637 research outputs found

    Performance Analysis on Multiple Device Connections of Small Office Home Office Network

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    تم دعم ماليزيا من خلال إحدى اتصالات الإنترنت عالية السرعة بالألياف والتي تسمى TM UniFi. TM UniFi مألوف جدًا لاستخدامه كوسيلة لتطبيق مفهوم Small Office Home Office (SOHO)  بسبب وباء COVID-19. يقدم معظم بائعي الاتصالات مجموعة متنوعة من خدمات الشبكة لتلبية احتياجات العملاء ورضاهم أثناء الوباء. يستفسر معظم المستخدمين عن جودة الخدمات من خلال حقيقة زيادة المستخدمين من وقت لآخر. لذلك ، من الأهمية بمكان معرفة أداء الشبكة على عكس عدد الأجهزة المتصلة بشبكة TM UniFi. الهدف الرئيسي من هذا البحث هو تحليل أداء TM UniFi مع تأثير اتصالات الأجهزة المتعددة أو خدمات المستخدمين. أجريت الدراسة لتحليل جودة الخدمة (QoS) على حركة البيانات ، ونقل الحزم ، و RTT ، والكمون ، والإنتاجية. تم استخدام برنامج محاكاة Wireshark كالتقاط لحركة مرور الشبكة حيث تم تحليل ملفات PCAP باستخدام محلل PCAP لـ Splunk. تم تمكين تصفية حركة المرور لالتقاط حركة المرور المحددة لقياس أداء الشبكة. تظهر النتيجة أنه يمكن تحقيق أداء أفضل للشبكة إذا تم توصيل عدد أقل من الأجهزة في نفس الوقت. تزداد النسبة المئوية لفقدان الحزم و RTT ووقت الاستجابة عند اتصال المزيد من المستخدمين في نفس الوقت. يُظهر معدل النقل أيضًا انخفاضًا في الاتصالات متعددة الأجهزة. بناءً على التحليل ، يمكن استنتاج أن TM UniFi لا يزال بإمكانها توفير خدمات شبكة جيدة لبيئة شبكة SOHO وعرض نطاق ترددي كافٍ على الرغم من النمو السريع للمستخدمين في ماليزيا.Malaysia has been supported by one of the high-speed fiber internet connections called TM UniFi. TM UniFi is very familiar to be used as a medium to apply Small Office Home Office (SOHO) concept due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Most of the communication vendors offer varieties of network services to fulfill customers' needs and satisfaction during the pandemic. Quality of Services is queried by most users by the fact of increased on users from time to time. Therefore, it is crucial to know the network performance contrary to the number of devices connected to the TM UniFi network. The main objective of this research is to analyze TM UniFi performance with the impact of multiple device connections or users' services. The study was conducted to analyze the QoS on its traffic, packets transfer, RTT, latency, and throughput. Wireshark simulation program has been used as a network traffic capture where PCAP files have been analyzed by using PCAP Analyzer for Splunk. Traffic filtering has been enabled to capture selected traffic to measure network performance. The result shows that better network performance can be achieved if a smaller number of devices are connected at the same time.  The percentage of packet loss, RTT, latency is increased when more users connected at the same time. The throughput also shows a decrease for multi-device connections. Based on the analysis it can be concluded that TM UniFi still can provide good network services for the SOHO network environment and sufficient bandwidth despite the rapid user growth in Malaysia

    Firmware enhancements for BYOD-aware network security

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    In today’s connected world, users migrate within a complex set of networks, including, but not limited to, 3G and 4G (LTE) services provided by mobile operators, Wi-Fi hotspots in private and public places, as well as wireless and/or wired LAN access in business and home environments. Following the widely expanding Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) approach, many public and educational institutions have begun to encourage customers and students to use their own devices at all times. While this may be cost-effective in terms of decreased investments in hardware and consequently lower maintenance fees on a long-term basis, it may also involve some security risks. In particular, many users are often connected to more than one network and/or communication service provider at the same time, for example to a 3G/4G mobile network and to a Wi-Fi. In a BYOD setting, an infected device or a rogue one can turn into an unwanted gateway, causing a security breach by leaking information across networks. Aiming at investigating in greater detail the implications of BYOD on network security in private and business settings we are building a framework for experiments with mobile routers both in home and business networks. This is a continuation of our earlier work on communications and services with enhanced security for network appliances

    An implementation plan for priorities in solar-system space physics

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    The scientific objectives and implementation plans and priorities of the Space Science Board in areas of solar physics, heliospheric physics, magnetospheric physics, upper atmosphere physics, solar-terrestrial coupling, and comparative planetary studies are discussed and recommended programs are summarized. Accomplishments of Skylab, Solar Maximum Mission, Nimbus-7, and 11 other programs are highlighted. Detailed mission plans in areas of solar and heliospheric physics, plasma physics, and upper atmospheric physics are also described

    The NASA Scientific and Technical Information Program: Exploring challenges, creating opportunities

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    The NASA Scientific and Technical Information (STI) Program offers researchers access to the world's largest collection of aerospace information. An overview of Program activities, products and services, and new directions is presented. The R&D information cycle is outlined and specific examples of the NASA STI Program in practice are given. Domestic and international operations and technology transfer activities are reviewed and an agenda for the STI Program NASA-wide is presented. Finally, the incorporation of Total Quality Management and evaluation metrics into the STI Program is discussed

    Incorporating Undergraduate Research Experiences in an Engineering Technology Curriculum

