1,998 research outputs found

    Classifying heart sounds using multiresolution time series motifs : an exploratory study

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    The aim of this work is to describe an exploratory study on the use of a SAX-based Multiresolution Motif Discovery method for Heart Sound Classification. The idea of our work is to discover relevant frequent motifs in the audio signals and use the discovered motifs and their frequency as characterizing attributes. We also describe different configurations of motif discovery for defining attributes and compare the use of a decision tree based algorithm with random forests on this kind of data. Experiments were performed with a dataset obtained from a clinic trial in hospitals using the digital stethoscope DigiScope. This exploratory study suggests that motifs contain valuable information that can be further exploited for Heart Sound Classification

    Classifying heart sounds using SAX motifs, random forests and text mining techniques

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    In this paper we describe an approach to classifying heart sounds (classes Normal, Murmur and Extra-systole) that is based on the discretization of sound signals using the SAX (Symbolic Aggregate Approximation) representation. The ability of automatically classifying heart sounds or at least support human decision in this task is socially relevant to spread the reach of medical care using simple mobile devices or digital stethoscopes. In our approach, sounds are firrst pre-processed using signal processing techniques (decimate, low-pass filter, normalize, Shannon envelope). Then the pre-processed symbols are transformed into sequences of discrete SAX symbols. These sequences are subject to a process of motif discovery. Frequent sequences of symbols (motifs) are adopted as features. Each sound is then characterized by the frequent motifs that occur in it and their respective frequency. This is similar to the term frequency (TF) model used in text mining. In this paper we compare the TF model with the application of the TFIDF (Term frequency - Inverse Document Frequency) and the use of bi-grams (frequent size two sequences of motifs). Results show the ability of the motifs based TF approach to separate classes and the relative value of the TFIDF and the bi-grams variants. The separation of the Extra-systole class is overly dificult and much better results are obtained for separating the Murmur class. Empirical validation is conducted using real data collected in noisy environments. We have also assessed the cost-reduction potential of the proposed methods by considering a fixed cost model and using a cost sensitive meta algorithm.Portuguese Funds through the FCT - Fundacao para a Ciencia e a Tecnologia (proj. FCOMP-01-0124-FEDER-037281 and FCOMP-01-0124-FEDER-PEst-OE/EEI/UI0760/2014)

    Classificação de sons cardíacos usando Motifs: desenvolvimento de uma aplicação móvel

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    Este documento foi redigido no âmbito da Tese, do Mestrado em Engenharia Informática na área de Tecnologias do Conhecimento e Decisão, do Departamento de Engenharia Informática, do ISEP, cujo tema é classificação de sons cardíacos usando motifs. Neste trabalho, apresenta-se um algoritmo de classificação de sons cardíacos, capaz de identificar patologias cardíacas. A classificação do som cardíaco é um trabalho desafiante dada a dificuldade em separar os sons ambiente (vozes, respiração, contacto do microfone com superfícies como pele ou tecidos) ou de ruído dos batimentos cardíacos. Esta abordagem seguiu a metodologia de descoberta de padrões SAX (motifs) mais frequentes, em séries temporais relacionando-os com a ocorrência sistólica (S1) e a ocorrência diastólica (S2) do coração. A metodologia seguida mostrou-se eficaz a distinguir sons normais de sons correspondentes a patologia. Os resultados foram publicados na conferência internacional IDEAS’14 [Oliveira, 2014], em Julho deste ano. Numa fase seguinte, desenvolveu-se uma aplicação móvel, capaz de captar os batimentos cardíacos, de os tratar e os classificar. A classificação dos sons é feita usando o método referido no parágrafo anterior. A aplicação móvel, depois de tratar os sons, envia-os para um servidor, onde o programa de classificação é executado, e recebe a resposta da classificação. É também descrita a arquitetura aplicacional desenhada e as componentes que a constituem, as ferramentas e tecnologias utilizadas.This document was prepared as part of the Thesis of the MSc in Computer Science in the area of Knowledge and Decision Technologies, Department of Computer Engineering, ISEP. The theme is classification of heart sounds. In this dissertation we present an algorithm for heart sounds classification, able to identify cardiac pathologies. The classification of the heart sound is a challenging work due to the difficulty in separating heartbeat sound from the ambient sounds (voices, breathing, microphone contact with surfaces like skin or textiles) or noise. In this approach we use the methodology of discovery of frequent SAX patterns (motifs) in time series, relating them with systolic (S1) and diastolic (S2) heart events. The methodology was effective to distinguish normal sounds from pathologic sounds. The results were published in international conference IDEAS'14 [Oliveira, 2014], in July. We have also developed a mobile application, able to capture, process and classify heart beats. The mobile application, captures and processes the sounds, sends them to a server where the classification program is running, and receives the classification result. We also described the application architecture, its components as well as the tools and technologies used

