91 research outputs found


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    Entropy is a universal concept that represents the uncertainty of a series of random events. The notion \u201centropy" is differently understood in different disciplines. In physics, it represents the thermodynamical state variable; in statistics it measures the degree of disorder. On the other hand, in computer science, it is used as a powerful tool for measuring the regularity (or complexity) in signals or time series. In this work, we have studied entropy based features in the context of signal processing. The purpose of feature extraction is to select the relevant features from an entity. The type of features depends on the signal characteristics and classification purpose. Many real world signals are nonlinear and nonstationary and they contain information that cannot be described by time and frequency domain parameters, instead they might be described well by entropy. However, in practice, estimation of entropy suffers from some limitations and is highly dependent on series length. To reduce this dependence, we have proposed parametric estimation of various entropy indices and have derived analytical expressions (when possible) as well. Then we have studied the feasibility of parametric estimations of entropy measures on both synthetic and real signals. The entropy based features have been finally employed for classification problems related to clinical applications, activity recognition, and handwritten character recognition. Thus, from a methodological point of view our study deals with feature extraction, machine learning, and classification methods. The different versions of entropy measures are found in the literature for signals analysis. Among them, approximate entropy (ApEn), sample entropy (SampEn) followed by corrected conditional entropy (CcEn) are mostly used for physiological signals analysis. Recently, entropy features are used also for image segmentation. A related measure of entropy is Lempel-Ziv complexity (LZC), which measures the complexity of a time-series, signal, or sequences. The estimation of LZC also relies on the series length. In particular, in this study, analytical expressions have been derived for ApEn, SampEn, and CcEn of an auto-regressive (AR) models. It should be mentioned that AR models have been employed for maximum entropy spectral estimation since many years. The feasibility of parametric estimates of these entropy measures have been studied on both synthetic series and real data. In feasibility study, the agreement between numeral estimates of entropy and estimates obtained through a certain number of realizations of the AR model using Montecarlo simulations has been observed. This agreement or disagreement provides information about nonlinearity, nonstationarity, or nonGaussinaity presents in the series. In some classification problems, the probability of agreement or disagreement have been proved as one of the most relevant features. VII After feasibility study of the parametric entropy estimates, the entropy and related measures have been applied in heart rate and arterial blood pressure variability analysis. The use of entropy and related features have been proved more relevant in developing sleep classification, handwritten character recognition, and physical activity recognition systems. The novel methods for feature extraction researched in this thesis give a good classification or recognition accuracy, in many cases superior to the features reported in the literature of concerned application domains, even with less computational costs

    MEMS Based Gesture Controlled Robot Using Wireless Communication

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    Abstract: The paper describes a robustness of MEMS based Gesture Controlled Robot is a kind of robot that can be by our hand gestures rather than an ordinary old switches or keypad. In Future there is a chance of making robots that can interact with humans in an natural manner. Hence our target interest is with hand motion based gesture interfaces. An innovative Formula for gesture recognition is developed for identifying the distinct action signs made through hand movement. A MEMS Sensor was used to carry out this and also an Ultrasonic sensor for convinced operation. In order to full-fill our requirement a program has been written and executed using a microcontroller system. Upon noticing the results of experimentation proves that our gesture formula is very competent and it's also enhance the natural way of intelligence and also assembled in a simple hardware circuit.

    A Depth Video-based Human Detection and Activity Recognition using Multi-features and Embedded Hidden Markov Models for Health Care Monitoring Systems

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    Increase in number of elderly people who are living independently needs especial care in the form of healthcare monitoring systems. Recent advancements in depth video technologies have made human activity recognition (HAR) realizable for elderly healthcare applications. In this paper, a depth video-based novel method for HAR is presented using robust multi-features and embedded Hidden Markov Models (HMMs) to recognize daily life activities of elderly people living alone in indoor environment such as smart homes. In the proposed HAR framework, initially, depth maps are analyzed by temporal motion identification method to segment human silhouettes from noisy background and compute depth silhouette area for each activity to track human movements in a scene. Several representative features, including invariant, multi-view differentiation and spatiotemporal body joints features were fused together to explore gradient orientation change, intensity differentiation, temporal variation and local motion of specific body parts. Then, these features are processed by the dynamics of their respective class and learned, modeled, trained and recognized with specific embedded HMM having active feature values. Furthermore, we construct a new online human activity dataset by a depth sensor to evaluate the proposed features. Our experiments on three depth datasets demonstrated that the proposed multi-features are efficient and robust over the state of the art features for human action and activity recognition

    uDirect: A novel approach for pervasive observation of user direction with mobile phones

