893 research outputs found

    Real virtuality: emerging technology for virtually recreating reality

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    Recognizing complex gestures via natural interfaces

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    Natural interfaces have revolutionized the way we interact with computers. They have provided in many fields a comfortable and efficient mechanism that requires no computer knowledge, nor artificial controlling devices, but allow as to interoperate via natural gestures. Diverse fields such as entertainment, remote control, medicine, fitness exercise are finding improvements with the introduction of this technology. However, most of these sensorial interfaces only provide support for basic gestures. In this work we show how it is possible to construct your own complex gestures using the underlying capabilities of these sensor devices.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tec

    The use of the Nintendo Wii in motor rehabilitation for virtual reality interventions:a literature review

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    Several review articles have been published on the use of Virtual Reality (VR) in motor rehabilitation. The majority of these focus on the effectiveness of VR on improving motor function using relatively expensive commercial tools and technologies including robotics, cybergloves, cybergrasps, joysticks, force sensors and motion capture systems. However, we present the case in this chapter that game sensors and VR technologies which can be customized and reconfigured, such as the Nintendo Wii, provide an alternative and affordable VR intervention for rehabilitation. While the performance of many of the Wii based interventions in motor rehabilitation are currently the focus of investigation by researchers, an extensive and holistic discussion on this subject does not yet exist. As such, the purpose of this chapter is to provide readers with an understanding of the advantages and limitations of the Nintendo Wii game sensor device (and its associated accessories) for motor rehabilitation and in addition, to outline the potential for incorporating these into clinical interventions for the benefit of patients and therapists

    Hardware Interfaces for VR Applications: Evaluation on Prototypes

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    The advancement of recent developments over the VR with the expansion of new Head Mount Displays (H.M.D.) such as Oculus Rift and Morpheus have opened new challenges in the already active research filed of the industry of Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) by exploring new means of communication with the support of the new hardware devices adjustable to body movements and hand position. The paper explores the hardware interactivity and VR H.M.D’s through two games designed to use the latest Oculus Rift SDK technology with alternative methods of hardware communication. A usability evaluation study was conducted with 18 participants and the results presented and discussed

    Development of 3D communication

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    The main problem the project is to find the correct solution for 3D communication between the user and the machine The student has to design the devices needed to a correct communication between the Wii console and the user. It is 3D glasses with movement detector, gloves with detectors and a stand for the Wii remote

    A Comparison of Exergaming Interfaces for Use in Rehabilitation Programs and Research

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    Exergames or active video games are video games with interfaces that require active involvement and the exertion of physical force by participants. These exergames are designed to track body motion and provide both fun and exercise for game players. Numerous video game console companies have designed exergaming interfaces that are becoming very popular. This paper examines the nature of the interfaces and explores the possibility of using these interfaces for rehabilitation programs and research. While many systems exist, this paper will focus on three major players: Sony PlayStation Move, Nintendo Wii, and Microsoft Xbox 360 Kinect. Comparisons include the technical specifications, the motion sensed by each interface, and the motion required in each therapeutic activity type. Discussion addresses the research implications of using these tools

    Creating an Audio Game Platform for the Visually Impaired

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    Interactive media is a form of entertainment that has become increasingly popular in recent years. However, the entertainment medium is not accessible to people with visual impairments. This project investigates the rise of interactive media with accessibility in mind, focusing on audio-based games. To support this research, this project will involve the development of a game platform using audio and motion-based inputs. This prototype is a proof-of-concept, showing the possibilities of creating games for those who cannot normally play them

