18 research outputs found

    Evaluation of transport options from KMS shaft to the mill at Obuasi mine, Anglogold Ashanti

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    The underground mine at AngloGold Ashanti Obuasi Mine in Ghana currently transports about 175,000 tpm from four shafts to the mill. Two major shafts, Kwesi Mensah Shaft (KMS) and Kwesi Renner Shaft (KRS) handle about 85-90% of this total tonnage. Transfer of ore from all the shafts to the mill is largely by means of contractor trucks. The mill is approximately 2.8 km and 1.5 km by road from KMS and KRS shafts respectively. Earlier plans to introduce a surface conveyor to the mill were found not to be economically viable largely due to the lower production level prevailing at that time. The objectives at that time were to decrease cost, improve availability and security, and to limit the numerous problems associated with contractor trucking. The current Business Plan indicates a phased increase in the underground production from 175,000 tpm up to 220,000 tpm. The extra tonnage is to feed the new Tailings Sulphide Plant (TSP), located adjacent to the existing mill. With the plan to increase underground production, and the need to decrease cost and improve efficiency against the current financial downturn, this project serves to review the four ore transfer options that link the shafts to the mill. The options are the continued usage of contractor trucks, purchase mine-owned trucks, use surface or underground conveyors. The factors to be used in the selection process were categorised under economic, environmental and technical parameters. Secondly the options were multiple and consequently the appropriate selection method was the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP). This is a Multiple Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) methodology which is a widely used technique. The AHP is a very simple, structured and easily understandable method in which both non-numerical and numerical data are considered in the selection processes with multiple options, where the need for optimization is paramount. The overall observation by the experts’ favoured surface conveyors. However, the issue of capital in the present regime of the Obuasi mine, makes it quite difficult to obtain management approval in the immediate future. The surface conveyor however, has the potential to make adequate returns. From the financial analysis showing a six to ten year payback period in a mining environment, other forms of finance could be considered. Alternatively, the next highest ranking option, which is contractor trucking could be used but with two contractors. This would introduce competition which could improve cost and availability. This is the first time that a more structured approach has been used for equipment selection at Obuasi


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    Drilling is the first stage of open pit mining that has a considerable effect on the other stages of mining, including blasting, loading, hauling and crushing. An unsuitable drilling pattern may lead to undesirable results such as poor fragmentation, back break and fly rock that not only results in technical and safety issues but also increases the operating cost of the mine. Multi-Attribute Decision-Making (MADM) methods can be useful approaches to select the appropriate drilling pattern among various alternatives, performed previously. This paper aims to select the most proper drilling and blasting pattern for Sangan Iron Mine, Iran. To achieve this, in the first step, rock fragmentation, back break, fly rock, specific charge and specific drilling were considered as the decision criteria and their degree of importance was calculated using the AHP method under a fuzzy environment. Then, TOPSIS and PROMETHEE methods were used to select the most proper alternative. The results of this study show that the drilling pattern with a spacing of 5 m, burden 4 m, hole depth 10 m, and hole diameter 15 cm is the most suitable one. The stemming length and powder factor of the suggested pattern are 2.3 m and 2.6 gr/cm3, respectively.Bušenje je prva faza površinske eksploatacije koja ima znatan utjecaj na ostale faze rudarenja, uključujući miniranje, utovar, transport i drobljenje. Neprimjeren način bušenja može dovesti do nepoželjnih rezultata poput loše fragmentacije, povratnoga loma i odbacivanja stijena, što ne samo da rezultira tehničkim i sigurnosnim problemima, već i povećava operativne troškove rudnika. Metode donošenja odluka s više atributa (MADM) mogu biti korisne za odabir odgovarajućega načina bušenja među raznim prethodno izvedenim alternativama. Cilj je ovoga rada odabrati najpogodniji način bušenja i miniranja za rudnik željeza Sangan, Iran. Da bi se to postiglo, u prvome koraku kao kriteriji za odlučivanje razmatrani su fragmentacija stijena, povratno lomljenje, odbacivanje stijena, specifično punjenje i specifično bušenje, a njihova važnost izračunana je korištenjem AHP metode u neizrazitome okruženju. Zatim su korištene metode TOPSIS i PROMETHEE za odabir najprikladnije alternative. Rezultati ove studije pokazuju da je najprikladniji način bušenja s razmakom od 5 m, opterećenjem od 4 m, dubinom rupe od 10 m i promjerom rupe od 15 cm. Duljina čepa bušotine i specifična potrošnja eksploziva predloženoga uzorka iznose 2,3 m, odnosno 2,6 g/cm3