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    Pattern Recognition

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    A wealth of advanced pattern recognition algorithms are emerging from the interdiscipline between technologies of effective visual features and the human-brain cognition process. Effective visual features are made possible through the rapid developments in appropriate sensor equipments, novel filter designs, and viable information processing architectures. While the understanding of human-brain cognition process broadens the way in which the computer can perform pattern recognition tasks. The present book is intended to collect representative researches around the globe focusing on low-level vision, filter design, features and image descriptors, data mining and analysis, and biologically inspired algorithms. The 27 chapters coved in this book disclose recent advances and new ideas in promoting the techniques, technology and applications of pattern recognition

    Automatic Food Intake Assessment Using Camera Phones

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    Obesity is becoming an epidemic phenomenon in most developed countries. The fundamental cause of obesity and overweight is an energy imbalance between calories consumed and calories expended. It is essential to monitor everyday food intake for obesity prevention and management. Existing dietary assessment methods usually require manually recording and recall of food types and portions. Accuracy of the results largely relies on many uncertain factors such as user\u27s memory, food knowledge, and portion estimations. As a result, the accuracy is often compromised. Accurate and convenient dietary assessment methods are still blank and needed in both population and research societies. In this thesis, an automatic food intake assessment method using cameras, inertial measurement units (IMUs) on smart phones was developed to help people foster a healthy life style. With this method, users use their smart phones before and after a meal to capture images or videos around the meal. The smart phone will recognize food items and calculate the volume of the food consumed and provide the results to users. The technical objective is to explore the feasibility of image based food recognition and image based volume estimation. This thesis comprises five publications that address four specific goals of this work: (1) to develop a prototype system with existing methods to review the literature methods, find their drawbacks and explore the feasibility to develop novel methods; (2) based on the prototype system, to investigate new food classification methods to improve the recognition accuracy to a field application level; (3) to design indexing methods for large-scale image database to facilitate the development of new food image recognition and retrieval algorithms; (4) to develop novel convenient and accurate food volume estimation methods using only smart phones with cameras and IMUs. A prototype system was implemented to review existing methods. Image feature detector and descriptor were developed and a nearest neighbor classifier were implemented to classify food items. A reedit card marker method was introduced for metric scale 3D reconstruction and volume calculation. To increase recognition accuracy, novel multi-view food recognition algorithms were developed to recognize regular shape food items. To further increase the accuracy and make the algorithm applicable to arbitrary food items, new food features, new classifiers were designed. The efficiency of the algorithm was increased by means of developing novel image indexing method in large-scale image database. Finally, the volume calculation was enhanced through reducing the marker and introducing IMUs. Sensor fusion technique to combine measurements from cameras and IMUs were explored to infer the metric scale of the 3D model as well as reduce noises from these sensors

    Parking lot monitoring system using an autonomous quadrotor UAV

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    The main goal of this thesis is to develop a drone-based parking lot monitoring system using low-cost hardware and open-source software. Similar to wall-mounted surveillance cameras, a drone-based system can monitor parking lots without affecting the flow of traffic while also offering the mobility of patrol vehicles. The Parrot AR Drone 2.0 is the quadrotor drone used in this work due to its modularity and cost efficiency. Video and navigation data (including GPS) are communicated to a host computer using a Wi-Fi connection. The host computer analyzes navigation data using a custom flight control loop to determine control commands to be sent to the drone. A new license plate recognition pipeline is used to identify license plates of vehicles from video received from the drone
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