657 research outputs found

    Handling imbalance in an extended PLAID

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    A voltage and current measurement dataset for plug load appliance identification in households

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    This paper presents the Plug-Load Appliance Identification Dataset (PLAID), a labelled dataset containing records of the electrical voltage and current of domestic electrical appliances obtained at a high sampling frequency (30 kHz). The dataset contains 1876 records of individually-metered appliances from 17 different appliance types (e.g., refrigerators, microwave ovens, etc.) comprising 330 different makes and models, and collected at 65 different locations in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (USA). Additionally, PLAID contains 1314 records of the combined operation of 13 of these appliance types (i.e., measurements obtained when multiple appliances were active simultaneously). Identifying electrical appliances based on electrical measurements is of importance in demand-side management applications for the electrical power grid including automated load control, load scheduling and non-intrusive load monitoring. This paper provides a systematic description of the measurement setup and dataset so that it can be used to develop and benchmark new methods in these and other applications, and so that extensions to it can be developed and incorporated in a consistent manner

    NLP Methods in Host-based Intrusion Detection Systems: A Systematic Review and Future Directions

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    Host based Intrusion Detection System (HIDS) is an effective last line of defense for defending against cyber security attacks after perimeter defenses (e.g., Network based Intrusion Detection System and Firewall) have failed or been bypassed. HIDS is widely adopted in the industry as HIDS is ranked among the top two most used security tools by Security Operation Centers (SOC) of organizations. Although effective and efficient HIDS is highly desirable for industrial organizations, the evolution of increasingly complex attack patterns causes several challenges resulting in performance degradation of HIDS (e.g., high false alert rate creating alert fatigue for SOC staff). Since Natural Language Processing (NLP) methods are better suited for identifying complex attack patterns, an increasing number of HIDS are leveraging the advances in NLP that have shown effective and efficient performance in precisely detecting low footprint, zero day attacks and predicting the next steps of attackers. This active research trend of using NLP in HIDS demands a synthesized and comprehensive body of knowledge of NLP based HIDS. Thus, we conducted a systematic review of the literature on the end to end pipeline of the use of NLP in HIDS development. For the end to end NLP based HIDS development pipeline, we identify, taxonomically categorize and systematically compare the state of the art of NLP methods usage in HIDS, attacks detected by these NLP methods, datasets and evaluation metrics which are used to evaluate the NLP based HIDS. We highlight the relevant prevalent practices, considerations, advantages and limitations to support the HIDS developers. We also outline the future research directions for the NLP based HIDS development

    Welsh Women MPs: Exploring Their Absence

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    Between 1918 and the end of the 1990s, Wales had only four women members of Parliament. This article concentrates largely on that period, exploring who these women were, and why there were so few of them. It analyses the backgrounds and careers of Megan Lloyd George, Eirene White and Dorothy Rees, the first three women to be elected, arguing that two of them were aided into their positions by their exclusive social connections and family backgrounds. These features were seen by their political parties and local associations as important in order to override concerns about their sex. Local associations were important because they always had a significant say over who was selected as a parliamentary candidate. This article will argue that many of these associations, from across the political spectrum, actively sought male candidates to stand for Parliament. Even women, who made up the core of voluntary teams at the local level, held conservative views about who should represent them at Westminster. This was relevant in areas dominated by heavy industry and the masculine culture it engendered, as well as other parts of the nation. This article reflects on the broader, under-studied theme of cultural conservatism in Welsh history. To demonstrate the long-term persistence of this theme, it outlines the mixed reaction from the mid-1980s to Ann Clwyd, the fourth woman to be elected an MP in Wales and the first candidate to ever stand in a south Wales valleys seat. The article then covers how more women slowly entered parliament, mainly via the mechanisms of all-women shortlists after 1997 despite a great deal of resistance to them, again at the local level. Finally, the record of the National Assembly for Wales, and the European Parliament, with its many more women members, are contrasted with the record of Westminster