    Leaning-based control of an immersive telepresence robot

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    Abstract. This thesis presents an implementation of a leaning-based control method which allows using the body to drive a telepresence robot. The implementation consisted of a control mapping to drive a differential drive telepresence robot using a Nintendo Wii Balance Board (Wiiboard). The motivation for using a balance board as a control device was to reduce Virtual Reality (VR) sickness by using small movements of your own body matching the motions seen on the screen; matching the body movement to the motion seen on the screen could mitigate sensory conflict between visual and vestibular organs which is generally held as one of the main causes for VR sickness. A user study (N=32) was conducted to compare the balance board to joysticks, in which the participants drove a simulated telepresence robot in a Virtual Environment (VE) along a marked path using both control methods. The results showed that the joystick did not cause any more VR sickness on the participants than the balance board, and the board proved to be statistically significantly more difficult to use, both subjectively and objectively. The balance board was unfamiliar to the participants and it was reported as hard to control. Analyzing the open-ended questions revealed a potential relationship between perceived difficulty and VR sickness, meaning that difficulty possibly affects sickness. The balance board’s potential to reduce VR sickness was held back by the difficulty to use it, thus making the board easier to use is the key to enabling its potential. A few suggestions were presented to achieve this goal.Immersiivisen etäläsnäolorobotin nojaamiseen perustuva ohjaus. Tiivistelmä. Tämä diplomityö esittelee nojautumiseen perustuvan ohjausmenetelmän toteutuksen, joka mahdollistaa etäläsnäolorobotin ohjaamisen käyttämällä kehoa. toteutus koostui ohjauskartoituksesta tasauspyörästö vetoisen etäläsnäolorobotin ohjaamiseksi Nintendo Wii Balance Board -tasapainolaudan avulla. Motivaatio tasapainolaudan käyttämiseen ohjauslaitteena oli vähentää virtuaalitodellisuus pahoinvointia käyttämällä pieniä oman kehon liikkeitä, jotka vastaavat näytöllä näkyviä liikkeitä; kehon liikkeen sovittaminen yhteen näytöllä nähtyyn liikkeeseen voi lieventää näkö- ja tasapainoelinten välistä aistiristiriitaa, jota pidetään yleisesti yhtenä pääsyistä virtuaalitodellisuus pahoinvointiin. Tasapainolautaa verrattiin ohjaussauvoihin käyttäjätutkimus (N=32), jossa osallistuja ajoivat simuloitua etäläsnäolorobottia virtuaaliympäristössä merkittyä reittiä pitkin käyttämällä molemmilla ohjausmenetelmiä. Tulokset osoittivat, että ohjaussauvat ei aiheuttanut osallistujille enempää virtuaalitodellisuus pahoinvointia kuin tasapainolauta, ja lauta osoittautui tilastollisesti merkitsevästi vaikeammaksi käyttää sekä subjektiivisesti että objektiivisesti. Tasapainolauta oli osallistujille tuntematon, ja sen ilmoitettiin olevan vaikeasti hallittava. Avointen kysymysten analysointi paljasti mahdollisen yhteyden koetun vaikeuden ja virtuaalitodellisuus pahoinvoinnin välillä, mikä tarkoittaa, että vaikeus voi mahdollisesti vaikuttaa pahoinvointiin. Tasapainolaudan vaikeus rajoitti sen potentiaalia vähentää virtuaalitodellisuus pahoinvointia, mikä tarkoittaa, että laudan käytön helpottaminen on avain sen potentiaalin saavuttamiseen. Muutamia ehdotuksia esitettiin tämän tavoitteen saavuttamiseksi

    Comparative Analysis of The Effects Of Virtual Reality Active Video Game And Controller-Free Active Video Game Play On Physiological Response, Perceived Exertion, And Hedonic Experience

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    Over 60% of US adults are overweight or obese. Sedentary lifestyles are considered major contributors to the high rates and increasing prevalence of obesity. Physical activity is a critical component in shifting from sedentary lifestyles. Studies indicate that less than half of U.S. adults meet the CDC/ACSM physical activity recommendations. Interactive video games can increase PA, but no study has yet assessed physiologic effort, hedonics, and perceived exertion for playing immersive virtual reality (VR) and controller-free screen-based active video games (AVGs), compared to treadmill walking and resting. We ran 25 subjects (9 female, 16 male) in 10-minute sessions of five conditions. Head Mounted Display VR: Oculus (Fruit Ninja and Boxing), Screen-based AVG: Kinect (Fruit Ninja and Boxing), and Treadmill walking at 3 mph. One, six-condition (Rest, Treadmill 3.0, Kinect Boxing, Kinect Fruit Ninja, Oculus Boxing, Oculus Fruit Ninja) repeated-measures ANOVA was used to examine differences in HRmean. Three, five-condition (Treadmill 3.0, Kinect Boxing, Kinect Fruit Ninja, Oculus Boxing, Oculus Fruit Ninja) repeated-measures ANOVA were used to examine differences in HRpeak, ratings of perceived exertion (RPE) and Hedonics (Liking). Post hoc analyses using pairwise comparisons were used to further assess significant main effects of the condition. A Pearson\u27s product-moment correlation was run to assess the relationship between activity condition HRmean and RPE VR Boxing elicited the greatest physiological effort, producing vigorous-intensity PA. There was no significant difference in average heart rate for the Treadmill, Kinect Fruit Ninja, Kinect Boxing, and VR Fruit Ninja. Thus, the Kinect and VR sport and casual games are comparable to treadmill walking PA levels and qualify as moderate-intensity activity. The VR Fruit Ninja, VR Boxing, Kinect Fruit Ninja were the most enjoyed activities. Despite having the highest Heart rate and the highest self-reported Rating of Perceived Exertion (RPE), VR Boxing was significantly more enjoyable than Treadmill Walking. There was no statistically significant correlation between Activity Condition HRmean and RPE. Both casual and sports VR and AVG activities are enjoyable activities for adults, stimulating moderate-to-vigorous activity through a traditionally sedentary medium. This research extends previous works in active video gaming effects on physiological cost, perceived exertion and hedonics and fills the gap relating virtual reality active video games. The significance of the research outcomes is that this analysis provides a scientifically validated approach to support the establishment of physical activity level goals and guidelines in the development of active video games as a response and/or remedy to address the sedentary lifestyles that are contributing to American and global obesity