    Personal Heart Health Monitoring Based on 1D Convolutional Neural Network

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    The automated detection of suspicious anomalies in electrocardiogram (ECG) recordings allows frequent personal heart health monitoring and can drastically reduce the number of ECGs that need to be manually examined by the cardiologists, excluding those classified as normal, facilitating healthcare decision-making and reducing a considerable amount of time and money. In this paper, we present a system able to automatically detect the suspect of cardiac pathologies in ECG signals from personal monitoring devices, with the aim to alert the patient to send the ECG to the medical specialist for a correct diagnosis and a proper therapy. The main contributes of this work are: (a) the implementation of a binary classifier based on a 1D-CNN architecture for detecting the suspect of anomalies in ECGs, regardless of the kind of cardiac pathology; (b) the analysis was carried out on 21 classes of different cardiac pathologies classified as anomalous; and (c) the possibility to classify anomalies even in ECG segments containing, at the same time, more than one class of cardiac pathologies. Moreover, 1D-CNN based architectures can allow an implementation of the system on cheap smart devices with low computational complexity. The system was tested on the ECG signals from the MIT-BIH ECG Arrhythmia Database for the MLII derivation. Two different experiments were carried out, showing remarkable performance compared to other similar systems. The best result showed high accuracy and recall, computed in terms of ECG segments and even higher accuracy and recall in terms of patients alerted, therefore considering the detection of anomalies with respect to entire ECG recordings


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    Biometrics uses methods for unique recognition of humans based upon one or more intrinsic physical or behavioral traits. In computer science, particularly, biometrics is used as a form of identity access management and access control. It is also used to identify individuals in groups that are under surveillance. The book consists of 13 chapters, each focusing on a certain aspect of the problem. The book chapters are divided into three sections: physical biometrics, behavioral biometrics and medical biometrics. The key objective of the book is to provide comprehensive reference and text on human authentication and people identity verification from both physiological, behavioural and other points of view. It aims to publish new insights into current innovations in computer systems and technology for biometrics development and its applications. The book was reviewed by the editor Dr. Jucheng Yang, and many of the guest editors, such as Dr. Girija Chetty, Dr. Norman Poh, Dr. Loris Nanni, Dr. Jianjiang Feng, Dr. Dongsun Park, Dr. Sook Yoon and so on, who also made a significant contribution to the book

    Odontology & artificial intelligence

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    Neste trabalho avaliam-se os três fatores que fizeram da inteligência artificial uma tecnologia essencial hoje em dia, nomeadamente para a odontologia: o desempenho do computador, Big Data e avanços algorítmicos. Esta revisão da literatura avaliou todos os artigos publicados na PubMed até Abril de 2019 sobre inteligência artificial e odontologia. Ajudado com inteligência artificial, este artigo analisou 1511 artigos. Uma árvore de decisão (If/Then) foi executada para selecionar os artigos mais relevantes (217), e um algoritmo de cluster k-means para resumir e identificar oportunidades de inovação. O autor discute os artigos mais interessantes revistos e compara o que foi feito em inovação durante o International Dentistry Show, 2019 em Colónia. Concluiu, assim, de forma crítica que há uma lacuna entre tecnologia e aplicação clínica desta, sendo que a inteligência artificial fornecida pela indústria de hoje pode ser considerada um atraso para o clínico de amanhã, indicando-se um possível rumo para a aplicação clínica da inteligência artificial.There are three factors that have made artificial intelligence (AI) an essential technology today: the computer performance, Big Data and algorithmic advances. This study reviews the literature on AI and Odontology based on articles retrieved from PubMed. With the help of AI, this article analyses a large number of articles (a total of 1511). A decision tree (If/Then) was run to select the 217 most relevant articles-. Ak-means cluster algorithm was then used to summarize and identify innovation opportunities. The author discusses the most interesting articles on AI research and compares them to the innovation presented during the International Dentistry Show 2019 in Cologne. Three technologies available now are evaluated and three suggested options are been developed. The author concludes that AI provided by the industry today is a hold-up for the praticioner of tomorrow. The author gives his opinion on how to use AI for the profit of patients