9 research outputs found

    DIY v současné fotografii v kontextu historického vývoje

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    Prvotním záměrem diplomové práce je analyzovat situaci DIY (Do It Yourself - udělej si sám) kultury na konkrétním případu současné DIY fotografie pomocí výzkumu zaměřeného na studenty a absolventy fotografických oborů na českých vysokých školách. Výzkum se skládá z patnácti hloubkových rozhovorů se studenty a absolventy a poskytuje kvalitativní data, která jsou kvantitativně analyzována pomocí kódovaných odpovědí. Druhotným záměrem je poskytnutí teoretického podkladu pro téma DIY fotografie, zabývající se propojením fotografie a DIY v historickém kontextu, ale také v současnosti. Práce se ve stručnosti zabývá evolucí fotografického média a zaměřuje se na metody, které byly vynalezeny nebo používány s jistou dávkou amatérismu, případně ve spolupráci s jiným oborem. Práce dále zkoumá koncept DIY ve smyslu různých forem, subkultur a kontextů, jejíchž prostřednictvím vyvozuje závěry o propojení fotografie a DIY. Závěry práce se zaměřují na obtíže, které fotografové pociťují vůči tématu DIY a digitálních technologií, hlavně pocit omezení možností kvůli malým zkušenostem s ručním procesem, v porovnání s analogovou fotografií a celkovou spokojenost s dostupnou technologií.The thesis primarily aims to analyze the situation of DIY culture on the specific case of contemporary DIY photography through a research focused on photography students and alumni at Czech photography programmes. The research consists of fifteen in-depth interviews conducted with the students or alumni providing qualitative data that is analyzed quantitatively using the interviewees' coded answers. The secondary aim is to provide a theoretical background to the topic of DIY photography, exploring the connection between photography and DIY (Do It Yourself) in its historical context, as well as its current standing, as well as to introduce the photography medium's evolution briefly, focusing on the methods that were discovered, or applied, with a certain level of amateurism or through contribution from another field. Later, it explores the concept of DIY in different forms, subcultures, and contexts to draw a conclusion of how photography and DIY relate. The thesis' findings are centred around the struggle photographers feel when it comes to DIY in digital technologies, mainly due to limits in their skills in hands-on processes compared to analogue photography and the overall level of satisfaction with the available technology.Ústav informačních studií - studia nových médiíInstitute of Information Studies and Librarianship - New Media StudiesFilozofická fakultaFaculty of Art

    Model based on ontological engineering for formalization semantics of information in the domain of the management of projects

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    En el presente trabajo se aplicó la Ingeniería Ontológica a la disciplina de la Gestión de Proyectos, donde por medio de un modelo basado en dicha ingeniería, se estructuró una ontología, que identifica, define y caracteriza, los conceptos que pueden generarse durante el ciclo de vida de un proyecto, de tal manera que induce al gerente de proyectos a reconocer de una forma semántica y unívoca, el dominio y contexto en el cual se va a ejecutar el proyecto, permitiéndole direccionar sus prácticas gerenciales con un nivel de eficiencia y eficacia más acertado acorde a la realidad actual del mismo. Lo anterior se logró integrando seis áreas de conocimiento, que establecieron los cinco componentes del modelo, el de Entorno-Semántico, el Ontológico, el Estructural de Datos, el Computacional, el de Gestión y el Gerencial, los cuales se desglosan en el recorrido de la investigación. Al mismo tiempo se hizo tangible la implementación del modelo desde el desarrollo de un prototipo computacional, que permitió la automatización de una de las posibles abstracciones del modelo, evidenciando resultados favorables en cuanto a la gestión de la información generada desde ésta misma y su apoyo a la toma de decisiones desde el componente gerencial.Universidad Distrital Francisco José de CaldasIn the present work, Ontological Engineering was applied to the discipline of Management of Projects, where by means of a model based on said engineering, a ontology, which identifies, defines and characterizes the concepts that can be generated during the life cycle of a project, in such a way as to induce the project manager to recognize a semantic and univocal form, the domain and context in which the project will be executed, allowing you to direct your management practices with a level of efficiency and effectiveness more successful according to the current reality of it. This was achieved by integrating six areas of knowledge, which established the five components of the model, the Semantic-Environment, the Ontological, Structural Data, Computational, Management and Managerial, which are broken down in the investigation path. At the same time the implementation of the model from the development of a computational prototype, which allowed the automation of one of the possible abstractions of the model, showing results favorable regarding the management of the information generated from it and its support for the decision making from the managerial component.Doctor en Gerencia de ProyectosDoctorad

    An Investigation of the Process and Characteristics used by Project Managers in IT Consulting in the Selection of Project Management Software

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    As project management (PM) and information technology (IT) evolved over the last decades, an increasing number of project management software products have emerged. Project managers in IT consulting can improve the success of projects through the utilization of such software. However, the diversity of software available cannot sensibly be grasped by a single individual.Based on this context, the study aims to examine the key considerations in the selectionof project management software in IT consulting from the project managers’ perspective. A literature review identifies key aspects of IT consulting projects that may be relevant to the software selection. No evidence was found that provided a view on the process of the selection of PM software in IT consulting itself. The review also unveils the lack of common terminology in regard to PM software.The study addresses these gaps by utilizing interpretative phenomenological analysis (IPA) to understand the experiences made by project managers. To gather data, 17 semistructured interviews were conducted with experienced project managers. Thematic analysis was used to develop an understanding of the process employed by project managers in the software selection and the considerations they make along the way. The findings were synthesized to create a process guide, supported by a checklist and the working definition of key terminology.This study adds a broader perspective to the field of PM software through the application of qualitative methodology in an otherwise quantitatively dominated field of research. It addresses the lack of existing knowledge on the perspective of the project manager in the selection process through the generation of a 6-staged process guide. The detailed considerations of project managers were compiled into a checklist of selection criteria. These two also contribute to practice by providing a structured approach to PM selection for practitioners. The third output is a working definition of project management software as used in practice, which simplifies an exchange of knowledge between theory and practice