138 research outputs found

    Separability versus prototypicality in handwritten word-image retrieval

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    Hit lists are at the core of retrieval systems. The top ranks are important, especially if user feedback is used to train the system. Analysis of hit lists revealed counter-intuitive instances in the top ranks for good classifiers. In this study, we propose that two functions need to be optimised: (a) in order to reduce a massive set of instances to a likely subset among ten thousand or more classes, separability is required. However, the results need to be intuitive after ranking, reflecting (b) the prototypicality of instances. By optimising these requirements sequentially, the number of distracting images is strongly reduced, followed by nearest-centroid based instance ranking that retains an intuitive (low-edit distance) ranking. We show that in handwritten word-image retrieval, precision improvements of up to 35 percentage points can be achieved, yielding up to 100% top hit precision and 99% top-7 precision in data sets with 84 000 instances, while maintaining high recall performances. The method is conveniently implemented in a massive scale, continuously trainable retrieval engine, Monk. (C) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Few-shot image classification : current status and research trends

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    Conventional image classification methods usually require a large number of training samples for the training model. However, in practical scenarios, the amount of available sample data is often insufficient, which easily leads to overfitting in network construction. Few-shot learning provides an effective solution to this problem and has been a hot research topic. This paper provides an intensive survey on the state-of-the-art techniques in image classification based on few-shot learning. According to the different deep learning mechanisms, the existing algorithms are di-vided into four categories: transfer learning based, meta-learning based, data augmentation based, and multimodal based methods. Transfer learning based methods transfer useful prior knowledge from the source domain to the target domain. Meta-learning based methods employ past prior knowledge to guide the learning of new tasks. Data augmentation based methods expand the amount of sample data with auxiliary information. Multimodal based methods use the information of the auxiliary modal to facilitate the implementation of image classification tasks. This paper also summarizes the few-shot image datasets available in the literature, and experimental results tested by some representative algorithms are provided to compare their performance and analyze their pros and cons. In addition, the application of existing research outcomes on few-shot image classification in different practical fields are discussed. Finally, a few future research directions are iden-tified. © 2022 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland

    Assessment of monthly rain fade in the equatorial region at C & KU-band using measat-3 satellite links

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    C & Ku-band satellite communication links are the most commonly used for equatorial satellite communication links. Severe rainfall rate in equatorial regions can cause a large rain attenuation in real compared to the prediction. ITU-R P. 618 standards are commonly used to predict satellite rain fade in designing satellite communication network. However, the prediction of ITU-R is still found to be inaccurate hence hinder a reliable operational satellite communication link in equatorial region. This paper aims to provide an accurate insight by assessment of the monthly C & Ku-band rain fade performance by collecting data from commercial earth stations using C band and Ku-band antenna with 11 m and 13 m diameter respectively. The antennas measure the C & Ku-band beacon signal from MEASAT-3 under equatorial rain conditions. The data is collected for one year in 2015. The monthly cumulative distribution function is developed based on the 1-year data. RMSE analysis is made by comparing the monthly measured data of C-band and Ku-band to the ITU-R predictions developed based on ITU-R’s P.618, P.837, P.838 and P.839 standards. The findings show that Ku-band produces an average of 25 RMSE value while the C-band rain attenuation produces an average of 2 RMSE value. Therefore, the ITU-R model still under predicts the rain attenuation in the equatorial region and this call for revisit of the fundamental quantity in determining the rain fade for rain attenuation to be re-evaluated
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