2,512 research outputs found

    Scalable Greedy Algorithms for Transfer Learning

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    In this paper we consider the binary transfer learning problem, focusing on how to select and combine sources from a large pool to yield a good performance on a target task. Constraining our scenario to real world, we do not assume the direct access to the source data, but rather we employ the source hypotheses trained from them. We propose an efficient algorithm that selects relevant source hypotheses and feature dimensions simultaneously, building on the literature on the best subset selection problem. Our algorithm achieves state-of-the-art results on three computer vision datasets, substantially outperforming both transfer learning and popular feature selection baselines in a small-sample setting. We also present a randomized variant that achieves the same results with the computational cost independent from the number of source hypotheses and feature dimensions. Also, we theoretically prove that, under reasonable assumptions on the source hypotheses, our algorithm can learn effectively from few examples

    Semi-Supervised Learning by Augmented Distribution Alignment

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    In this work, we propose a simple yet effective semi-supervised learning approach called Augmented Distribution Alignment. We reveal that an essential sampling bias exists in semi-supervised learning due to the limited number of labeled samples, which often leads to a considerable empirical distribution mismatch between labeled data and unlabeled data. To this end, we propose to align the empirical distributions of labeled and unlabeled data to alleviate the bias. On one hand, we adopt an adversarial training strategy to minimize the distribution distance between labeled and unlabeled data as inspired by domain adaptation works. On the other hand, to deal with the small sample size issue of labeled data, we also propose a simple interpolation strategy to generate pseudo training samples. Those two strategies can be easily implemented into existing deep neural networks. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed approach on the benchmark SVHN and CIFAR10 datasets. Our code is available at \url{https://github.com/qinenergy/adanet}.Comment: To appear in ICCV 201

    The role of circumstance monitoring on the diagnostic interpretation of condition monitoring data

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    Circumstance monitoring, a recently coined termed defines the collection of data reflecting the real network working environment of in-service equipment. This ideally complete data set should reflect the elements of the electrical, mechanical, thermal, chemical and environmental stress factors present on the network. This must be distinguished from condition monitoring, which is the collection of data reflecting the status of in-service equipment. This contribution investigates the significance of considering circumstance monitoring on diagnostic interpretation of condition monitoring data. Electrical treeing partial discharge activity from various harmonic polluted waveforms have been recorded and subjected to a series of machine learning techniques. The outcome provides a platform for improved interpretation of the harmonic influenced partial discharge patterns. The main conclusion of this exercise suggests that any diagnostic interpretation is dependent on the immunity of condition monitoring measurements to the stress factors influencing the operational conditions. This enables the asset manager to have an improved holistic view of an asset's health

    A case study: Failure prediction in a real LTE network

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    Mobile traffic and number of connected devices have been increasing exponentially nowadays, with customer expectation from mobile operators in term of quality and reliability is higher and higher. This places pressure on operators to invest as well as to operate their growing infrastructures. As such, telecom network management becomes an essential problem. To reduce cost and maintain network performance, operators need to bring more automation and intelligence into their management system. Self-Organizing Networks function (SON) is an automation technology aiming to maximize performance in mobility networks by bringing autonomous adaptability and reducing human intervention in network management and operations. Three main areas of SON include self-configuration (auto-configuration when new element enter the network), self-optimization (optimization of the network parameters during operation) and self-healing (maintenance). The main purpose of the thesis is to illustrate how anomaly detection methods can be applied to SON functions, in particularly self-healing functions such as fault detection and cell outage management. The thesis is illustrated by a case study, in which the anomalies - in this case, the failure alarms, are predicted in advance using performance measurement data (PM data) collected from a real LTE network within a certain timeframe. Failures prediction or anomalies detection can help reduce cost and maintenance time in mobile network base stations. The author aims to answer the research questions: what anomaly detection models could detect the anomalies in advance, and what type of anomalies can be well-detected using those models. Using cross-validation, the thesis shows that random forest method is the best performing model out of the chosen ones, with F1-score of 0.58, 0.96 and 0.52 for the anomalies: Failure in Optical Interface, Temperature alarm, and VSWR minor alarm respectively. Those are also the anomalies can be well-detected by the model