    Stimulus and task-dependent gamma activity in monkey V1

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    The single unit doctrine proposes that each one of our percepts and sensations is represented by the activity of specialized high-level cells in the brain. A common criticism applied to this proposal is the one referred to as the "combinatorial problem". We are constantly confronted with unlimited combinations of elements and features, and yet we face no problem in recognizing patterns and objects present in visual scenes. Are there enough neurons in the brain to singly code for each one of our percepts? Or is it the case that perceptions are represented by the distributed activity of different neuronal ensembles? We lack a general theory capable of explaining how distributed information can be efficiently integrated into single percepts. The working hypothesis here is that distributed neuronal ensembles signal relations present in the stimulus by selectively synchronizing their spiking responses. Synchronization is generally associated with oscillatory activity in the brain. Gamma oscillations in particular have been linked to various integrative processes in the visual system. Studies in anesthetized animals have shown a conspicuous increase in power for the gamma frequency band (30 to 60 Hz) in response to visual stimuli. Recently, these observations have been extended to behavioral studies which addressed the role of gamma activity in cognitive processes demanding selective attention. The initial motivation for carrying out this work was to test if the binding-by-synchronization (BBS) hypothesis serves as a neuronal mechanism for perceptual grouping in the visual system. To this aim we used single and superimposed grating stimuli. Superimposed gratings (plaids) are bi-stable stimuli capable of eliciting different percepts depending on their physical characteristics. In this way, plaids can be perceived either as a single moving surface (pattern plaids), or as two segregated surfaces drifting in different directions (component plaids). While testing the BBS hypothesis, we performed various experiments which addressed the role of both stimulus and cortical architecture on the properties of gamma oscillations in the primary visual cortex (V1) of monkeys. Additionally, we investigated whether gamma activity could also be modulated by allocating attention in time. Finally, we report on gamma-phase shifts in area V1, and how they depend on the level of neuronal activation. ...Einleitung: Die visuelle Hirnforschung hat eine große Informationsmenge über die analytischen Fähigkeiten des Nervensystems zusammengetragen. Die Einführung von Einzelzellableitungen ermöglichte eine detaillierte Beschreibung der Eigenschaften rezeptiver Felder im Sehsystem. Konzentrische rezeptive Felder in der Netzhaut antworten optimal auf einen Luminanzkontrast in ihren On- und Off-Regionen. Antworteigenschaften entwickeln sich schrittweise entlang der Sehbahn, indem zunehmend komplexere Eigenschaften des visuellen Reizes extrahiert werden. Die Pionierarbeiten von David Hubel und Torsten Wiesel beschrieben zunächst Orientierung- und Richtungsselektivität von Neuronen in frühen visuellen Kortexarealen. Später fand man Einzelzellen im medialen Temporallappen, die auf komplexe Objekte wie Hände und Gesichter antworten. Die Hirnforschung ist daher lange davon ausgegangen, dass die Repräsentation komplexer Objekte eine natürliche Entfaltung von Konvergenz entlang der Sehbahn darstellt. Zellen, welche auf elementare Merkmale des Stimulus antworteten, bildeten so durch ihr Muster anatomischer Verbindungen schrittweise die spezialisierten Neurone in höheren visuellen Arealen. Diese Sichtweise zeigt allerdings Limitationen auf. Eine beständige Kritik, die an der "Einzelzelldoktrin" geübt wird, ist das sogenannte kombinatorische Problem. Obwohl wir ständig mit einer unbegrenzten Fülle an Kombinationen verschiedener Elemente und Merkmale konfrontiert sind, laufen wir selten Gefahr, Muster und Objekte in einer visuellen Szene nicht zu erkennen. Ist es überhaupt möglich, dass jedes unserer möglichen Perzepte durch die Antwort eines einzelnen hoch spezialisierten Neurons im Hirn kodiert wird? Falls nicht, welcher Mechanismus könnte einen relationalen Code darstellen, der es ermöglicht, die Aktivität verschiedener neuronaler Ensembles zu integrieren? Die Anforderungen an einen solchen Mechanismus treten besonders hervor, wenn man sich die verteilte Struktur der visuellen Verarbeitung verdeutlicht. Die Merkmalsextraktion entlang der Sehbahn führt unvermeidbar zu einer räumlich verstreuten Repräsentation eines visuellen Reizes. Zusätzlich kommen parallele Bahnen neuronaler Verarbeitung im Hirn häufig vor. Es fehlt eine universale Theorie darüber, wie die verteilte Information effizient in eine einzige Wahrnehmung integriert wird. Die Arbeitshypothese hier lautet, dass das Hirn die Zeitdomäne benutzt, um visuelle Informationen zu integrieren und zu verarbeiten. Konkret würden neuronale Ensemble die aus dem Stimulus hervorgehenden Beziehungen durch eine selektive Synchronisation ihrer Aktionspotenziale signalisieren. Synchronisation ist normalerweise mit oszillatorischer Hirnaktivität assoziiert. Besonders die Oszillationen im Gamma Frequenzband sind mit verschiedensten integrativen Prozessen im Sehsystem in Verbindung gebracht worden. Arbeiten an anästhesierten Tieren haben einen auffälligen Anstieg von Energie im Gamma Frequenzband (30-60 Hz) unter visueller Stimulation gezeigt. Kürzlich sind diese Beobachtungen auf Verhaltensstudien ausgeweitet worden, welche die Rolle von Gamma Aktivität bei der für kognitive Prozesse erforderlichen gerichteten Aufmerksamkeit untersuchen. Die ursprüngliche Motivation dieser Arbeit war es, die von Wolf Singer und Mitarbeitern formulierte "binding-bysynchronization (BBS)" Hypothese zu testen. Dies wurde durch die Ableitung neuronaler Antworten in V1 bei Darbietung eines Paars übereinander gelegter Balkengitter ("Plaid" Stimulus) angegangen. Physikalische Manipulationen der Luminanz in Unterregionen des Plaid-Stimulus können die Wahrnehmung zugunsten der Bewegung der Einzelkomponenten (zwei Objekte, die sich übereinander schieben) oder der Bewegung des Gesamtmusters (ein einziges sich in eine gemeinsame Richtung bewegendes Objekt) beeinflussen. Die gleichzeitige Ableitung von zwei Neuronen, die jeweils nur selektiv auf eines der beiden Balkengitter antworteten, ermöglichte es uns, zwei Vorhersagen der BBS Hypothese zu testen. Falls beide V1 Neurone auf dasselbe Balkengitter antworteten, sollten sie ihre Aktivität unabhängig davon, ob das Plaid in Einzelkomponenten oder als Gesamtmuster wahrgenommen würde, synchronisieren. Der Grund dafür wäre, dass beide Neurone auf dasselbe Objekt reagierten. Im zweiten Fall antworten beide Ableitstellen auf jeweils eine der beiden Balkengitterkomponenten. Hier sagt die BBS Hypothese voraus, dass beide ihre Aktivität nur bei Gesamtmusterbewegung synchronisieren würden, da sie nur in dieser Bedingung auf dasselbe Objekt antworten würden. ..

