Γ—2020 \times 20 matrices. Of the 908908 cubic Lehman matrices (with k=1k=1) of order up to 20Γ—2020 \times 20, only two do not arise from our 33-rung ladder construction. However these exceptions can be derived from our second construction, and so our two constructions cover all known cubic Lehman matrices with k=1k=1

    Survivable Networks, Linear Programming Relaxations and the Parsimonious Property

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    We consider the survivable network design problem - the problem of designing, at minimum cost, a network with edge-connectivity requirements. As special cases, this problem encompasses the Steiner tree problem, the traveling salesman problem and the k-connected network design problem. We establish a property, referred to as the parsimonious property, of the linear programming (LP) relaxation of a classical formulation for the problem. The parsimonious property has numerous consequences. For example, we derive various structural properties of these LP relaxations, we present some algorithmic improvements and we perform tight worstcase analyses of two heuristics for the survivable network design problem

    Low-Degree Spanning Trees of Small Weight

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    The degree-d spanning tree problem asks for a minimum-weight spanning tree in which the degree of each vertex is at most d. When d=2 the problem is TSP, and in this case, the well-known Christofides algorithm provides a 1.5-approximation algorithm (assuming the edge weights satisfy the triangle inequality). In 1984, Christos Papadimitriou and Umesh Vazirani posed the challenge of finding an algorithm with performance guarantee less than 2 for Euclidean graphs (points in R^n) and d > 2. This paper gives the first answer to that challenge, presenting an algorithm to compute a degree-3 spanning tree of cost at most 5/3 times the MST. For points in the plane, the ratio improves to 3/2 and the algorithm can also find a degree-4 spanning tree of cost at most 5/4 times the MST.Comment: conference version in Symposium on Theory of Computing (1994
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