667 research outputs found

    Approximation methods for complex polynomial optimization

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    Symmetric Interdiction for Matching Problems

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    Motivated by denial-of-service network attacks, we introduce the symmetric interdiction model, where both the interdictor and the optimizer are subject to the same constraints of the underlying optimization problem. We give a general framework that relates optimization to symmetric interdiction for a broad class of optimization problems. We then study the symmetric matching interdiction problem - with applications in traffic engineering - in more detail. This problem can be simply stated as follows: find a matching whose removal minimizes the size of the maximum matching in the remaining graph. We show that this problem is APX-hard, and obtain a 3/2-approximation algorithm that improves on the approximation guarantee provided by the general framework

    A new approximation hierarchy for polynomial conic optimization

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    In this paper we consider polynomial conic optimization problems, where the feasible set is defined by constraints in the form of given polynomial vectors belonging to given nonempty closed convex cones, and we assume that all the feasible solutions are non-negative. This family of problems captures in particular polynomial optimization problems (POPs), polynomial semi-definite polynomial optimization problems (PSDPs) and polynomial second-order cone-optimization problems (PSOCPs). We propose a new general hierarchy of linear conic optimization relaxations inspired by an extension of Pólyaʼs Positivstellensatz for homogeneous polynomials being positive over a basic semi-algebraic cone contained in the non-negative orthant, introduced in Dickinson and Povh (J Glob Optim 61(4):615-625, 2015). We prove that based on some classic assumptions, these relaxations converge monotonically to the optimal value of the original problem. Adding a redundant polynomial positive semi-definite constraint to the original problem drastically improves the bounds produced by our method. We provide an extensive list of numerical examples that clearly indicate the advantages and disadvantages of our hierarchy. In particular, in comparison to the classic approach of sum-of-squares, our new method provides reasonable bounds on the optimal value for POPs, and strong bounds for PSDPs and PSOCPs, even outperforming the sum-of-squares approach in these latter two cases.V članku obravnavamo polinomske konične optimizacijske probleme, kjer je dopustna množica definirana z omejitvami, da morajo biti dani polinomski vektorji v danih nepraznih zaprtih konveksnih stožcih. Dodatno morajo dopustne rešitve zadoščati pogoju nenegativnosti. Ta družina problemov zajema zlasti klasične probleme polinomske optimizacije (POP), probleme polinomske semidefinitne optimizacije (PSDP) in probleme polinomske optimizacije nad stožci drugega reda (PSOCP). Predlagamo novo splošno hierarhijo linearnih koničnih optimizacijskih poenostavitev, ki naravno sledijo iz razširitve Pólya-jevega izreka o pozitivnosti iz Dickinson in Povh (J Glob Optim 61 (4): 615-625, 2015). Ob nekaterih klasičnih predpostavkah te poenostavitve monotono konvergirajo k optimalni vrednosti izvirnega problema. Kot zanimivost pokažemo, da dodajanje posebne redundantne omejitve k osnovnemu problemu ne spremeni optimalne rešitve tega problema, a bistveno izboljša kvaliteto poenostavitev. V članku tudi predstavimo obsežen seznam številčnih primerov, ki jasno kažejo na prednosti in slabosti naše hierarhije

    On the tensor spectral <i>p</i>-norm and its dual norm via partitions

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    Conic Optimization Theory: Convexification Techniques and Numerical Algorithms

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    Optimization is at the core of control theory and appears in several areas of this field, such as optimal control, distributed control, system identification, robust control, state estimation, model predictive control and dynamic programming. The recent advances in various topics of modern optimization have also been revamping the area of machine learning. Motivated by the crucial role of optimization theory in the design, analysis, control and operation of real-world systems, this tutorial paper offers a detailed overview of some major advances in this area, namely conic optimization and its emerging applications. First, we discuss the importance of conic optimization in different areas. Then, we explain seminal results on the design of hierarchies of convex relaxations for a wide range of nonconvex problems. Finally, we study different numerical algorithms for large-scale conic optimization problems.Comment: 18 page