340 research outputs found

    Lightweight Modular Staging and Embedded Compilers:Abstraction without Regret for High-Level High-Performance Programming

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    Programs expressed in a high-level programming language need to be translated to a low-level machine dialect for execution. This translation is usually accomplished by a compiler, which is able to translate any legal program to equivalent low-level code. But for individual source programs, automatic translation does not always deliver good results: Software engineering practice demands generalization and abstraction, whereas high performance demands specialization and concretization. These goals are at odds, and compilers can only rarely translate expressive high-level programs tomodern hardware platforms in a way that makes best use of the available resources. Explicit program generation is a promising alternative to fully automatic translation. Instead of writing down the program and relying on a compiler for translation, developers write a program generator, which produces a specialized, efficient, low-level program as its output. However, developing high-quality program generators requires a very large effort that is often hard to amortize. In this thesis, we propose a hybrid design: Integrate compilers into programs so that programs can take control of the translation process, but rely on libraries of common compiler functionality for help. We present Lightweight Modular Staging (LMS), a generative programming approach that lowers the development effort significantly. LMS combines program generator logic with the generated code in a single program, using only types to distinguish the two stages of execution. Through extensive use of component technology, LMS makes a reusable and extensible compiler framework available at the library level, allowing programmers to tightly integrate domain-specific abstractions and optimizations into the generation process, with common generic optimizations provided by the framework. Compared to previous work on programgeneration, a key aspect of our design is the use of staging not only as a front-end, but also as a way to implement internal compiler passes and optimizations, many of which can be combined into powerful joint simplification passes. LMS is well suited to develop embedded domain specific languages (DSLs) and has been used to develop powerful performance-oriented DSLs for demanding domains such as machine learning, with code generation for heterogeneous platforms including GPUs. LMS has also been used to generate SQL for embedded database queries and JavaScript for web applications

    Finding and understanding bugs in C compilers

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    ManuscriptCompilers should be correct. To improve the quality of C compilers, we created Csmith, a randomized test-case generation tool, and spent three years using it to find compiler bugs. During this period we reported more than 325 previously unknown bugs to compiler developers. Every compiler we tested was found to crash and also to silently generate wrong code when presented with valid input. In this paper we present our compiler-testing tool and the results of our bug-hunting study. Our first contribution is to advance the state of the art in compiler testing. Unlike previous tools, Csmith generates programs that cover a large subset of C while avoiding the undefined and unspecified behaviors that would destroy its ability to automatically find wrong-code bugs. Our second contribution is a collection of qualitative and quantitative results about the bugs we have found in open-source C compilers

    Statically-analyzed stream monitoring for cyber-physical Systems

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    Cyber-physical systems are digital systems interacting with the physical world. Even though this induces an inherent complexity, they are responsible for safety-critical tasks like governing nuclear power plants or controlling autonomous vehicles. To preserve trust into the safety of such systems, this thesis presents a runtime verification approach designed to generate trustworthy monitors from a formal specification. These monitors are responsible for observing the cyber-physical system during runtime and ensuring its safety. As underlying language, I present the asynchronous real-time specification language RTLola. It contains primitives for arithmetic properties and grants precise control over the timing of the monitor. With this, it enables specifiers to express properties relevant to cyber-physical systems. The thesis further presents a static analysis that identifies inconsistencies in the specification and provides insights into the dynamic behavior of the monitor. As a result, the resource consumption of the monitor becomes predictable. The generation of the monitor produces either a hardware description synthesizable onto programmable hardware, or Rust code with verification annotation. These annotations allow for proving the correctness of the monitor with respect to the semantics of RTLola. Last, I present the construction of a conservative hybrid model of the underlying system using information extracted from the specification. This model enables further verification steps.Cyber-physische Systeme sind digitale Systeme, die mit der physischen Welt interagieren. Obwohl das zu einer inhärenten Komplexität führt, sind sie verantwortlich für sicherheitskritische Aufgaben wie der Steuerung von Kernkraftwerken oder autonomen Fahrzeugen. Umdas Vertrauen in deren Sicherheit zu wahren, präsentiert diese Doktorarbeit einen Ansatz zur Laufzeitverifikation, konzipiert, um vertrauenswürdige Monitore aus einer formalen Spezifikation zu generieren. Diese Monitore sind dafür verantwortlich, das cyber-physische System zur Laufzeit zu überwachen und dessen Sicherheit zu gewährleisten. Als zugrundeliegende Sprache präsentiere ich die asynchrone Echtzeit-Spezifikationssprache RTLola. Sie enthält Primitiven für arithmetische Eigenschaften und gewährt präzise Kontrolle über das Timing des Monitors. Damit wird es Spezifizierenden ermöglicht Eigenschaften auszudrücken, die für Cyber-physische Systeme relevant sind. Weiterhin präsentiert diese Doktorarbeit eine statische Analyse, die Unstimmigkeiten in der Spezifikation identifiziert und Einblicke in das dynamische Verhalten des Monitors liefert. Aufgrund dessen wird der Ressourcenverbrauch des Monitors vorhersehbar. Die Generierung des Monitors erzeugt entweder eine Hardwarebeschreibung, die auf programmierbarer Hardware synthetisiert werden kann, oder Rust Code mit Verifikationsannotationen. Diese Annotationen erlauben es, die Korrektheit des Monitors bezogen auf die Semantik von RTLola zu beweisen. Abschließend präsentiere ich die Konstruktion von einem konservativen hybriden Modell des zugrundeliegenden Systems anhand von Informationen, die aus der Spezifikation gewonnen wurden. Dieses Modell ermöglicht weitere Verifikationsschritte

    A Semantics-Based Approach to Optimizing Unstructured Mesh Abstractions

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    Computational scientists are frequently confronted with a choice: implement algorithms using high-level abstractions, such as matrices and mesh entities, for greater programming productivity or code them using low-level language constructs for greater execution efficiency. We have observed that the cost of implementing a representative unstructured mesh code with high-level abstractions is poor computational intensity---the ratio of floating point operations to memory accesses. Related scientific applications frequently produce little ``science per cycle'' because their abstractions both introduce additional overhead and hinder compiler analysis and subsequent optimization. Our work exploits the semantics of abstractions, as employed in unstructured mesh codes, to overcome these limitations and to guide a series of manual, domain-specific optimizations that significantly improve computational intensity. We propose a framework for the automation of such high-level optimizations within the ROSE source-to-source compiler infrastructure. The specification of optimizations is left to domain experts and library writers who best understand the semantics of their applications and libraries and who are thus best poised to describe their optimization. Our source-to-source approach translates different constructs (e.g., C code written in a procedural style or C++ code written in an object-oriented style) to a procedural form in order to simplify the specification of optimizations. This is accomplished through raising operators, which are specified by a domain expert and are used to project a concrete application from an implementation space to an abstraction space, where optimizations are applied. The transformed code in the abstraction space is then reified as a concrete implementation via lowering operators, which are automatically inferred by inverting the raising operators. Applying optimizations within the abstraction space, rather than the implementation space, leads to greater optimization portability. We use this framework to automate two high-level optimizations. The first uses an inspector/executor approach to avoid costly and redundant traversals of a static mesh by memoizing the relatively few references required to perform the mathematical computations. During the executor phase, the stored entities are accessed directly without resort to the indirection inherent in the original traversal. The second optimization lowers an object-oriented mesh framework, which uses C++ objects to access the mesh and iterate over mesh entities, to a low-level implementation, which uses integer-based access and iteration.Support was provided by a DOE High-Performance Computer Science Fellowship administered by The Krell Institute, Ames, IA