17 research outputs found

    Results of the second evaluation of matching tools

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    meilicke2012bThis deliverable reports on the results of the second SEALS evaluation campaign (for WP12 it is the third evaluation campaign), which has been carried out in coordination with the OAEI 2011.5 campaign. Opposed to OAEI 2010 and 2011 the full set of OAEI tracks has been executed with the help of SEALS technology. 19 systems have participated and five data sets have been used. Two of these data sets are new and have not been used in previous OAEI campaigns. In this deliverable we report on the data sets used in the campaign, the execution of the campaign, and we present and discuss the evaluation results

    Light-Weight Ontology Alignment using Best-Match Clone Detection

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    Abstract-Ontologies are a key component of the Semantic Web, providing a common basis for representing and exchanging domain meaning in web documents and resources. Ontology alignment is the problem of relating the elements of two formal ontologies for a semantic domain, in order to identify common concepts and relationships represented using different terminology or language, and thus allow meaningful communication and exchange of documents and resources represented using different ontologies for the same domain. Many algorithms have been proposed for ontology alignment, each with their own strengths and weaknesses. The problem is in many ways similar to nearmiss clone detection: while much of the description of concepts in two ontologies may be similar, there can be differences in structure or vocabulary that make similarity detection challenging. Based on our previous work extending clone detection to modelling languages such as WSDL using contextualization, in this work we apply near-miss clone detection to the problem of ontology alignment, and use the new notion of "best-match" clone detection to achieve results similar to many existing ontology alignment algorithms when applied to standard benchmarks

    OMT, an Ontology Matching System

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    Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Informatics EngineeringIn recent years ontologies have become an integral part of storing information in a structured and formal manner and a way of sharing said information. With this rise in usage, it was only a matter of time before different people tried to use ontologies to represent the same knowledge domain. The area of Ontology Matching was created with the purpose of finding correspondences between different ontologies that represented information in the same domain area. This document reports a Master’s work that started with the study of already existing ontology matching techniques and tools in order to gain knowledge on what techniques exist, as well as understand the advantages and disadvantages of each one. Using the knowledge obtained from the study of the bibliography research, a new web-based tool called OMT was created to automatically merge two given ontologies. The OMT tool processes ontologies written in different ontology representation languages, such as the OWL family or any language written according to the RDF web standards. The OMT tool provides the user with basic information about the submitted ontologies and after the matching occurs, provides the user with a simplified version of the results focusing on the number of objects that were matched and merged. The user can also download a Log File, if he so chooses. This Log File contains a detailed description of the matching process and the reasoning behind the decisions the OMT tool made. The OMT tool was tested throughout its development phase against various different potential inputs to assess its accuracy. Lastly, a web application was developed to host the OMT tool in order to facilitate the access and use of the tool for the users.Nos últimos tempos, ontologias têm-se tornado fundamentais quando os objetivos são armazenar informação de forma formal e estruturada bem como a partilha de tal informação. Com o aumento da procura e utilização de ontologias, tornou-se inevitável que indivíduos diferentes criassem ontologias para representar o mesmo domínio de informação. A área de concordância de ontologias foi criada com o intuito de encontrar correspondências entre ontologias que representem informação no mesmo domínio. Este documento reporta o trabalho de uma tese de Mestrado que começou pelo estudo de técnicas e ferramentas já existentes na área de concordância de ontologias com o objetivo de obter conhecimento nestas mesmas e perceber as suas vantagens e desvantagens. A partir do conhecimento obtido a partir deste estudo, uma nova ferramenta web chamada OMT foi criada para automaticamente alinhar duas ontologias. A ferramenta OMT processa ontologias escritas em diferentes linguagens de representação, tal como a familia de linguages OWL ou qualquer linguagem que respeite o padrão RDF. A ferramenta OMT fornece ao utilizador informação básica sobre as ontologias e após o alinhamento ocorrer, fornece ao utilizador uma versão simplificada dos resultados obtidos, focando no numero de objetos que foram alinhados. O utilizador pode também descarregar um ficheiro Log. Este ficheiro contém uma descrição destalhada do processo de alinhamento e a justificação para as diferentes decisões tomadas pelo ferramenta OMT. A ferramenta OMT foi testada durante todo o processo de desenvolvimento com diferentes tipos de ontologia de entrada para avaliar a sua capacidade de alinhamento. Por último, foi também desenvolvida uma aplicação web para hospedar a ferramenta OMT de forma a facilitar o acesso e uso da ferramenta aos utilizadores