    Identity Awareness in Casting: When Trans Actors Play Roles Outside Their Gender Identity

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    Autonomy in choosing is a powerful source of human contentment, and performer consent is essential in producing the best experience for the actor and the audience (McCloskey, 1990). This Note from the Field reflects upon practical consent-based tools for performance and communication that supported me, as a transgender (“trans”) masculine student actor, in confidently playing a classic feminine role for my university’s production of The Importance of Being Earnest by Oscar Wilde. I offer my experience in order to provide practical recommendations regarding: building a support system; optimizing communication; implementing apologies; using self-care cues; separating the actor and character (entrance and spring-boarding gestures, closure routines); creating individual and group closure practices; undertaking structured pre- and post-rehearsal check-ins; and giving compliments. Consistent application of such consent-based performance practices substantially improved my theatrical experience as a trans actor, and I anticipate that similar practices will benefit the journeys of other trans actors, their cisgender peers, members of production teams, and faculty.&nbsp

    Communication and Culture: The Role of Language Policy on Regional Minority Languages in the Reduction of Political Conflict

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    The following thesis looks at the role of linguistic rights and proper language policy for regional minority languages in the reduction of political conflict in developed states. As renewed interest in the maintenance of regional minority languages grew in the second half of the 20th-century states\u27 reactions to this call for linguistic rights, have informed the level of conflict seen with various linguistic minorities. The paper hopes to make a case for a system of rights and protections similar to those presented in the Oslo Recommendations (1998) as an optimal path for the reduction of conflict in developed states by looking at the policies of the United Kingdom, France, and Canada