    Data-driven design of intelligent wireless networks: an overview and tutorial

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    Data science or "data-driven research" is a research approach that uses real-life data to gain insight about the behavior of systems. It enables the analysis of small, simple as well as large and more complex systems in order to assess whether they function according to the intended design and as seen in simulation. Data science approaches have been successfully applied to analyze networked interactions in several research areas such as large-scale social networks, advanced business and healthcare processes. Wireless networks can exhibit unpredictable interactions between algorithms from multiple protocol layers, interactions between multiple devices, and hardware specific influences. These interactions can lead to a difference between real-world functioning and design time functioning. Data science methods can help to detect the actual behavior and possibly help to correct it. Data science is increasingly used in wireless research. To support data-driven research in wireless networks, this paper illustrates the step-by-step methodology that has to be applied to extract knowledge from raw data traces. To this end, the paper (i) clarifies when, why and how to use data science in wireless network research; (ii) provides a generic framework for applying data science in wireless networks; (iii) gives an overview of existing research papers that utilized data science approaches in wireless networks; (iv) illustrates the overall knowledge discovery process through an extensive example in which device types are identified based on their traffic patterns; (v) provides the reader the necessary datasets and scripts to go through the tutorial steps themselves

    Next-Generation Self-Organizing Networks through a Machine Learning Approach

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    Fecha de lectura de Tesis Doctoral: 17 Diciembre 2018.Para reducir los costes de gestión de las redes celulares, que, con el tiempo, aumentaban en complejidad, surgió el concepto de las redes autoorganizadas, o self-organizing networks (SON). Es decir, la automatización de las tareas de gestión de una red celular para disminuir los costes de infraestructura (CAPEX) y de operación (OPEX). Las tareas de las SON se dividen en tres categorías: autoconfiguración, autooptimización y autocuración. El objetivo de esta tesis es la mejora de las funciones SON a través del desarrollo y uso de herramientas de aprendizaje automático (machine learning, ML) para la gestión de la red. Por un lado, se aborda la autocuración a través de la propuesta de una novedosa herramienta para una diagnosis automática (RCA), consistente en la combinación de múltiples sistemas RCA independientes para el desarrollo de un sistema compuesto de RCA mejorado. A su vez, para aumentar la precisión de las herramientas de RCA mientras se reducen tanto el CAPEX como el OPEX, en esta tesis se proponen y evalúan herramientas de ML de reducción de dimensionalidad en combinación con herramientas de RCA. Por otro lado, en esta tesis se estudian las funcionalidades multienlace dentro de la autooptimización y se proponen técnicas para su gestión automática. En el campo de las comunicaciones mejoradas de banda ancha, se propone una herramienta para la gestión de portadoras radio, que permite la implementación de políticas del operador, mientras que, en el campo de las comunicaciones vehiculares de baja latencia, se propone un mecanismo multicamino para la redirección del tráfico a través de múltiples interfaces radio. Muchos de los métodos propuestos en esta tesis se han evaluado usando datos provenientes de redes celulares reales, lo que ha permitido demostrar su validez en entornos realistas, así como su capacidad para ser desplegados en redes móviles actuales y futuras

    A Survey of Proteomic Biomarkers for Heterotopic Ossification in Blood Serum

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    Background: Heterotopic ossification (HO) is a significant problem for wounded warriors surviving high-energy blast injuries; however, currently, there is no biomarker panel capable of globally characterizing, diagnosing, and monitoring HO progression. The aim of this study was to identify biomarkers for HO using proteomic techniques and blood serum. Methods: Isobaric tags for relative and absolute quantitation (iTRAQ) was used to generate a semi-quantitative global proteomics survey of serum from patients with and without heterotopic ossification. Leveraging the iTRAQ data, a targeted selection reaction monitoring mass spectrometry (SRM-MS) assay was developed for 10 protein candidates: alkaline phosphatase, osteocalcin, alpha-2 type I collagen, collagen alpha-1(V) chain isoform 2 preprotein, bone sialoprotein 2, phosphatidate phosphatase LPIN2, osteomodulin, protein phosphatase 1J, and RRP12-like protein. Results: The proteomic survey of serum from both healthy and disease patients includes 1220 proteins and was enriched for proteins involved in the response to elevated platelet Ca+2, wound healing, and extracellular matrix organization. Proteolytic peptides from three of the ten SRM-MS proteins, osteocalcin preprotein, osteomodulin precursor, and collagen alpha-1(v) chain isoform 2 preprotein from serum, are potential clinical biomarkers for HO. Conclusions: This study is the first reported SRM-MS analysis of serum from individuals with and without heterotopic ossification, and differences in the serum proteomic profile between healthy and diseased subjects were identified. Furthermore, our results indicate that normal wound healing signals can impact the ability to identify biomarkers, and a multi-protein panel assay, including osteocalcin preproprotein, osteomodulin precursor, and collagen alpha-1(v) chain isoform 2 preprotein, may provide a solution for HO detection and monitoring