    Results of the Ontology Alignment Evaluation Initiative 2014

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    dragisic2014aInternational audienceOntology matching consists of finding correspondences between semantically related entities of two ontologies. OAEI campaigns aim at comparing ontology matching systems on precisely defined test cases. These test cases can use ontologies of different nature (from simple thesauri to expressive OWL ontologies) and use different modalities, e.g., blind evaluation, open evaluation and consensus. OAEI 2014 offered 7 tracks with 9 test cases followed by 14 participants. Since 2010, the campaign has been using a new evaluation modality which provides more automation to the evaluation. This paper is an overall presentation of the OAEI 2014 campaign

    Results of the second evaluation of matching tools

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    meilicke2012bThis deliverable reports on the results of the second SEALS evaluation campaign (for WP12 it is the third evaluation campaign), which has been carried out in coordination with the OAEI 2011.5 campaign. Opposed to OAEI 2010 and 2011 the full set of OAEI tracks has been executed with the help of SEALS technology. 19 systems have participated and five data sets have been used. Two of these data sets are new and have not been used in previous OAEI campaigns. In this deliverable we report on the data sets used in the campaign, the execution of the campaign, and we present and discuss the evaluation results

    Interactive ontology matching: using expert feedback to select attribute mappings

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    International audienceInteractive Ontology Matching considers the participation of domain experts during the matching process of two ontologies. An important step of this process is the selection of mappings to submit to the expert. These mappings can be between concepts, attributes or relationships of the ontologies. Existing approaches define the set of mapping suggestions only in the beginning of the process before expert involvement. In previous work, we proposed an approach to refine the set of mapping suggestions after each expert feedback, benefiting from the expert feedback to form a set of mapping suggestions of better quality. In this approach, only concept mappings were considered during the refinement. In this paper, we show a new approach to evaluate the benefit of also considering attribute mappings during the interactive phase of the process. The approach was evaluated using the OAEI conference data set, which showed an increase in recall without sacrificing precision. The approach was compared with the state-of-the-art, showing that the approach has generated alignment with state-of-the-art quality