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    Undergraduate research is a high-impact practice leading to student success, engagement, interest in higher education, and skills development. There are two well-known models for incorporating research experiences in a program: Undergraduate Research Experiences (UREs) and Course-based Undergraduate Research Experiences (CUREs). UREs represent the apprentice model. They feature individual students in faculty research laboratories and provide the opportunity for one-on-one mentoring. On the other hand, CUREs are embedded into the curriculum and are open to most students. CUREs put high demands on one or a few mentors to guide many students. UREs and CUREs vary in selectivity, duration, setting, mentoring, and cost. We believe that in engineering undergraduate programs, CUREs and UREs should complement each other. CUREs should be included across the curriculum and at different levels. Our view is to incorporate basic research skills in early semesters and keep cultivating and expanding them as students move up. We believe that with this approach upper-level students will be better prepared to be part of UREs and have a more productive research experience. In this paper, we present the results of an implementation of CUREs. The CUREs project at City Tech aims to provide support for full-time research-active faculty and adjunct faculty with industrial experience. Thus, faculty works together to develop, implement and evaluate CUREs emphasizing workforce skills, into at least one course in each of the college’s associate degree programs accredited by ABET. The project aims to build on what is already known about effectively implementing CURE in the development of new curricular materials. We integrated CUREs within an introductory computer engineering course with these goals: • Create experiences intended to enculturate students into developing basic practices for scientific investigation within the computer technology field. • Make students participate in basic scientific practices such as modeling of scientific observations, or analysis of data and documenting results; • Provide a framework for students to develop logical reasoning and for following a systematic approach for troubleshooting computer hardware systems; and • Develop practical workforce skills for the computer technology field. To evaluate the effectiveness of this CUREs implementation, we used as a metric the results of the well-known certification exam in the field. The passing rate of our students was 100%. The average score of our students was higher than the mean score of students from other colleges in NY and the national average. We have also used some students lab work to assess selected ABET and General Education outcomes. We believe that this is a practical approach that can be easily replicated or improved by other colleges with similar courses or interests. The full paper will include more details and deeper discussion of the pedagogical model followed

    Wireless security and user attitude in SOHO environments

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    Wireless telecommunications networks have been one of the outstanding success stories over the last decade or so. Wireless Local Area Networks (WLANs) are reaching the same success in a very short time.[1] Corporate and home users are avoiding the expenses and delays associated with installing wired networks.Many factors have contributed to their popularity and success, the low cost of wireless equipment, and the portability they offer. WLAN provides great mobility and flexibility but it also poses security risks that must not be overlooked.[2] The evolution of the wireless market has involved a growing attention towards security issues in wireless networks, both home networks and public networks.This is the reason why numerous novice users start to use such wireless technologies. However, the great majority of users is unaware of the real security issues. At the time of writing there is no recorded study of user attitude and knowledge about securing wireless SOHO (Small Office/Home Office) environments. This study has the goal to feel this gap through a quantitative and qualitative study. The author has been studying the difficulties and the problems novice users’ computer have in installing , configuring and understanding the overall security policy of a Wireless Local Area Network. The research results reveals many of the behaviors, expectations and states of awareness among novice users towards the most common security threats, in a SOHO WLAN environment.The effort of this research has the goal to show a problem: the user satisfaction is related mostly with the perceived importance of certain technical issues more than a complete understanding of the related problem. My research also revealed that wireless security is one of the most misunderstood aspects of wireless technologies. The biggest misconception is that a strong security mechanism is all that needed.This study concludes that wireless equipment manufacturers can contribute to the overall security by providing simple security oriented user interfaces and by keeping the equipment’s firmware updated to latest standards.Master i nettverks- og systemadministrasjo

    Working Papers: Astronomy and Astrophysics Panel Reports

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    The papers of the panels appointed by the Astronomy and Astrophysics survey Committee are compiled. These papers were advisory to the survey committee and represent the opinions of the members of each panel in the context of their individual charges. The following subject areas are covered: radio astronomy, infrared astronomy, optical/IR from ground, UV-optical from space, interferometry, high energy from space, particle astrophysics, theory and laboratory astrophysics, solar astronomy, planetary astronomy, computing and data processing, policy opportunities, benefits to the nation from astronomy and astrophysics, status of the profession, and science opportunities

    The 1989 long-range program plan

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    The President's National Space Policy of 1988 reaffirms that space activities serve a variety of vital national goals and objectives, including the strengthening of U.S. scientific, technological, political, economic, and international leadership. The new policy stresses that civil space activities contribute significantly to enhancing America's world leadership. Goals and objectives must be defined and redefined, and each advance toward a given objective must be viewed as a potential building block for future programs. This important evolutionary process for research and development is reflected, describing NASA's program planning for FY89 and later years. This plan outlines the direction of NASA's future activities by discussing goals, objectives, current programs, and plans for the future. The 1989 plan is consistent with national policy for both space and aeronautics, and with the FY89 budget that the President submitted to Congress in February 1988

    GSFC Heliophysics Science Division FY2010 Annual Report

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    This report is intended to record and communicate to our colleagues, stakeholders, and the public at large about heliophysics scientific and flight program achievements and milestones for 2010, for which NASA Goddard Space Flight Center's Heliophysics Science Division (HSD) made important contributions. HSD comprises approximately 323 scientists, technologists, and administrative personnel dedicated to the goal of advancing our knowledge and understanding of the Sun and the wide variety of domains that its variability influences. Our activities include: Leading science investigations involving flight hardware, theory, and data analysis and modeling that will answer the strategic questions posed in the Heliophysics Roadmap; Leading the development of new solar and space physics mission concepts and support their implementation as Project Scientists; Providing access to measurements from the Heliophysics Great Observatory through our Science Information Systems; and Communicating science results to the public and inspiring the next generation of scientists and explorers


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    Contains information on courses and class descriptions as well as campus resources at Collin College.https://digitalcommons.collin.edu/catalogs/1018/thumbnail.jp