    Incremental Learning Through Unsupervised Adaptation in Video Face Recognition

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    Programa Oficial de Doutoramento en Investigación en Tecnoloxías da Información. 524V01[Resumo] Durante a última década, os métodos baseados en deep learning trouxeron un salto significativo no rendemento dos sistemas de visión artificial. Unha das claves neste éxito foi a creación de grandes conxuntos de datos perfectamente etiquetados para usar durante o adestramento. En certa forma, as redes de deep learning resumen esta enorme cantidade datos en prácticos vectores multidimensionais. Por este motivo, cando as diferenzas entre os datos de adestramento e os adquiridos durante o funcionamento dos sistemas (debido a factores como o contexto de adquisición) son especialmente notorias, as redes de deep learning son susceptibles de sufrir degradación no rendemento. Mentres que a solución inmediata a este tipo de problemas sería a de recorrer a unha recolección adicional de imaxes, co seu correspondente proceso de etiquetado, esta dista moito de ser óptima. A gran cantidade de posibles variacións que presenta o mundo visual converten rápido este enfoque nunha tarefa sen fin. Máis aínda cando existen aplicacións específicas nas que esta acción é difícil, ou incluso imposible, de realizar debido a problemas de custos ou de privacidade. Esta tese propón abordar todos estes problemas usando a perspectiva da adaptación. Así, a hipótese central consiste en asumir que é posible utilizar os datos non etiquetados adquiridos durante o funcionamento para mellorar o rendemento que obteríamos con sistemas de recoñecemento xerais. Para isto, e como proba de concepto, o campo de estudo da tese restrinxiuse ao recoñecemento de caras. Esta é unha aplicación paradigmática na cal o contexto de adquisición pode ser especialmente relevante. Este traballo comeza examinando as diferenzas intrínsecas entre algúns dos contextos específicos nos que se pode necesitar o recoñecemento de caras e como estas afectan ao rendemento. Desta maneira, comparamos distintas bases de datos (xunto cos seus contextos) entre elas, usando algúns dos descritores de características máis avanzados e así determinar a necesidade real de adaptación. A partir desta punto, pasamos a presentar o método novo, que representa a principal contribución da tese: o Dynamic Ensemble of SVM (De-SVM). Este método implementa a capacidade de adaptación utilizando unha aprendizaxe incremental non supervisada na que as súas propias predicións se usan como pseudo-etiquetas durante as actualizacións (a estratexia de auto-adestramento). Os experimentos realizáronse baixo condicións de vídeo-vixilancia, un exemplo paradigmático dun contexto moi específico no que os procesos de etiquetado son particularmente complicados. As ideas claves de De-SVM probáronse en diferentes sub-problemas de recoñecemento de caras: a verificación de caras e recoñecemento de caras en conxunto pechado e en conxunto aberto. Os resultados acadados mostran un comportamento prometedor en termos de adquisición de coñecemento sen supervisión así como robustez contra impostores. Ademais, este rendemento é capaz de superar a outros métodos do estado da arte que non posúen esta capacidade de adaptación.[Resumen] Durante la última década, los métodos basados en deep learning trajeron un salto significativo en el rendimiento de los sistemas de visión artificial. Una de las claves en este éxito fue la creación de grandes conjuntos de datos perfectamente etiquetados para usar durante el entrenamiento. En cierta forma, las redes de deep learning resumen esta enorme cantidad datos en prácticos vectores multidimensionales. Por este motivo, cuando las diferencias entre los datos de entrenamiento y los adquiridos durante el funcionamiento de los sistemas (debido a factores como el contexto de adquisición) son especialmente notorias, las redes de deep learning son susceptibles de sufrir degradación en el rendimiento. Mientras que la solución a este tipo de problemas es recurrir a una recolección adicional de imágenes, con su correspondiente proceso de etiquetado, esta dista mucho de ser óptima. La gran cantidad de posibles variaciones que presenta el mundo visual convierten rápido este enfoque en una tarea sin fin. Más aún cuando existen aplicaciones específicas en las que esta acción es difícil, o incluso imposible, de realizar; debido a problemas de costes o de privacidad. Esta tesis propone abordar todos estos problemas usando la perspectiva de la adaptación. Así, la hipótesis central consiste en asumir que es posible utilizar los datos no etiquetados adquiridos durante el funcionamiento para mejorar el rendimiento que se obtendría con sistemas de reconocimiento generales. Para esto, y como prueba de concepto, el campo de estudio de la tesis se restringió al reconocimiento de caras. Esta es una aplicación paradigmática en la cual el contexto de adquisición puede ser especialmente relevante. Este