    Evolution von ontologiebasierten Mappings in den Lebenswissenschaften

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    Im Bereich der Lebenswissenschaften steht eine große und wachsende Menge heterogener Datenquellen zur Verfügung, welche häufig in quellübergreifenden Analysen und Auswertungen miteinander kombiniert werden. Um eine einheitliche und strukturierte Erfassung von Wissen sowie einen formalen Austausch zwischen verschiedenen Applikationen zu erleichtern, kommen Ontologien und andere strukturierte Vokabulare zum Einsatz. Sie finden Anwendung in verschiedenen Domänen wie der Molekularbiologie oder Chemie und dienen zumeist der Annotation realer Objekte wie z.B. Gene oder Literaturquellen. Unterschiedliche Ontologien enthalten jedoch teilweise überlappendes Wissen, so dass die Bestimmung einer Abbildung (Ontologiemapping) zwischen ihnen notwendig ist. Oft ist eine manuelle Mappingerstellung zwischen großen Ontologien kaum möglich, weshalb typischerweise automatische Verfahren zu deren Abgleich (Matching) eingesetzt werden. Aufgrund neuer Forschungserkenntnisse und Nutzeranforderungen verändern sich die Ontologien kontinuierlich weiter. Die Evolution der Ontologien hat wiederum Auswirkungen auf abhängige Daten wie beispielsweise Annotations- und Ontologiemappings, welche entsprechend aktualisiert werden müssen. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit werden neue Methoden und Algorithmen zum Umgang mit der Evolution ontologie-basierter Mappings entwickelt. Dabei wird die generische Infrastruktur GOMMA zur Verwaltung und Analyse der Evolution von Ontologien und Mappings genutzt und erweitert. Zunächst wurde eine vergleichende Analyse der Evolution von Ontologiemappings für drei Subdomänen der Lebenswissenschaften durchgeführt. Ontologien sowie Mappings unterliegen teilweise starken Änderungen, wobei die Evolutionsintensität von der untersuchten Domäne abhängt. Insgesamt zeigt sich ein deutlicher Einfluss von Ontologieänderungen auf Ontologiemappings. Dementsprechend können bestehende Mappings infolge der Weiterentwicklung von Ontologien ungültig werden, so dass sie auf aktuelle Ontologieversionen migriert werden müssen. Dabei sollte eine aufwendige Neubestimmung der Mappings vermieden werden. In dieser Arbeit werden zwei generische Algorithmen zur (semi-) automatischen Adaptierung von Ontologiemappings eingeführt. Ein Ansatz basiert auf der Komposition von Ontologiemappings, wohingegen der andere Ansatz eine individuelle Behandlung von Ontologieänderungen zur Adaptierung der Mappings erlaubt. Beide Verfahren ermöglichen die Wiederverwendung unbeeinflusster, bereits bestätigter Mappingteile und adaptieren nur die von Änderungen betroffenen Bereiche der Mappings. Eine Evaluierung für sehr große, biomedizinische Ontologien und Mappings zeigt, dass beide Verfahren qualitativ hochwertige Ergebnisse produzieren. Ähnlich zu Ontologiemappings werden auch ontologiebasierte Annotationsmappings durch Ontologieänderungen beeinflusst. Die Arbeit stellt einen generischen Ansatz zur Bewertung der Qualität von Annotationsmappings auf Basis ihrer Evolution vor. Verschiedene Qualitätsmaße erlauben die Identifikation glaubwürdiger Annotationen beispielsweise anhand ihrer Stabilität oder Herkunftsinformationen. Eine umfassende Analyse großer Annotationsdatenquellen zeigt zahlreiche Instabilitäten z.B. aufgrund temporärer Annotationslöschungen. Dementsprechend stellt sich die Frage, inwieweit die Datenevolution zu einer Veränderung von abhängigen Analyseergebnissen führen kann. Dazu werden die Auswirkungen der Ontologie- und Annotationsevolution auf sogenannte funktionale Analysen großer biologischer Datensätze untersucht. Eine Evaluierung anhand verschiedener Stabilitätsmaße erlaubt die Bewertung der Änderungsintensität der Ergebnisse und gibt Aufschluss, inwieweit Nutzer mit einer signifikanten Veränderung ihrer Ergebnisse rechnen müssen. Darüber hinaus wird GOMMA um effiziente Verfahren für das Matching sehr großer Ontologien erweitert. Diese werden u.a. für den Abgleich neuer Konzepte während der Adaptierung von Ontologiemappings benötigt. Viele der existierenden Match-Systeme skalieren nicht für das Matching besonders großer Ontologien wie sie im Bereich der Lebenswissenschaften auftreten. Ein effizienter, kompositionsbasierter Ansatz gleicht Ontologien indirekt ab, indem existierende Mappings zu Mediatorontologien wiederverwendet und miteinander kombiniert werden. Mediatorontologien enthalten wertvolles Hintergrundwissen, so dass sich die Mappingqualität im Vergleich zu einem direkten Matching verbessern kann. Zudem werden generelle Strategien für das parallele Ontologie-Matching unter Verwendung mehrerer Rechenknoten vorgestellt. Eine größenbasierte Partitionierung der Eingabeontologien verspricht eine gute Lastbalancierung und Skalierbarkeit, da kleinere Teilaufgaben des Matchings parallel verarbeitet werden können. Die Evaluierung im Rahmen der Ontology Alignment Evaluation Initiative (OAEI) vergleicht GOMMA und andere Systeme für das Matching von Ontologien in verschiedenen Domänen. GOMMA kann u.a. durch Anwendung des parallelen und kompositionsbasierten Matchings sehr gute Ergebnisse bezüglich der Effektivität und Effizienz des Matchings, insbesondere für Ontologien aus dem Bereich der Lebenswissenschaften, erreichen.In the life