    Mining Technologies Innovative Development

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    The present book covers the main challenges, important for future prospects of subsoils extraction as a public effective and profitable business, as well as technologically advanced industry. In the near future, the mining industry must overcome the problems of structural changes in raw materials demand and raise the productivity up to the level of high-tech industries to maintain the profits. This means the formation of a comprehensive and integral response to such challenges as the need for innovative modernization of mining equipment and an increase in its reliability, the widespread introduction of Industry 4.0 technologies in the activities of mining enterprises, the transition to "green mining" and the improvement of labor safety and avoidance of man-made accidents. The answer to these challenges is impossible without involving a wide range of scientific community in the publication of research results and exchange of views and ideas. To solve the problem, this book combines the works of researchers from the world's leading centers of mining science on the development of mining machines and mechanical systems, surface and underground geotechnology, mineral processing, digital systems in mining, mine ventilation and labor protection, and geo-ecology. A special place among them is given to post-mining technologies research

    Modeling of causes and consequences of human error in mining processes design: A qualitative study

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    This research was funded by the Hamedan University of Medical Sciences and Health Services and grant number 140008257113.Peer ReviewedObjectius de Desenvolupament Sostenible::3 - Salut i BenestarObjectius de Desenvolupament Sostenible::8 - Treball Decent i Creixement EconòmicObjectius de Desenvolupament Sostenible::9 - Indústria, Innovació i InfraestructuraPostprint (published version


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    Due to the global economic recession, the global financial crisis, the increase of the bunker fuel prices and the issue of global climate change, many shipping companies suffered operating their vessels especially for the long-haul business services, such as the Asia-Europe trade. These global factors influence not only the movement of container volumes, but the ship expenditure costs and revenues are also affected. Selection of the most efficient steaming speed of containerships is an alternative solution for assisting shipping companies in planning a proactive business strategy and reducing the ship expenditure costs. There are four different levels of steaming speed in the liner shipping sector. Shipping companies need to make a decision as to which one of them will be the most efficient steaming speed considering the elements of technical, financial, environmental and commercial aspects. A combination method called FTOPSIS (Fuzzy-TOPSIS) method is presented in this paper. Such a method is capable of helping shipping companies in the decision making process of the liner business industry. Extra slow steaming is classified as the most efficient steaming speed. Keywords: FTOPSIS; Shipping Business; Decision Making Process; Vessel Speed

    Risk Assessment as a Tool for Mobile Plant Operators for Sustainable Development: Lessons from the Western Australian Mining Industry

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    Mobile plant is used extensively not only in the Western Australian (WA) Mining Industry but internationally as well. The use of mobile plant has inherently high risk and every year is associated with a significant number of workplace fatalities and injuries. Prior to this research being conducted there was no specific data published related to mobile plants incidents and fatalities for the Western Australian mining industries. The aim of this research was to improve the safety performance of mobile plant operators in the Western Australia (WA) mining industry by identifying the causes of mobile plant incidents reported to Resources Safety between 1/1/2007 and 31/3/2020

    Друга міжнародна конференція зі сталого майбутнього: екологічні, технологічні, соціальні та економічні питання (ICSF 2021). Кривий Ріг, Україна, 19-21 травня 2021 року

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    Second International Conference on Sustainable Futures: Environmental, Technological, Social and Economic Matters (ICSF 2021). Kryvyi Rih, Ukraine, May 19-21, 2021.Друга міжнародна конференція зі сталого майбутнього: екологічні, технологічні, соціальні та економічні питання (ICSF 2021). Кривий Ріг, Україна, 19-21 травня 2021 року