trabajo comienza examinando las diferencias entre algunos de los contextos específicos en los que se puede necesitar el reconocimiento de caras y así como sus efectos en términos de rendimiento. De esta manera, comparamos distintas ba ses de datos (y sus contextos) entre ellas, usando algunos de los descriptores de características más avanzados para así determinar la necesidad real de adaptación. A partir de este punto, pasamos a presentar el nuevo método, que representa la principal contribución de la tesis: el Dynamic Ensemble of SVM (De- SVM). Este método implementa la capacidad de adaptación utilizando un aprendizaje incremental no supervisado en la que sus propias predicciones se usan cómo pseudo-etiquetas durante las actualizaciones (la estrategia de auto-entrenamiento). Los experimentos se realizaron bajo condiciones de vídeo-vigilancia, un ejemplo paradigmático de contexto muy específico en el que los procesos de etiquetado son particularmente complicados. Las ideas claves de De- SVM se probaron en varios sub-problemas del reconocimiento de caras: la verificación de caras y reconocimiento de caras de conjunto cerrado y conjunto abierto. Los resultados muestran un comportamiento prometedor en términos de adquisición de conocimiento así como de robustez contra impostores. Además, este rendimiento es capaz de superar a otros métodos del estado del arte que no poseen esta capacidad de adaptación.[Abstract] In the last decade, deep learning has brought an unprecedented leap forward for computer vision general classification problems. One of the keys to this success is the availability of extensive and wealthy annotated datasets to use as training samples. In some sense, a deep learning network summarises this enormous amount of data into handy vector representations. For this reason, when the differences between training datasets and the data acquired during operation (due to factors such as the acquisition context) are highly marked, end-to-end deep learning methods are susceptible to suffer performance degradation. While the immediate solution to mitigate these problems is to resort to an additional data collection and its correspondent annotation procedure, this solution is far from optimal. The immeasurable possible variations of the visual world can convert the collection and annotation of data into an endless task. Even more when there are specific applications in which this additional action is difficult or simply not possible to perform due to, among other reasons, cost-related problems or privacy issues. This Thesis proposes to tackle all these problems from the adaptation point of view. Thus, the central hypothesis assumes that it is possible to use operational data with almost no supervision to improve the performance we would achieve with general-purpose recognition systems. To do so, and as a proof-of-concept, the field of study of this Thesis is restricted to face recognition, a paradigmatic application in which the context of acquisition can be especially relevant. This work begins by examining the intrinsic differences between some of the face recognition contexts and how they directly affect performance. To do it, we compare different datasets, and their contexts, against each other using some of the most advanced feature representations available to determine the actual need for adaptation. From this point, we move to present the novel method, representing the central contribution of the Thesis: the Dynamic Ensembles of SVM (De-SVM). This method implements the adaptation capabilities by performing unsupervised incremental learning using its own predictions as pseudo-labels for the update decision (the self-training strategy). Experiments are performed under video surveillance conditions, a paradigmatic example of a very specific context in which labelling processes are particularly complicated. The core ideas of De-SVM are tested in different face recognition sub-problems: face verification and, the more complex, general closed- and open-set face recognition. In terms of the achieved results, experiments have shown a promising behaviour in terms of both unsupervised knowledge acquisition and robustness against impostors, surpassing the performances achieved by state-of-the-art non-adaptive methods.Funding and Technical Resources For the successful development of this Thesis, it was necessary to rely on series of indispensable means included in the following list: • Working material, human and financial support primarily by the CITIC and the Computer Architecture Group of the University of A Coruña and CiTIUS of University of Santiago de Compostela, along with a PhD grant funded by Xunta the Galicia and the European Social Fund. • Access to bibliographical material through the library of the University of A Coruña. • Additional funding through the following research projects: State funding by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness of Spain (project TIN2017-90135-R MINECO, FEDER)