sciences, there is an increasing number of heterogeneous data sources that need to be integrated and combined in comprehensive analysis tasks. Often ontologies and other structured vocabularies are used to provide a formal representation of knowledge and to facilitate data exchange between different applications. Ontologies are used in different domains like molecular biology or chemistry. One of their most important applications is the annotation of real-world objects like genes or publications. Since different ontologies can contain overlapping knowledge it is necessary to determine mappings between them (ontology mappings). A manual mapping creation can be very time-consuming or even infeasible such that (semi-) automatic ontology matching methods are typically applied. Ontologies are not static but underlie continuous modifications due to new research insights and changing user requirements. The evolution of ontologies can have impact on dependent data like annotation or ontology mappings. This thesis presents novel methods and algorithms to deal with the evolution of ontology-based mappings. Thereby the generic infrastructure GOMMA is used and extended to manage and analyze the evolution of ontologies and mappings. First, a comparative evolution analysis for ontologies and mappings from three life science domains shows heavy changes in ontologies and mappings as well as an impact of ontology changes on the mappings. Hence, existing ontology mappings can become invalid and need to be migrated to current ontology versions. Thereby an expensive redetermination of the mappings should be avoided. This thesis introduces two generic algorithms to (semi-) automatically adapt ontology mappings: (1) a composition-based adaptation relies on the principle of mapping composition, and (2) a diff-based adaptation algorithm allows for individually handling change operations to update mappings. Both approaches reuse unaffected mapping parts, and adapt only affected parts of the mappings. An evaluation for very large biomedical ontologies and mappings shows that both approaches produce ontology mappings of high quality. Similarly, ontology changes may also affect ontology-based annotation mappings. The thesis introduces a generic evaluation approach to assess the quality of annotation mappings based on their evolution. Different quality measures allow for the identification of reliable annotations, e.g., based on their stability or provenance information. A comprehensive analysis of large annotation data sources shows numerous instabilities, e.g., due to the temporary absence of annotations. Such modifications may influence results of dependent applications such as functional enrichment analyses that describe experimental data in terms of ontological groupings. The question arises to what degree ontology and annotation changes may affect such analyses. Based on different stability measures the evaluation assesses change intensities of application results and gives insights whether users need to expect significant changes of their analysis results. Moreover, GOMMA is extended by large-scale ontology matching techniques. Such techniques are useful, a.o., to match new concepts during ontology mapping adaptation. Many existing match systems do not scale for aligning very large ontologies, e.g., from the life science domain. One efficient composition-based approach indirectly computes ontology mappings by reusing and combining existing mappings to intermediate ontologies. Intermediate ontologies can contain useful background knowledge such that the mapping quality can be improved compared to a direct match approach. Moreover, the thesis introduces general strategies for matching ontologies in parallel using several computing nodes. A size-based partitioning of the input ontologies enables good load balancing and scalability since smaller match tasks can be processed in parallel. The evaluation of the Ontology Alignment Evaluation Initiative (OAEI) compares GOMMA and other systems in terms of matching ontologies from different domains. Using the parallel and composition-based matching, GOMMA can achieve very good results w.r.t. efficiency and effectiveness, especially for ontologies from the life science domain

    Analysing top-level and domain ontology alignments from matching systems

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    Top-level ontologies play an important role in the construction and integration of domain ontologies, providing a well-founded reference model that can be shared across knowledge domains. While most efforts in ontology matching have been particularly dedicated to domain ontologies, the problem of matching domain and top-level ontologies has been addressed to a lesser extent. This is a challenging task, specially due to the different levels of abstraction of these ontologies. In this paper, we present a comprehensive analysis of the alignments between one domain ontology from the OAEI Conference track and three well known top-level ontologies (DOLCE, GFO and SUMO), as generated by a set of matching tools. A discussion of the problem is presented on the basis of the alignments generated by the tools, compared to the analysis of three evaluators. This study provides insights for improving matching tools to better deal with this particular task